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<br /> �R.;:;: ;�. � This DEEU OF TRU5T is mad� this 13t1� day of l�ebwu�ry, 1995, by and amon�r ST�V�N D. ; �_�;:
<br /> ::',�� .�--...,. . , .
<br /> �s�'`•�^�' '����� HANSEN a►nd CYNTl9IA E HANSEN, husbnnd and wife, hereina�er �•eferrecl to as "Tr�tstors,°' whether ' � `
<br /> -Y`=��=�•k;�,g; one dr more,whose mailing address is 2859 North atuif�ent�er RoAd, Cwiro, Ncbraslca G8��4; T�E STt�'fE � *�
<br />.-:nt�ClYrY�.7t�t�� �4 I �'.
<br /> , .. B�NK OF CAI�'RO, a Nebras&a Bu�nking Corporutlon,hereina�er refcrred to as "Tri��tee," whose mailin�; �
<br />:-���='�c,� �;�.,,`z °''� " address is Box 428, CAiro, NebrAy4cu 68824; and THE STATE �A1�IK OF CAI�tO, a l�lebrasks� BAnWn�g � , � -
<br /> ti,:.:�:',, ,< .
<br />`���� ^ `T'�';��� �orporatioa, hereinafter ref�rred to as "BeneficiArg�," whose rnailing ad�dress is Box 428, Cs�iro, NebrwskA � , „
<br />_�,.;�*�,�;�r 68824. �
<br /> ` ;'��'�������"`'"'� For valuable consideration, Trustors irrevocably grant, transfer, convey and assign to Trustee, in trust, i
<br /> ' with power of sale, for the benefit and security of Heneficiary, under arad subject to the terms and conditions of } �
<br /> this Deed of Trust,the follawing described real property located in HA[,L County, Nebraskn: I
<br /> A trad of land comprising n p.vt of thc South�4cst puartcr of thc Nonhwcst Qu�tcr(SN 1�J Y iY I 4),:md part nf thc Nurthwcst(ivarttt of tha '
<br /> , Soulhw�st Quartcr(NW U4 SW U4)of Seciion Four(4),Township Elcvr.i(I1)Uonh.Rangc 7'«alvv-(12).Wcsl nf thc 6th P.\t.,in flall Counry, �I ^
<br /> Ncixukn,morc puticululy dcsmlwd ns folloHS:
<br /> ''=1' ' ' • ( Bc�inning at ihc South�ccst comcr of said Torth�c�st Quartcr(N�1'l/4)Utcncc:�orthttly nlong�Itc IVcst linc of said Scdion Four(4),a disunca of I
<br /> " . ' ,�.. Fow Hurtdrcd Ei�tysix and'lliirty-secrn Hmidredths(aRb37)Fect:thence dc0ecting right B8° 30'17"and mm�ing Easterly,o dir,tnnce of Five � ' q
<br /> Hundred yinctyfit•c mid Sixty-sevtn Hun��ct�.ktv(595.6�Fcet;�hrna�:SuuU��71y p:uallel t.,the W�I lina of said Scciian l��ur(A),a diswnx of Six �
<br /> _..�, Hundn�d Thirtysix nnd Sevenry•throe Ifuntn�t!u(636.73)Feet:thence deQectingrip,ht AA'QS'03"mA running Wcstttly a distnncc of Five Ffundn:d I �
<br /> Nincry-fivr and Sixtyse�•�n Hundredths(595.G7)Fcct ro the Nest linc o(said S:�-ti.:i l'our(4);�lacnee 1lanhedy alonE the Wcst line of ssid Scetion
<br />° ' Four(4),�dist�ncc af Onc Hundmd Fiftyfuur:u�d Scvcr.q'-ttvtir Hundredthv(15S T�)p�et to thc plare of bcginning. ' ^
<br /> I
<br /> ,;;' . ..
<br /> � .� t�,s+�tr�er with all buildings, improvemencs, fixtt:res,streets, alleys, passa�ev�ays, easements,riLrhts, privile�es and I
<br /> .. ;:•'
<br /> . � appurtenances located ther�eon,and all personal property that may be or hereafter become an intebral part of such ,
<br /> �� . ' buildings and improvements, all cro�s raised thereon, and all water rights, all of which, including replacements ' '�,,'�
<br /> ��� � and additions thereto, are hereby de�9�red to be a part �f the real estate conveyed in trust hereby, it being agreed , _
<br /> "�`°'�'�'� � '� 'a ;h' tl�at all of the fore oin s�flli be hereic�after re�'err�d to as the "Praperty." ���;
<br /> �.r.;.,•,:�� ) S $ I Y�.
<br /> '�,^i;�r:F: ,. i1:�,��r,� � x
<br /> ,�.,3,���, - ..�:.�3!..�.,_ r�,,�,-� -m�rx� ta3�I'rD/1C� o'l�QL`!'TTDiN!_. ��. _ ��
<br />... . -, �..;}c���,=. Z'l1�IIh Y AL' i V1�1 vva,v.ra .sa��.v a�aa..s. —`� " -�
<br /> � �^��
<br /> . ,,,1' d.�. ;
<br /> YY� .•�
<br /> � y� a. Pa nent of ia�debCedness evidenced by �"rustors' note of even date herewiih in the principal sum of � . ,:,;:';;°�-':,,;',:;
<br /> Y�
<br />, ...,, ;�; ;�;.:,,,...�,ti�;,.^_;,-�,�.;
<br /> ,,;i.;;. , • $100.000.00,together wrt1�interest at the rate or rAtes provided therein, and any and all renewals, modi�acations y;:�.,,J:,,�Y.,:,,��, ;�
<br /> �'�•,4�' ' and extensions of such na2e, both principal and interest �n the note being payable in accordance with the terms �:°�' `:«+`�•'r� �"�
<br /> �,� ' set forth therein, which by this reference is hereby made a part hereof; ��' ��:ii��`'�;�'
<br /> .;,:r�x„�;,. „ r
<br /> ;;±,:�;•.,. % b. The performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustors her�in contained;and .� '�
<br /> �.,;;;::'..;�i�� � ••� c. The payment of a!I sums advanced by Beneficiary under the tersns of this Deed of Trust, together witii � - �" �;��
<br /> .`,. .;,i, , '
<br /> �.;��`,� interest th�ereon at the r�te provided in the note. ,,i'.-�,� ,
<br /> �'�' �. , d. The ak�as�amow�t is secured even though�ll or part of it rnay not yet be advu��ce. Future advances�*nder ;:4;.'- ..�; �
<br />:' '��.. � {' the agreement are contemplated and will be secured to the same extent as if made on the date this deed of tn.ist is ' ,�;.,�%�:�
<br /> .Yf,L..,:.'• ..� . � ' r^.
<br /> .,�,.:�:�;+�;... .,..�..... exec�ted. t'� :'„�....;
<br /> ./, ,;..,: < : .��• � .
<br /> � � ` ,:�;•`.''. �..
<br /> � . .. . ij" �,..�,''.'�''''�.� . �:✓+
<br />� f`� ���. t ..
<br /> '�� l. To pay �vhen due, tL�princi�.�s7 of, and the interzst on, the indebicdness cvidcnced by the note, charges, fees and all otlier 't•'}�''�'�%� ��;•' ;�� t' '
<br /> t I';r �`,��'? ' • _
<br /> � ��'°'�`�• • �� sums as providcd in the loan c�strumcnts. ('��`.� � ;�Mi,J»
<br /> S.'::':.'� � .
<br /> ::;.:;' 2. Trustors are the o�r•ncrs of thc property and ha�-e thc right and autlivrity to ceccutc t�tes Deed ot Ttust in respect to the J,�,' . ��-_"�:':�_,,
<br /> =i.,,,r:. '.;; P PcrtY• , �' ,
<br /> ro ,:, =:��
<br /> - - 3. To pay, �vhen duc, all tares, spa:i�l assessments and all aihcr char�es against thc proxrty, bcforc thc same beCOme � ,;�:;i.��
<br /> �.'" � '� dclinquent. Trustors shall pay all taKCS aR�:�ssessn►ents�vhich may bc lcvicd u n Bcne�cia s m;.rest hcrcin or u n this Dced of � �{'��'� �
<br /> l�o ry' Po �;,.t��.�a.•
<br />-•,,�;, •, Ttust or the debt secured hereby,without regard to any la�v that may be enacied imposing payment of the whole or any part tt�ereof
<br /> '`:,�� ' upon tl�c Bcneficiary. ��� � .
<br /> �" • �±� 4. To kccp thc impro�•cmcnts no��•on c�rcattcr lucatcd on the property insurcd against damagc by firc and s�ich othcr harards as . ;. :•:
<br /> � .; the Beneficiary n�S•ra�uim.in amounts��ui companies acceptable to the Deneficiary,Such insurance policy shall contain a stas�dard I • •�
<br /> ,t,.'.::
<br /> mortgage clause�n fa��or of Henefici�try Tnistor shall promptl}• repair, mnintain sind replace the property or an}•part therenf,so � �. s;,.
<br />- ' ' diat,c!cccpt for ordinary«�ear and tcar,tltc properry shall not dctcrioratc.
<br /> _ 5. In Uie cvcnt t he property. or any pa�t�l►crco f, s i�a l l b e i a k c n b y e m�n e n t d�m a i m,t h c B c n c f e c i a ry i s c n t i t l c�t o c a i l o c t a n d
<br /> �,a rccci��c all oompensution ichich may be paid for any property taken ar fox dantagcs to properry not taken,and Uie He�ieFciary slinll .,
<br /> r apply sucli con�pensntiom.at its option,eitticr to a raluction of the indebtedness saural nereby,or ro repair and restorc th�prop:rty
<br /> ::� .
<br /> , . , ; so takcn. . , .� .
<br /> •�" ���°.. , G. The Heneficiary may. but sh:ill have no obligauon to, da any act �ti•hi�ct�Trustor� ha�e agreed but failed to do, and the ..
<br /> ,
<br /> .. ^---"-'--°--•-'--�__._......:..��...o.,o..o��o..�rn nrnfMt thn lirn hnrcnf Tm�ctnrc �orn�tn ron�v uma denv�nd. anv slms sn �_-_°'-____,-_-_
<br /> c-�-=1�_i"�-•�---- oetteu�taay uee�niaruvm.r a........r............,.......,, .��•-^-- -- --- ----- ---._ �._. ._ _�__,,. .,... _- . ' r--- - �--
<br /> - -- -------- -----`---
<br /> � , . � cxpendcd b�•the Bene6cia�y far the abave purposes.and an}•sum so expendcd sl�.�ll be added to the ir�debtedness s��cured I�ereby and �
<br /> ..
<br /> � ,. Uecome s.,^cure�by t!►e ticn ItereoE. Tlte Heneficiary' sl�all iio iucur a�ry liabilin� bccause of an}7liing it n�ay do or omit to 0
<br /> -_--�._._ ;}, hcreueider. _ - ., •
<br /> - " • 7. Tite Reneficiary sh�tll hace the righi, pon•er ans!auUiority during the continuance of tl�is Deed of Tnist to collect thc rents.
<br /> ���; � ,� �ssucs:md nrofits of tlac propcm• and of any personal property located thcrcon tisi;h or n•ithnut taking possession of thc pto{�ctt,y �
<br /> - ' .►ft'ectcd hctcby.and T[ustors ltcreby�bsolutery aind uncouui�ion��iiy assibn:�il suci� rcnts,i��iva au�u pro$is tu iitc ix:uCiiaiary. Tiic � - �-_- � -
<br /> . .. , � bcncficiary.Iio�4c�•cr. hcrcb}•conscnts to Trustors'collection an�rctcntion of sesch rcnts,iss�ics�nd profits, so lon�as Trustors arc � T -
<br />- � j nat, at such timc, ��►d��:iutt irith respcct to paynunt of any�ind�btedness s�cur�hereby.or in tlie pedormance of�uip aF,reement !
<br /> licrcundcr. If any cvcnt of def:�ult dcscnbcd hcrc.�tltcr m respcct to this Dccd of Txust shall havic ecc;urccd mid bc continuin�.dtc I
<br /> ' BencTiciarv,as a�naucr of n�ht and n•ithout noucc to'I'nistors or am•onc cl�un�ng undcr Trustoas.and without re�rd to thc�;�luc of � '
<br /> � F'� ' titc trust cstatc or thc mterest of dic Trustors tltsrc�n. shall lut�•c t4c ught �o appl}•�o any coutt having jurisdiction to :�ppoint a � ��
<br />-- • . rcccivcr of thc property. i '
<br />:� . . .
<br />-- ; . I .
<br /> � , I '
<br />