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<br /> - �. . .. t. .. + ..
<br /> � �� ������ �.
<br /> A. Thc Bcncfici�iry, or its agcnts, arc authorizcd to cntcr at any rcason�b�t�i.c upon ar in any hart of Qic ��roperty for thc � s:
<br /> � �wgwsc of inspccting Qic samc and for the purpasc of performing any of thc acts Qicy�ue authonzcd to pcdorm undcr thc tcrms uf -
<br /> , " ," , any lo��n ii�stmments executcd by Tnistors. ,`t
<br />' .. 9. If�fl or :tny part of U�c propsrt��or any intcrest of Trustors is sold, trunsfcrred or furU�cr encumbcred without the �vrittcn � �:
<br /> ° „ „ " conscnt of Uic Hc�icficfnry,die Hcncficiary rnay dcclarc all sums securcd by this Trust Deed to be immcdiatcly duG 1nd paya�blc and
<br /> ' . ptocecd to thc rcniedics available to it undcr thc dcfault provisions containcd hcrein. �'
<br /> ;' 10. Any of thc followins evcnts s1�.1U bc dccmcd an cvcnt of dcfault hcrcundcr: ,
<br /> � f� a. Trustors shall huvc failed to mako paymcnt of uny installmr.nt of principal or intcrest or any othzr sums sccurcd hcrcby�vhen I _
<br /> , , duc: �
<br /> .y:"�;;,:•• b. Thcrc has occurrcd a brcacli of or dcfaul¢ undcr any tcrm, covcnant, agrocmcnt, condition, provision, represcntaUOn ar ,
<br /> ' ''� . �ti•arranty cottt�inacl in lhis Deed of Trust,the note or any other loan instrument secured hereby;
<br /> ' e. There has been a default by the Trustors iii the payment of�ny pnor or subsequent lien or encumbrance in respect to all or any
<br /> pan af the property: ,
<br /> �f. Tnistors sh�ll filc a voluntary pctition in bankruptcy or sh:tll bc adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent. or shall make an
<br /> � - assignmcnt for thc bcncfit of crcditors in respcct to thc properi}•:or an action to cnforcc any licn or cncumbrancc or judgments -
<br /> ' agninst the property is cammenced.
<br /> • 1l. In thc event of any default,the�tneficiary may dcclare all indebtcdness secured hereby to be dae and payable and the samc
<br />- • � shall thereupon become due and pavable�vithout any presentment,demand, protest or notice of any kind. ThereaRer,the Heneficiacy �r�„
<br />_Y� .. �y: ... : .,,,.
<br /> - . a. cither in persoii oc by agent, �r�th ar�rithout bringing anp action or proceeding, or b}�recei��er ap{tuinted by a tourt and �.��:-j,�-'.
<br /> �`�° �vithout rcgard to the adequacy of any security,entcr upon and take possession of thc property,or any part thereof,in its otvn '""�'"' •_-
<br /> � , name or in the name of the Tmstce. and do any acts which it deems necessary s►nd desirable to preserve the �•alue, .."�'w�'•��'�' '
<br />",t, marketabelily or rentability of th:prope�Ty, or part thercof, or interest therein,incrcuse the income thercfrom or�arotect the ,.;�{4,. "'
<br /> ����.1:C�15E\..Y��.q,�i,+.!MLi.�.-
<br /> � security hereof and.without ta:king posscssion of the property,suc for or othernise collect the rents, issucs and pro�ts Yheueof, - �_{.-,;;,.y�,• � �.;LL x�.
<br /> „_ includins thosc past due and unpaid, and appl�•th� same, Iess casts and espenses�f operation and collecpon, inclitding '`•"•" ���
<br /> . ' „ � attnre►ey fec�s,unon any indebtedness secured hereby, a13 in such order as t he Bene ficiary may deternune. The entering upon �`• ,� �' •J����:
<br /> „ „ !r� and taking possession of the trust estate, the collection of such rents,issues and profits and applicauon tharcof as afomsaid " ,„- -�—�_-
<br /> :_�,
<br /> ' sl�all not cure or�vaive any default or notice of default hcrcunder or invalidate any act and in response to suct►default or •.� �. 1,� � '-
<br /> ,f � - •,•�..�, ;:�.•
<br /> ' . , pursuant to such noucc of dcfault and not�uithstanding thc continuancc in posscssion of thc property or thc collection, rcccipt �',,,;;,,- . .�
<br /> ' " and application of rents,issucs or profits.Trustee or the Beneficiary may be entitled to exercise every right providsxl for in any , "`c?.�'
<br />.. i C r il 1� r � h� n � �v s ic,n �n �vp A�f cq P•
<br /> . oi il�c:ioa��isuU�;«c,�ts or�y�a:z a�n w°ucr7.,:.;,.1,'rj C'.'�:i.Of..�f�L'.., iT...!l2�IIb!.. ilat2i 0 .C_C 5....�J _I ....1 , -
<br /> b. commence an aetion to foreclose this Deed of Tn,st as a ►nortba�c, ap}wint a receiver, or specificaUy enforce mry of the
<br /> covenants hcrcof; ' '
<br /> ,;�.;,
<br /> ..,�J�'�' '� c. deliver to Trustee a�vritten d✓�larauon of default and demand for sale. and �vritten nouce of defaW.t and elecuon to cause
<br /> ' Trustors' interest in the property to be sold. �r�hich notice Trustee shall caux to be dul}•filed for record in the offccial rcxords
<br />' � of the county in Evhich the property is located.
<br /> 12. Shaul�the Beneficiary•elect to foreclose by exercise of thr,pa���er of sale herein contnined.the Ben�ciary shall notity Tmsiee �
<br /> ; and shall deposit witli Trustee this lleed of Trust and the note and such receipts and evidence of e.Kpenditures made and �ecured "'�. �
<br />_ �� • hercby as Trustee may rcqnirc,and upon royuest of the Bencficiary,the Trustee shall cause to be rocardod,publistccd und delivcred �p�.
<br /> � • to Trustor such Notice of Dcfault and Notice of Sale as then required by law and by this Decd of Trust. Ttustce sliall without dem3nct '.:•�a..w�,�e
<br /> on Tnutor,after such tame as may then be rcquircd by law and aftcr rccordation of such Notioe of Default and after Nouce of Salc `:��''M`'""'_ =
<br />, . having been given as required by law, scll tht praperty at the time and p��s�of sale fixed by it iu such Notice of Salo, either as a, �dv �-
<br /> , wliole, or in scparate lois or parccls or items as Tnistee shall dcem cxpedicnt, and in sucl� order as it may determine,at pubhe �2�._:• �f%
<br /> .� � auction ta tl�e highe5t bidder for cash And shall deliver to such purchascr or purchasers thereof a deed to the property st�!c�,wnsistent `���_:�_=
<br /> 7 �-
<br /> • �vith the law thcn in ef�'cct. Rccitals in Qie Trustee's dced shall be prima facie cvidena;af thc tmth uf the statcittents m;�de ttu;rein. �� 's'�,�,,,,„.�'
<br /> � TrusteC shall apply the proccxds of the sale in thc follo�ring ordcr:(a)to asl re�zsonable costs and c�pens.:s of tl�e sale,includxng but ' '`'�'���
<br /> ,•-�""«-_----
<br /> �, N���'.�..._._�
<br /> �� not limitcd to Tmstcc's fccs of not more dian 2°i�oT thc gross sale price,reusonable attomep fec;s and costs nf tiUe evAdencc;@)to all `�" Y . ��°_'��_
<br /> .� �'u w=�
<br /> , sums secured by this lleed of Trust: and (c) the excess. if a�iy, to tlie person or persons legally entided thereto. My person. .-';'.�.�, �
<br />- incJuding the Beneficiary,may purchase said property at sae�i s��►Ie. Trustee niay in the manner provided by law.postpenc sale of all ' �� ��' •;
<br /> °_:z� . m:.=.�-
<br />- .. or any portion of thc property. - ' , :' �;
<br /> 13. Truste�e and the Beneficiary,and ezch of t`hem. sh�U be entitled to eiil'oree payment and pedorm,�nce of any indebtedness or ,',;�`�.�=-
<br /> . obligauon secu�red hereby and to cxercisc all rights and po�vcrs under ttans Dccd of Trust or undcr any loan inswment or othcr : -�''''`"�'"
<br /> � 5;� agrecment or an}• la«•s r,or on c�re�Rer enforced notwtiths4�ndin� somc or sil� of the indebtedness and obligations sccured hcrcby , • •
<br /> ' � � whicli may no�v or hereaiter be oihenvise secured. �vhether by mortgag:.deed of trust, pledge, liei�, assignment or othcnvise. •
<br /> �;� ' � � Ncithcr thc;icceptancc of this Dccd of Trust nor its ctil'orcentent. �vhethcr by court action or pursuant w thc po�vcr of salc ot othcr �
<br />-- po�ccrs hcrcin containc�l.st►all prcjudicc or ii�any manncr a8cct Trustce's or thc Bcncficiary's z�ght to rcalizc upon ar cnforcc any I
<br />� ' othcr scc:urity no�+•on c�rcaftcn c�ld by Trustcc or thc BencficiarJ•. it bcinQ agrccd that Trustcc and the Beneficiary, and ectch of � ��
<br />.� ihem, sl�all be entiUed to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other secunt}•no�v or hereafter held by die Benefician�or Trustec:in I
<br />' such order and nu�mier as they tna�•en their absolute discretion deterniine. No rcmedy herein coadcrreci upon or rescn•ai to Tn�stce
<br />' or Beneficiary is intended ro be excDusive of any other remedy hcicin or by la�v provided or pemutted,but each shall�c cumuluu�•e ; �
<br /> and shall Ix:in additian to cvcry othcr remody givcn hcrcunder or now or hereaiter esistin�at latv or c�quity or by statute. Evc�y �
<br /> po�ti�r or remedy given by uny of the laln instruments to Tn�stec or tlic Heneficiaiy or to wtuch eithcr of them n�ay be othenvise i � �
<br /> _ . entitled may be exercised,concurrently or independently,fiom time to time a�td as often us niay be deemod e�edient by Trustee or i
<br />_ _ ,���' . Beneficiaq�,and citiier ot them may purs�ie incoi�sistent remcdies. Notluug herein shall[�e constnied as prohibitin�the Bensficiary �
<br /> -�
<br /> L.._
<br /> -`�" - -- -' from sccking a dciicicncy��udgmcnt agamst�I"rustors to tlic extcnt s�icn ac[ion is permittcd oy iaw. �--_----
<br />_ � 14. Trustors hereb}• recuesi a copy oP any nouce oF default aitd thm am notice of salc hereunder be mailed to Trustors at the �
<br /> address sct forth in thc Crst paragraph of tl�is Qced of Trust. +
<br /> . 15. The Benefici�ry inay,by a�r�ntten instrument e�cecuted and acknon•lcdged by Benefician•. ma�led toTnistors and recorded iu
<br /> = � llic Comity in wluch thc property is la�tcd:�nd by othcn�•isc compir•mg ��•ith thc pro�•ision�of tl�c applicablc laa•of tlic Statc of
<br /> _ ' N:br.lslc�7.5ubstitttte a succecsor�n dtt�TmatrF named tterCtn o�1CUnt;IteTCUtlder.
<br /> �� ^ 16. This Qced of Tr►�st appltes to and inures to thc bcncft of au�buids all partics hcreto,thcin c�irs,personal represcmat��•cs. �
<br /> ��.. _._._ __
<br /> � '� succcssors and assigns. l'hc tcrm"Bcncfician•"shall mcan thc o�r•ncr and holder uf dic notc,a•hcther or not nautcd as Hcnefician•
<br /> _ � � hcrc►n.
<br />_I� ,
<br /> � �
<br /> y ' I
<br /> _ �
<br /> � '
<br /> ..
<br />