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<br /> - _.�k�:,��.;�:,,,.f�'
<br />--- —•=-;y+�X ,S. :�lnraird or 1'rn�xrty Inv��ruuce. Borru�vcr tihtdl kCCp IhC impruvcnuntti nc�w exiuirg on c�rcidt�r crcrtcd �m Ih� ' � . ,•!
<br /> �,:�;; . ,..
<br /> --_-�.`„�.L::� Prn��crl�� intmrd II1!iIII�hI I1144 h,v firc. hui�ird. includcd wilhin thc tcrm "cxtcn�lcd cuvetaNc° nnd any uAtur h:vards, includin�
<br /> ----==—`.�`� fl�Yxlv u•r tlu��ding, fnr�vhich I,rndcr requirc, in+ur:uuc. This insuruncc sl�ull hc maintuincd in thc unu�uncs iuid for ihc periuds ;a -----.
<br /> -�y�.--''������'�°' thut. l.ti�lrr ra�uircti. "t'hc inyur�inrc curricr pruvidinb th�� imurancc tihall bc cl�uscn Uy Ilon�nvcr subjcct tu I_cndcr's upprov�l - -_-
<br />—="`,��?��`' .' whicl� ntiall nut bc unrra�unnhly �vii.hhcld. II' lliirr�►wcr fuilti to muintuin cuvcragc dc,crihcd .►buvc. Lcn�lcr rn,�y. at Lendcr'y ,,,_
<br /> _�-�_,�,,,,�,�;'..' uptinoi,utatain c�rvcra�c to protcct l.cndcr'ti rights in thc Aruperty in accorduncc widi paragraph 7. ' �`."
<br /> -,.;�;; A.il insurnuc pi�licicti nnd renewal� tihiQl hc acceptablc to l.cndcr and studl includc a stundurd niortgu�eclausc. IA:nder ';: ,
<br /> .. r.;:
<br />—�:1... *.,+*� shall h,f�ic Ihc rigM w hnld titc pulicics.u►d reizcwulti.li'Lcndcr rcyuires.B��rroµ•cr shnll prrnnptly givc to Lcnder all rcccipts of ' .�, ..:�.: �;='
<br />_ ��.,,,"' ,;.
<br /> ;i...., x,�,��, � .,_. _.
<br />--x�:+.� iicl nmiums�md renc�vid noticcs. In the cvcnt uf los.r•, Borrowcr yhall give prompt nutice to thc insurancc curricr und Lendcr. 7'h:cti:::'_•
<br />_� ,�+nf .:,�Xt; �: • P� P •
<br /> �.i�a�'�'.; ! . . �.r :.�.�;i�..r;i.y�,o.=.-.
<br /> ; Ltnd.•,r msy ntake proof of loss if'not madc promptly by Borrowcr. � � �� ..--
<br /> :•=�:{rti.�,;s . Unl�ss Lcndwr and Borrowcr utherwisc uErce in writing, insur:mce procc�cis shall be upplicd to reswration or repair of thc t�,.�_�Y�Ylr
<br />_�����,���,_ •::•.� Prmyerty dumagcd, if tl�c resturation or rcpair is cconomically feasible and Lender's securiry is not Iesseued.If the r�swratAOn or Ra�,�,,.�_=�•
<br /> °��-� ���,, i rcpair ic ni�t cconomically fcusiblc or Lcndcr's sccuriry would be Icssened, the insurance procecds shall be upplied to thc sums �"�'-�''�
<br /> ���'�,..;�.�i•.•, �.�`;
<br /> -•� �r ►�r secura9 by this Secut iry instrununt, whcther or no[then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrowcr abandons the �- -_
<br /> � �:- �.
<br /> ~ � , i,, Pra�ncuty, ur du�, nut un,wer within 30 duys a notice fram L.ender that the insuranee carrier has offered to settle a elaim, then �
<br /> = : rn''rt,r.�`h��?' L,en�.har muy collect the insuranee proeeeds. Lend�r may use the proceeds ro repair ar restore the Propeny or to pay sums �.�
<br /> ' " ' secu�►vl hy thi�Security Instrument, whether ar not then due.The 30-Jay period will beEin when the notice is given.
<br /> --' ���� LJnless Lcnder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of prcxeeds to principat shall not extcnd ar �`__
<br />_— -_.._..'x'_=JI,. _ _—
<br /> = � �.y�'f�;�'�` p��st�x,»ic thc due dnte of thc monthly payments referred to in paragrap hs 1 an d 2 �r c hange t he n�noun t o f t h e pay men ts. i f
<br /> , „h.�.J•;,.;.� unJ:rr parugraph 21 the Property is acquirecl by Lender. Bormwer's right to any insurance polieies and proceeds resulting fmm —
<br /> ' ':�':;�t;.,�rc dami�re to thc Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums securcd by this 5ecuriry Instrument
<br /> —.'�; ..�� .:;;.,�;�y� irn�xetdiutety prior tc�thc acquisition. -_.
<br /> , ; �•�!`�' ��i.Uccu�nncy,P'reservAtion,i�1uintenance and Protection of the Property; Barrawer's Loan Applicntlon;I.easehofcts. —
<br /> ,s:�. Bn�m�wer shall occupy,etitublish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixry days after tlie execution of
<br /> -�. ::�� thit Sa:uriry Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Praperty us Borrower's principal residence for at le:ut one year aRer — -
<br /> - —u'l!��" �, a..... t 1 � �....Y.. ..�M����.�w.. nn�• n wr�tino hirh r�ntPnt clulll nnt he unrc�sonahly witldteld, nr unless
<br /> -.�`— .-�,� utt iutot v���i�u�iui��j'. ui7�Cbo �.�� ..:.. «^�!'...... S.. ...o. Y!..._.. . . . -- .- -
<br /> � '���!�r, r:etc::�aating eircumstunces exi,t which are beyond Borrower's control. Sorcower shall not destroy, damage or itnpair tlie
<br /> .�• -�`:'•':i,
<br /> , .,;.,'.:; , „�;�rt Prnpri�ty, ullow thc Property [o deteriorate, or commit �vaste on the Property. Borrower shal! be in default if uny forfeiture
<br /> __ '_` ;��??;f��;�'�;�•� nr.tian or procceding, wheth�rr civil or criminal, is begun that in l.ender's good faith judgment could resuft in forFeiture of tha
<br /> . ",, '� P� Y Y� P Y Y Y Y
<br /> � Y, . Prn rt ur otherwisc tnntcriall im air the licn created b this Securit Instrument or Lcnder's securit interest.Ho�~.ower mu
<br /> � :��;���.
<br /> � , '�,�k:��;:.� ciue such a defuult and reinstate,ss provided in parAgraph 18, by c:iusing the action or proceeding to be dismissed witl�u ruling �..
<br /> �' ��y. � ; that, in Lcndcr's gnod faith detcrmination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property ar othcr matcrial --
<br /> '?'" ,•�� ','�'"' ' impainncnt of thc iicn crcatcd by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrowcr shall also bc in defnult if
<br /> �.:�.�(Ri�.:'r..� v� •.� —
<br /> ',_.;f„�u,,,� ;,_,. .,. 13orrower.during thc lunn application process,gave materially false or inaccurate inforniatiun or stutemencs to Lender(or failed
<br /> . ; •--•--� ta pmvidc L.cnJcr with nny matcrial information�in conncction with the lasn evidenced by the Notc, includin�,but not limitcd
<br />,. ."f`,'. . —
<br /> _ to,reprexentations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property xs a principal residence.If this Security instrument is on e� _
<br /> - ���-:�.;`•.�••.;.s Icascliold, eorrowcr shxU cumply with all thc prnvisions of thc Icasc. If Rorrowcr acquires fec titic to the Property, the =
<br /> "tD��'" '� �` Ie,�schold :uid thc fce tide shall not mcrgc unless Lender agrces to thc merger in writing.
<br /> �.,�>,;{'�:.._... ,-.�,,. , ��
<br /> 7.Protecdnn oP IAnder s Rfghis in the Praperty.If Borrower f:�ils to perfonn the mvenants and agrcc�naits cont�ine,�l in __
<br /> - "��.°:��:'+��n:�' ,�° this Securit Inxtru�uent, or there is a le al roceedin that ma Si nificantl affect Lender's ri hts in the Pro rt (such as u �_.
<br /> Y S P � Y • � Y 6 P� Y
<br /> ` �•` ��'�, rocecdin m bnnk�u tc robate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutions), then Lender may do attd
<br /> �n° P € � P 'Y• P
<br /> :e�'�;s;_. . .�.
<br /> ° -�, ; � pay for whatever is necessary to protect [he value of the Nroperty and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actinns may _
<br /> -- , � include payin� uny sums secureJ by a licn which has pric�rity uver this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying -- ___
<br /> � � '�. I re:isc�nablc attorneys' fces and entcring on the Property to maka repairs. Although [,cndcr may takc action under this paragrapl� �i:= -
<br /> ' 7,Lcndcr docs ni�t havc ro do so. ��`�`�
<br /> �'�,�__';li: �:�s�rcn�
<br /> i � Any anto�uits d�sburscd by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured b,y this �"'�'="`
<br /> ; .�»; --
<br /> . F =- --
<br /> �� � � � Securiry Instrument, Unles�Borrower and L.ender agree ta other terms of payment, thcsc amounts shall 6ear intercst from the ?`�k;<<y._-=
<br /> .,r-J •.;;.. ., :✓` u��:,ci7+L'� •�:
<br /> ,, �c. i. date ��f disburscmcnt at tl�c Notc r�ue and shall bc payable, with interest, upon notire from Lcndcr to Borrower reyucsting ,�,, �.,.,,,,��;.
<br /> ••r _':?�;.��,.. . �, . , 'Y'_;°_
<br /> .�;-.,,' i•' payment. • :.*:,:
<br /> ---_ ' ` " 8.I11oMgn�e Insurunce. If Lender reyuired mor[gage inrurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Securiry • �•�
<br /> � ��� � +� Instrutncnt. Bnrrc�wcr sliall pay the prcmiums rcquired to maintain the mort�a6c insurancc in effcct. If, for any rcason, thc `��'",'
<br /> ' "'�� mortga�e insurnn�c crncray.c required by Lender lapses or ccases to be in effect. Borro�ver shall pay thc prcrniums n,quircd to
<br /> �� ohtain cuverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equiv.dent to the � "S'
<br /> - cost to l3orru�ver of th� mortgage insurance previously in cffect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If '
<br /> _ ` ; ,�. substimtially equivalent mongage insurance coverage is no[available. Borro�ver shall pay to Lender cuch mo��th a sum equul to
<br /> - .�,� � one-twelRh of the ycarly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower �vhen the insurance coverage lapsed or ccaseci to
<br /> . y be in effcct.l,ender will accept, use and retain these paym�nts as a loss reserve in lieu of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> = - .-- . -� Form 3028 9/80
<br /> PoQo 3 of 6
<br /> . . +.� I__ ._._- ...__-_ . .
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