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<br />� pa,yments may na Irn�ger be rcquircd,;n the a,�ia1^�E�Y 6.�!dcr, if n�urtgn�e lnsurnnce covcrugc(in the imiount amd fur ihe pericxl 1�
<br /> i that l.cnder rcquirc9l providul I�y un imurer�!��pYa►•�r,�r�y� Lcndcr�igain hccames nvnilablc unJ is nbtained. Borruwcr tili�dl pay
<br /> the premtums r�yu3rd eo m�intain murt�a�;;: in�,��r:�a:� �oi�:1'Scct,ur to pruvidc a lu�s rc�crca:.uutil tlic ru�uir.:u�ent fiir�a�ortgage �'�
<br />� ins�mncc c�xls in necordancc with any wriQen r��rc�:ii�:nt t+:nveen 1iMm��vcr und l.cndcr nr upplicnblc luw. �=
<br /> ��_
<br />� 9. Qnspectlan. Lendcr��r i�s agcnt nta,y makc r�r:;xonable M+�lrirs upon nnd inspcctions of thc Hrnperty. Lcnder shall givc T'
<br />� Borrower naticc;u the time�f or prior to an itts�,.°�1iii�i s�v:cifying re.�sonable cause for the in�pection. �':`
<br />� 10. Candtrn�naqnn. Tltc prnccals nf ;»iy c9`��:rd ��r claim far damages, dircct or consegucntial, in conncction with any •;r:
<br />•: ��andcmnation nr othcr taking c�f any part nf thn Pri�n�;rBp, nr for conveyaucc in licu of c:nndcmnation, arc hereby assigncd und ��
<br />; shall bc paid to l.cndcr.
<br />' In the event of a totul taking of the Nrn,�erty, tt�r,�rcr.c:ccls sh�U be applied to the sums sccurcd by thi�;Sccurity Instrumcnt, �"_,
<br /> i whether or not then duc, with any exccss p:�i,1 tt� AaTrmvr.r. !n th: e��ent of a partiul taking of thc Property in which �he fuir `
<br />� market��alue of Aic Property immaiiately he:foar• thr.ct�9:ii��is�.�al ta or grcater than thc amount of thc sums sccured by this ��:'
<br />� Sccurlty Instrument immcdiately betore the%kin�;,unSess Borro�ser and L.ender othenvise agrec in writing,the sums secured by ��--
<br />' this Secarity Instrumcnt shall bc rcducod by thr. amr►unt c�f thc prom�cis multiplicd by thc following fraction: (a) thc eotal �:._
<br />! aniount of the sums sccureJ immaliately l�e+toJC cbr•ttoking, divided by Ib) the fi►ir market value of the Property immedia►ely —
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be �►1.i:1 tc� .43nnnwer. In the event af a panial taking of the Aroperty in which the fair �
<br />'. markct value of the Property immediatcly hwfnac.i�:�t�:king is less than the aniount of the sums sccun:d immediately bcforc the --
<br /> taking, unlcss porrowcr a►eJ Lct�der otM.m-�i�:r•�g�er wn��•riting or unlcss spplicable law othenvise provides, the proceeds shaU �
<br /> ��:
<br /> be applieci to the sums securai by this Securiri•9n:;ertunint�vhether or n,it the sums;ue then due. -
<br />' If the Pmperty is abandaned by Botro»sr..�r it, aRer noticc by I.c�xier to Borrawer that the condemnor offr.rs io make nn __
<br /> uward or setNc a claim for damages, Aouruo�it fxils to respund to I.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given. ��` �
<br />' Lei�der is auth��riteci to collect and apply th,�j�roceeds, at its apiion, either to restor,�tion or repair of the Property or to the sums =
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument, wheth:r or not then due.
<br /> Unless l.endcr aud Borro�ver nth�ra�:s,e agrce in �vriting, any application of proccecis ta principal shull not cxtr.nd or
<br /> postpone the due date ot'the monthly pa►}���^�:r;,s referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. W
<br /> 11. fi�nrroa•er hat ReM:ued;korh:ar�na By Lender Nnt e�Vaicer. Extension of th�time for paym.nt or modificaaon
<br /> oi.ununi��icm en che sums secured'oy t"r.:a�.�curity instrument granted by L.ender to any successor m mterest nt Konower shaii
<br /> not operate to rcicase thc liability ot the�7riginal Bnrrrn�•tr or Borrowcr's sucressors in intctest. L.cnder shall not be required to
<br />� eommence procealings agaiitst a�i�successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortiantion
<br />, of the sums secured by this Securir.,y� I�ntcument by reason of any de�nzand made by the ori�inal Bornnver or Borrower's
<br /> successors in intcrest. Any forbcarance I:.� Lcndcr in excrcising any rigl•ct or remedy shall not be a waiver�if or preclude the
<br /> exercise of any right or rcmedy.
<br /> 12. Succcssors and �sstg:,3 ik�und;Joint and Sevcral I.Iubillty; Co•slgners. Tt�e covcnants and agrcements of this
<br /> Socurity Instrument shall bie:d anJ benefit the successon and assigns of I.ender and Borrotver, subject to the provisions of �`-
<br />� paragrnph 17. f3orrower's covenants and agreemGnts shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instn�mcnt but da�s not cxccutc thc Notc:(:i) is co•sisning this Security [nstrumcnt only to moitgagc, �rant and convcy that
<br /> Borrowcr's interest in the Proper+y under the tcrms of this Sccu�ity Instrumcnt: (b)is not penonally ubligatcd to p�y the sums
<br />, sccured by this Sccuriry instrumcnk and(r)ngrees that Lcndcr and any other Borrowcr may agre.^,to extend,modify,forbear or -
<br /> makc any uccommodations with rcgard to thc tcrms af this Securiry Instrument or thc Notc without thai Borrowcr's canscnt.
<br />, 13. I.oan Charges.It'the loan secmrcKJ by this Security Instrum�nt is subject to a Imv which sets maximum loan enarges,
<br /> nnd that law is 6:�sally iaterpreted so that the interest or other loan clhnr�es collected or to be collected in conneciion with the -�""
<br /> loan exeeed the peranitted li�mits, then: (a)a:iy such loan charge shall be recluced by the amount necessary ro reduee the cltarge ---
<br /> to the permitted limit;and (o`any sums ;dreudy rollected from Bonower which cxccedecl permitted limits will be r�efunded to n:�:�'
<br /> Burrowe►•. Lcndcr mny chi:cR:: to makc this rcfunJ by r��Juring the principal owcd undcr thc Notc or by making a direct �'��LL -
<br /> payment to Burrower. If a refund red�eres princip3l, the reducticm �vill be tre:►ted as a paniai prcgayment without any
<br /> prepaymcnt churgc widcr thc Nutc. _
<br />: 14.Nutices.Any notirc tu Horro+vcr providcd for in this Securiey Instrumc»t shaU be given by cfclivcring it or by �nailing _
<br /> it by fint class mail unl�ss::�:�ticablc law requires usc uf anothcr mcthod. '1'hc noticc shull bc dircctcd ta the Propctty Address �-�^'~-
<br /> �,�-
<br /> or any other address Borrcw•cr dcsignates by ncuirc to l.endcr. Aoy notice to Lc.nder sh�ll bc givcn by first rlacs rnuil to �,;,.�.�
<br /> G:ndcr's address stuted hcrcin ��r any atlicr addresti I.ender dcsignatcs by noticc to Borrowcr. Any notirc provided fnr in this `-=�
<br /> Sccuriry Instrument sl�all be dccmcd to have�ccn givcn to Borrower or Lendcr�vhcn biven us providcd in this paragraph. �°`�;'�
<br /> 15.Covcrniuu I.��v; Secerabiltt�•. 'fl�nis Security Instrument shall be govcrncd by fcdcral law and the lativ oF tPic t�=��
<br /> ::-.
<br /> jurisdiction in �vhicli the Propeny is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security instrununt or eMe Note "'�•
<br /> t%. .
<br /> conflicts with appliraBle law, such conflict 5hall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or die Note which can be
<br /> gi��en effec:t witliout the contlicting provision. To this end the provisians of this Socurity Instrument and the Note arc declnred
<br /> to hc scvcrablc.
<br /> IG.Qorr�au�,rr's Copy. Burrowcr shall be givcn anc wnfonned capy of thc Notc and of this Sccurity Instrument. ' Vj'
<br /> forrn 3028 9190
<br /> Popo 4 0l 6 �
<br /> �..
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