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<br /> --J-+�T+.�7�:�.'��fYWIn! - _ Y ___
<br /> - '__ ' ' i�fic-�,
<br /> — _._.._—.—
<br /> __�..
<br /> .... . . _ . a ' _ ...'_ �� �:I�LS71
<br /> �.,.�Q -- : M�r�arx�nrin�swc:r ��.... ��.::�`..
<br /> ---�=''';6 - -
<br /> ..��.;�'. �•; , l . —
<br /> �. i'ro4a�a;i![��t ct� I.cr�t�t�+��''t� 4�llr;.j,2s i�t 4�i0 C3VA(1flFI}►. It �lono�vcr{ills ta pr.riorm tlio cavennnt� nnd n�rr.�amcntc contnlned fn � ._
<br /> •;� _ tfd� �^r:tn't{y U�nirumr.nt, or thuro le n !��al procecdlag ti�nt m�y ul�nlfic�nQy ntloct Landcrb rl,ryhtn In tNo Property(:uch c�e❑ procr.r.u;n{� In I "_
<br />.:._ - _ ba:tktuhtGy,prnLnir., tar condc;nnntlan,ar tadr.ituro or to entorca lawc ar rafluiatlon:i),thcn Lcndr.r may do and pny far whatovcr la nccoaeary
<br /> __�__n .ta pro4�r.t tho raluo ot tho Prnpehy and Lender'o ric�htc In tho Property. Lender'3 a�tion3 mvy includo paylnp any sumc socured by a Ilen
<br /> _m��T��;�� whlcl� hnr,pdorNy avor ttils 9ncurlty Instrumer.:, �.rpcadrt�In court, payMc� rca3onablo attornoy'n�oos nnd entcrin� on tho Property to m�k� , . . ..,
<br /> --- - ropnke. NlhoupF�l�sncter mAy iEika saS?on undc►thia pa�agreph 7, Lendr.r dons not havo to do �o. �7 „. ..;,!;""�
<br /> _�.�_,_.:-.....�' Any nmouni�i disbureed hy l.G�ndcrr unr;er this aaragraph 7 ehall bocomo ctddltlonsl debt of Borrowcr sucured by thls 5ecudty InstrumenttJ .-_ . .'•�',<a•
<br />- `���,7� Unleas �ortne!er�rtd Lc�des nqrr.�tci nthnr trrm^ ol p�ym�nt, theso nmrnmts shnll hear Inlerest 6•om tho datu oi dlsburnement nt tha No�i� . _10
<br /> reto end oh�Y bmpuyeblo,with Irvt[KnEi, uppn notico Irom Lendcr.to Bortowcr raquosting peymrsnl. - • �;-
<br /> __^i��F� , .�'5:�.`.'�'_f'.
<br /> _=µ��,, A. MOtt{�jU�j�1 II'tfiuranr,A. II Lender raqulred mortgago Insumnco as a condllion of making tho loan socured by thls Secud " . .. t.. � .
<br /> ="_� Inntn�manl,Oorr,:�NCr chall pr�y thn prumluma requlred to malntel�tho mortgac�o Insurenco In efiect. If, for any reason, tho mortgn{�o In�urune , r
<br /> ,��:�'� covorngo requir�rrl by Lendc�: la.pe•fls or caases to bo In of(ect, Borrower shall pay the premlums requlred ta abtein coverago sub�tentiall � �'.• ,� �'----
<br /> -�-�� equNnlent to thn�mart9upo Insurnnco�rr,vlaus�y in cmect, et a cost substantlaliy equhraient to tha cost ta BoROwer of tha mortgago Insuren • •�
<br /> — '�`'� praviou3Pj in of(or.t, irom en s'.tt�mnta martgngo insurer approved by Lender. IT substantialty equivalent mortgago Insuranca covera�o Is n _
<br /> �•� nvailablo, Borrouwr ShCill pG�l IO 1.¢nder each month a sum equal to one-twclhh of tho yearfy mortgnga insurenccr prom(um heNg pald by _ , �
<br /> _� � Borruwer whon She fnsurnnca cov�rq�a Inpsed or ceasQd to bo In aHect. Lender wtll accapt, uso and retain theso payments as e loss •-.. �'� . .��
<br /> �� roservo (n Ceu of mort�ac�o innumnr,a. Loss reserve pnyments may no lonyer be requfred, at tho option of Lender, if moKgago InsurAnco : 'r . �
<br /> .'�,<<�, ��iX-`•; ' %�
<br /> y���«,r�- covemyo (in tho a�mount ancl lae thn podod that Lender requires)provided by an Insurer approvnd by Lender agafn becomes avnilablo and Is ,;,��,_,�ti ,ti;,.i„�.:
<br />�--�-°�.'�=-�''- obt:�incd. Bortower shAll pny the premlums raqulred to maintafn mortgago Insura�co fn Qfteet, or to provido a loss rosarvo, until tho •�:�:,�.?.�i.'';:` '� ._
<br /> �� s requlroment Inr mortgnpo InK.�mnaa ends In accordanco with any written agreement batween Bortower and Lender or a licabla law. ' ' ' i•, ;,,, ��`'�
<br /> __� PP ,,, cY�r;.3�s <
<br /> ���`°°'� 9. 1119pe�lon. I.tnrlor or it� egont may mtdco reasonablo entrles upon end inspecilons o}tho Properfy. Lander ahaU give Boaovrer ::,�,���,rA j��,�, p` a�=_
<br /> .,Ta�u,r '�f IIUII(10�t 1h0 4Iip8 P}OT�tfl07 to a�Iaspeotlan specify�ng reasonable csuso for the inspoCian. ''; �'�"',4!;! ;, ,. --
<br /> -,t,� d: �fr}; r4�, ., -�..�,
<br /> 1t1. Cpt7tI8111Y1Al�071�. Tfin proceeds oi any award or clalm for damages, direct or consequentlal, in connectlon with ttny ,s ��Y,}�� ,�k
<br /> �-���.":',, conGemnation or`bther 4aking a!any pnrt oi thn Property, or tor conveyanco In Ileu of eondomnntien, are hereby assigno d en d s hp l l bo pnld S� ��,,n� �--�--
<br /> }� • to Lender. y� y��y�'� :�
<br /> .. .l�l'R7�'Su l .,IM �........ n nfa �•+.
<br /> - ��� .����...nt oi_t_.�t�k�n� oi thu Prepc�rbj, tho proce�ds shall bo applled to ihe sums securod by lhls Security Instrument,w�Ellier or ,� +�'s��-�-
<br /> �; W ���� nat then dua, wlth any oxcess p�ld tn Borrawer. In iho ovent ai a partlal takln�of tho Property In whlch tho tair market valuo ot tha Property Fr r' �;`�y��„��__
<br /> �"'��`- '�` Immodiatety befonr tho takinp Is oqusl to or greAter thun tho amount oi the sums socurod by thls Secudiy Instrument Imrr�ediateiy before the l� x�
<br />-:�:�r_.a�i�.� tokir�p, unlesa Borcawer and Le�dc�r otherwlsa agreo In w�iting, tho sums secured by this SecuNry Instrument shall bo reduced by tho Nmount � ,�.�,-
<br /> ,--f�� o}tho proceeds rnultlpll�d by thn tai!aw(np frnctian: (a)tho total amouni ot tho sums secured Immediateiy boforo tho teking,divid�d by (b) lhe ��'�=;""���
<br /> �f� lalr matkol raluo ot lhe Propn,-ty Immodlatoly botora iho teking. Any balanco shell bo pald to @oROwer. In tho ovent of e partlal teking o1 tho ;;�jK:;'#�'1
<br />'"`�`��-n�� Praperty In whlah 11►r�falr m9dcal vnluo of tho Properry Immodlatcly bnforo tho tsking Is loss ihnn tho emount o1 tho sums sccurad Immodlatdy .;i'""• �� `_
<br />'x���,�,� ��,"
<br />_�,_1,�i bofaro tho tektnfl, uninss Borcnw�n and L�ndcr othenviso ngroa in wddng or unloss applicabto Inw othcrwlso provldos,tho procaods ehall Uo � ► �w
<br />.___:_.. - u=:�•{�n :.^.:�:.•°. .°.L':i:: $(.'^..«!».�.�'.��}5::� C�•:SS�j �:79»^..�mw�1 u.h�fi�M.�r r�f Ihs�a�;ma ojn fhnn rl�irs .:.�e. i��.
<br />-`�-'�.� If tho PraneM� Is�bondonn�l Gy Oorruwer, or fl,aiter notica by Lender to E�orrower that Iho condemnor ottere to meko en awerd or ecttlo I I �1
<br /> �='°�'-��� e clelm (or dame{�an, Borrnwor leil!a lo rospond to Lender wilhln 30 days ofter lho deto Ihn notica is glven, Lendor Is authodzod to colleot and
<br />='i,t��� eppty pm procoods, ot Its opt!nn, ulthor to rostoretlon or repnir ot tho ProFcrty or to tha eums aocured 6y thls Socudry Insttummt, whother
<br /> :��if.� � or not th��n due, �
<br />:%;?�� Unless Lender nnd �nttawrr•r �therwisa apraa In writlnp, nny npplicutlon of procnuds to pr'ncipal shall not oxtend or postpono tho duU -.�;
<br /> --� =°� dnto of tho moMtily pvymrntt�roicrrrod lo In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chengo tho emount ot such paymente.
<br /> =•W--�-=��'�� 11. Bornywer Nuk Rxl�tas�d: For6qarance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension ot tha ttmo tor paymant or
<br /> '-"?-"��`'�"'� moditie:atlon of nm�rtltallon ot thn suma eacurad by Ihl� Security Instrumont grented by Lender to eny successor in Interest ot Bortower shali �,�,
<br /> �,,."f d
<br /> __���'�"^._.�L�� not operato to relonso lhn Iinbility of tho odpinel Bortower or Borrower's suacousors In Interost. Lender shell not ba required to commenco �
<br />--tiV�--~=- procuedings agninst any succes.ar In Interest or reluse to oxtend tlme tor payment or otheMiso modify amortiz4tlon ol tho sums securad by ���+,! ,
<br /> _�� thls Socudty Inntrume�it by raa:�on ot any demand mado by tho ode�lnal Borrower or Bortower's succossors In interost. Any forbearunce by s� .
<br /> ::rr%s�^��. i� � „.; ' —
<br /> `"`"-' Lendnr In exercluing any dpht or remady shnll not bo n welver of or preclude tho oxcrciso of any right or remedy, p �°�°`,
<br /> ----' c=nv.��
<br />-=������:.�:f 12. Succv�sarrt� an� �.3signa Besund�Jotnt and Several Llablllty Co-signers. 7no covenunts and agrcements ot ��� - ' •' i•%��
<br /> � , , ..,..,,, ,:y;;;s�;.,,
<br /> ��'�'��'� thls Secudty Inatrument sh�dl bhid and benoflt tha succossors end essigns ot Lender and Borcower, subJect to the provlslons ol pflr�graph
<br /> - ----_,�:��r�'+'a •.�yK�t�>
<br /> -�-::-- 17. Boao�ver's covennnts nnd agreements shall bo Joint and soveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry Instrument but does not � ���-��r
<br /> _ -�,p a�
<br />� axocuta tho Nota: (a) Is co-sic�ning thls Security Insirument only to mortgago, grent,and convey that Bortower's Interast In th� Propar2y under � �r•�� '�'.: �
<br />�_.;{!�� tho terms ot thlo 8acw•ity Iris�rumont; (b) Is not personalty obligatod to pay tho sums secured hy thls Security Instrument; end (c)agrecs that • ��'��,��;cy��;•:'
<br /> '?�'=`� Lender and eny otlicr Borrowrrr mey agreu tu extend, modity, forbear or make any accommodatlons wAh regard to terms ot lhls Secudty ,J,+��1�"..:'
<br /> .� +��� Instrument or tho Notu wfthout that BorrowePS consent. '�t,,y' �4. ,
<br />-'.�;�ao 13. LOaD Chi1f�OS. IT tha loan securod by this Socudty Instrument Is subJect to a law which sats maximum Ioan chArgos, und that :,�,:_-��.
<br />'rz_�[��� low Is tinely Intdrpretc�d so thnt tho Interast or other loan charges colloctod or to ba collacted in connectlon with the loan oxcoed the ,:r:;-�',,°,l���pa,�,
<br />:�:�,- permiltod limits,lltr.n; (n�a�y such loan cheigos shell 4o reduced by tho amount necossery to reduca tha char�o to the permiued Iimil: end ,'� ��,�`,`'�,
<br /> ;;�::c�
<br /> �?�r�';� (b) nny sum3 nl�ttnoy collect�rl trom Bartawer whlch oxcondod pertnittod Iimits will bo rotunded to Borrower. Lender mny chooso to mnke ', r .
<br />_ - this retund by reduolnr� lho pdncipcl owod under Iho IVota or by makiny a direct paymont ta Borrower. If a rofund reduces pdncipnl, the
<br /> �R-'�' reductlon will bo tn�.ated as a pnrtlal prepayment without any prepayment chargo under tho Noto. '
<br /> �" '�'�,�f 14. NOtIC�EI. Any not!ae to Borrower provided 1or In this Socudty Instrument shen bo given by dellvering it or by maCin{� U by first
<br /> `�•'y�'4'� c13ss mall unless a� licsblo law ra ulrns uso o}�nother mathod. ThU notico shall bo direded to tho Pro erty Addross oran other addrass
<br /> ,.��z��: Pp 4 p Y
<br />-=,, ,�.,7�' Borrower dr.slgnntna by notica to Lender. Any notico to Lender shall bo given by first class mall to Lender's eddrass steted hereln or uny
<br /> = ,�=��4 other nddmss Lendar deslc�nutos by notica to Qortower. Any notico provldod ior In this Socunty instrument shall bo da:emod to ht�va been
<br /> ::�:;�:��:F;; ..
<br /> --. ,:� glven to Borcower or lendcr when glven ea providecl In thls parngraph.
<br /> =.���g,�� '15. Qoverning I.aw; S@V6�8blli#y. Thls 5ocudty Instrument shall bo governed by toderal I�w nnd the law af the�utlsdlctlon In
<br /> ='.'si++r'�."!ii�� which tho Praperty Is locc�ted. In tho cvent thut any provislon or clausa ot this 3��cudry Instrument or tho Note contlicts with applicablo law,
<br /> -`.�i�L�:tU�'�
<br /> such con0lct shell not aNect othe► provlslons o1 Ihis Security Instrument or tho Note which can bo given eHoct without tho contlicting �
<br />,��—t�� provl3lon. T�thls end tho provislona of thls Securiry Instrument and the Noto aro declared to bo soverabla �
<br /> •_;�r:�� 16.Borrawor's Copy. Borrower 3hail bo given ono contormed copy of tho Notu and of ttils Sncudty Instrumenl. �
<br /> _�.� ii.i�ansiar oi me rroperiy or a e�enenaiai inierosi in oorrower. it ulI o�eny pert oi tnc rropetry or eny inicrosi in ----
<br /> _R-;_r,;A--�;,�;� ft 13 3old or tmnafcrcod (or If u bena(Iclal Interost In Bortowor Is sold or trans}crred ond Bo�TOwcr Is not a nnturnl person) wfthout Lendcr's �
<br /> I
<br />;_,-�_;;r}k� prlar w�itten con3ent, Lendcr may, at Its optlon, roqulro Immcdlato payme�t In tull of nll sums socurod by thls Secuiily InstrumenL Ho�vevur, i -
<br /> '.P�•�;��1, thls optlon shnll nnt bo exarclsod by Lender If exerclso Is pmhlbltod by federal law as of tho dato ot thls Socurlry Instrument.
<br /> "' :.r If Lendar exerclses thls optlon, Lender shal! fllvo Borcower notico of ecceleretlon. Tho notico shall provlde a perlod of not less thnn 30 '
<br />--=..,-. ..'="'� �� I
<br />_.;;. --- •y=-- .;oy� ��.,���iC�:, �uiv ii�O11UtIC� (S tlC11VC►Od OI' Ill(IIICd Wllhlll whlch tho Bonower must pay all sums socurad by :���;, C...U���y ���ot�����v��L � �� � . •
<br /> ::!,�ri',�. F3ono►ver lall� tn pay thcse sums prior to ttio r,xplrallon of thls perlod, Lender may tnvoke eny remedlos pormltled by Ihls Sacurity Instrument � •
<br />^' '° ;':�`.`'`;�`� wlthout tudher notica or dcmnnd on Bonowor. �
<br /> _
<br /> ..:,���
<br />-_:�;��:'�:� , , ..
<br />--� ���"•���"� :'� Pago 3 ot 5 fbrm 30'1.0 9/70 ' .
<br />.::IT;r,{D'�� �•r:.-,� F10ZB.LMa (1/95) (
<br /> . .,. �� �Q I� .
<br /> --._ _.._- I �,�;��/ /� i
<br /> i�soti�-�-,o
<br /> I _ .. -
<br />