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<br /> . _��� ,—� ��•y•�-.y�' Iv:K� � '�•�i' i.1.�~ . •y 4��'Y:�L•{I����Ff'1�r�.. .�-Y.•� , . . .'T'�.nfi/w��ryiit��'1Li�e _ _'..
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<br /> -yji2::?v! -. , . ` � . .. . _. .
<br /> � _L - . .. .. ._.. .. .. _._� n,�' _ , .
<br /> - ` �.. .... ........��n.� �a,r-.a....�...... .._1L ._ _ .a. .. ..�.l:. s.+_.__.Y. 1..._ >J. �i.s_.�+a... ... _..i... ...____�-_.__�.. ...,..__. _ _.._ ' � . —
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<br /> '_ 95-- , „ ,
<br /> ,.� 5. Har.srd or f�operty In:;uranrc. l�ormwcr tiNnll kccp �I�c improvenunts nc�w cxistinb un c�rcaf�tcr crcctcd un thc .
<br /> Pro�x:rty insurcd n�;.���,5�i��y� hy r«. h:��auds insludcd tivithin thc tcnn "cxtcndcd cuvcrngc" and +my uthcr harirdti. i�icluding ,.
<br />-- =� flands or flouding, for which I.cndcr ra�uires insurancc. 'I'his insurancc tihall he muintninc�l in d►c amnunt+.►nd f'or�hc peri�xls . ; . .
<br /> = that Lcndcr rcyuire,. Th� in,ur,uuc carricr proti•idin� thc insurancc�hall hc rh�»cn hy Bnrn,«rr �uhjccl In lAii�lcr's appruval � _
<br /> wbich shnll not bc unrcasuttubly withhcld. If I3orrowcr f'uilr w niaintuin c<�vcragc dc,crihcd ab��vc. I.cndcr m��y, at l.cndcr's t , ,
<br /> ,,z'� aptian. ��Utain ccrvcr,�gc�n protcct l.cndcr's rights in Ihc Property in acc�rdaiuc witli paragraph 7. , ,
<br /> -= All insurancc policies and renc�►�alti sh:ill hc acccptublc tu l.�:ndcr and shall includc u standard mang:��;c clau,c. L�:ndcr
<br /> shall havc the riglri to hold the palir.ies and renewals. lf l.cnder rcquires,Bon•owcr sliall pre�n,ptly give tc>fa:ndcr all rcccipts of
<br /> �"` paid premiums and renewal notices. In the cvent i�f loti,,E3nrruwer shcdl give prompt notice to the insurance carrier.uiJ[..enderr.
<br /> �;r�
<br /> f..cnder may mukc proof of loss if not madc promptly U}�Borro�vcr. �
<br />��•� Unless Lcndcr and Borrowcr othcrwise ugrcc in writing, insurance procecds shall be upplicd to restor.�tion ur rcpaim uf lhc
<br />-�,�. Praperty dan;��cd, if thc restorntion or rcp:►ir is ec�nomically feasible and l.endcr's sccuriry is not Iestiened.If the restoration or �� -
<br />'-�},,r '
<br /> _= repair is nat economicall}• feasible or l..ender's security would be Icssened, thc insutanee proceeds shull he:�pplicd to thc su�iis �w,.,
<br />�'�= secured by this Securiry Instruntent, whether or not then Juc, with any excess paid to Borro�ver. If Borrower aband�ns the ' , �`�
<br />' �� . ,. , ' �, ....
<br /> Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice f'rom I.cnder that the insurance carrier has offercd �o settic a claim.then � :u�.+ti�_�=-
<br /> 7: 'l _; ��..'_"'—_.-
<br />��:� Lcnder ma�• rollect the insuruncc procecds. Lender may use thc procccdti to rcpair ur restorc thc Property or to pay sums ,` . ,,���_.�-
<br /> "-=�= secured by this Sccurity Instrument,whethcr or not then duc.The�Q-duy period will bcgin�vlien the notice is givcn. '�,.,�_....`?,-T,;;�„:_
<br /> ��ri, Unless Lcnder and Borrower ntherwisc agree in writin�;, any upplication of procceds to principal shall nut extend or �..c..:_.__,�_
<br /> _ � postponc the due dutc of thc monthl r mcnts referrccl ta in ara ra hs 1 and 2 or chitn c thc amount of dte a ments. If '�''`�'�`-•—
<br /> Y P'Y P' S p S P Y ,., ,,.,�.�:�� ..
<br /> -' ur��cr puragraph�! th:Pro��rt��is arquire�.i Ny ��nder, Borc�wer'ti right to any insurance policEes cmd proceecls resuiting Gom � �t*„�;�;,7;���
<br /> :?i'� damagc to thc Property priar to thc acquisition tihall puss to Lr.ndcr to ti�c extent af the sums securcd by this Securiry Instrument ' � ±-
<br />=",� �,:.� .,--- -
<br /> immediatcly prior to thc acyuisition. ���,;�'�:w--
<br /> :�,
<br /> �� 6. Occapancy.Prcscrvatiou, Alnintenance und Prot��ction of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applic:tlton;l.eusPholds. �c__..
<br />—_."� Borrowcr shall occupy,establish,at►d usc thc Prop�rty as Borrowcr's principal rc�:idcucc within sixty days after thc exccution of �'��
<br /> J! �-�_!;�
<br /> .� this Securiry Instrument c�nd shaU continue to occupy the Property as &�rrower's principal residence for at Ieast one yeur after � •
<br /> _ s•� the date of occupancy, u»Ic�s L.ender otfunvise a�rees in writine, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless ��'�
<br /> extcnuating circumstanoes exist which are bcyond Borrower's r.introl. Horrotver shall not dcstroy, dumage or intpair the
<br /> ���
<br /> Propeny. allo�v thc Prope�Ky to�ctcrioratc. or cummi� wa.ie uu 'ttlC Fiu-���'. ►�iuiivi'v�i Siiuii w^ S,::3C�i3l::f Ltt2j Fnrfa;(�Tn
<br /> �� �.~7 �_
<br /> action ar prorecding, whethcr civil ar criminal, is 6cgun th�t in Lendcr's good fnith judgment could result in forfeiture of th�
<br /> = Property or otherwise mnteriully impxir the lien created by this Sccurity Instrument ur Lender'ti securiry intcrest. Borrower may _
<br /> �l'�� cure such u default and roinstate.as provided in paragraph I8, by causing[he action or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling �`_
<br /> '�r�j)n '
<br /> that, in Lendsr's �ooci faith dctcrminntuon, precludcs forf'citure a�f ihc $orrower's interest in thc Property or othcr ir�aterial F!��=
<br /> Wr. impairmcnt of thc lien crcatcd by thi� Securiry Instrumcnt ur Lender'�security intcrest, Borrowcr shall ulso he in dcfault if ;�;
<br /> y'�� Borrowcr,during thc lonn application process,gave mutcrially false or inaccurt�te iniurmntion or ststements Qo l.ender(or failed - ____-
<br /> � to provide Lender with uny ma[erial infonnation) in conncction with the loan evic�encui by the Note, including, but not limited ��_„_
<br /> �`_� to,representations concerning Borrowcr's occupancy uf the Propeny as a pri�cipal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> .-,� Ie:isehold. Dorrower tihall �amply with :ill thc provixions of thc lease. 1; Bc�rrower acyuires fce tidc [o thc Propert}•, thc
<br /> Icaschold and the fcc tide shall not mcrge unlcss I.cnder agrces ro thc merger in writing.
<br />-_�:� 7.Q'rotectton of Lender'�Ri�hts in the Property.If Bonowcr fails to perform thc covenants snd agrcements contaiued in _
<br /> `L �'� d►is Security Instrumcnt, or thcrc is a Icgal procceding that may signitirantly uffect Lendcr's ri�hts in the Property (such as a ,� _
<br /> �'�S procec:ding in bankruptcy, probate, for cundemnaiion or forfcitun,or to enforce luws ��r regulations), then Lender may do and y;,,,pE,�.;='_
<br />-:�„-.
<br /> -- pay for whatever is necessaiy tn protect the value uf the Property�ind Lender's rights in the Propetty. Lender's actions may ���F�.Ne�
<br /> - iuclude a in an� sums tiecured b n lien which has riorit uver this Securit Instrument, a rin in couri, pnyin '°""�—'"`'"`
<br /> ° P Y 8 ' y Y P Y Y PP� � fi �g�•gc�.,;.w_
<br /> reasonablc attorneys' f'ccs and cntering on thc Yroperty to make repairs. Although I.endcr may takc action under this pntadrnph f�-�;=
<br /> - 7, Lcndcr docs not hm•e to do si�. �y=���-°`- _
<br /> .' Any amounts dixhtrcsed by Lender under this par.igraph 7 shall becomc additionul Jcbt of Borrower sccund by this
<br /> ��......��_
<br />'��L;. Securiry Instrument, lJnless Borrowcr and L.endc�agrec tu othcr tcrms of paymcnt, thcse amounts shall bear intereu from the .. _ �
<br /> .nC�'Y'i'�"1W.=°_
<br /> --- dare of dixburscmcnt at thc Natc ratc and ,hall bc p:sy�blc. �vith intcrest. upon noticc 1'mm l,cndcr to Norrowcr rcyucvting _ �
<br />_�.;- ' payment. •' �,'"„x 'Y.
<br /> — ..,�,• �°
<br />-_ ' S.Mort�a�;c Inyur.nncc. If Lendcr rrquircd mortgagc intiurancc as a rondieion of making thc loan sccurcd b} this Sccurity , �r,�,r:,_Rh'. �T.
<br /> ,''.��' lnstrument, Borcrnvcr shall pay thc prcmiu►ns rcyuireJ to maintain thc mo»gagc insurance in cffect. If, for any rcason, thc .,. '�::
<br />���`.. monbage insu�anee cover�ge reyuin:d hy Lender lapses ur ceases to be in cf'fert, Uorrotiver shall pay the premiums required to '`".;� . :�
<br />`:;i':��°: obtain coverage substantially cqui��alenl to the mortgage insur.�nce previously in cf(ect,at a cost substantia.11y equivalent to the ':;!'����,
<br /> � � cast to Borcower i�i'the niortgagc in�urancc prcvirn�s{y in effcct, from an ulternatc mortgagc insurer approvcd by L.ender. If ' ,'`'�"
<br /> �, substantially eyuivalent mort�age insuntncc rovcrage is not availabla Borro�cer tihall pay to Lcnder cach rraonth a sum equul to
<br />"-'""�:° one-twelfth of the ycarly mortgage insurttncr prr�miwn being puid by Borrowcr whai tl�e insurance coverage�lapsed ur reascd to
<br />