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<br /> j T(H1t�,Tii[?R WITI�I nU thc improvemcnts nou�un c��ta�fta;r crected on thc property,nnd idl cascn2cnts,upnurtcnances, .�,.
<br /> - nnd fixturec n�w or hereafter;i pan uf thc pro�rty. All rcplc+cements nnd nddit�ons shidl uls�be cuvc�red by this Securiry �.�,;-,
<br />_.'� Insenimcnt. All of Uic(arcg�!tng is rcfcrrr.d to in this Sccurirr Cnstrument ns thc"Pra�:rty:' �>>.�
<br /> '! BORROWEiR COVI'.NAN"i'S th:ll BORUWCf Ati Iciu�fuilp aeised uF thc ctitatc hcreby coneeyed and has the ri�ht m grnm , ,
<br /> nnd cQnvey thc 1'ropcny ;ind that the Property is unanet�mtn:e�d,exccpt for crtcumbrnnccs of recorcl. Bnrro�ver wnrrnnts and ,���2.:
<br />_�'� �vill defend scnerally dt.utte eo ihe Praperty ugninf�t nll c.laintfi nnc!demunds,subject to uny encumbrinccs of re:cord. �_ ._:
<br /> =,� THIS SECURCi'Y IRSTItuM�NT mmbines unif��rr.� covenants far nationu! usc and non•uuifomi covenants with •, ,�7
<br /> limitcd vadntions by jurisdict.ian to constftutc a uniPorm�.c��uery inswment covcrinB rcal property. 1 ,,:
<br />- UNiFORM COVENA�NTS. Borrowcr and I.�:ndar r.oucromnt and agrec as follaws: ::�:�
<br />- A. Payment uf F''i(nrl�ual and Intcresl;P�c�nya�ctttt.;�d Lete Charg�w. Borcower sl�aJl promptly pay when due tha ;,._
<br />_= principa!of and intcrest on�1�:dcbt evidenccd by tho Notn und uny pmpayment and lutc charges duc under thc Note. _�;;u'
<br />° 2. Ftmdv[or'Ihxe.v w�d Insurnnce. Subject to npplir,r�6le luw or to u writtcn waiver by Lender.Bonower Shnll pay to
<br />-- Lendcr on thc day monehly pa.yunencs are duc undcr tha No�u, until the Note is naid ire full, a sum("Fl�nds")for: (a)ycurly �.:�_��
<br /> ` taxcs and assessmcnts whi.h ma.y att��in priority avvr this S��.urity Instrument ns a lien on tlic Property;(b)yeszrly lcaschold �.__
<br /> payments ar ground renis on thc Pr�peny, if uny; (c) yw�ely hazard or properey insurance premiums: (d) yr,arly flaod =__-
<br /> '=; insumnce prc:miums, if any: (c) yeurly mortg�ga insu�nncn ��remiums, if any; and (� any sums payuble by Horrower to __
<br /> g'� Lender, in accordaa►ce with th:provisians of p�agraph$,in.li�u of the paymcnt of mortgage insuranr.e premiums. These =_
<br /> items are caqed"Escrow[tems." L�nder may,ut un;�umn,calinr.t and hold Fwids in un amount not to excced the maxiinum ___
<br /> amount a lettder for a federaily related mortaago lonn Rnny cequire for Borrower's eserow uccount under die federal Real --_-
<br /> � EstAte Settlement Procedures Acc of 197A as amcneied f'rom timc�trn time, 12 U.S.C.§26�01 et seq.I,"R�SPA"),unless anothcr __
<br /> law diat applies to the Funds seGS a lesser amount. If sa,l.�:nder n�+��y,at any time,collcct and hold Funds in an cunount not to
<br /> exceed the lesser amount. Lcncier may estiinate thcs Am�unt uf Funds dus on the b�sis of current daw Ac►d masanable
<br /> estimates of expenditures of future Escrn�v Items or othc:rwice iu ncr.imdance with applicable law.
<br /> The �unds shall be hcld in un institution whose dep�sits am insured by a federai ngency, inswmentality, or entity
<br /> � (including L.ender,if[.ender ia such an institution)��r in any�c:Aera)iHome Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to�ay
<br /> die Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Horr�wer for h��ldinp �nd applying the Funds. unnually anatyzing the escrow
<br /> account, ar verifying the Escto�v Itcros. unless Lendor paye Botrower interest on the Funds and upplicuble l:tw perntits _
<br />�:::; I.endcr to make such a charge. H��wever,Lendcr msty�equir�B�arrower ta p3y a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> estate tax reporting service used h,y I_ender in connectic�n with thin lurm,unless applicable law pravides othenvise. Unless�n
<br /> �;b.r.w,.���,i�;;i;��r��pl�rnhl�law rcauire�interest to be naid.L�rnd�:r shall nat be requircd tu pay Borrowr,r any intcrest or
<br />� eamings on the Funds. BorrowRr and Lcrtdcr mny agree in�urir.ing,{wwever,that interest shall be paid on the t-unds. i.endcr
<br /> shall give to Bonower, withour.cha.rge,an unnunl accoae�dn�of ehe Funds,showing credits and debits to th�Funds and the
<br /> � purpose for which each debit ro the Funds was mn�1e, 1�e Funds��r:pledged as additional security for all,ums securcd by
<br /> this Security lnstiumcnG
<br /> If the Funds hcld by Lencler cxceed thc umaunts parrnitr,�d ta be held by applicable law, Lcnder shall nccount to
<br /> Boaower for the excess Funclv in accordance wieh tha requin:mr.r.�s of applicable law. If the amou�t of the fiunds held b3�
<br /> Lender at any time i+not sufticient tn p:�y the E,crcu�Ia:mF wh4n due,I,ender may so.notify Borrower i�w�idng,and,in �
<br /> such case Aorrawer shall �ay to Lender the amount ncc.ossaq• to make up the deficiency. Borrower ati<ill make up the
<br /> '� deficiency in no more than ta•clve monthly pnyments,at I..anderk snle discretion. _
<br /> Upon prryment in full nf nll�sums secumd by thih Securiry Int�uument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any __
<br /> Funds hcld by Lender. [f,unc�cr paragraph?.1,Lcndcr shuU�ta�uint or scll the Property,Lendcr,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> sale of the Property.sh�ll npply any Funds held by la:ndcr at thes rime of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums _ _
<br /> - securcd by this Securiry I��strumem. _._...
<br />- I 3. Applic�ttion of Fay�i4nts. Unless applicnbie law provides othenvise, aU payments receivad by Lender under .�i_
<br /> -�� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall bc applied: first,to.iny prepaymcnt chirrgcs duc under thc Note;second,to amounts payable undcr �R._
<br /> - paragraph 2;third,to intcre�t due;fourth,to principnl due;nnd lus�.U�any lute chargcs due under the Notc. _ -
<br /> ,��� 4. Charges; Llens. Bormwcr 4ha11 pay all tnxes, asses•c;nents, char��s, fines and imposiuons attributnblc to thz L'-=
<br /> Property which msy atiain priority over this Security In�,ttuntcnt,:..�d leasehold p:�yments nr gruund renGs,if any. Bonower =•-_-_
<br />-� shall pay thcse obli�ations in thc manner provided in{�suagnph�,or if not pnid in that manner,Borrowcr shall pay them on R.�,�__
<br /> tlme dirccdy to the person owed payment. Borrosver shall prompUy furnish to Lender all noticcs of amou�us to be paid under �'"
<br /> this para�rnph. IF Borrower malccs thcsc p.ryme�ts direcdy, 8urro�A�er shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing �,;�.
<br />':�� thc payments. ���°`
<br />�,�}.. �-.,.-
<br /> �; Borrower shall promptly discharge:iny lien which has prioriil ti+��cr this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrecs ;ty,,;
<br /> in writing to tl�e�ayntent of the obligation secured b}+thc lien in n rnanner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good Faith the :
<br /> - licn by,or defcnds aga9nst enforccment of the licn in,legal proc�edings which in the Lcnders opinian opr.ritc to prcvent thc
<br /> - cnforccment of the lien;or(c)secures from thc ho13Gr of chw li�n an ugrecment satisfactory to Lcnder subordinuting thc lien .
<br /> to d�is Securiry Instniment. If Lcn�lcr determines��at uny part of�lie Property is subject to a lien which muy attain priority
<br /> over this Securiry insuvment,Lender may�ive Boirou�er a natice identifying the lien. Bocrower shall satisfy the lien or talce
<br />- onc or more of th�actions set forth above within !0 days of the g+vin�;of noticc,
<br /> • 5. �iuwrd ur PeopciKy lnsurnnce. Bormwer shc�ll lccep dic improvcments now cxisting on c�rcafter erectcd on the ,
<br />- Property insurcd aguinst loss by Cire,ha•r.ards includcd within tho term"extended coveragc" and any other haznrds,including
<br />- floods or flc�odinQ, for which Lender requirr:s in��xa�ce. Thie insurance shall be maintained in the amounts und for the
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