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If �.:;f �^l`r-� S a..,.,,_'- . <br /> f :.,.. ;,,rt,�„�..�„ :;;t.� <br />�. .. , ,� . . . . n.,a. • .. -- . . . . - � . . . .. � � ��--"''�`7i`tt^°`'. <br /> . , . . , . . +":�.i'�.-0, : _ . <br /> - ,,.. .- . . ' � . . . .. .. ...T`.N � .. .. <br /> . . ..... .. .' _' ._: .. .._ ... ... ..... . . . .. -. ... _. ,._.. <br /> . <br /> .� ., .-.� ii.� .�'< �.H`� <br /> . . _ . ... " _'__.._. . � <br /> �-----"snr...—w�..,...�. ..:.� . -,...._ .. . _ - ,. <br />._"_"_'__ ^ �.i;_='�. <br /> 9 5- �.0���(� <br /> S. Ho�rd ur P�v�perty InsurAr+cc. R+�rrawcr sl�all kccp thc iinpmvcments now cxisting on c�rcaftcr crccced an thc '°"`°°� <br /> p���cny insurcd again5t lo�y t�y firc, har�rrdti mrludcd within thc tcrm "extendcd cnvcrogc" und uny ntlur ha�'��ds, including � f�_ <br /> ncxxl5�r i1�H�l�ns, fur which S.cndcr rcquires in,ur:incc.�his insurnncc,I�aU ba tuuiittitl�l«.{ Ill IIiC a�u��far thc perio�� �-_ <br /> lhat l�txler requin:s. The in�unu�cc carrier��r�widin�;tlie insurnnee sl;nll he chu�en by Wrcrower subject�o Lender's npproval <br /> which shaU not bc unrcasanal�ly �vidihcld. If llr�rro�vcr f'c�ils tu maintnen covcr.igc describc�l abovc. I.cndcr may, nt Lendcr's <br /> optiun,obtain cavcr.►sc to protcct Lcnd�r's rigl►ts in thc Property in uccurda.ncc�vith p:ingraph T. <br /> All insunncc�olicic�und rcncwnls shall bc ucccptal�lc tu l.cndcr and shiill includc a stundard nwngagc clausc. L.cndcr _ <br /> �;hall havc thc rigltt ta hald dic{x►licics�nd rencwals. If l.�:ndcr requins,Qurtn�vcr shall promptly t;i�•c w Lcndcr all roccipts of <br /> paid premiums a�xl renewal notices.ln th�event of los�,Qnrrower shnll gi�•c prc.nipt notice ra Ihe in5uraucc carrier n�ul l..�mler. �--- <br /> Lcndcr may makc proof nf loss if not niadc�mmptly by 8orcowcr. <br /> Unless l.c�xler and Borrower othcrwiac asrcc in writing, ie�surance pmrceds sh�U bc applicd tu restoration or repair of thc <br /> Propeety damagcd,if the restar,�tion nr rcpair is cconomic�lly f�asi6le arul L.ender's.�cr.urity is nut Icssened. If the restora�ion or <br /> rcpair is not economically€easiblc or l.cndcr's security would be Iessencd, thc insur:mce proce�ds shall be applic.d to th�sums <br /> secutt�by ihis Security Instrument, whether or not then due. with any excess paid to F3orrower. If Un�Tawr.r abandons the <br /> pro�rty, or docs«ot����«'cr wiU�in 30 days a notice from Lendcr that the insurancc carricr h�s offerai ta settle a claim,t}uen <br /> I.ender may collect tl�c itt5u�.tnce proceeils. I.enJcr may use the pmcec�ls to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> secunxl by this Security Instrument,whether or not then duc.The 30-duy period wiU begin wlicn the notice is gi�•en. <br /> Untcss Lcndcr and Eiormwcr otlicnvisc agrce in�vritinb, any application uf procceds tn principal shall not extcnd or <br /> postpone �he duc daic o'i the monthly payincuts �cferred ta in paragrsphs 1 snd 2 or chan�c thc aniaunt of the paymenu. If ___ <br /> under par.�gmph 21 the Property is acyuir��by Lender,Borro�ver's right to any insurance policies and pracc�ds resulting from <br /> damage to the F'ropeny prior to the acquisition shall pass to l.erider ta the extent af the sums secured by this Security Inst�um�:nt <br /> immediately prior►o the acquisition. <br /> 6.Oocup�ncy, Piresen•ution, �+iaintrnunce and 1'miectton of the Pmperty;Bflrrow�er's Loan Ap�ItcatioR;I.e�st.�l�olds. <br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property ar• BarroN•er's principal residence within sixty dsys after the exa:ution of <br /> this Si�curity Inst�ument and shall continue to oc�upy the Property as Borrawer's principal residenee for at least�ne��e:tr aftzs <br /> thP d�tr nf occuD:UtCV.unlCSS Lendc�othenvise agrees in writing. �vhicl�consent sliall not Ne unrmsonab�y withheld,ar uidess <br /> extenuating circumst�nces exist �chich are beyond Rorrower's contral. Borroa�cr shall not destroy. �runage or i►�air mc <br /> Property, allow tl�e Property to deterior:uc, or commit «uste on thc Propeny. Borrowcr shall be in defaula it any forfeiturc <br /> action or proctxecling, whethes�civil or criminal, 3s begun that in Lender's good faith judgment conld result in for�'eiture nf the <br /> Property or athenvise matcrially impair thc licn crcated by this Seecurity Instcu�ncnt or Lender's security intcrest. Barrowcr may <br /> cure such adzfault and pravided in parognph 18, by causine 46ie a�tion or proceodine do be dismissed with a m�iit, <br /> tl�at, in Lcnder's good faith detcm�ination, pmcludcs forfciturc of the Borrower's interest in the Properry or utlier material <br /> impairment of the lien created by this Security ?u,i�wnent or Ler.der's sccurit}• ireterest. gorro�:er shal! also be in defnult if �,,1 <br /> Borrower,during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate enfarmation or statements to Lender(or failed - <br /> to provide Lender v�ith any material inforntation)in connection�vith the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited <br /> to, reprcsentations conccrning Borm�ver's occupancy af the Property�as a principal residence. [f this Security Instrument is en a = <br /> lcasehold, Iiurro��•er shall comply wiih all the provisions of the lease. If Bottowcr acquims fcc title to thc Property, the <br /> leaschold and the fee tidc shall nut mcrge unless Lendcr ngrec.�tn che mergcr in writing. - <br /> 7,Protection of Lender"s Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to{�a:rform the covenants and a�ce.•...��rnts contained in — <br /> this Security lnstmment, or there is a legal pracec�ding that may cignificantly affocs I..endcr's rights in th�F'ropeny (sucl►as a <br />= proceoding�n bankruptcy,prabste, for condemnation or forfeitum or io enforc�e laws or rc�ulatsons), thcn I.ender may d�a�s _: <br />= pay for �vhutever is necessary to protect tht value of the Propem•and Lendcr's rights in the Prnpc:rty. .Q.��der's actions �n�n;� _ <br /> i.:iclude paying :uiy sums secured by a lien «hich hati pridrity over ti�is Securih• Instrum�:nt, ap�:aring in cautt. puying _ <br /> r.�sonable attarneys•'fccs and entering on thc Propen}•�m makr rcpairs.Although Lendcr may t:ikc action urx�er this paragraph ,_�„_ <br /> 7,Lcndcr docs not havc to do so. -_� <br /> - Any amounts disbursed by Lender under [his parograph 7 shall becomc additional dcbt of Borrower secured by this �;� <br />- Security Instrument. Unlcss f3orro�vcr and Lendcr agm: to othcr terms of paymcnt, thesc amounts shall bcar interest from the =' <br />`- date of disburscment at the Note rate and shall bc payablc, with interest, upon notice trom L.endcr tu Burroa�er rcyuesting - <br />_'" �,ayment. <br />�a 8. 111ortgage Insvrance.If Lende�requimd mongage insur.ince a�a condition of making die loan sesured by¢his Security . <br /> - 1�utrument, Borrower stelll pery the pmnt+c� required to maintain the mo�tgage insuranm in effect. [f. Car any rcasvn, the . <br />".� mortga�c insurance coveragc rcyuired b� i.e�ider lapses or ccascs to bc in cffect. Borrowcr shall pay the premimns reyuircd to <br /> - e�btain coverage substantially equivalent to the n�urtga�;� insurance pre��iously in effect,at a coat�ub�tantiall} eyuivalent to the <br />-- cost to [iorrowcr nf thc mortgage insuranrc previ��asly in�ffect, fmm un akcrti:.etc mortgagc insurer appmti�.w1 by Lendcr. If � <br /> �: <br />� substantially cquivalcnt mortgagc insuram�z coveragc is �nt availablc. Borrower shall pay tn l.endcr cach mca�i�a swn cqual to � <br />"<� one-twelfth of thc ycarly mortgagc insur�.:nce prcmium bcins paid by i3orrower when thc insuran:e��ovcr�ge laps�i or cc:iti:r1 to <br />= be in effect.i..cnder�vill accept,use and retain these payments as :�loss rc;serve in licu of mortgage in�urance. [.oss n.�crve � <br />=� Form 3020 9180 � <br /> c■ <br />...� • Paq�3 of 6 i... <br />..7 � <br /> �.�`� ..GY.i../.F+N:S�.,p.,• '.'�l: . .,ti „ �.. �n: _' '":_r�i„}!3}[j��° -:�/+ _.._. _ _ ._ . ._._..._"'_'_ - 1 <br />. �i�'��'� 2^•, ... • . . . . .. ' <br /> , . <br /> ""' — _—_.....,__�.. _. �� . _.._ '— ._.. �.... _.. <br /> 1 n <br />.._ . � _--��. "'__' — ._ __' "-- _ _ _ —_—""„' '_ <br /> - ... .� . ' . �^.--__. .--- '----�,��_�__—__ --.. ._... 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