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<br /> �
<br /> ,�� • .-w+/A[Y�f.i.t'�IiP�W.�t.4.i.�VLA'i'a.yfM1w1.74.dY.��t. �.. . _..:�.::[:..t�.f,a�w.lW..l.tatR.._...... .. .�._ _..a. ......._.�.-��.�..._..�.._�_s�L�ls..a.•.-..11Jt.�r�-..,�,lsn:.iw�l�a.id..
<br /> ti,:d..�•:.r, „ ..x_..,....___............ .... '. "" __ ..
<br /> �.�.ML'.R�{S'3;,.
<br /> _�.JyCGT,7.'Sd�'�j' -. �
<br /> _ �r�,.��,==.���:� � � 9 5� ��0��'V
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<br /> _--R„��=z-;c�' 17.'Priutisfcr of thc Prn�xrty or n 11enc�clnl Ir.itcr�ct in 33�rmwcr. lf ull nr any part of thc Pmperry ur any intcrest in it R��
<br /> '= � is sold or tnmsfcrmd lor if a henctici:il intcrc�t in f?arr��ucr is sold ur transfcrrcd and Borrowcr is nut a natur.d person)without
<br />`n���,�'� .� Lcndcr's prior writtcn conscnt, l.cndcr mny, at iir+ option. rcquirc inuncJiuu: puymcnt in full of:dl sums accurcd by this �:.
<br /> Securit Instrwnent.Ho��revcr, this u tion shull not b��cxcrcis��l b l.ender if exr,rcise is rohibitcJ b federul la�v as of the date �"`
<br />°r._;;�_� �` Y P Y P Y .�a�=
<br /> :_�� of this Sccurity Intitroment. �;.-
<br /> -��,. If l.endcr exercises this optian, l.endcr+ht�ll give k3urrow•er r.otice af accelcr.�tion. The notice shall pmvide a period of nat �v�
<br />= .--_;;;�rs.�.�. Icss thun 30 duys from thc datc thc noticc iti Joliv�rcd or mai,�d within �vhich Borrowcr must pay all sums sccured by this �,--
<br />"°1"�',�+;�,�� Sccurity Imtnimcnt. If I3urrowcr fails to pay the5;;sums prii�r tc�t:�c capiration of this period, L,endcr may imokc uny remedics �-�
<br /> ��.-
<br />� --�� i.�`:.:�b permiucd by tliis Securiry Instrun:cnt�vithout fui�thisr nuticc urdr,rnund on Borrowcr. �:
<br />- �_`,;�d,ui� 18. Burrovrer's Rtght to Reinstnte. It' l�,n•tirov,cr mects ccrtain cond"nions, Borrowrr shall havc the right to have �,_„
<br /> � enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any [ir.:e prior .o the carlier oi: (u)5 days (or such other pc:riod As
<br /> ;"'.�;.;. . :}� •ipplicable law roay specify for reinstutentent) bcfi�yv; �ale of the Propeny pursuant to any po�ver of sale contained in this �_..
<br /> '°";;`' ^' '�� Securuy Instrument:ur(b)entry of a judgment enfi�ro:ing this S�curity instrument. Those conditions are thac Borrower: (u)pays
<br />_• . ,.avt_..,�;
<br />��,�';;; ;;_„,'�r Lender aU sums which then w�iuld be due unde:r thin Securiry I:strument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurr�l; (b) __
<br /> y'`_:;<;.%{' cures any default of any othec eoven.ints ur agre�mantrs;(c) pays al! c:xpenr,es incurred in enforeing this Security Instnimznt,
<br /> ""`"� inr,ludin but not limited to, reasonable attume s' fccs;anc� (d> takes such :icr��r� .�.s Lendcr ma rGZSOnabl re uire to assure
<br /> °',�,.;����' ; S• Y Y Y 9
<br /> - - � � that die lien of tfus SL�cariey Instn:ment, Lendur's re�tlu:�in tl±e Pi�perty and (��rno�ver's ohli�ation to pay tha sums secure�l by
<br /> - "'y!'''��"•�`° this Security lnstrument slisll continuc unchunded. Clpon reir�ntatement b�; Eurrower, this Secm•ity lnstrument anti thc _—
<br /> - ;�....,. --
<br /> ':���{�,?.•`�' obligations secured hereby shaU rcmain fully cffective us if nu accduratiun NuJ occurred.Hnwever, this right to rcinst:ue tiht►p
<br /> � ,' ` not:�pplp in the casc of acceferation under p;iragr.aph 17. _-
<br /> 19. Salr uf Note; Chanfie of Luan Scrvir.er. Thc N��te ar a panial inturst in thc Natc (togethcr with this S;�uiity -
<br /> �``#�',��' Instrument)mcry be sold rn�e nr ntorc timr. will�uw priui uuticc t.�liurrowrr. A,salu mny r�.sult in a change in the entity(kno�vn
<br /> +,,, . •� :u the "Loan Sen�icer") that collects monthly paymentn due under the Notc and ihin Security Instrument.7'here also may be one --
<br /> �.' ;`�,� or more chan�cs of thc Loan Servicer umilat�J to a s,de of thc Noic.If thcre i��:i ch�m�i¢of tite I.oan Servicrr,Barco�ver�vill be
<br /> given written notice of thc change in a��riduncr wi�i►paragraph 1 Q•abovc nnd;i�pli�:ablu inw. The notice will statc the name and
<br /> ; address af the nc�v Loan Serviccr and the addr�ss tc which Fay�nents sh�wld be n�udu. 7'hc notice will also contain any c�ther ----
<br /> " " ; information rcquircd by applicablc luw.
<br /> � �' Z0. Hnr.►rclous S�;bs¢nnces. Borro�ver chnll nut cause ��r permi� tl�e presence, use, disposal, stomge, or release of any
<br /> ' • ' ! Hazardou.r- 5ubstanccs ��u or in the Prc�perty. Eurz+��v�:r shull not do, nor alh:ar anyane cl�e to do, anything affecting Ihe
<br /> � � -- �... .�..�hys : . ....1«::�::�f o F:::"mn:::t.r(�1 I�..ThP nro�n��inn t�yn �nntnn�nc �ha�� nnt :�nnlv rn thn nn+crnrr, per, �r . .
<br /> - , �:....� ., ��. .,i «::j . iu� r• C rrv ' r'
<br /> .�: storagc on thc,Property of small quantitics of Halarduus Sub.tanccs t(�ut ar generally rccognizcd to be appropriate to nonnal
<br /> residential uses anc'to maintenance of thc P�Y�perty.
<br /> , ,,, ;� Barrowcr shall pro�nvtly givc l.cndc� wriucn noticc of any imcstiguti�rn, claim, dcmand, la�vsuit or uther action by any _
<br /> ' ; governmental or regulatoil�agency or privutc party involvin�lhc Propeny�md,m�: Huardous 5ubstance or Environmental L,uw
<br /> ;�,,�:... �.'.6.•u,��> of�vhich Borro�vcr has aruieu! kno�vledge. If ti��rro�rer Ieams,or is notifi�d by any govcmmcntul or rcgulawry authority, that
<br /> ;•,,�� F � any removul or uthcr remediation of any Ha�arcluur�5ubtitance aff�ti[ing thc Propeny i;neccssary, Borrowcr shail promptly take ___
<br /> � �''� all necessa��� remedial actions in accordunce with Environm�:ntal L:nv.
<br /> --:.� i�:�u.,t��. . ��
<br /> -�-.-.---wr�r As used in this parabraph 20. "Hazanl���i� Suhst:ince�" arc those sun�tance� defin��f ax toxic or haxardo�ss substanees by _
<br /> ���•'`�°�'�`°` `� Environmcntal Law .uid thc follo�aing ,ubstun�es: gasolinc, kcruscne, othcr liununablc or toxic petrolewn products, toxic °
<br /> _•°='�•��"'��'- pesticides and herbicides,�•olatile solvents, mnterialr�can�aining asbestos or farmaldchyde,and radioactive�naterials.As uscd in �;"
<br /> ,;�;� °` ,:w ha this paragraph 20. "Em•ironmentul La�v" nnuns fcdcral la�v�;utd lawti of thc jurisdirtion �vhcrc thc Property is tocatai th.0 �'.
<br /> _ rclate to heulth,safetp or cnvironmental prutecti�m. �;�
<br /> ';;+,r.�,.'•�N�e� - NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. B��rro+v�r and Lender fu�2hcrcovenant and agtce�u follows: N°`''=_-
<br /> -.-��•f�i'.!�i e���. 7 Q'�"_
<br /> _ ��` 21.Arcclerntion; Remedi�.c. I.cnder shuU�ive nuNce to F:orrower prior to acccicrntfun follmving Dorruwcr s brcach �e;�
<br />--� r'""�"T"`''``'�' u6'an covens»t ur ii.i'c'eDIBI1C IIl thir� Securitr Instrwnent (but �iot ei�,r to ucceler.�tion under ara rn h 17 unless
<br />' � Y � P P � P �'"`-
<br />;;;;,1;?'^�'.�-` "`�'' applEcublc law pnn+•icles Qthcrwise). Thc nntE�:e shalE s�if}•: (a)the defsa(c;qb)ttt�e�ction rE�quired Cw cure the def iult;
<br /> M. •.��i
<br /> r:; •� (c)s+d:�te, not le��ttann Sa days from the dutc t[ie noticc is giWen to Boera�A•e., by �hich the defnaEt��eu�t be cumd; und
<br />"�f`�`'y� `'+-� (d) that failure to cum the default on ar befocc the ctate specified in the nutice may r��sult (n accelerntion of the sums
<br /> ;�,.�::•� � -
<br /> • : secured by this Security Insteument nnd snlu oP the Propertv. The notice sh�il further f.�:ta�rm Borro�r•cr uP the ri�ht to
<br /> ' ,. ' :'';j reiastate nf'ter nccclerntion and the rf��ht ta brfn� a court action to assert the non-�v�ri;ence uf a de6nuit or any �►ther
<br /> __ :,f defense of Borrower to accclemtEan �md sale. IP the def�ult is not cured on or befmr. the date speciiled in the notice. �
<br />' .':°. ,'=�: I.euder� ut its optian, r.nay requi�r immediutc puyment in full of:III tiUS11S 5CClll'L't� bV this S��cuPity Instrumcnt withuut
<br /> �' h further demand aa�:�m.�;n invoke the poa�er of sale.uid unv nthcr rem��dies permltted by applic�ble lu�v.Lendcr shull be
<br /> �„_�, :;�.,. ,�:�;�� �t entitled to Q�Uc�t a31 cxpenses incarr+rd in pur.iuf��;the rcme�ifes provided in thEs par�agraph 2l,including, but iwt Itmitcd
<br /> ' � �:��;: to.reasan��-�1e attorneys'fees und custv of tit�e evidence. �
<br />'•:�'��'�':""•�`"� If thr �wwer of snle is invo{ced. Triu;tee sh�ll remrd a notice of defuult In each cuuntv in a•hich�ny part of the
<br /> :-..'.:.:.•' I'roperi�•is locntc�i a�it�shall mnll cupi�.i af�uch noticc in thc m:imicr pr�5criix�cl by appltc:tl►Ic luw tu 13arra�vcr nnd to �
<br /> � � " '�'ir' ;y the othcr pcismL�;pres.�ri�bcd bp appliuiblc I,�w.Aftcr the time rcquired I�y:;{:�Iicablc la�v,TPUStce shall givc{�ublic noticc ,
<br /> ;�`' ' � of sule to die perso�:�tncl in the muuner pt�srriht�! 6y►�pplic�blc luw.'A'as�,*.���withuut demund on Qorro�ver, sltall sell ;
<br />- ,;<<;�;��r+�•',�, the I'roperty ut publir�action tn the hf�hest biddcr ut the dme und pluce s�d uncler the tern�s dc�i�;nat��d in the notice of i
<br /> �� � _.,,,.�v salc irn oite or morc parcels and in any ordcr Trustc�detcrmin�. Trust�may {wst{wne sale uf all or any parcel of thc � „
<br /> , Propert3• by pablis am�ouncemcnt �it ti�c tin►c nnd pla�ti nf' :em previonsly schedalcd sale. l.cudcr or it�ti de5i�nce may �
<br /> - . '. • �r. purchase the Piroperty�!any si�le.
<br />.._'1. • . .r+ •�� ' I
<br /> �r,•.� Form 3028 9/90 I
<br /> � .. �
<br /> .,�. Paya S ul G :
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