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<br /> 'S'(�li'i'fIFR WITH nll th��im��ruvcmcnts naw on c�rcaftcr ceected on thc praperty, nnd idl c:iscmenis, appurtenances.and __
<br /> 1]riures nu►+� or I�crcaflcr n p,irt nf �hc propcity. All rcpinccments und n1l�litians sisa0 also {�c cavcrc�l by ti�is Sccurity
<br /> Inctrun�enl. All uf'U�c Gtteguing is refcrred to In this Security Instrument us the "Prap:rty."
<br /> !�OiiRQt�'IiR CQVfiNA�V'fS th��t kkrrrowcr is IawPully scltic�of thc cstatc I�crcGy c�mvcycd und has dic right to gr+nt�nd �_
<br /> ciii�ccy��h: t'n}�:.�y and Uiai dtiw !'s�a��ti�iy i�,iu�;:ucumti:•r�.l. cxrcpt fire cu,:u�rUrai:cr.r, uf rccnrd. I3urrotvcr�v:�rrants ant� �liil -
<br /> dcf�nd gcncrully ths Iltic to thc I'rups:rty a�;ciiust all clnims;ind dcmand.r•,subjcct to uny cireutnhmnres of rcmrd.
<br /> `PIlfS SF.f:URl7'Y INS1'ftUMEN'C cumbi��cs uniPnrm cuvcnants for naUanal usc:mJ ncm-unifarm covcnants�vith IirniteJ
<br /> wirintiuns by Jtn•isdictiun to c�in�;tittuc i�unifunn sccuritV instrumcnt covcring rcal p�Yiperty.
<br /> UNIHORM COVIiI�lANTS. liorruwcr.uid L,cndcr cuvcnant and ugrec SS fOII01Vti:
<br /> l. Payment ot {'rinciE►ul nnc� [nter��sh 1'repayment und l.ute Cha�c9. Borrowcr shall pr�mptly pay when du•�tl►E
<br /> prfncip�l of and intereht un thc debt evide�tccd hy tttti Note and any prc�aymWnt aisJ late char�es due un�er the Note. •.
<br /> �. Fundv for Taxes�ind[nsurnnce. Su{�qc�:t to applicablc lusv ur to a�vritten�vcii��er by l.cnder, Barrowcr sltaJl l�.�y W
<br /> I.cnder on tNc duy monthly payment5 nrc duc under thc Notc,until thc Not�is paid in fu11,a sum("Fu�xl�;")for. (a)��carly ta�es
<br /> and��ssessmcnts which may attain priurity uvec this Security Instn�ment as tt lie:n on thz Prn�:rty; (b)yeurly le�isehold p�yments
<br /> or prr�wid rrnts on the Prop�:ny, if any;(c)ycarly haxard or prupeny insur��nce pre►niums;(d)ycarly fto�x!insurance pmmiums.
<br /> �an,y. (c)ycarly mongagc insurancc premiums, if any; and (11 any sums payablc by Borrowcr to Lcndcr, in accordancc with
<br /> t,�,�r�visions of paragr.iph S, iu lieu of the payn�ent of martgage insurmce premiums. These items are called"Escruw Items."
<br /> l.ender muy, at any timc;, cotlect and hold Funds in am m�ount nat to exceeci the muximum amuunt a Icnder for a federaUy `
<br /> related mortgage Inan ►nay reyuire tor 8orrower's �scruw account under the fecleral Real Fstate Setdenient Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as nmenaod frnm timc to timc, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 ct scy. ("RESPA"), unl�ss unothcr law that applies to the�=unds
<br /> sets a Icsser amount. If so. I..cndcr may, at any tiine, �ollect und tiold Funds in an amount nut to exce� the le��cr n�r_ount. ==_
<br /> �..cnder may cstimatc thc amount af Funds duc on thc basis of currcnt data and reasonablc cstimatcs of cxpcnditures of futunc
<br /> Fscrow Items or otiicnvisc in accurdancc with upplicablc la�v. - -
<br /> The Funds shull be hcld in an in,titution �vhose deposits are insured by a f�lcral agcncy, instrumcntality, or entity
<br /> (including Lcnder,if L.cnder is such an institution)or in any Fcderal Home Loan Bank. L.cnder shall apply thc Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Itcros.Lender may not charge Borro�vcr for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> verifying the Gcrow Items,unless L.ender pays Burrower interest on the Funds and applicablc law permits Lender to make such
<br /> u charge. Howevcr, Lcndcr may rcquirc Borrowcr to pay a anc-timc charge for an iadependent rcal cstatc tax rcpoKing service
<br /> uscii by I.enucr in connectiun witn tnis ioan, unless appiicabie law provities otnenvise. iiniess an aErecment i, maur ur —
<br /> applicablc law rcquirc:s intcrest to bc paid, Lcndcr shall not be rcquired to pay Borro�ver any interest or carnings on tlte Funds.
<br /> Borrowcr and Lxndr.r may agrcc in writinb, ho�vever, that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. [.endcr shall givc tu 9orrowcr.
<br /> withr.ut churge, un snnual accounting of the Funds, shawing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose far wl�ich cach
<br />� dcbi3 to thc�uixi's wus mud::.The Funds nre pledged as udditional secarity for all sums securcd by this Sccurity[nstnunent.
<br /> If the Fu�t�s held by[.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable luw. Lender sh.dl uccount ta Borro�ver °`
<br />� for the excess FunJs in accordanee with the requirr�ments af applicable law. If the amount c,f the Funds held by Lender at any �
<br /> timc is nat sufficicnt to puy thc Escrow Items�vhen duc. Lcnder may so notify Borrowcr in�vriting.and,in such casc Borrower �:r--'
<br /> shall pay to Lender ttte amount necessary tu make up the deficiency. Iiorrower shall m�ilce up the deficiency in no more thure t'f°'
<br /> twctve monthl i ments,at L.cndcr's solc discretion. ��y
<br /> Y P�Y �`
<br /> Upon payment in full of all tiums secured by this Securiry Instrument, Ca:nder �hall promptly refund to Borrower an�
<br /> Funds held by Lendcr.lf,under paragraph "L1, Lcndcr shull acyuire or scll the Propeny, Lcndcr, prior to the acquisitiun or salc �;-._-
<br /> of thc Property. shall npply any Funds held by Lcndcr at thc timc of acquisition or salc as a crcdit against tttc sums sccured by Fy
<br /> this Security Instrument. L-.•��
<br /> 3.A ltcution uf Pa ments.Unless a licablo law ro�•ides othenvise,al! � ments rer.eived b L.ender under ara ra hs !�
<br /> Pp Y PP P P•Y Y P 8 P
<br /> 1 and 2 sh;ill be appliui: first, to aRy pmpayment charges duc undcr the Notc: sccond, to:unounts payablc undcr paragraph 2;
<br /> third, to interest due:founh,to principal duc;and It�st,to any late charges due under the Note. -
<br /> 4.Churqes;Liens. Borrowcr shall pay ail trxcs, asscssments,charges, fines and impositiom auributable to thc Prc�perty
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instrmnent, and Icaschold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Burrower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in thc manner provided i�i parugraph 2, or if not paid in.that manncr.Borrowcr shall ptty thcm on timc dircctly
<br /> to the person uwcd paymcnt. Borrawcr sh�ll pr�mptly f'umish to L.endcr all noticcs of amounts ro bc paid undcr this paragrrph. �
<br /> If Borro�ver makes these payments direcdy, Borrower stiall prompNy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Bormwer shall promptly discharge any lien which has priurity ovcr this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrccs in
<br /> writiiig to the psymenc of the obligation secured by thc licn in a manner acccptablc to Iw;nJcr; (b)contests in good faith th�lien
<br /> by, ur defends against enforcement of the lieu in, Iegal proceedings which in the Lender's npinion operate to prevent the
<br /> cnforcemcnt of thc licn; or(c)sccus�s from thc holdcr of tlic licn an agrcement ratisfartor�� to Lendcr subordinating thc licn to
<br /> this S�urity Instrumcnt. If Lender dMermincs that any pan of the Property is subjcct to a lien which may attain priority ovcr
<br /> this Security Instrument, L.ender m:ry give Borrower a notice identifying tlic lien. Borro�ver shall vatisfy[he lien or take one or
<br /> morc of the actions set forth above within lU dny.r•of the Eiving of noticc.
<br /> Fprm 3028 9/90
<br /> PoBO 7 0l 0
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