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. `.�'fij,"Hi ,_ .. . . . . _. •_" _.ab,.-.'T_r . ._ <br /> ....r _ � .� _ .. . . <br /> _ � . • - �,��:-. . . . '`.�*y.,, ..._ <br /> k <br /> . . . <br /> {i[{Mq.�A�'.ws':a. -.->. . .� . � 4saw.�hyt;le;,c�.�. . . _ . - �� � ..1'��{.�..-��:. <br />�':z=v�::-f;,T�"'��.ae.�y.� ' �c}F�+'YP�II.cN'I,��W�w.•d�s.u... . .. . _�av.r�u.�... �X��va���n� ' ..i.-v.-.v .. .,--�.*iir"`-�.��i..1�in,�:� <br /> _,.:.�ma.�n.�.�.ti:_tir�_uFl{�b`iiF�r�-�- �1.�'�`��,`�:.. .��'. , ' . . . ^,1:•�:;,y' .-r•y,�'_. ' . . ,, 'i"_ .. . '�: � - _:.r.,-- <br /> . � "N.��r:a._ _ . _. . . - . . . - �`'_ <br /> _.��7?Y44:3Y:' ��=":o'�..-.,�-y� ....d� .� .. ' .. • .c . - , " . " - � ,. .. . � ��""y'�'. <br />_ �1 . J • • •� 1 . .. .. . - .. <br />: . . f� :.. . . <br /> . <br /> . � _..... . . .. ..� <br /> .� .. . . __ . . ... . . ... <br /> .. -.. .. .. _ <br /> .. .. . '_"_.... .. ... <br /> ... ... ...... ....... ... .. ........ .. 1 <br />...r..� :.�r�. + pr� <br /> ,`� _ � `)� �, ��4 <br /> :��=~;;�- � �t)t� , <br /> �� TC?CCTHER WITH all�he improvcn�eiits now or hercallcr ercctcd�n the properiy.and a{I ca�c�»cnss,appurtenances,and <br />_-:.�,•r,�,�s_7!;� <br /> - fixtures now m• hereafter a pari of thr. praperty. All replacements and additions ,hall cil,u be cnverecl Ny this Sccurity ,• ` <br /> _- -�� Ins�ruuient.All of thc fi�rcgoin�is refcrrcd tu in this 5ecurity Instrument as thc'Propc�iy.' �-'�� <br /> _.;�:.�.':..:::i <br /> BORROC::[i COVENARtTS that Bnrrrnvr�iti lawfuily �citicd�►f thc cstatc hcrchy co�n�cycJ tmd liati thc right lo grant and �: <br /> ' convcy thc Property and that thc Propeny is unc�icumbcrcd. cxccpt fur cncumbranccs uf rcc��rd. Ilorru�vcr wa�r.mts and�vill �.;_ <br />�,;��;�yj��,:. defend geneeally�he title to the Property aguinst all claims and�iemands,�ubject�o any entumhranres uf recnrd. �.,, <br /> THIS SECUf�ITY INSTRUPAENT combincy uniform rovcnants (ur natiun�! u,c and non-uniform ru��c�iants with limited y <br /> ,...,. <br /> �"�''��.• variations by jurisdictiun to consututc i�unifarm sccuriry instrumcnt rovcring rcal property. - <br /> �`��.., UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lcnder covcnant anJ agrcc:u follu�vti: , .;�� <br /> —'�.."�n�t.i!'. <br />__��t, .� 1. Paymcnt oS Pricecip:tl und Intert�l; Prepaymcnt ansl Lnte �bar�es• Uorro�+•cr st�all promptly pay a4�cn due thc �; <br />.�-�:����._ �"`� <br /> r principal of and intcrest on thc debt cvidcnccd by thc Notc and any prcpaynu:nt anci latc chargcs duc urulcr thc Notc. � :�. <br /> <�i,~'c� • 2. Fmntls i'or Taxts und Insurnncc. Sub,�ect tu applicable lim� or to a written waivcr by Lender, Borrower shall pay to �?_-. <br /> ����?'Y•• • Ler�der on the day monthly paymcnts am duc under thc Notc, uniil thc Nutc is paid in fuiL a sum("Fmtds"1 for:(a)ycarly tnxcs �- <br /> _ :••,v�:.• . P Y Y P Y «;_ <br /> �"����. and assessmcnts which may attain priority nvcr this 5ecuriry Instrument:is a lien on thc Pro en : Ib)ycarl (caschold a mr,nGS W^ <br /> �'Y��;.�t;� ; or ground r.nts on the Property. if any:(cl yearly hazard or property insuranca preiauums;(d)yeurly iliwd insur�nce p»emiums, <br />'`.'":��'������ �' �. if any; (c)yc.uly mortga�c inwrancc prcmiums, if;,ny: and(� any sums payablc by tiorrower to L.cndcr, in accordancc with <br /> :i:_.'-�>':<... the provisions ot'par.►graph 8, in lieu oi the payu�eut ui'mortgage insur.�nce Fremiwns. Thesc itemc arc called"Escro�v Itcros." _ _ <br /> �:_��.,.;:;..::,. <br /> ;3;q���.�;,,��'�. I.sndcr may. at any time,collcct and hold Funds in an :unou►�t noi to excced tltic maximuro ameunt a Icnder for a fedcrally <br /> ;.��.,�• .. <br /> �,;,��,�� •� related mortgage loam m�y require for Bon•awer's e,umw sccaun[under the federal Real Estate Se�tlement Proculures Aet o <br />.�w_,�i�r;,�;���);��;, 1974 as amendcd frc�m time to time. �2 U.S.C. Sectiun 2601 e�seq. ("RESPA'),unless annther 1aw that applies to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser nmount. If so, I..c:nder may, at any timc, collect and bold Funds in an amount not to exr,ce,d thc lesscr amouni. <br /> �'��' ��' ��'� L.cndcr n�ay estimate the amuunt uf F�r�s duc on thc basis of cu►sr;nt data and reasonablc estimates of expcnditures of futurc = <br />::;�;;r,;4:;tr,;;;:;t� <br />-"• t�=;';;;.•.,% Escrow Items oc udienvise in accordanue with applicable law. <br /> '��•`'��'z'%`' The Funds shall t+�: held in an institution who�c dcposits arc insured by a fedcral agcncy, instrument:ility, or entity <br /> _ '� ;��t;� (including I�nder,if Le*aiier�s such an institu[ion)or in any Fedcrai Homc Loan Bank. Lendc�shall apply the Funds ta pay the <br />`=r%�,�'j�::.�;�'"• Escrow Items.1.ender may not charge Borrnwer fcrc holding and:ipplying the Punds, annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br />��:�,i^;":<i�"�- - verifying dre Cscrow Items,unlecs Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits[.ender to msilce such <br /> �:• „___...__......... .. � ..., tia�.,�r.,r�n inde;�endent rcal estat�tax rcporting scrvicc <br />—="=���;2�;�,� a Chaige. However, i..cndcr n�ay�cyui�c u��ww�. ��Yu� ��:��=�•�� -••-•o- <br />-''`'"''•` used by l.endcr in �rortr�ciion with this losn, unlcss applirab:e law provides athc►�visa Unlcss an agrecmcnt is made or <br /> ,,,.j.� . <br />:;,_,A.� r.,,. applicable law reqaic��s i�,terest to bc paid. Lendcr ch;+ll not be r�.�quired to pay Borrowcr any intercst or eamings on the Fun s. <br /> ` •' r'••�%. Borrower std Lcnder may agrec in wri[ing,however, that intcn�t shall bc paid on thc Funds. Lcnder shaU givc to Borrower, <br /> '^+��:'%�`"�ui`�_. <br />,_c�,•1':�c�f;;;:�; without di.�rgr, an annual accounting uf the Funds, showing rrcd'zts and debi[s to the Funds and the purpQSe for whicn each <br />��� �'���'F'�� t debit to the �unds was nk�de.The Fucr!�are pledged as additional security for all sums sccural k�y this Sc.�curity Instrum�r:t. <br />"-' Yrr�,e�� <br />�r��:�` ��_, If the Fwids held b�•�.endcr excced the amounts permiucd to bc held by applicable law.L.cnder shall acwunt to Bo•rrQ�ver <br />_-�="�=�{-�� for the excess Funds in accanlance �vith the rcquirements of applicable 13w. 1(Aze amount of thc C'unds held by l.ender at any — <br /> �.._ .:��.,. - <br /> =="'���� time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow[tems when due. Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, and, in such case Bonower <br />-�.�,;�-� � shall pay to Lender the amount ne.cessary to make up the defieiency. F3orrower �hall rnake up the deficicncy in�io mure than __ <br /> �� _ <br /> '`-'��-��'i��. twelvc monthly payments,at Lender's sole distirction. _ _ <br />'_;.f�..L.�i.�:.Sfi.1S__, �_. <br /> _--�:--��'� Upan payment in full uf all wms s�..cured by thi, Securiry Instrument.Lcnder shall promptly refund to Borrawer any �,._ <br />'�='s`'3�'��-�'�-� Funds hcld by Y..cndcr.If,undcr par.igraph 21, Lc:nder shall acyuire or scU the Prapcny,Lender, prior to the ncyuisition or sale <br /> -,w�...Tl',�T.w"'"'r'i • �=i.'. <br /> �`'°''''"'°'--'.'=_= of the Property, shall apply any Funds hcld by Lcndcr at thc time of acquisition or�ale as a credit against the sums securcd by �:.-�_r. <br />�,47r�' Yri � -'- <br /> =-- �•as; this Security Inslrumcnt. :.`' <br /> .. ..,�:,� - <br />-"-�"���t''' , 3. Ay���iration of Payments. UnCess upplicablc la�v provides othenvise, all payments reccived by Lender under paragraphs °• <br /> �'���:�'�-'"� I and 2 si��U b�upplied: first, ro any prcpayment charges due under the Note;s�cond. �o amounts payable under par�graph 2; . .- <br />:�,J�;f��.�= third,to inieresi due;four1h,to principal due;and iast,to any late chargcs duc u��der the Notc. -- <br /> .i_.,_,�_ 4,Cls.arges; Lien.s. {3orrower shall pay all taxcs,asscssmeuis, rhargcs, fincs and impositions attributable to the Propc►ty <br /> �� which mai attain priority over this Sccuriry Instrument, and Ic•a�ch,�ld p�ymcnts nr ground rents, if any. Borrower a3��il pay <br /> '��`-5���=''• these obliostions in the manner provided in paraeraph 2,or if not pr�id in Ai�t manner, Borrower shall pay them on time directly <br />, .:a:=i:fi+-ti,��'�. <br /> ���`•- _' to the penon owcd payment. Borro�ver,hall promptly furnish tu[.ender all noiiccs of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> .�=:;:`����:�-' � If Bottower makes these paymcnts Jirectly,Borrotiti•r,r>hall prompdy fumish to L�:ndcr rrreipts evidencing the payments. r� <br /> �'`�+-:��t'�' � � Borm�ver rhall promptly di�chxrge any licn«•hi�h h.�s prioriry �n'er this Sccurity Instrument unless Bornnver: (a)agrees in L <br /> � _,�; writing ro Nte payment of the ubli�ation SecuRd hy the licn in a mamner acceptable to L.endcr.(b)contests in gooci faith the lien � <br /> :.:;�_... t'�;,,,. <br />_^t"-.i::ci;.:r. � <br />_ • �• •� by, ur defencls against cnforcement of the lien in. Icgal pro�trdings whicN in tlie�c�s opinion uperatc to prevent the � <br />_:;_;;.y»-:,•., , <br /> _ •;. ., �i�, .9. <br /> _. - • � :�,•.v�, • enforeement of the lien: or Ic)secures from the holJer uf thc lien an agrecnient satisfactory N Lender suburdinating the hen ro <br />':�r',�...�;:��. ��:�-�. , � <br />,,,.•r� .. � this Security Instrumcnt. If Lcndcr Jctcmiines that any part nf thc Property is.ubj��ct to a licn which may uttain priority uver <br />•�:-�-:•��>�•-. ,� this 5ecurity[nstrumcnt, LenJcr may givc Borroa�er a notire identifyin�the licrt.Borrower tihall satisfy thc lien ur take��ne or <br />=-' �� .'•=i� more of th-L�ctians ut timh ubove within 10 d.rys uf thc giving of noncc. I . <br />..`-''`.^ .--+r I <br />- Fonn 3020 9190 <br /> ^_{.1���r}•,•�� P:s��Of ri <br />',.T���«iT��� <br /> - .-'t`.-�. <br />._'�i.t•:� <br /> _.r.�r.r�Ti.'- i,.,'"-' <br /> ,,,�r,� <br /> ���'1{LT��•�r�dnr+�.��'rG.�---. -.r- n � . " • ' -_.-.'.-...---T -.-.�_--..__.--.. '.rr':r.:.'_'F�aP�S4fi1►'t".-r-r-•r------'•-'• - �- -----'._._. . . ..._� - <br /> S.-'� . �� . . . . . . � , - <br /> '�::���wU_- '_"_"-" _. . . __ . '�`__"-" —_ ' - _ _� _' ' _ " _' . . ._.. <br /> _. .. _ . . . '_._.-�_� —__-_—_ _ - <br /> • ;.--.-.-_"__...J <br /> - . ...._.- - .""' _'_—' . _. ��,_ <br /> .. .. .. � <br /> -� �.. .ii.7 �' ,., __--_ . , - . , .. ._..- .. , , <br /> �} .. . . •q� - - .. <br />�r;. , r. .. � ., �� <br />,r*J , , , .. .. ' n <br />_ _. . •. . . .. . <br /> - �,{ ,.r,:. . . .. � <br /> LY_,±'�►. ��y�.': , . � � ., •• .� � • _• � • . . <br /> rT�N45 � ?y" ?I- � ' .. .. � _..��'•'1� ..�~ .• .. . <br />.t ' . " • 1 . . ' <br />. .� . . ' .. . � . <br /> .� •• .. •1 __. •• ____ �_ . _. .__ _ <br />