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<br /> 1`l: Without aficciicia tIL�li2iii[ity of any othce(�cr�on liable d'or the paymc';n�f'Sny ob�g���i�.T���mcntioned, 11tfI PJIl110l11
<br /> :�fia:ciixxg tiic lien or c!!:lY���0�1�i1G nG:.f�Qf�1'YU;I IIjI0l1 AFI�I�lD7ilOfl Of(�lC�]TOtii,ti�I101 lPiCll OY IIICYCIOPQfC fCIC:I�CC�tl���CUYI[J7 fOP 1{!C
<br /> ful!µiy�nent of alt unp.�id ablip,ations,thc:Bcne�ci�r+may,from timc to tiinc and without�cot[ce: (wq releas�any persons so liabte; _
<br /> @)extond the maturity or alter any of the terms of any snch obllgaUon;tc)grant other indalEences; (d)release or recanvcy�t the
<br /> Bencficilry's opti�n any p�rcci,portiun or all of the propcny; (e)t�.ke or release any oth�r or addiYional sccudty for any abligntion
<br /> herein mentioned;or(ty make compositions or othcr arr,►ngemcnta�vith debtors in relation thercto. �
<br /> 18. This Uced of TruSt shall bc�overncd tiy tho la�vs of thc Stute of Ncbrask�and,in thc evccst any onc ar morc of►hc provisions
<br /> oontained hcrein,or the note or any other sr,��urity insuumcnt�ivcn in comiccaon witi►ciiis trao�ctioyi sSu�ll tic�'a�any i�eason!�•_!�3 �
<br /> to be invalid, illegal or uncnforceablc, in any respect, such lnvnlidity, illegality or unenforccability shall not affcct arty o�thcr
<br /> provisions of this Deed of Trast,but die Deed of Truct shall be construcd as if such invlliQ illegal or uncntorosable provision had
<br /> ncver becn caualc►ed hercin or therein.
<br /> 19. Any forbearancc by th� Bcncficiary or Tnutco in excrcising su►y right or remedy hercwider, or othenvlsc af�'ordcd by
<br /> a�SpGcablC la�v,shall not be a wvver of or preclude the exercise oF any such right or remedy hereundea. [,ike�vise,the�vaiver by the
<br /> Bencficiuy ar Txustee of�ny dcfault of thc Trustcrs undcr this i�ccd of Trust shall not bc dccmcd to be a�vaivcr nf tuey otEier or _
<br /> similar default suhsequr.ntly occurring. �
<br /> Z0. Upon Qic wriuen rcqur,st of titc Heucficiary stating iliat all sums sc�ucd hcreby havc becn paid,ancl uFon siurend�r af this ;,:
<br /> Dccd of Trust and thc note to th:Trustcr.for canccilation and retention and upon paymcnt by Trustors of Trustec'c fa:s,Trustce shall =
<br /> recanvcy to Tn�stors, or the person or persons le�ally� entitled thcreto,wnthout wturanty, any portion of the property then t►eld
<br /> hereiunder. Recits3ls in such recanvcyAnce of any matters or facts st�all be conclu5ivc proof of the uuthfulness thercjof. Grantecs in
<br /> tt.o;ccunvcyance may t�e d^-scribed as thc"ncrsnn or persons legally entidcd thcreto."
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Trustors have executed this Deed of Trust on the date Srst nated ubove.
<br /> / -- � /�,,�/�t.oe.s�c.�-
<br /> _ /�,i�rl1>r' �����n.r J
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA) " 4Y1V'1'131f�1:LiA1V�L1Y
<br /> )SS
<br /> C�UNTX OF HALL )
<br /> he fore�oing instrument was acknowled�ed before me on February 13, ig95,by STEVEIV D.HANSEN
<br /> and CYIeITHIA E HANSEI!', husb�nd aad wife. �
<br /> iE�ll R��M M Mik1� �
<br /> W 0 a�E�q►,�
<br /> TARY P�JBLIC ��
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />