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<br />• 1E1.�on:ower's Filght to R�Instato. II Oorrower maots certain conditlons, Bono�ver shnll hnvo tho rlght to hovo r.n}orcemenl 01 �'
<br /> I Ihis S�cwily Inr.trumcn4 dlscontinuod at any tlmc: pdor to tho cadier ol: (nj 5 dnyo (or such othcr perlod n� opplic:�blu Inw m:ry cpur.lfy fur � ' �
<br /> ^ rclnstatcmcnt) betoro �talo of Iho Property purauont to nny powcr of aulo contnlned In Ihls SQCwiry Inslrument; or (b) entry oi n �ud�ment � *•
<br /> � • or�forclnp this 3e^urily Inatrument. Thoso conditlons nro thnt Bonower. (a) pnys Lender all aums which then w�uld hu duo under Ihlfi ' � �:
<br /> �.'-'k. "' Secudty Incirument end tho Noto as If no ncc�lerntlon had occuROd; (b) cures nny dolault of ony other r.ovennnt or aqracmonts; (a) pays� „ „ �'
<br /> all expenao:� Incunod In entorctnfl thls Socuriry Inatrument, Includinfl, but not Ilmited to, rnaaonablo attomoys' feos;and (d) takos ouch actlan�) ;.tl`
<br />.•�;�;,` as Lenda mey reasonabty rcqutro to assuro that tho Ilen o}thls Socudry Instrumont, Lendcr's rlghts In tho Property and Borrowor's ablig3tlon� �
<br /> r5'suc.,'.. .
<br /> ' . � lu pay tho sums secured by lhls Security Inslrument slinll continue unchangod. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this 3ecurity InslrumerA • �
<br /> - ; . q end tho obliflationa er.cured hereby shull remaln (uily oflactivo ea ff no acceleratlon had occunad. Howovor, this right to reinstalo shell no}� �fr,
<br />. " ' � � npply In tho caso o}acceleretion under paragraph 17. Q -
<br /> � . 19. Sale of Nate; Chanr�a of Loan Servicer. Tnc Nace or a partlal tntcrost in cho Noto (to�othcr wnn tnis socuri� � �
<br /> , ;ea���.���= Instrument) may be sold ona or moro times without pdor notlao to BaRawer. A salo mey rosult In a chnngo in tho entlty(known as thc� ' �
<br /> ;� ' , 'Loan Scrvicer') that collects monthly payments duo under the Note end thls Security Insirument. Therr� alsa may bn ono or moro changosET� •
<br /> Y�'z of tho Loen Servlcer unrelatad to e salo 01 the Noto. If thera Is e change o1 the Loan Servicer, Borrower will ba given wrltten notico ol th� ..
<br /> _ � chengo In eccardanco with peragraph 14 abovo and �pplicsiblo law. The notico will stato tho namo end address of tho now Loan Servicer ,
<br />. and th4 eddress to whdr,h payments should bo made. The notico will also eontetn�ny other Information required by applicablo law.
<br /> 20. Hazardaa��St+�+star��o�. Borrower shail not causo or permit iho presenca, uso, disposal, storac�o, or releaso ot Any . �
<br /> ,;, ., ..... � ,,.
<br /> Haznrdous SuUatAnnna on or in tho Property. 9ortawer shall not do, nor allow nn ono eise to do, An hin afleciln the Properiy thnt Is In � f- .••?:<� ;` ' �'
<br /> Y Y� 9 9 t;;y, ,, .,.
<br /> ;::.�':�'�.a�� vlolation oi any Environmental Law. Tho preceding two sentencos shall not apply to tho prasAnco, u�n, or storago on iho Property o! smail • ' . •
<br /> �'�E':'t:.,�rc r; � ..
<br /> ;�i,?;!�•��;`�;:. ; quantiUes of Heizardous Substances that ero genernlly rocogNzed to be appropriato to normal residentlal uses nnd to maintenanca o1 tho � f :,,, . _
<br /> �:. . Property. .'"�"
<br /> Oorrower shall promptly give Lender written notico of eny invostigatlon, clalm, demand. IawsuH or other ectfon by eny governmental or �'�`'R��'�'
<br /> regulato agenc or Hvato a Involvin tho Pro e and an Hazerdous Substonco or Enviranmental Laev of whtch Bortower haa actual �t.^�"`M.s, �
<br /> • ry Y P P �'h� 9 P rtY Y Q � ,.. ,
<br /> � " �� knowledgo. I( 13ortowcr leams, or Is nopfled by nny govemmontnl or regulatory uuthodty. thpt any removel or othcr remedintlon ot nny , "
<br /> Hezardous Substenco alfecting iho Property Is necnssery, Bortower shall promptly tukn all necossary remadlal actlono in accordanco with ,;�'v•••-: ":- -
<br /> _ . ..�c:�-=ijs�_
<br /> �� Environmcntel Law. � e
<br /> • As usod In thls peragreph 20, "Hazardous Substancos' nro thosa substancas dofinad i►s toxlo or hezardoua cubatencoa by P• «''"�"''--
<br /> ,. ?�..�' �.
<br /> ' Environm:ntal Law and lho (oliowing subatancos: gasolfna, kcrosonn, othcr finminablo or toxic potrolnum product�, toxlo posticldos nncf ����-
<br /> �'� hcrblcldas, voiatilo solvenEs, mutcrials contalning asbestos or farmoldchydc, nnd rndioanllvo mntnrials. An uaod In lhis parnpreph 70, ,,
<br /> �� �,. 'Envlronmental Lsw" mcana lodcral Inws and Inws of tho Judndir.tlon whcro tho F�roperty Is locntod thN r�!atn lo hca4h, autoSy or - ' ��
<br /> • f� environmentnl protactlon. .�' �
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendcr turther covannnt and ngrca na lollows: ` �t;
<br /> 21. AocelYratian; Remedles. Lender shaii givo notico to tlor►owor prior to aaceieraiian foiiowing .,� �
<br /> "` Borrowar's breaoh of any covenant or agrc�emont In thla SecurRy Instrumec�4 (but not prior to accoleratlR� r�;.�,•,�
<br /> �� � unde► peragraph 1! unlesfl eppllcabl� law providos othorwise). The notic9 shall epecify: (a) the defealt;
<br /> '� (b) the aotl�n required to cure the dofAUlt; (c) a date, not loas than 30 days from the date the notice io �'M
<br /> given to Bor�ower, by which the dofnult munt be curod; and (d) that fall��re to cure tho def�ult on or �.,:'
<br /> � bofore the date spocffled In the notice may reault in acceleretion of the sums seaured by this Security :�z��*ti
<br /> „ . ' Instrument and eale of the Property. Tho nottce shall further Inform Borrovrer of the rlght 4o relnatnte aftor ', �
<br /> ' acceloratlon end the rlght to bring a court action to assert tho non-axiskonce of e defeult or any oth�r ,,,:,�%s.
<br /> detense of Borro�uer to aacelera4lon and sale. If tho default is not curod o� or betore the date specifled . �;' ' �'
<br /> In the notice, Lender at its optlom m�y requlro immedlete poyment irn f��EE of ell sums sacured by thle , ��•
<br /> ` � S9C117�� Ins4rument without fu�ther domand and may invoke the power a5 sale and any other v�emodies .. �°:�� �
<br /> r:
<br /> permftted by appliceble taw. Londer sheil be entltlod to collect all expm�ses incurred in pu�suing tho �;�::•,
<br /> " � •;: :,'• ��%;.'.'��.
<br /> remedies providm� In thla paragraph 21, includfng, but not limited to, reasoroable attorneys fees and costs • ,, ,;.,,�•a�.'i;
<br /> of title ewldenco. ' •.;,' .
<br /> :,: • If the power of aala is Invokad, Trustae shall record a notice of dotault in each county in whlch any �
<br />. , pgrt of the Property Is loaated and shull mall coplos of such notice In tho mannor pre3crlbed by appllcable � "� '
<br /> law to Borrowor and to the other pereona prescrtbed by applicablo lew. After the ttme required by �
<br /> •� applicablo law, T�uatae shall gtva public notico of sAlo to tho porco�s on¢I In the mannor preccribod loy •
<br /> npplicebie law. Tr�tstee, without domend on Borrower, shafl sell tho Property at public auctian to the „�,,, � �
<br /> .. � highest bidder at the Ume and plmco nnd undor tho termE donignated in thm notice of sale In one or moco •
<br /> '�t paraals and i� a�y order Trust�e determfnos. Truotoe may postpone sale of all or any parcel of tho '
<br />_ , . � , Property by pubUc announcement at tho timo and placo of any previoe�sly acheduled sale. Lender ar tts ' ' '
<br /> designee may purchase thA Proporty nt r�ny sale.
<br /> Upon recoi�tt of payment of tf�o prico bld, Truatoe sha11 del(vc�r to the purct�aaer Tru�fee's deed I . ;�•�•'�
<br />- " conveying the Property. The recitnl� fn tho Tru�too's dood shall bo pr(ma facle evidence of the truth of
<br />�, ' , the statemente made thormin. Tru�too shall apply tho procoeds of tho sAlv in the following order. (a) to all I :' �:�
<br />-�- casts and exponses of exercisin� tho power of 3alo, and tho sale, incl�nding tha peyrnont of thm Trustoo's '
<br />-- feas actually Incurred. not to excoed 3 �'o of tho pc3nclpal amo�nt of the note at tha timo of tho I
<br />°� declaration of defaul4, ancl reason�blo attornoy's fees es pormittod by law; (b) to all suma securod by thls �
<br />-_ .� • Securlty Instrumetit; and (c) any excoss to tho poraon or parc�one legs�lly entitted to (t. �
<br /> - 22.Reaonveyanee. Upon pnyment ot all sums sncurad by thls Security Instrument, Lender shull roquost Trusteo ta reconvoy thn
<br /> Property nnd shttll surcender thla S�scurity Instrumant and all notos ovidancing debt securod by thls Socurity Instrument to TNStaa. Tnisteo �
<br /> shall roconvoy tho Property without warranty nnd without chergo to tho porson or persans logally entitlod to It. Such pereon or persor.s shall �
<br /> _ „ •� pAy any reco��datlon costa. I
<br />. .. ., .
<br /> � " ----- -- Z.�..SlUbS��tUt9 Trusta0. Lendnr. nt Itn onUnn. mnv }mm tlmn M tlmn rmm�va 'fnmtna nnd unnnlnt n m�rrancnr fn�cfm In on.. ___.__...._,.....
<br /> . • . � . '_'_ .._"__ _.._ _��_...' _ '_'_"'_' "_"'_ '_ _..� _. _ _ .. .
<br />— T` "` TnistoQ eppolntc�d hereunder by nn Instrument recorded In thn county In which thls Securiry Instrument Is recorded. Wilhout corrvoynnco oi ;
<br /> - " , ' tho Property, succosso�truatoo shnll succeed to all tho tlUr, power and dutlos conferred upon Tnistnn hnroln end by applicable law.
<br /> �:,, � • 24.i�oquest for Notiees. Bo�rower requasts that caplvs of tho noticos oi dafnult nnd s�lo ba senl to Borrower's uddress which
<br /> .. Is tho Property Addross.
<br />- ----.--_- ''_J�.�i�ileve tn •ihto fs`���:i.j iC�oi�u.:•oi�i. �i ui�u o� ���vio iiar.ia ai� vnawiou uy nvnuwu� aiiu tecuiucu iuyciiic7 wiiii iiiia • � � -
<br />�� ° Socurlty InstrumQnt, tho cavenrants and agraanonts of euch ouch ridnr shall ho Incorporc�ted into and shall omend ond supplement the
<br />� covenants and agraements of thls SacuNty Instrument ns If tha rlder(s)wero a part ot thls Socurlty Instrument. �
<br /> a:
<br />, .. , �
<br /> � ' ��aqc 4 ot:� i urm 3010 9/90 .
<br /> F1029.LM0(�/95)
<br />�_ � �/�?
<br /> . 179053•7-itl � �
<br />`� "
<br /> ._ __ . _ _ _
<br /> �
<br />