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<br /> �� In accordans,�with 4he provisions of the Nebra3ka�arm I-Y�mestead�'rotection Act, thc und�ersigned, S`i E`d�N �=���
<br /> _ [►. HANS�PT �nd CYNT�IIA E HANSEIY, laueb�nd An�l�rife, prior to exeCUting the �ttached Deed of Trust ---
<br /> dated Febru�iry 13, 1995, by and between the undersigned and THE STATE �ANK OF CAIRO, A "�"'
<br /> �:;'`
<br /> NehrASka Bar�king Curporation,(her�inafter referre�to as"Mortgnge")hereby state and Rcknawledge: .�..
<br />_ �y
<br /> �.� ° �`
<br />- 1. The undersigned states, warrants and represents that their dwelli�a�hou�e and other buildings suhject to a �
<br /> homestea,d are prPSently lacated upon the follawing described re�l estate(hereafter refeered to as"Parcel 1") �
<br />_:,� _..
<br /> - A tnct of land canprising a put of Ihe SarihK'at Quartnr af thc Idorthuai Qua[tcr(SlV V4 NlV 1/4),and put of tho No�hK•GSt Quuta of t!a Sowhwest
<br /> - Quarta(NW 1/A SW 1�4)of Section Four(4).Taunship Clcva�(11)North,Wngo'Itr:ivc(i2).Wesi of thc 6W P.Al.,in H�11 Gw.�ty,Nebra+ic�more
<br />�� ��ti�vl�ly dcvrtlx+i a!Cn}loH�: ---
<br /> Bcginning at the SouthK�est oorncr of wid:darthu•at Quarter(NW V4)tlxnce Nonherty dung the Weu lina of�xid Soctim Fau(4),n dlia�+noa ot'Four Hundrod
<br /> �-� Ei�lilyaix ud 77iirty-secrn}Iundred�hs(486.3�Fect:Uienco detlecting rip,ht B5•30'IT'u�d running Eastaly, �distu�co of Fiva Hundred Nimty-five�nd
<br /> Sixty�secrn Hundir.�hi(59lb?) Fat; �lunca Southeriv psralld to the Wcst line of raicl 5ation Four(4), n elistuica of 3ix HuaBrod 7hirty{ix u�d
<br />.� Set•ariythrea HunQix+t:lw(636.7�)Foct:thrnca dellecti��g�ight B8•OS'03"and tuming WcR�rly a diaaixe of Fiva Hu�dnd Ninetyfive iud Sixry�mm
<br /> HunArcd�hs(595 6�Ncct to iho�Val lirv:of wid&edion Eour(4};thcnca Natherly nlong tl�e West line of said Scction Fau(4),�disLnce ofOno Huncted
<br /> FiRyfow and SeccMpalvee Hwu.IrcAhs(154.73)Fect to tta place of begiming.
<br />'4 2. The unde�rsigned acknowledges that they h��ve a right to make a designation�f home5tead 'an the Mortgnga
<br /> or Deed of Tnist for the purpose of ai�ording the opporturaity to retain their homesiead in She ev�rit of
<br /> ��� default and foreClosure under the Mortg��e or trustc�e's s�le�a�adeU the Deed of Trust.
<br /> 3. The undersigned acknowletlgcg that the e�ecutiun of this waiver constitutes th� ca�mplete waiver of rights
<br /> otherwise available for the purpose of affor�ding the opporn.s�uty to retain a homestead in the event of a
<br />_ defaule and any fareclosure under the Mnt�a�;e or trustee's sa�e�nder the De�d of Trust,
<br /> 4. The andersigned state t6�i this ackpowledgmeat and wAitier is their knowing�nd volnnt�ry xct�tnd
<br />�-:� dccd and thc undersibned do hereby willengly and volunt�roly�r�ive, relinquish xnd.remisc any xnd _
<br /> � �tu rig�t Ito m�ke a design�tion of hom�stead in the MortgAge or�Deed of'fYus�
<br /> - S. The und�rsigned further understand and agree that this acknowledgment and waiver shall be filed ns a
<br />-� Preface to and become a purt of the Mortgage or Deed of Trust.
<br /> ._�
<br /> � Aated: FebruAry 13,1995 .
<br />_ = __���.u�.�����.ac�i —
<br /> - ST�VEN D.HANSEN
<br /> _� •
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<br />`-`:; Cl'I� E HANSEN --
<br /> �� STATE O�'NEBR�SI�A)
<br /> �' )SS �_
<br />- � COUN'I"Y OF NAI.L ) �;;.._
<br />_ � j;:�n:
<br /> The forc�oin�instrument �vas ackno�vlecig� befrar�me on Febn.i�ry 1�, 1995, by ST��EN D. HANSEN +r�°-
<br /> _ sud CYN'T�IA�HANSEN,hasband a�d c�uG�. � �
<br /> . '
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