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<br /> _ Upoa� rv;�.�e41�t of pe�yix►kn�A c�R ti� prir.c bld. 'Crustee sh�l{ tlellver tn the purchuser Trustee's deed cunveyinR the _
<br /> i�roperty. 'ine r�:i4i�ie� IMi�liW, Tc1�iAiM$C'�ti Gl'i:�3�,t+«:! :;a �„:i�:a f�„ci:crl�,n�s e�f th^Ert!r►�nq s!�!cffl�Pili°!it4 Il?!�f�C II1Ci"PIi�. �-
<br /> Trustee shs�fUwp��l��the�rn�:ced�i ot the r�lc in�he folk�w�nR or@er:(a)to Ali cas�.s nnd ex{�ns�of exrrcisinrg the power oi
<br /> sale,and Qtii s�l��,iuc��udan�CbR�waytment oP Ihe Trustee'w Qti�s�ctually incurred,not to exeeetl `�
<br /> ot'tbe pdn43p�11 amntu�t at tfi��+M�►te at the tim�uf the declHration�►�'defKUlt,ond reasonable uttorneys' fees as permtttecl
<br /> by law; (h) tn ntl sumr�sec�nrcet9 U�y tt�is S��curity Instrunient;and(s) any exc�s to the persan ar persons leguliy i-ntfUed to
<br /> it.
<br /> ��, I�crx�anr���snce. U41r.n. pays,r.citt of all siimc tecumd by this Security Instrutnent. I.ender shall requesc Trustee to
<br /> recom��y the Prnpeny and shalt sucrender this Security Ins�rument und all notes evidenein�; deb¢ secureci by this Seeurity
<br /> InstaontiraU to T:rustce.Tn�st�:e sh�l1 rcconvcy the Property wirliout w�eranty anc!without churge to the person or persons legally
<br /> entitltrJ to it�Such persoie or persuu:i shall pay any rocordatimi wsts.
<br /> ?,�.&�listihtte Tt�u3tee.[�cndr.r, at iGti option. may from timc to time removc T�vstee and appoint a succes�ur trustee to
<br /> any'Klr��attra�ppuinted liereundr,r t�y aAt insu•ument recordc:d in the county in�vhicF�this Security Instrument is recorded. Withaut
<br /> con5'�,pa�n�of ttie Property, tb�sttccessor trustce sliall s�ccced to all thc titic, power and duties confcrred upon Tnt�tee hcrein
<br /> nn:l,l�y:y�plicablo I:nv.
<br />� c�i.ite��ua:.�E fur i�u�.i�:4a. F3oi rt,Ner rcqucsts th.t copi�; of the notices af defa�ls and sale t+e sent tn Bnnower's nddress
<br /> K•.�ic��i�tho Prc�psrr.y Addre:;s.
<br /> 2a.Rtel�re ta this SecuirlEy ian�trumr.nt. If ane or more ridcrs are executc.d 6y Horcower and recorded together witl�this
<br /> Ser„�rity lustrument,the:covc�n.+nts ar.c�agrcemcnts of each sucli rider shall be incorporated into anct shaU amend and suppletnent
<br /> the co��r.nants�nct ngreemencs of this S^curity Instrument:LS if ti►e rider(s)were a pan of this Security instrume�u.
<br /> [Ch+xk:�Qp►icaalc box(es�j
<br /> (�Adjust�ihlr:Ratc Rictitr ❑Condominium Ridcr ❑ 1-4 Faniily Rider
<br /> L��irtulttatr,d Payment Ridcr ��'lanned Unit Devclopmcnt Rider ❑Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> 0 Rafloon Ridcr �[�atc Improvement ltider ❑Second Home Rider
<br /> �]V.A.Ridr:r �Othc��(s)[spccify]
<br />� I3•!SIGNING BELQtiti',Elr,�o�ver xecepts and agrees to the terms znd covenants wntained in this Security Instnamen!�n3
<br /> in any rider(s)executcd l�y Ex�fver mAd recorded witli it.
<br />, W1tIMM.SSCS:
<br /> � ' g �:� «„ -
<br /> i DENN I S E RONNE •Borrowcr
<br />�
<br />'; ^ �,A �.�...nno (Sesl)
<br /> __ CAROLY L RONNE •Borrower
<br />�
<br /> _ lSe:,l) �. (Scal)
<br /> •[iorrowcr •Barrowcr
<br /> S�!�'i'FOFNGBltASXA, HALL County ss:
<br /> Tlte foregoin�insmament was ack:nowlcdgc.�i bcforc mc this 10TH day uf FEBRUARY . 1995 . �-
<br /> by' D3NNIS E RONHC AtiO C�ROLYII L R�Nfl°, HUSBAND AND oIFE • �,_;.
<br /> Witness nty hvnd attd ttots�rial scal at GRAND I SLANn. BFASK in s�id�ounty,the date aforesaid. ,:.
<br /> i.
<br /> My Cummissiun Expirea: — �
<br /> Na�v Pu61ic �
<br /> �d�1,�A�K1NlU II Ml�fll�ll
<br /> wa,w ruEw f
<br /> 1�01�a.Ep,Jl�+r.1f,11N
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