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<br /> .,,.��n.��' - ; J 5-- lOQB�1 � �.
<br /> --a— 17.'Pranstcr of thc P��perty or��Dcncficlal Intcrrest lio Norrower.I f n!I ar any pan at thc f'roperty��r nny intcrc�t in it ., -
<br /> - 'wa��;4�"�� i�;lold ur u•ami'erred(or if a bcncticud intcrest in B,�rmwcr is�old or trunsfarrcd und Bnrruw�r is nut a ncitural person)without „
<br /> �� t.�:nder's prlctt a•riucn cunsc.nt, l.cndcr m�ry, at us uptiun. ��yuir� iumi�+liatc paymcnt in t'ult af all sunn urured hy �hiti
<br /> __ _- = Sr.curity Instrument. Ho�vevcr, th�s i.ptiun shall not bc cxcrci,cd by l.cndcr if cxcrcisc is prohibitcd by fcderal I.nv as�if thc datc
<br /> ��z}9 of'this Sccurity Imtrument.
<br /> q� If IAndzr cxcrci+cs thi�option. I.�ndcr sh,dl givc Dorrowcr n��ticc of acccicratiun.Thc noticc tihall provi�fc a periud uf ni�t
<br /> - ��_?.� Icss th:in 30 days fr��m thc datc thc noticc is dclivrred or mailcd �vithin which Florruwcr must pay all �ums�ccured hy this .�,
<br /> ' Se:curity Instrument. If Borrower fails ta pay thctic+ums prior to thc cxpiration��f this period, Lcndcr may invuke.�ny remedics
<br /> - -==_' perniittcd by this Sccurity In�u•umcnt withaut furthcr noticc or Jemand on Bnrtowcr.
<br />------ Tw,� 18. 13m'+xn►•e�•'s Iti�;ht to Reinstnte. If Hurru�vcr q�ee4s certain conditic�ns, Barrower shall huve the right ta htrve ,
<br /> °"�;
<br />- ---_.�� cnfomemcn� nf ttiis Scrurity (nstrumcnt discuntinucd ut any timc prior to thc c:arlicr uf: (a) 5 days(ur such othcr period as
<br /> ..r��;��;�-. applica6le In��� may �perify fur rcinstatemcnU bcfore salc ut 4[�.G b'roperty pursuant to any power of sale cantaincd in [hi� ti, �
<br /> ,,,��^;�;4 Security Inatrument;��r(b)cntry��f:i judgmcnt cnforcing this S:�urity lnswmm�t.Thosc ronditions arc that B��rmwer: (�i)pays
<br /> -- ---° L.cnder all :,ums which thcn ���uuld hc duc undcr this 3ecur�c�• (nstrumcnt and thc Notc as if no acccicration had ur.curred; (bl
<br /> --- �1. cures uny deGiull uf any othcr rrnenants or agreements; lc)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security lnstrument, �,�;,
<br /> _.---__-;:: including, bat nut limited to,rea,��nnble auornc s fees: and(d) takes such action as Lender may reasAnably reqinre to assure �.;.��'•�''���'
<br /> y . *�r�...
<br /> ,r,P��,�� that the lic�of this Sccurit�� Instrununt. I,�:nder'ti ng!us in the Propeny and Borruwer's obligation to pay the sums secured by , ',��r_'_ :.r:
<br /> ;;�,�„�:.! this 5ceurity Instrument shuU cuntinuc «nchanged. tl�m reinstatement by Borrower, this Security InsUuiuent and thc , •� �_-
<br /> �� , obliga.eions sa�um.d hereby tihall remuin fully effective:u if n��aceeleration had occurred. However, this right w reinstate shall r �s' -._s
<br /> :o��' ��. ...>r�:�-;�_-:,
<br /> ��- n�t apply in the ca�c��f nrccicration undcr paragraph 17. ' '�"`'�� �
<br /> ��4G-.��.-�-:�•i..,
<br /> ;3�:,�y;��: 19. S:��Ic of 1otc; Chait�c nf I.t►sm Serviccr. 'Thc Nntc or a pa�tial intcccst en the Note (together with iliis Security ,:
<br />��•,'��-:,�•� [n:,trurnentl ma�y b��ui�i unc u� u���r�tinic.;�:;hout prior natice to Bore���•rs.A sale muy result in a cl�nge in the entity(Itnor%n ';rR�"'�'�'�"`��=�
<br /> 'j•_.:�;s,,� . as the "L.uan S:►��it�r")thiU cullertti nwnthl�•�aymcnts due under the f�'ote �nd this Security Instniment. There also may bc�t�� `:e'�?T �_-
<br /> ;.N' ���s.�°=
<br />-_- �^ or more chan�z.t uf thc Loan Servic�r unrelated to a salc of thc Note. If th,re is a change of the I.oan Servicer, Borro�ver will br: �• ��{.-==
<br />";'..-��y�., given written notice of the rl�ange in aca�rdance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The noticc will stat�the name and T�"_---
<br /> ���`-__•
<br /> ---� address of the ncw l.uan Serviccr and thc ueidress to which payments should be madc. The notice will also contain any other '�:�'—
<br />,ri`"�3.'. �f; inforn�ation n��aired by applicablc lu�v. �
<br /> '' r•',. 20. Hnr.t�rdnus Substanccs. Borro��cr s�n11 not cause or permit thc presence, use, disposal, storage, or rcicase of any .
<br /> `'� ' '�"" Huardous Suhstttnccs on or in lh� I'ropnrty. &�trowcr shull not do, in�r allow anyone clse to do, anytning affecting the '��
<br /> ,�. 'S, . r1; .
<br /> ; +'•+�_ Pr�.pe�-�y �hai i. in vinlatiun ui':uiy Environmentll 1��s, The precedir.��t���o sentences shall not apply to the presenee, use, ur __._ � _
<br />::;;;;.",'; '' sta�r.ige on th� Propeny uf�m,dl yu:uuities o'i}'I�z��.:ious Slibstanccs th:it dre gencr.�!i� rewgnii�;3 cu oc appropriuic i��iviiiiui """�"~-
<br /> .�;c`;; residential usc�and�o maintcnancc uf'thc Pir�peny. 1���'�
<br /> �•�•': � Borrm�•�r �hall prnmptly givc l.cndcr H•*ittcn noticc of any invest�g»:ian, claim, dcmand, lawsuit or othcr action by any
<br /> •�•'���1 ' ovcrnmcnsal ar rc�ulato ��enc ur ricntc��rt involvin the Pro ti:Y and un Ha•rardous Substuncc or Environmental[.;tav
<br /> g �. �' �b Y P r� Y E � Y
<br />'�'�� �� of�ehich tlotrrn��er ht�s actu,d knowlcdec. Qfi'Borrower Iearns, c,r is nc•;:fied by any govemmental or regulatory authariry, tltwt
<br /> .L '•
<br />�''°�'�- nny rcmovll or otiier remcdiation of any l�l:uz�rdous Subsr.ince affccting the Prop^.ny is neccssary,. Borrower shalf promptly take
<br />=��,am�. all necessury remedial actions in accordancc�vidt Eneironmental iaw. .
<br /> �;:.uaan�c�.�:.� �•
<br /> i;���V As usect in this p.�ra��ra�h ?0, "H:u;arJous Substanccs"are those substances deftned as toxic or hazardou_e substunccs by ;� ;
<br />- �;-.�_;;•;� � Environmentnl Law und thc ti�Uuwing �ubstancc�: gasolinc, kerosene, oth�r tlammable or toxic petroleum prociucts, toxic .'
<br /> '" -=::r,;� pesticidcs anc1 F�erl�icidca,volatilc sul�•rnt>,nintcrials containing usbcstos or form;ildehydc,and radioactivc matcrials. As us�d in
<br /> �?;'�" this p:tra�rnph 20, "F.nvimmncntxl Law" rmuns fcder,►I laws unJ laws of the jurisdiction wherc thc Property is locatcd that
<br /> ��.,. ,._, -
<br />;;w���_����J ,: rclatc ro health.snfety or envit�a�mc»Gd protcction.
<br /> - ���.�•' NON-UNIFORM COVI:NANTS. [3orrowcr and Lc.r.;;r furthcr covcnant and agrec as foUows: � -= _
<br />. -'��-`�i�. 21. Acceterntion; Item�.�31�. l.eitder shnll�ive R:k:a�r to Borro�ver prtor to accelerntion following Barru�ti•er's breach ����.���
<br />=T�WYi�=�s�• of nny co�•M�ant nr n�recmcni in this S�rurity Instrument (but nat prior to uccelerat[mi under puragruph 17 wiless -.�ri
<br />- vlse. '1'he a�il'iii,�c shall s iP : (:�) Ct��¢�efuult; (b) the action required to cure the default; �'___::s.s�;�_
<br /> '"_:��,�,-�;'�; a�pllu�bfe la��•provid�.�r ntt�cr. ) P� Y —
<br /> �r--�------
<br /> -_° (s)u dnte.nn2 Iess thau 30 days f�vm t[����1sitY the notice Is givera cm IBarro�ver, by�vhich the a9et�ult must be cured;asd �����,�,_:
<br /> —._.�� � (al)tlynt failure tu curc thc defnult nn ur C�ef:►re the datc specified in the notice muy result io acccleration of the sums K�����--
<br /> ��'�: sNCt�red by this Secw•Ity Instrument and �ale of the Propertv. The notice shall further inform Borrower cf the ri�ht to {uG: _ _
<br /> �°� recrntnte c�fte�• acccleratii►n und tl►e ri�;ht to bring n court uctfun to assert tlie non-extstence of a deF3u�t or any other `4c��,�;._, ••
<br /> � •w�:- defeuse of ilarro�r�er to uccclenition und s�ile. If the defuult is not cured on or before the date speciFcu nn tlte nolfce, -=��
<br />;_+. «�' ;t��:� �.
<br /> _�s:ti.:, I.ender, at Its option, muy rcyuire Inunediute pavment tn full of nll sums secured by this Securify Inslsyment withoui N�
<br />^'r"•'•"" fluiticr dt�tnand and nu►v h�voke thc powcr uf salc und uny otl�er rcmecfies permtttcd by applicuble law.l.ender shall be ��;'���-�
<br />' :'��, ; ' :.�:�
<br /> ,�r*�r,;: entitled to collect all ex�xnsc�fnci�rred in pursuinF the remedics pro�•ided in this parngrnph 21,including,lbut not Ifmitecl ,, ' . p;:j�
<br /> -•..,;�.. to.i�casonahle attur�ic�•s' fccs and custs uP title cvidencc. • ,.
<br />-�"�_�.';1� I f t t�r ���cr of ti:►Ie Iti im�ukcd. 7'rost��e sl�all rcrord u notice nf default in cach county In �vl�(ch a�p part of tlie '�.,:�' _,.
<br />--�"`•`�"�'�''' I�+u r1�� is laeated und sl�all muil c�iptc�ot vech notice in the manner prescribed by�pp licab le la�v to Bori�wer un d to ��:�., .
<br /> c ''"c�'��_'�.5.' Ix
<br /> ��*�'"' the oYher{rrr,onr��r�.�crifxd b��uppltcablc luw.After the time rc�uired by�ppliwble luw.Trustee shull gi�+e public nottce
<br /> =��"�-':�" of sale to thr E�e��+nus and In the miwner Stiresrrihed by :ippltcuble luw.Trustce. without demand on liorrower,shall scll
<br /> :�� • �
<br /> ..'w,,�,�,�',� ; t6te Praperly�at public��uction tu thc hi};hest bldder at the time nnd ptace and undcr the tcrms desi�;naSed in die not[ce of
<br /> �-,••�..�R. sa(e in oue or more parccls and in uny ordcr'l'ru5tee�fetcrmincs. Trustee may postponc salc ut ull or any parcel oF the
<br />` "'`"'�"�` IT�b�u�ty b ubltc ann�euncemm�t at the tfine and pl:ue of any� prevtously scheduleti sale. Lender or hs desi�;nee mav
<br />.�,'.,4.11jv.�Mt,.a?:- I � y N
<br />:;�,::,:�;�,, ; .:. pwrliu�c thr 1'eoperty at uny salc.
<br />_'�!��-��i.
<br /> �'�12;�.sjs'`.i� �i
<br />�'�`� �,� Form 3028 9180 '
<br /> '���� O�po 6 0l G I.
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