-..... �vwiv�.yUa - .. - � . .. . - . ,. • ..
<br /> ,..ur ., . . . .. .
<br /> ,�. w,.�, •- .. . r �. „ , .. . . .. :i . ..,...n�: ' , :"°. ��:�':`.-
<br /> . . s�, .'�an.rin... r � ��� ..h.�j��nr�.,.��y,.r+�«�':;:."r�:.,.
<br /> , � ,
<br /> .: .r! -..h'nt-��_ .. •:�. _ -. .. �.,^• . :'. • .. :11.ix1!u!i4dW2ifiVk.°�1f•1 i°i' • .,•y," .J��.�'.l'#e'' • � — �,. -
<br /> �. . ..,. .. ....� �a.... - , ' �j,�.��{I�J�L�R'1����!H` 'KAEIfi"r�.. _ _ r _.
<br /> =.e]1f.1 t '. M1 � +�� ..y 7.S ...��....-�------ .�_.
<br /> -«_- . --- .T._. . _ �_..Hu:.;IC��..L - .,.., . ...._ . ._ �
<br /> - . .�s=,s t'Fiiu.F-.c'��� ,:.t.t,o�rT,a��... . . ` �+�7kyah..t!i��.
<br />. ? .T�/�}['��r•tio.�i�F;R^ . , • . . {��'1V'� ` ., -.
<br /> -n -�:.w�;:f.
<br />�:1' �. J. .. -
<br /> nx u7u Inr E3nrrnwnr'�i osr.row nr.r.ouni undcr lhr. � R
<br /> not tu axcr.r,d tha ma:s4iaum cmount n Icndcr for n IcAcrnlly rr.latr.d maitqn{�n Innn incry ;
<br /> . teclr,rnl Real��tnta Scltierncnt Proceduree Ac:t oi 1�74 na ainended iroui tlinn lo linm. 1�U.:i.0 �601 ut :.uy. ('HI�.SI'A"l. unlus�� rnothcr L•iv� .
<br /> �"`�,?y?"-�� that Applloa to tho Funds ecto a losacr amount. N so, Lendcr may, af onU ��uiR• ������G� nnd hold Ftmdn In an �maimt not In ��xcucd Iho ,. "'
<br /> �a�.,r._ � - �
<br /> -=""'� • losscr emaunt. Lcnder may astlmato tho emount af fund� duo on 1ho UnNn of ccucint dntn and maronob!n nstimntnn o1 m��c:ndituros ot�
<br /> :"`�=�=..t'ri,��.:�ti� � `r� µ :
<br /> tuwro Eecrow Itema or othenvlao In accordanco with appilcoblu low. r ���,� '
<br /> ���� Tho Funds ohoA bo hcld In en Institutlon whoso depooite arn In�urcd by n Ir�dnrnl n�nncy, Insimn�nntnl:iy. �r �ntity (Includli+p Lenda.((J� •t.L.::*rF1`.,ZI _ .�6
<br /> �K _(�_=,� Lender Is such��n lnoUtutlon) or In nny Fedcrel Homo Loan Hunk. Lender ahnll npply tho F�md�i to p�y tlio F.�r.row Itr.m�. l.ander may nd, , �
<br /> - °"'°- chergo Borcower for holdinq enci epptying tha Funds. ennualry mtelyzing tha a�craw accaunt, or vnrHytat� tho fKr.ro�v Itcma, unlc�s Lcsutrj,,� , ,` ..^������rY � -
<br /> �' r`��� n o 6orcowor 6itcros t on t h o Funds and e ppllcAblo low pertnito Lendcr to maiio auoh a chnrc�o. Ilmvovnr, l.ondur may requlrr� poirower[P �,. �,,,_�
<br /> cr�t' p Y �
<br />'�-'•`�--- pay a ono-Umo chorgo tor an Independent rcal c�steto tnx repartlnp oervlco uand by Lender In connnatlnn�vfth thln laan,un iona npp l l c n blo la r , � ` w1��?1-
<br /> _,�a��,m.— _ .� '�` ^`.-t�*.:1±�PQ-
<br />;-�'�: ' provldos othenvisa Unloss nn ngraement Is mado or nppOaAhla Inw rnqulrca IntcrQat to bo psld, l.c�ndar flhnll not Uo rar;ulred to p �r�a •'�•'n=.��
<br /> i •; �-.��,•Si�,
<br /> - , Bortower nny Intero�t or eamings on tho Funds. Borrower an�t Lenclar mny a,ryroa In writinp, howc�vor,thnt Intaront shntl bo pnld an tho Fund , . "� :._
<br /> �rFt�r?:i8%='%..'� � • :a-+-a�v�
<br /> --- ::..J . i'.,.�i Lender shell c�xo to Borcower,wlthout chargo,en annual aocn�mtinp ot th��undti�, showing credita nncl dnbitn tn tho Funds nnd tho purpo�� ,� ti' <<
<br />'rry'•..�,�5 ��� .,�.{rl a,�,t1�_',_��_.:
<br />_,.>_ t� &- tor which caoh deblt to tho Funds wes mada. Tho Funds arn pifldgnd nu ndditlonnl socudty 1or ell sum�socurod by this Sccwity Insirumr.�t ��,`, j �, Yt�i ,,� "
<br /> �� �, •� ;` It the �unds held by Lender oxceod tho amounts paimitlad to bo hnld by npplicnblo law, Lc�ndor s�mll account to 8ortawer tor lho �s`�• c �
<br /> •�--�• �* • *� In accordanco with tho requfrements of eppliruulu Ifnv. If tho nmaunt of Iho Funds ho!d by l.endorinlfl n'tim ndr.r�tho amount �.�,��.,�'�.c���;'
<br /> :�`�,�-,.:•.,j;a•-.•{ excess Funds �..
<br /> ;,e.,.';�;�,.;;;,�'� ! to pay iho Hscrow Items when duo, Lender may so notiiy �orrnwr�r In wriUng, and, In sucPi caso Eiorrmvar shal p y �.._
<br /> . U.. - ..` �y v��,.,�.i c_ __
<br /> :,�•t�• '�" �s�+ necossery to maka up the de4olency. Borrowor shall malsu up lhn do(Icloncy In no mora lhan t�valvo monthty pnymentn, nt I.andePs solo '� : u .�� ��
<br /> �;''.•.;�'r ; .�' discratlon� - --
<br /> � U on ayment In full of ali sums secured by thls Saaurity Inntrumant. Lendar shall prompfty rehmd to Fiartower nny Funds held by �����
<br /> � '� ' P P ��;^�
<br />���. •; � • Londer. II, under paragrc+pN 21, Lender ahall acqulro or snll tha Proparty. Lender, pdor to tha ncqufail�nn or snla of tho Propn�ry, shall appiy ���� -�Y�
<br /> `��'•� �.f�`;��.�• any Funda heltl hy Lender at the timo of acquisitlon or snla ao a cradit agalnnt tha sums securod by thfn Strcudty Instrument. *r —_
<br /> �,, ,,, , ' (?, .(8'r;�"*v--
<br /> �.;��yf,T ,.�, 3. �Ap�plfaation of Payments. Unloss applinr�bin lu�v provldos otherwlso,all payments ronut��ed by Lenclr.r uncler ��nrRgraphs 1 end
<br /> �;ti� , ;�',!, 2 shAll bo appliod: tlrst, to any prepayment charges duc� undur ihn i�ota, sccand. tc am^!�^tQ !?A���hVe under aar�araPh ?_: third to Interost ����
<br /> �n �i'�/� ' � ` �'• duo; tourih, to pdnclpal due: nnd last,to any late chargas dua undor tho Noto. � �''i�,�,,,;�'°'°""
<br />.-;• i , '� ��j-y,,,r;%I:� ViF.�. �n-
<br /> '•?��.,.y ..'1 4. Chal'gBS; �I8i1S. Bonower ahall pny all taxea, aeeassmonts, ch�nrgns, finos And fmpoai9ions ariflbutable to thn Properiy whlch �„k,rj ,t
<br /> .�� �` �:�i �.,�:�_-
<br /> ��'''' �''' 'r%`"c?'�;'i;{:' msy att,yln pdority over thfs Secudty Instrument,and leesehold paymontn or ground rents, If any. Banower shail pay thnses nbllgeUons In tho --' _-
<br /> a• � mAnner providod In paragraph 2, or if not peld In lhat mnnnar, Borcowar shnll pny them on timcr directly to thc� persan owcd peyment. � -° v
<br /> . r`'� BoROwer shall promptiy tumish to Lender ull notlanc of amounto to bo pnld undor this par�flrnph. II Borrower mflY.on thaso paymenta _ -c�
<br /> �,"1M�'. directly, Borrower shall promptly(umish to Lendur ror.afpta ovldanr.ing tho paymonts. �Y�.� �,
<br /> :,.,+'� ' Borrowcr sneii prampiiy d�sctas�a �•"•Y!!`-'•"•'•"!���h h°� °�0��' ovor thlo Socudty Instrument U01096 BOI�OWCC (fl)flAf[I[73 Ifl WlIIIII(J l0 th0 ,�,�, ;L
<br /> ` . �x , paymort ol tho obllgatlon sccured by tho Iien In e mnnnor 4ccoptnbta to Lendnr, (b) contosts In �aod taith tha nen ay, or dairnua aga����i ,
<br /> enforcertient o1 tha Ilan In,Iegal proceodings whlcti In tha Londar's opinfon operata to provont tho onlorcoment o}thc�Iien; or(e) securos from �
<br /> tho holder o1 tho Ucn en nnrooment satlslactory to Lendur �uhnrdinfltin4 tho Ilan to lhls Socurity inatniment. If l.cndr.r cintorminoa thet eny
<br /> _. ' :�� part o1 lho PropoAy la eubJect to a Ilcn whlch ono ertmora�of tl u aatlon�a otcloRh leborvo wilhi� 10 day.g ot�tho plvin� ot no���olco Idcntitying ,
<br /> R ,, •.1jl_`:n _ �
<br />�_��``� .,.,.tA�t ` lh0 IICII. BORUWO�BhAll 881IS�1 lh0 IICII or ta o ,-
<br />-=!�:�.;i.���.i: -• � +�4�
<br /> *�rw -�t%++±�T� 5. Hazerd or Prop�rty Insurence. Botrowcr shnll koap tha Improvements now oxisting or hereniler crer,i�d on lho PropeAy ` `,
<br /> '�"�""`�` � , `' Insured agalnst loss by 11re, hazards Include d w i t hln tho tarm "oxlanAad coverc�gn' nnd nny other �IflZflIdS, inctudin� tluu�s or tlooding, for .�y
<br /> �.ti�':f;�.tt.....,�W�,-,y �s'.i..+'�t: ,�' .
<br /> -rE•„�-:•••,.�,.ytf„� whtch Lender requlreo Insuranco. This insuranco shell bu mEifntafnad In tho emounts and for tha porfods that Londer roqulros. Tho Insurenco !���•
<br /> ; � _', ,,� carrfer prnviding tha Insuranco shall bo chosen by EuROwor subJ�ct to Londer's appro�al whlnh shall not ba unreneonably wlthheld. fl
<br /> s�� .;...�.;
<br /> 8ortower teils to malntaln coverago described alio��a, Londar may, et Lendar's optlon, obtt�in covorngo to protocl l.ender's rlghts In tha �
<br /> � �• ° � ••'a' PrapeAy in accordanco with paragreph %. � � � '
<br /> �r � ° '�'�' ' ;" All Insuraoca policles end renawuls shall bfl 4acoptublu to Londer and shell Includo a stand3rd mortgagn cleuoa. I.ander shall have tho -�/�•
<br /> -ti;"�=*�.f.••��-y�=.•.•- dght to ho�d tho policlos and renowals. It Lendar roqulros, Borrowor shall promptly givo to Londor a1i rc�oipta o1 E�nid premlums end renewat �.%'f����v�,+•:-
<br /> c-=;--.'+N.•�,+.n� � • -
<br /> .��.�,����
<br /> -„���'r`< ,;.;s e•
<br /> t<< �.. no2lcos. In tho avent ot loss, Bortower shall glvr� prompt notlae ta tho Ineuranoo carder and Lender. Lender mny mnko proot ot iosa H not ;.. ,
<br /> :;�RS►�,^>��,'• Bortower. .,_.�. ' .
<br /> :��,.,. .:��. .,,� mada prompty by 't!�x
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlso ugrun In wrftinfl, Inournnco procoQds shall bo appl.ad to restoratlon ar repalr o1 iho Pr�perty ..',,.t 41.
<br /> '• • � damaged, If the restoratlon or repa!r Is aoonamtcaly tnaefble and Lender's security Is not lessci Fd to thoh um+�:ao urod by ihlsl Suct rlty '� ��
<br /> _ ,.., ,
<br /> -_�`.��.7,_.� economleally teasiblo or Lenders security would ho losuonod, tho Insuranr.o procoods sha�bv���. ,•
<br /> `•�:` Instrument, whother or not then duo, wlth any axaaxa peld to Borcowar. I! Bortn�Ner nbandons lho Property, or does not anawer wilhin 30
<br /> - '�•�,�'•� �r'" doys a notico irom I.endor that tho Insumnce� carriar hfla oifurad to sottla a clnfm, then Lender mny collact iho Ineumnco proceeda. Lender
<br /> '-��' °"�"' '" � may uso tho procceds to repnlr or restoro tho Proporry ar to pay sums secured by thfs Security Instrument, whc.�7her or nat then duo. The ,
<br /> .-,:;a�1'�_�-:� �',
<br /> -• - 30-day period wfll begln vlhen tho notico Is given.
<br /> �^r.�` Unless Lender and Bonower othe�wiso agroc� In wrHlnc�, any opplfaNtlon of proceuds to principnl shnll not�xlund or postpono tho duo
<br /> �` ' � .,y;, dato 01 tho monthly payments reterred to In parflgrnphs 1 end 2 or chnnga tho nmount o11ho paymonts. I(undcr parngrnph 21 tho Property
<br /> , •• �„•i� , Is acquirod by Lendcr, Bortowcr's dght to nny InUivanoa pal:olns and procoads rosuipng trom dnmago to tho Prop���ty prlor to tho ncqulsitlon
<br /> ,��!� ' � shall pess to Lender to tho extent ot tho sums socurnd by thla Soauriry Instrumont Immodiately pdor to thu acqulslllon.
<br /> . . .: ;�: 13orrower's Loan
<br /> .:.; 6. Oscupenay, Preservatlon, Meinto�smnce a�ie� Prmtection of thu Prope��ty;
<br /> __ ��;.���y, ': Applieatlon; L6898h01dfl.Borrower shall occup�. ostublish, ond u3a tho Property as F3orro�vor's princlpal rosldenco withln 9IHl�/ d3.yS
<br /> .. ��. eftcr tho oxecutlon oi thls Secudry Instrument and shNl cundntw to ancupy tha Propetty us Eiorrowor's prinofpid resfdenca (or nt least ono I
<br /> �'i::rR�;;y:�:.;; ' ycur etter tho dato ot occupanay. unloss I.endor othanviso ngr�os In writing, whlch consent shsd! not bu unruasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> �'e:r..�r•`•�*� extenuating circumstancos oxlst whlch aro boyond Bortowers control. Borrower shnll not dostroy. damaya or impalr tho PropeKy, nliow tho I
<br /> __�t..::.�.:.�'_
<br /> >...
<br /> -,,��� Properiy to d�tedarata or eommit wasto on tho Property. Borrow�r sNnll bo In dotnult tf nny lorlLituru c�ctlon or proceading, whQther civil or
<br /> r�►minnl. Is hovun that In Lender's good lalth Judgmont could rnsuil In 1orleitura o1 tha Proporty or utharwiso rnaterlofly Impnir lho Ilen created i
<br /> - � '..4�.�.F r
<br /> ...,_....�•.. ,.��,�n.� In nmm�rnnh 1D. bv
<br /> ,.. .,.,, by thls 5ecudty Instrument or Lender's oocuriry Interest. Horrower mey curu suci,u ���a�C. o��� .�,..�.•..�. -�r'-�•--- - � � • - -- --
<br /> - '''��� causlnp tha nctlon or proceoding to bo dismissad with a rulin� thnt. In Landar's good lanh dotmminntlon. precludes todeituro ol the
<br /> _ �------
<br /> ['"' �� � � Borcower's Interest In tho Property or other matedal Impuirment oi thn Ilen creutud by thls Securiiy Inslrurnunl u� Le+�der'� ::ccuril, Inte��st. i
<br /> • '�-''��� Borrower shall also bo in deinult If Dorrower, during tho laan oppllontlnn proaass, gEiv� materiaLy t.�lsu or inuccurate Informapnn or stntements i
<br /> ..n.. , .
<br /> . '�=�- t:. Lcndc: j�: !s4^�± ?^ ,!rnvld� I�nder with enV matedal Intormntlan) In cannactinn with Ihe loan ovfdnnoud by tho Note. fncluding, but not
<br />