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<br />':_"'-�°�`'�`'-°-v:L• 17. Trnnyfcr ot thr. Prn rt nr i�Ilcneficlul Intcrevt In llorrowcr. If ull or nn .
<br />: x�a�Y� !x y Y part of thc Property ur uny intcrctit in it —
<br /> �•�'�7��"�L�. is sold or tamsf'crrcd (or i€n bcncticial intcrctit in q��rrowcr i,sold ur iransfcrral and Hurrowcr i�noc a natural perr�m)�vithout ' � o
<br /> '_"-__ I.cndcr'.r• prior writtcn conscnt. L.endcr may, at itti option, requirc im+ncdiatc payn�ent in full of ull tiums ,ecurcd by this ' � �
<br /> •��<: ���:,►i.l�-:� Security InslruntenL F(uwcver. this option shuU ni�t hc excrciscd I�y I.en�ler if exerci+c i�pmhibitcd hy (eder.�!I�iw ati nf the d.ue - ._ .,
<br /> : of this Sccurity lnstninicnt.
<br /> � �•a lf l.cndcr cxcrciscs this optian,I.c.ndcr shnll givc Borro�vcr n��ticc of acccicrutiun. Thc noticc shull providc a perioJ of not . ' .
<br /> _��:�._-�, Iess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wi�hin which Borri�wcr mutit puy ull swns secured by this .
<br /> :;: Sauriry Instnimcnt. If Borrowcr fails to pay thcsc sums priur to thc cxpiration of uiis peric�d, L.cnJcr may invokc any rcmedics � •
<br /> -----',-' ' permittcd by this Security Instrument witliout furthcr notirc or dcmand un Borrawcr. -
<br /> -__-='•, 18. BorroNCr'y RI�i�9 to Reln.�tute. if Uorrower meets certain conditions. Burr<nver shall have th� right t�i have
<br /> "�"' enforcemr.nt of this Securit Insirument discontinued at an time rior to the carlier of: (a► 5 da + (or suclt othcr erind as
<br /> _=:::�M.•. Y Y p � Y• }� �
<br /> ---�s' applicablc law may specify for rcinstatcmcnt) bcfore sale of thc Property pur�uant tu any powcr uf snlc rontiiined in this „ . -
<br /> __��3; Security Instrumcnt; or(bl entry of a judgment cnforcing this Security[nstrumcnt. Thosc conditi�ms arc that Borro�vcr: (a)pays �• .,� �
<br /> Lender all sums�vhich then woulcf be due under tl�is Security Instrument and the Note as if na acccleration had occurred; (b) •
<br /> .3w+SL�... • —
<br /> ,,,,,�_��,} ' cures any defauls of any otlier covenants ur agreements; (c)pays all ex�cics�s incurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrument. ..,�;,"':���'f"�s•;,�.—
<br /> ���.�. including, but not limited to, rctitionable attorneys' fccs; and(d)takes z�rh action as Lcndcr may rcasonubly require to assurc �� ��°'�� �°=
<br /> -'—�� ... ,- 4hrwi�fYR�_
<br /> --- ::�a that the lien of this Securiry[nstrununt, Lender's rights in the Property und Horrower's ubligation to pay the sums secured by �. , ��.�,��.ny,
<br /> _ ____�`� this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrov:cr, this Security Instrument and the �'��;'
<br /> �:����`�
<br /> -���� obligations secured herchy shaU remain fully effective ati if nu uceeleratiun I�ad nccurrtti.i.Hut+�eti�er. this right to reinstate shal( •;,;..,.,,,�, :_ _`.---
<br /> ,..,�i���• not upply in the case of acceleration under paragrnph 17. •' '„ �_
<br /> —?� 19. Sale uf Note; Chnn�Ge of I.oan Servicer. The Notc or a partial intcrest in the Notc (toeether with this Security v.��` _ _-
<br />��i��.�v;-,'�i� '� Insnument)may be sald one or more tintes without prior�zotice to Borrower. A salc rrtay result in a change in the entity(known R" �'''''''
<br /> . ,�� � _. ,.. �r �"�;%.'::
<br /> as the"Loan Serviccr")thut collects mvnthly paymencs due undcr thc Note and this 5:.-::x;ty Ins[rument. Therc also may bc one :,�;,-' -
<br />.,,,''' �I"'
<br /> "�� or more changcs of the Loun Serviccr unrclated to a sale of the iVotc. If ihere is a rha^r.e of the I�an Serviccr, Borrawcr will be , �,-,.::.;���-
<br /> �� �'w'r �' l given written notice of thc chan�e in accordance with pnr�grnph 14 ahavt:2rd upplicnble l,�w.The notice wiU state the name and :v>�,--- �
<br />-��.ai�i.l,•,.w�:s
<br />_�����;. address of die new Loan Scrvicer :�nd the address to which payme�,ts shauld be mude. The noticc will also contain any other === -
<br /> ::�.�,t��,;' information rcyuireil by applicablc law. - _- —
<br />�;���7 `� 20. Hnznrdoo5 5ubstane�s. Borrower shall nat cuuse ar permit che presence, use, disposal, szPrage, or retease of any _ --
<br />. ,;�, Hazardous Substances on or in the Prnperty. Barrower shall not do, nrn• allow anyonc clse to do, unything ad'fecting tne _� -
<br /> ;� Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The precezline nvo sentences shnll not:�pply to the presence, use, or ,f�.�n
<br /> �j• � ` storagc on the Property of small quantities of Hazltdous Substances that are generally recognized eo he appropriate to n��rmul �1�;:,
<br /> �•.:- '_�� [CSIdC11119I USC>:III(I fA 111:11IliCIIAfIfP nf rtir pr�r��rro ���'+.�
<br /> .. ._ .._ . .. ��_.�-s
<br />;:+�:�� `' Borrower sholl pron�ptly give Lender written notice �if any investi��.tion,claim, demand, lawsuit or other uction by any =..�
<br /> ::•;;� ' govcrnmental or regulatory agency or privute party invulving thc Property and any Hazardous 5ubstancc or Environmental Luw -----
<br /> �` y:`�, of�vhich Borrowcr has acmal knowlcclgc. If Borrowcr Icurns, c�r is notificd by any govemmcntal or rcgulutory authority,that
<br />'�•� any removal or othcr rcmeciiation c�f any Huzardous Subspince affcctin the Prn crt is necessn Borrower shaU rom tl take -
<br /> L..�: . G P Y�• ►�'• P P Y
<br /> all nccessury remcdiul actions in accorJuncc�vith Environmcntal Law.
<br /> _�'�� As uscd in this para�raph 2�. 'Ha�rdous Suhstanccs"arc thosc wbstunccs defincd as toxic ar harardous substunccs by
<br /> - _��,� Environmcntal I.aw at�d the following tiubstanccs: gasolinc, kcrosene, other fl,nnmablc ar tnxic pctrolcum �nxfucts, toxic
<br /> � pcsticides and hcrbicidcs, volatilc�olvcnts, matcrials cuntaining iisbcstos or formaldchydc,and raJivactivc mntcnnls.As uscd in
<br />"""���"'�`R=� this paragraph 20, "Environmcntnl law" mcans fcdend laws ;uid I.�ws of the jurisJiction where thc t�roperty is located that
<br /> -'`r'''��'=-i� rclntc to hcalth,safcty or cnvircmmcntnl pr�itection.
<br /> " �� hQN�UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lcndcr funlicr rovcnant and agrcc us follows:
<br />�-�"� -
<br /> ,._,�. Zl. Acceleratlam,[temedtes. I.ender tihuU�fve notice to liorrower prfor tu ucce(eratluu follo�ving Ilurrnwer'ti brcazd
<br /> y�,��� ot uny ca�venunt nr agreement In tl�is ScYU�9ty Instrument (but not �rtor to ucee�erallon under purs�qcaph 17 unless
<br />_�;,�u...�_� appliu�blc law providcs M6er�ctse),The notice shall spcclfy: (n) the defauet; (b) thc uctlo�requircd t�cure the defaait; -
<br /> _�„��.�� (c)a date. na�t Icss than i0 Aa���rnm the di�te the itoxice Is�Iven to Iiorro�ser�by�rhicli the defnult must be cured;and '
<br /> - -��� Qd)that fuilure M cure the defnu�t on or before tl��dmee spec(fied tn the nottce may r�.�sult h� nccelerution uf thc sums
<br /> "---��`-° �ecured by this Secarity Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice sl�all furtlur Inf�rn� Borrower ot the right to =_
<br /> r�� relnstate after accelerntion and the right to brin�u court aciton tn nssert the non-exlstence ot e defeult or any other
<br /> •°° detensc of liorro�ver to uccclerntion and snlc. If thc defnult ts nat cured on or befurc thc dutc speclficd (n the noticc,
<br />"Y`�=�� Ixi�der, at Its optlon,muv reyuire immediatc paymcnt In full of all sums secured by thfs Secur[ty Iushwueni twithout -
<br /> �t�'°�r• further dcroand�md muy invokc tlic Eeo�scr of sule nnd any otltcr remedics permitted by uppllcuble law. I.�ndcr shall bc -
<br />-';;,�;;;�-� entttled to callect nll expensew incurrcd In taursuln�thc remedies provided in this par�grHph Zl, including, but not Itm(teci — '
<br /> to,reasonable attornsys' fi�cs and casts uf tiHe cvidence. —
<br /> _�;�--`_____ IP the power��f sale is invoked, Trustcr. shall record a noticc otr'def;�ult in e��cli county in whtel� uuy part of the
<br />''.'�'.".��� Propeny i3located and sUall mail cnpics of such notice tn the mani�cr prescrib��d by uppliqblc law to Rorrower and to -
<br />-=�"�`-^-=i�� the other persony prescri6ed by nppltca8le law.Af'ter the tlme required by appliwl�f�luw,Trustee shull give public notice
<br /> .;'��m^-�!' of sale to Iltc pc�sons nnd in thc manncr prescribed by apgllcublc law.Trustm, �vi2hout demund on Iiorrowcr.sball sell -
<br /> x:�'. - —
<br />��::��=x tne IProperty nt public nur.tion to the f�igh�t b[dder nt the tfine nnd place and under the terms d�l�nnted in She notice ot �,:,_-. �______
<br /> u�,�:� sule in uuc ur mm•c parccls and in nny ordcr Trustcc dctcrminas. Tra�stcc muy postpouc s:�lc oP ull ur uny purccl of tlu - __ _,..-
<br /> -. -s�ca�, Property by public annouttcemcnt nt the time uud placc of nny pn�•i��vsly sched�led salc. I.cndcr or fts deslgnce may =°
<br />