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<br /> , Frcrind���hnt Lcndcr rcquires. 'fhc insurancc carricr pruvidiq��hc im,uruicc shall Ix clw�cn Ny[lorrov+cr subJcct to Lcndcr� �. ;,.
<br /> upproval which shnll not Ix: unrci�sonably�vithhcld. IC Uorrowcr fail.s to�naintain cuvcri�gc desc�ii�J ubovc,l.cndtir ivay,at ___
<br /> Lcndcr�option,abtain�:ovemgc tm�rotcct l.cndcr4 rights in thc F'ropeny in nccarcltutcc with paragruph 7. __
<br /> All insurancc poli::ics and re�tcwals sh;tll be ncccptnble to[.cncfer n�icl xhall Includc n standnrd mortb.ege clnuse. Lendcr ---
<br /> shall havc the right to liold thc policics and rencw�ls. If Lcnder rcquins,Hotrowcr shull promptly givc to�.cndcr nll receipts
<br /> of paid premiums and renewnl notices. In Q�e c:ve��t of lass.Dorrower�hall give prampt notice to the insurauce earrier and �
<br /> Lcnder. Lendcr niay makc�rouf of luss if n�t mnde promptly by [iarruwcr.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Ban•ower otticrwisc agrcc in writing,insurnncc pra:eeds shidl lw applicd to restoration or rc�air af �_
<br /> the Property darringed, if the restoralion or repnir is economicnlly fcasible und Lcnder's security is not lcssertcd. If tlie _
<br /> restorntion or rcpair is not economicalty feasib!e or Lender!;securiey would be Iessened, the insurance praceeds shall be _.
<br /> applied to tlte sunts securesi by thiti Security Insttvment, whether or not then due, with any excess p�id to Borro�ver. If _
<br /> Borrower aba��d�ns thc Properey. or does not ans�ver within 30 days a notice from I.cndcr thnt �hc insurance c.urier hAs
<br /> offe�ed tn settle n clalm.then Lender may collect the insuruue procceds. Lendcr may'use thc praceeds to repair or restore ----
<br /> the Property or to pay sums sccurt,d by this Security Instrum:n6 whethcr or not thcn duc. 'The 30-day period will bc�in whcn
<br /> che notice is given.
<br /> Unlcss l.eudee mld Dortower othcrwisc:.�«:: .� �vr9ting, any spplication of prnceedt to principal sl�all not extend or .
<br /> postpane the dua dat�of thc monthly paymcni: ••fe•.cd to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or chunge the amount of the paymenu. If
<br /> under paragruph 21 ihe Property is a�quired hy Lender, AorrowerL r��ht to any insurance policies and procccds resulting
<br /> from damage to the I'roperay prior tn rhe acquisition sh�ll pass to Lcnder to the extent of the sums secured by this Security �,
<br /> Instrument immediately priur to the acquisition. --
<br /> 6. Occupuncy, Preservation, Maintenance und Pirotection of the Property; I3orrower's Loun A,pplicatton; _
<br /> I.easeholds. Bonower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borcovier's principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> the execution of this Security Instrurnent and shall continue to occupy the Pruperty as Borrower's principal residence for at �_
<br /> least onc ye.ar after thc date of occupancy, unlcss Lender othcnvisc :agrces in writing, �vhich consent shall not be
<br /> . umcasonably wiqhheld. ar unless extenuaung circumstances exist which arc beyond Borrowcr:s control. Borruwcr shall not
<br /> destroy,dama�e or impair thc Yroperty,allow the Property to d�terioratc,or commit wastc on thc Property. Borrower shull �_
<br /> b�in default if any forfeitune iiction or procetding,whethcr civil ur criminal,is begun that in l,ender's good fAith judgment
<br /> could result iti forfeiture of the t'roperty or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or r
<br /> Lender's serzurity interest. Bo�n►wer may cure suci►a defauic anc�reinaiain,u�p;o�iue.i���};urgr�r��,���:.us:::�«'t°�ii�n
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with u ruling that,in Lender's good faith detc�mination,precludes forfeiture of the Dorrower�
<br /> interest in the Property or odicr mnYerial impairment of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lcnder's security �
<br /> intercst. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan applicution process, guve materially false or
<br /> inaccurate infonnation or statements to l.ender(or failed to provide Lender with uny material information)in connection with —..-
<br /> the loa�� evidenced by the Not�, including, but not limited to, reprcsentations conceming Boao+vet'.s occupancy of the �R�
<br /> property as a principal rcsidence. if this Sccuriry Instrument is on a Ieascho��.Borrower shall comply with all the provisions —
<br /> of the leasa If Borroweracquires fce tide to thc Property,the Icasehold and the fec ti►le shuU nut merge unless Lender agrccs ,�'.•:
<br /> to the merger in writinb. �•
<br /> 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Propsrty. [f Bonowcr fails to �;►:orrn thc covenan[s anJ ag,-:.emcnts �': _
<br /> contnin�d in this Security Inswment,or the�e is a legnl procecding that m�y sign�ficnndy uffect Lender'.s ri�;',tiis in the s"_
<br /> Proper►y(st►ch us a proccedin�in bankniptcy,probute,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatians),then � `�:
<br /> L.ender may do and pay for whatever is necess•rry to protect the value of[he Property und Lenderc ri�hts in the Property. .�
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying:my sums secured by a lien whicli has priority aver this Security Instrument,appearin� ��;;°
<br /> in caurt,paying reasonabla attornr,yti'fees and entering on the Propeny to muke rep�l'1PS.AI[ilough Lender may t1!ce action ,.,,,
<br /> under this paragraph 7, Lender�?ces not hnve to do so. •,�:-
<br /> Any amounts disbarsed hy Lender under ttiis paragr�pl� 7 shull become;idditionul debt of Boaower secured by this � •�
<br /> Security Instrwnent. Unless Borrowcr and Lendcr agrcc to other tcrms of paymcnt,thesc amounts,hnll�ear interest from the �" :.
<br /> date of disburscment at tlie Nate ratc mid shaJl bc payablc,�vith intercst,upon nottcc from Lendcr tu Borrower rcqucsting
<br /> paymcnt. ;''
<br /> 8. Mortgage Insur.tnee. If Lender nequimd mortgage insurance as a condition of making die loan secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument,Bomo�ver shall pay die pren�iums reyuired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. l�f, for any
<br /> rcason, tho morSoage insurance covcragc rcqui�d by I.cndcr lapses or ceases to hc in effect, Eiorrowcr shall pay thc
<br /> pmmiw�ns requircd to obtain coverage substantially eyuivalcnt to the mortgage insurance previously in e[fccG at a cost
<br /> substantially cyuivulent tQ the cost to Borrower of thc mortgage i►►mu�nnce previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage ,
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. [f substanti:►Ily equivalent inortga�c insurance coverage is not available,Borrower�hall pay to
<br /> Y,endcr each month a sum oqual to onc-twclfth of thc ycarly mortgage insurance pmmium bcing paid by Dorro�v�r when the .
<br /> insurance coveragc lapse!l or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use c�nd retain thesc payments as a loss rcserve in lieu
<br /> of mongage insurance. Luss rescrvc paymcnts may no longer bc rccluimd, at tltc option of Lcnder, if mortgagc insur�nce
<br /> covemge(in the amount and for thc period thttt Lendcr rcquires)providcd by an insurcr approved by Lendcr again bccomcs �
<br /> availablc nnd is obtnined.Borrowcr shall pay thc pmmiums rcquired to maintain mort�age insurancc in effect,or to providc a
<br /> loss crserve.until tlie requircment for mortguge insurance ends in accordance with any written agrcemene benveen�arower �
<br /> and Lcnder or applicablc la+v.
<br /> 9. Inspectfon. Lcndcr or its ngcnt mny mukc rcnsonablc entrics upon and ins{xctions of thc Propeny. LcnJer shall
<br />- givc Romower notice at Ihe time of or prior to nn inspection specifying reasonable cause for the insp:.ction. I
<br /> 10. Conde�nnatioia. The procccds of any uward or claim for damages,din:ct or conscyuential,in connection with any
<br /> Singlc Famity-•Elonnk Mae/FhAdle Mwc UNIF�RM1f IN5TRUMENT••Uni(ortn Covcnincs 9I90 IpaRr.a��jb paRea)
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