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��1:�r�. ...._�� :.� : ....s . --,.. .... � ��� <br /> �i�i..51 - � .. .. _.�.-...a.. . <br /> .vu�� � . ,� --�-u.w.vrs,p�-.. .�t.n.. <br /> _� �:: .. ., , °'��Tt�'��C�r..;"g+r;k� � �• .. ,. ,�`w:��;s;*�;��w`>T;°_ <br /> i.�1pM�.�HWa�r,UrrvN.Mict�isarw�.1�.5,,,,Mµ,rxpyr.'t.�LRA.M31S�'+AR�l�r�NkX+.r�.:H,.:r.. �_.. . . ..n. _ ,. �.-: _ ..._ -._:.,..�. .,...�;. . <br /> . .__.- " ---•"_ u... -.. - „w� �"s�"-'--`-'°� .'.��--�raub,.';�„rr•,.�y„v.. -. .�.... n'�tar`- -_.. <br /> - Pa7.a -'3..-ii'Lv ._:�_.��._ _�''_a?=s.. 1 .:" ,.::., �'wy .��.� _ _ <br /> .�,. �.i.. -- � �-=°::di.'°.,.'�'iH�ilJli��YFWLWl1,:�♦�.K�'�.��!,�.,5'._n��l- . ::a �� _..�......._ <br /> _ �1i�uYiA{�'J/�J'.!i..7J..+(.�' ...�l.a..;, t � � , . .._ �1'�. ,_ � _ .� . ...._ - -r i . " <br /> v �?StY%S:+�t'15�ui�nc--y:. . . . r . . .. . � . <br /> -, ,.�;_ <br />.. ,.'t' ..�i _ ,r ^:. '• . ' . . . �, � <br /> . . .. . .. .. . <br />_.�__.'�__.___._... . _. ... _ . . .. <br /> (� �\�`/�V� '�(��^-: <br />,.:�V911 `-' �, <br /> puymentti may nu lon�cr Ue rcquircnl, nt titc cipti��n uf I.cndcr, ii'mnrtgngc iu:,uriiucr ravcral�c(in tlic mm�unt i�nd fc�r iha period ��J <br /> �I that I.ender rcc�uires) prov�dcd by un insurer apprmed by l.ender n�;ain hcc.ime,nvnlinble und iti ohtuined. Qurrmvcr.r•hall pay =�,, <br /> �, the prc�niunLS required to maintain moreg��;e intiin•:mce in effect. ��r�o pr�+vide n lus�; rescrve,until the rcyuirement fnr mortg��ge ,.. <br />� insurance cnds in uccot�iance�vith any wriucn agreement betwcen Borrowcr und l.cndcr ur upplic:�blc law. r� <br />-�� <br /> 9.6ispeetQ�n. l.etider or its ugent may make reasoitttble entries upon and inspecticros of the Property. Lettder sh,dl gfve =r��4; <br /> °�� Barrower notice at the time of or priur t��an inspection specifying reasonuble cause tor the inspection. �:;_:: <br /> 10.Coudcmnation. Thc prua�'cis of any awnrd or claiim for dumagcs, dircct or consequcntial, in cuuncctirni with any t.t�! <br />- condemnation or other tal<in�of any parc of tt�e Property, or for comeyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby ;►ssi�ned and i{`�;l <br />:1 ! shall bc paid to l..ender. Y <br /> �'��� <br />- In the event of a total taAina of thc Properry. thc procc.cds shall bc applicd ta the sums secured by this Security lnstnunent. _�;�"�.--: <br />"�' whcther or not thcn due. �vith any cxccss paid to Barrawer. In the event of a partial tuking uf thc Property in whicl� thc fair _-_ <br /> " ' murket value af thc Property immediately befare thc takinII is eqasl to or grcater than thc nmount nf thc sums securui !,y this <br />' ;,�� Securiry Instrument immecliatcly bcforc thc taking,unless Borrowcr ard l.cnder othcrwise ugrce in writing,the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument s�hall 6c� rcduced by the amount of thc proceed< ••�ultiplied by thc following fraction: (a) the total <br />-��� nmount of the sums secured immedi�itely beforc the takin�, divided by �hl th:faor market valuc of the Property immediately <br /> befare thc taking. Any balance shall he paid lo Burruwer. In the evcnt ot ��:.:Lt�l IAk►Dg of lhC Property in which dir, G�ir <br /> market value of thc Pro�erty immediutely before the tuking is less th�an t1 e amount of thc sums stcurcd immediately beforc ttte <br />..�!; taking, wilcss Borrower and I.ender othenvisc agrcc in v,riting c�r unless applicablc law otherwise providcs, thc nrnn•e AS shall _ _ <br />��� be app!ied to the sums securcd�y this Sccurity Instrument whcthcr or not the sums ace dun due. __- <br /> If the Property is nbandoncd by Borrower,or if, ufler noticc by Lcnder to Borrowcr that thc condemnor offcrs to make an ;r <br /> award or settic u clairn for damagcs. Borruwcr fails to respond to Lendcr within 30 days aftcr the date �hc notice is given, <br /> ;";:_ <br />,�'�' I I.ender is uuthoriud to coUcct.tind apply 2he prac�eds, at its option, eithcr to restoration or rcpair of the Property or ro d�e sums <br /> � secured by this 3ecurity Iastrument,whether or not then due. <br /> �� � Unlcss Lcnder and Borrow�e� othenvise agree in writing, any applicution of pmcceds ta principal shall not extend or <br />.`�;�! postponc the duc date of thc monthly pnytnents refcrr.,d to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or changc the;nmount of such payments. <br /> � 11.�arro�ver Not Q3cleased;Forbeurance Ay Lender Nut a Wuiver. Extcnsion of thc time Cor paymcnt or modificAtian <br />;�,�e, of amonizazion oi ine auma.ecwcu by ii�i�Sccur;.y �wuu��iit �:�.'�.�°.���%j�.w:���Cr In an�c��rrrccnr in interest of Dot'rower shall <br /> j_...... <br /> '' not operatc to release the liabiliry of the originul Borrowcr or Borrower's successors in interest. Lendcr shall not be requirecl to <br /> c�mmence proccedings against any suc:cessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othcrwise malify amonization <br /> of the sums secured by this Security In.r•trume�ll by rcason af uny demund made by the originul Borm«•er or Uorrower's <br />,_:� succcssors in intcrest. Any forbcarunce by Lender in cxereising;my ri�ht or remi,dy shall not bc a waive►•of or prcclttde the <br /> exercise nf any right or remedy. <br /> z� 12. Successors nnd Assigns Bound; Jolnt u��d Sevcral Liabllity; Co-Slgnery. The covenants and agreemcnts of this _ <br /> _"� Sccurity Instrumcnt sliall bind anJ bcnefit the succcx�c�n and assigns of Lcnder and Bonowcr, subjcct to the provisions of _. <br /> �� parngraph 17. Borrowcr's covenants and agrccmcnts shull bc joint nnd scvcral. Any Iiorrowcr �vha ca-signs this Sccurity <br /> � lnst�ument but docs not c�;ccutc thc Nnte: �a) is co-signing this Sccurity Instrumcnt only to mangufic, grant and convcy thut <br /> �orcowcr's intcrcst in�hc Property undcr thc tcrms of this Sccurity Instrumcnt;Ibl i.r not pers�inally obligutcJ to pay thc sums <br /> -- secured by this Securiry[nstrununt: and lcl agrees that L.enJer anJ uny other Borruwcr may agree to extend, ntalify,forbenr or <br /> ,� makc any accommodutiuns�vith rc�;ard to thc tcrms of this Sccurity Instrumcnt or thr N��tc ai�h�sut that E3orcowcr's conscnt. _ <br /> � 13.Lnan Cliurfics. !f thc loan sccutcd by this Security Instrumc�u is suhjcc� t<�.� I:nv�vhich scts mu::iutwn loan churgcs, <br /> � and that law is finally intcrprc�cd w that thc intcrest ur uthcr luan chargcs collcctcd ur to be callectcd in crnincctiun with thc �__ <br /> '- loan exceed the permittcd limits, then: (a)any such loan cliarge rhall be n:duced by Uie amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> '`'� to the pecmitteJ limit:and(bl any tiums alra�dy collected Frum Borrower which exceeded permittcd limi¢s will be refunded to -- <br /> :� Botmwcr. Lendcr may rhou�r tu make this rcfund by rcduring the principal uwcd widcr thc Notc or by makin� a dircct v.__ <br /> `_' payment to Horrower. If a refunJ mduces principul, tl�c reduction will h: tre.ued as a p�rtial prepayment witOwut ,my _ <br /> ',� prcpayntent d�urgc undcr thc Nc�tc. •-i <br /> '_'� 14.Nottces.Any iwlicc ro Borro�vcr provided for in this Sccurity Insaumcnt shall bc givcn by dclivcring it or by mailing Kp�``- <br /> �i it by tirst dass mail unless applicable law reyuires use of nnother method. Tlie notice shall be directed to the Propcny Address [�:�;:� <br /> � or any ocher uddress Borrowcr dc�i�nntes by notice to Lcndcr. Any notice to I.cndcr shall bc givcn by fint clasti mail to ,.�_y <br /> -�� Lcnder's address stated herein or any other address Lcnder design�tes by nnticc tn Borrowcr. Any nititicc providcd for in this <br /> ��� Sccurity Instrumen�shall bc dccmcd to have hccn givcn to�orro�ver nr Lcndcr�vhen givcn uti providcd in this para�Mp6. <br /> '° lS.Go��crnln� La�r•; ScvcrahiliQy. This Scrurity Inscrument shall hc govcrncd by fccicral la�v and thc law of thc <br />: •' jurisdiction in which the Propeny i, loratcd. In the event thut any pri�visicm or rlau�c of Ihis Sccurity lnstrument or the Notc <br /> conllicts tvith applicablc luw, such conflict shall not+►ffect othcr provicion� of tbis Sc�urity Instrumcnt or thc Notc which can bc <br /> given cffect withuut the conFlicting provi�ian.To tliis end thc provisions of this Security Instrument and dte Note arc Jeclared ;�,y�. <br /> ';'2� to bc scvcrablc. <br /> 16.Borro�ser's Copy. Borrowcr shall be givcn onc confonncJ copy��f the Notc and oF this Scrurity(ntitrument. <br /> F� Fotm 3028 9/90 � <br /> � <br /> _xy Po�o a ot 0 <br /> � <br /> � �,'� <br />:-�tZ r 1.8------ � �'--_^-_......-'--- <br />--�:.��+t�'�rt�v���'-�ce°...�„i—.._._-.. -.__.----�-. --. -.�.- -. -- .---rr-�Si�n''�� ' <br /> _ �r..}� • '... <br /> 'r. <br />.-_, • �. .. ' ' �� . .:�: <br />-_- • .. ..,��. � - . ., <br />_�� ' , . � . � .. , <br /> -' . . - .. " . . . . :'�" .�"•i�V-i; . <br /> �i . • - . . .J,.J� • J�ti. .. , . <br /> .v'� '. ' .� ti�' � �y���)-,.-71•.i:• . . <br /> � r � . . !l . .. ..'' � � .. <br /> � } _ . .. .. ' . . ` . . <br /> . .. <br /> . . <br /> �� " <br /> — . ..—"'. .. - . ' - .� - .. <br />