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'-- --- — •--_ .._��_._. . . .----.........__._ ... . .... <br />__::.iF;�1,Q�+?`'at.-� .. <br /> -�_-�: 9��- �.0(���0 � <br /> —a=.�__-��ja . <br /> ~ �- qayments nury no longcr bc rcquired,at thc nption of l.cndcr, if mortgugc insur.incc covcragc(in thc umouat und fi�r thc pc�iod <br />,;.,�,;�._, �� ,� that Lcedcr requires)providcJ hy an insurcr apprnved by l.endcr again!►ccumcr avnili►hlc und is obtaincd. R��rrowcr shull pay <<;; <br /> _ ._-..r� the premiuiu�.rei�ui��d tu muiiitain murtgagc insurance in effect. ar to pr�vide�I�,�+re.ervr.until thc reyuirement fur moreFa�;c ,� � <br /> ____�� insurnncc cnds in accordar,rc with any writtcn ag:ecmcnt bchvicen Dormwcr and I.enJcr or.�pplicablc law. �`�f;a. <br />_.------ " 9. In��ection. I.endcr or its agcnt may makc rcasonahic entrics upun und inspectiuns of thc Prnpcny. l.cndcr �haU givc ^.; <br /> i j�•� ... <br /> . ��w�: Borrowcr nnticc at thc timc af or prior to an inspcction spccifying rc,isonablc causc for Nie inspcction. <br /> _ °�'' 10. Condc[renatiun. The proceeds of:rny award or claim for damages, direct nr conse��uentiul, in connection with anY .n:`.. <br /> ===''�'� � c�ndcmnation or othcr tak�»�of any part of thc Property, or for comcyancr in licu uf condemnntiim. arc hcrcUy assigncal and •,� <br /> --��`�"°:`�'��' shall be paid w L.ender. �. <br /> ��ir�.r���'�. <br /> :�� .���, • In the event of a total taking of the Propcny,the pmcccds shall be ap�liad tn dic�.ums�crurcd hy this Scrurity I�i,tn�ment. _�e��� <br /> �.e.��•._• �,, 8?Tr:i <br /> = .� .__ whether or not then du:., �vith any cxcess paid to Borro�vcr. In the evcnt of a partiid [aking of Ehc Propcny in wliich the fair __ <br /> _�".�-�"�=�:?'_��'� enarket valae of thc Property immediately beforc thc takin};is cyual to or grcatcr th�n thc xmount uf'tl�c sums sccurcd by this —___ <br /> _�-��' Securiry Iiut�ument emmediltefy befar�the t�l:ing.unless Borrower and I..ender otherwise agree in�vritins,the sums secured by =_ <br />_e,�:3� this Security Instrument shall be redua:d by the amount of the proceecls multiplied by die following fraction: (n) the tota) <br /> _.��4�!r amount of thc sums secured immedi�tely beforc tt�c taking, dividcd by (k�)thc fnir markct valuc of the Property immediately <br /> ��';�j���=. bcfore the taking. Any balancc shall bc pvd to Borro�ver. In the event of a parlial t:�king uf the P�operty in wfiich thc fair -- <br />���:�' markct value of the Prop,.rty imm3diately before thc takin�is less than thc amount of the sums secured immediutcly before the <br /> _"'��'� taking, unlcss Borrowcr and Lender othcrwisc agree in writing or unlcss applicablc law othcnvise provides, the procecds shall . �_ <br /> `��� • �e applied to the sums secureri by this Security Inswment�vhether ar not the sums are then due. <br />,z...M„� ,�c•�.•, � <br /> � If thc Propeny is abandoned by Borrowcr,or if,aftcr noticc by Lender to Horrower that thc condcmnor offers to makc an <br /> "�'�'�'�"'�-�� atv,-trd or setdc a claim for damages, Borrowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftcr thc date [he noticc is biven, <br /> -�F:o,�a�,,, <br /> 3��s�►�,•. L.ender is.uthoriud to collect and ayply the proceeds,at its option,either to re�toration ar repair of the Property or tu the sums <br />..:.����;��r secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then duc. - - <br />_'�m�:;�%};���� Unless Lender and Borro�ver oihenvise agree in writing, any application af proceeds to prircipal shall not extcnd or <br /> <<�'��'�1�� postpone the due da[c of the monthly payenents rcferrcd to in paragr.iphs 1 and 2 or change thc untount of such paymetus. <br /> �''"�� 11. Borrower Not Releusrd; Forbearonee By l.ender Not a Waivcr. �xtension of thc timc for pxyment or modifcation <br /> ',��.-`,i�i�-""�` Of�IItOt'[17a[I011 Og II1C SUIIIS SCCUfCCI ny(hl�JCCUI'lly IIlSINIiICRI sl'�IItCti oy ix't�uct iu itiy�iii.CEiSvT ii'.iiuC.:.S::.:�:.r1'D':'�:.`.:.�� - � <br /> F�i� <br /> <':'i�t` ��� <br />_-�+4�,�,]+,`�t, ' not operatc ta rcleasc thc liability of thc original Borrower or Borrowcr's succcsson in interest. Lendcr shall not hc required to <br />:!=�„��l,y commence pron:edings against anp successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvisc mociify amonization <br />_�;,.;;, of the sums secured hy this Security lnstrument by rc�son of any demand made by the original Borrower or B�rrower's <br />'�°;'"�'�= successors in interesc. A►e�r f��rlreurance by I.ander in exercising any ri�iu or remedy shnll nat be a �vni�rer of or preclude the <br />.-._�*Alx�6r;�. <br />�-����..� exercise of uny right or remedy. <br />'-"'��'"•'�� �` '�• 1_. Sencce�nrs and Assig� �6ounds .lob�t and !�evem8�biltly; Cu-si�ners. Tha covenants and u�;neemenie o!tl�ia — <br /> - �--;:.:�.-n:.�tcf. _— <br /> `":"•� ������-:, Security Instmment sliull bind an�i benefit the successors and a5signs of Lendcr atid Borrowcr, subjcct ro the provisians of <br /> '°"�'`""'�� parasraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and SeveraL Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br />�.���_.�:�i,�:�• <br /> °;RY� Instrument but docs not cxccure the Note: (a) is co-,igning this Sccurity Instrumcnt only to mort�age, e►�ant nnd convey that <br />- =���� Fiorro�vcr's intcrest in the Praperty undcr the tcrms of this Sccurity Inswmcnt; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> =u�=�.,f,��. . <br /> -^��• � securcci by[his Security Instrument;and(c)agrecs that L.cnder and any othcr Borrowcr may ngree to cxtend, modify, forbear ur <br /> -�.:#;>.,; . <br /> ;,,,,� , make any accommalations with reFtird to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Barrower's consent. <br />""���`�l`°t`��"�`~ 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secun;d by this Sa:urit�� Instrument is subject to a law which scts mnximum loan charges, <br /> ____-��°.� and that I;nv is tinally interpretecf so that the interest or other luan ch2r�es cullected or to be collectcd :n ronnection with thc � <br /> ���r�' loan exccxd the permitted limits,then: (a)any such lQan churge shnli be reduced by the amount necessury to rcduce the charse <br />-'�+`�'''�°. r ro the pernutted limit: and (b)any sums alrcady collectcd from Borrower which excecded permitted limits will bc refunded ta <br /> -a'•�..�'.> <br />.. ,1...«F�...1 - <br /> -x•;">�� °,�' Borrower. Lendec may choose to make this �efund by rcducing the principal owe� under the Note or by making a diteet - - <br /> -.,�...�e;'�;.r,. <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduccs principal, the rcxluction will be treated as a purtial prep�yment without �uiy <br /> �� •; prepayment charge under the Note. �. " <br /> �°�+� �. 14. Notices.Any notice tv Borrower provided for in this Securiry[nstrvment shall be given by dclivering it or by mailing --�- <br /> �-�=����z... ' - <br /> 4 ��+. �� it by terst class mail unless applic�hle law mquitrr use c�f anothcr method.The notice shall be directeJ to the Property Address <br /> `����`� or 3ny other addrcss Borrowcr de;ignates by notice ro (.ender. Any notix to Lender shall be given by fint clsss mail to � ° <br /> Q�- <br />-__;��y����t;'"'": [xnder's address stated herein or any other address IAnder designates by notice to �orro«�er. Any notice provided for in this ..,,, <br /> �'`'n�- _� Sccurity 6isuument slr.dl be dceiucd to havc becn givcn ro Borrowcr or I.endcr whcn givcn as pmvided in tl�is paragraph. <br /> _ .�,. . <br /> .�,� -�i . I5.Ga�•ernln� La�v; Seven�bil[ty. Tltiti Securiry Instrumcnt shall bc govcmed by fedcral l:e�+• and the law of thc <br /> �L'�;7�'��` urisdicciun in wiii���the Pro �n is IocateJ. [n thc evcnt that an rovision or clause oF this Security Instrumcnt or die Note <br />;,,�,�1;.,�J,�c��J� � J P' Y �� p <br /> �•;:r:�:..,._ . � confli�K�+vith applicablc law, such conflict shall not aff��:t othcr provisions of this Sccurity Instruincnt or thc Notc which can bc <br /> '�'rn';��;.-'_�#t.. <br /> �,,,;�,�..�� �iven effoct without tlie conflicting pmvision. To this end the provisions of this Security Insttument und the Nnte are declared <br /> �w"� '�'' to be scvcrablc. <br /> .�_�-�:^� <br />�_�;.��� 16. I�rro«•u':�Copy.Bomo���;r sh�all bc givcn one confonnod�ropy of the Note and of this S�ru�i�ty Inurumcnt. I � <br /> :�;,,�,., Ferm 302i3 9Ifl0 <br /> -ur.*,�.�'�� <br /> ,."'�:�'r3 Papo4olG <br /> -�'.2'iTJ:iils � _ <br />-.•.±�.�� I . <br />�.-..c...� <br /> .� <br /> ;� � � <br /> ^-7�'y�.• ����,f...��rr-°--^�--- -- --_ .. ——�— ------. _ ...___-°•-- ...,'?'^T7••'r:�,.'!6',.� �:^r°-� --°-- - , _._.. _. _ . <br /> � , . . , . , <br /> ,� � <br /> .��.iD.ire.• e . . - . . . . _ , ' .. <br /> ....�....-.o . _ — — —,--- r--�-- _..__._--- _ .. — ___�_ ._--_".__—._____._ . <br /> - '.o•;.-` yqp7. � . .. . . <br /> _ _:, r._y,�,v6' . .. , ,� ' ., � .. ' <br /> 'rw."_ . .r - . ., • .. . • .. . .) .. <br /> �•e�� - .. . . .. . � . <br /> '�����i,,��,,�; - ' . � . .. . .. r +�' ., , , <br /> .� . �• '. , � ;� r'ti i, � i� <br /> ���. � .'�'.l. .. <br />� T����',M'�� �., . '. . .. . ,. ` „ ���C•n}, ., . <br /> ,� <br /> } . � - . . - .. . . ' .. � . <br /> ,. <br /> ,� - .� . .. .. . . .. . ... _ <br /> , .. <br />