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<br /> � .. r�w+� - - � - � .
<br /> +o., . . .. . ---.
<br /> . . . �p
<br /> .. .. .. � /�� Q , - tkW
<br /> • i , , a, xti
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<br /> : --� .,-r .�.. r �.. � (a�� �V'4dl�G�� .+w
<br /> W I
<br /> substantially cyuivuletit mongat,c insurancc rovcrayc is nut av�iil+ihlc. l�orru�vcr sh�all nay to Lcndcr r��ch �iionth a sum cyual tu �''�
<br /> tinc-tWClfth�2f the ycarly morlgaNc in,urancc prcmium hcinH p.iid by Ilurrua•cr whcn�hc in�uranrr mvrr.i};r lup�:�d nr cc:ncd tu •'�'"-:
<br /> . °• be in effcet. I.ender will arcept, use and rctain thc�.r p.iymcn�,,iti :� losti rcticrvi_ in licu uf murt�ta�tc iutiucmrc. Lu�,, reurvr ' -- - .-
<br /> payments may nu lungcr bc rcyuircJ.at thc uptiun ul l.�n�lcr. il murt�:i�,c inyurunrr cuv,;r:�gc (in lhr:wuxint cu�d t��r Ihr perii�d ;_s=-
<br /> , . thut l�:r.dcr rv:�uires) providcd Uy un imurcr .�ppruvcd hy Lcndcr :ibain bccnmGti;n:iil�iblc;ind iti uhtainril. Burruwcr+hall paiy �"°°
<br /> r;;�q � the prcmiums reyuircd to maintuin nwrtga�;e in�urunc�:in cffect. ��r tu pruviac n lu>s rescrvc. until thc rcyuircmcnt li�r muugage -
<br /> .. insurancc ends in accord�uuc wiih any writtcn agrecmunt bctwccn�iurr��wcr und L�:n�l��r or appliaiblc law. •.,�.
<br />�,_t�... . 9. Inspectton. I..�nder or its agent may makc rrasunablc cntrics upun and in���crtiun,ul thc f'ruperty. l.cndcr shull F�ivc
<br /> �'.?�* Borruwer i�utice ut thc timc of ur prior w an in,pcction+pccifying rcu,nn:tblc ruu>c fi�r th� in�pctiti�,n. �--
<br /> . 10. Condemnt�tion. '1'hc rrnrrc�ic �if ainy ,t�v�n•d ur rli�im G�r di�ma�r.. �lirrrt nr r�m�cyue°tuial, in c•unncrti�m �vith uny . '�-
<br /> , condemnution or othcr taking of any part of the Propcny, ur fur convcyuncc in licu uf c�mdernnatiun, arc hcrcby assigiud.tnd .".`�-
<br /> � shull bc paid to Lcnder. �_-
<br /> .' In thc event of u total taking of the Prnperty, the prncccdti tihull he applii�d lu Ihc tium�+ci:un:�i bv thit: F�.�:uriry In+trument, •=
<br /> ' whcthcr or not thcn duc, with any exccss paid to Aorruwcr. In �hc cvcnt ��t a partial takin� uf tk�n Prun�,r��� in whirh thc fuir °`"�
<br /> . ,..J.+•� markct valuc of thc Aroperty imnudiatcly bcforc the taking is cyual tu ��r�;reatcr thun thc antuunt uf'thc sums,ccured by this �
<br /> "' � Security [nstrument immediutely beforc the tuking, unletis Borrower and L+:nder othcr�vitie agr�:�:in writing, the sunts secured by _-
<br /> .. . � this Security inxtramcnt xhall hc reduccd hy thc ;unount of thc procccdti multiplicd hy thc follnwing fraction: (n) thc t�tad �• '
<br /> .,. umount of the sums secured immcdiutcly befurc thc taking, dividcd by Ih1 thu fair market value af tlir. Propcny i►nmcdiately .'��
<br /> ,. before the taking. Any balance shall 6e paid to Borruwcr. !n tha cvent of a partiul tuking uf thc Pr���eny in which the fuir �
<br /> " market value of thr Property immediatcly beforc thc takinb is Ics�th.m thc amuunt of the tiums secur�:d itnrncdiately bcforc the " �4
<br /> taking, unlcss Borrowcr and Lc:ndcr uthcrwisc agrcc in writing ar unlces appliaublc I.iw uthenvis�:pruvidas, thc proccccis sh:ill ;'
<br /> � bc applied to the sums sccurcJ by thi�Security Gititrununt whether ur not►ho yums�rc the�i duc. +•�
<br /> ' If the Property is abandoned by Horrower,ur if, aRer nutice by I.ender to F3orrower thut thu con+�cmnor offers to make un °
<br /> '`" ' •� awaFd or settle a claim for damages. Bon�ower t'uil+ to respond la� Lender within 30 Jiiys aRcr the date di�: notice is given. " "�':�:
<br /> '�=� Lcnder is authorizeei to caUeet and u 1 the rocce.�Js, at its c� tioi�, cither to restoratiun�r re air of the:Prx��cr[ or to the sun�s ��'��:�•°''--
<br /> i,� , PP Y P P R' b )' . ,,,,
<br /> - seeureci by this Security Instrument, wluther or not then due. ' •-;•ix�^:=_
<br /> �r.
<br /> Unless Lender And Borrower otherwise agrec in writing, any applicatic�n of proi:etds to principAl shall not extend or ��r.�v,,, •—
<br /> • •.,-,"`7c;;r.�.--
<br /> � postpone the due dute of the monthly puyments ref'ermd to in paragraphs I antl Z or rhungc the am�unt of tiuch payments. �. ; ��„��-,;:e��°
<br /> --.. � 11. Borrower Not Releas�d;Forbcurnncx By I,ender Nnt„ w�,t��r, gy,.,�n�:9on crf t!?c timc:for payment or maditi�:ation '�.;._�„ - --
<br />_ of amortization of the sums secured bv this Security In+trument granted by Lender to any�ucressor in intarest c.f'Berrawer shall �.,*�
<br /> not opera[e w release the liubility of[he origi�iul Borru�ver or E3orrower'ti succr.,sors iu intcrest. I�endc:r shreU r.ut be required to � :..;;;'= -
<br />. .. " _� commence proceeciings against any successor in interest ur ref'use tc�extend time for p�ymcnt or vthp�.viSC rtt�ify amartization --- -
<br /> K af the sums sccured by this Security Instrumcnt by re.ison uf uny dcnuind maJc hy the ori�imd I3orro�ver or Horrawer's �'-`'
<br /> �!
<br /> •,;. ' �`., successon in interest. Any forbcarance by l.�;nder in cxercising any right or remeJ,y shall rtot be u wuiver of or preclude the a��_.__
<br /> � exercise of any right or remeciy. �_..o.�-
<br /> ° 1Z. Successors aud Assl�;ns Bound; Julnt ansl Several l.ia6a11ity; Ca-si�ners. The covenants ar_d a�rcements of this _:—
<br /> �' s Sec�►ity Instrument shall bind and benefit the succestiors and assi�;ns of lan�ier and Borrnwer, subjeG. t�the provisions of ���°v
<br /> ry.- , �:ng 4pl: :?. E�r:,.. , ., .,.... ��s:; a:�1 abr�m�,::; :l�a!! "° ;c , s:�.i .....!. :�:, �or:;�•�::: �l:a ..., sitir,� il:i� S.;.wr�i} "••
<br /> ,�. Instrument but docs not er.c;cute�the Nute: (a) is co-signing this Security lnstrument only to niartgaige,grunt and convey t��at
<br /> " • Borrower's interest in the Property undcr the tcrms uf this Sccuriry Snstrumcnt; (b) is not personally obligatcd to pay the sums �
<br /> •� securecl by this 5ecurity Instrument; and(c)3grees thnt LenJer a�id airy oth4r I3urrower ivay:t;ree to c:xtend,madify, forbear or
<br /> • „ make any uc:ommedations with rcgard ro the terms of this Security Insu•umcnt ur lhe Notc witimut that 8orsuwer's consent. ',�.'
<br /> � 13. Loan Charges. If the loan securcd by this Secui ity Inxtrument is subj��st to,i luw which setc ma*.im.um loan charges, ,.�,;�
<br /> .;,.,, snd that law is finally interpreted so thut the interest or other luan rharges a�llecied ur ta be collectul in �t:;�nection witli the ��,
<br /> � loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (al any surh Irnm charge shall be reducrd by the un:ount tteccssury tu reduce the char�e j��.
<br /> , •�� to the permitted limit: aud (b) any tiums alresdy �ollected fi•om 8orrower�vhich excecdee.9 �m�itted lintits will be refundetl to -
<br /> ' Borrower. Lender may choosc to makc thiti ref'und by rcduring lhe principul a�ved uitder thc Note or by m:�king a dir�ct T � �'^
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be trrated as a partill prepuy:nent without any .�-*-`,
<br /> , prepayment charge under the Nute. '!��-
<br /> 14.Notices.Any noticc to Borruwcr provided fur in this Security instrume��t shall bc given hy dcliveriny it or by uiailing y
<br />.. • .. it by first class muil unless applicuble law reyuires u�e uf unother ntethud. Thc naticc shaJl be dir�ctui to the Properry Address �- �
<br /> or any other address Borrowcr designutes by noticc ro L.,cnder. An�� notice to Lcndcr shall bc given by first class mail to =
<br /> " Lender's address stated hcrein or any othcr adJress Lendcr dc5ignutcti by noticc to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this � _?f�
<br /> � Sec�aty instrumcnt shall be Jeemcd tu hnvc becn�;ivcn to I3orrowcr or Lcndcr when gi��cn as providcd in this parngraph. .�_-
<br />- �, �• 15. Governin� Law; Severabllity. This Srruriry instrument tihall be guverncJ by fccierrl law und the law of the � � _
<br />= jurisdiction in which the Property is locatcd. In the event that uny provision vr cl.wse uf thiti Security I»s�n�ment or the Note =- -.—q,,,�=
<br /> �:-��.-
<br /> '��, ' conflicts with applicable law,such conflict tihull nut affect other provisions of t4is Security Insuument c�r the Note which can bc �:��,_�,�_
<br /> given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provision+of'this Security IRSr.runient and the Note are decla�ed --- -' �a�r��,=---
<br /> I ;�, to be severnble. �. •;��--- - ,�,:.�
<br /> 16.Sorrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc givcn��nc ranti�rmcd ropy of'thc Notc and uf this Sucurity Inxtrtnncnt. �rM-���.
<br /> ` • 17.TrunstFer of the Property or a Bcneficial Intcrest h� Norrow��r. If all or Blly�ItUI OI�(I1C PIY)F7ES�ti or any intcrest in it c• ._.
<br /> , is sold or transfcrred(or if a bcncticial interest in Fiurruwcr iti suW ur trantifcrred and L3orrowr:r i� iwt u n•w�a�rsl per�un)wi�l►uut - .•�_�,�;;�„�,,,�;,
<br /> . . Lender's prior written runsent. L.enJcr may. at itti uptiun, rcyuire innncdiatr paymcn[ in 1'uU uf all sums securai by thia .��;�k�3`�'�►'�_
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument. Howcver. this option�hull not be cxcrcised hy I.ender if exercisc is pr�ihibiicd by tederal I,iw us uf thcdatc " �- .`y�:.�
<br /> of this Security Instrumcnt. _
<br /> - [f Lender exerciscs this optiun, Lcndcr tihall �.ivc Uorrowcr noticc of�ir�cicration.1'hc notiee+ha�l prr�r,�ide a periud uf not ' �
<br /> Iess thxn 30 days from the date the notirc is drliveri:d or muilcd within whicl� �3orruwcr must pay all sums sccurul by this
<br /> -_ Security Instrument. If BorrowGr fails to pay thcsr sums prior to thc expiratiun i�F this period. Lcttdcr may invokc any rcmedies �
<br /> - � permitted by this Sa:urity[nstrumcnt withuut further noticc ur demand on Borrower. •
<br />-- IS. Borro�ver's Ri�;ht to Reinstnte. IF Borrowcr meeta ccrtain r�mJiticros, Horr��wer shall havc thc right to havc
<br />-- • enforcement of this Security Instrununt JiscuntinucJ at uny time priur tu tl�c carlier uf: (u? 5 days (ur tiuch uthcr period as ,
<br />- , applicablc law may spccify f'or reimtatcmenU brf'orc �alc ul' thr 1'mpcny pur+uant to any powcr ol'salc containcd in this
<br /> � � '' Sccurity Instrumcnt;��r(bl cnrry of ajud�mrnc cnti�rcinE tli:s Securiry In,trumrnt.Tho,c con�itiun+,irr iliuc f3urrii�vcr:L•�)payti ,
<br /> � ' Lender all sums which thcn would bc duc un�cr thi► Scrurity Instrumcnt a►id the Notc us if no urrcicrntiun had ��ccurred; (b) '
<br /> "' cures any default of'any uther rovcnants or agrcetnents: (cl payti all expense+ inrurr��el in �ntirrcing thi, Seruriry Instriiment.
<br /> • ' - including, hut not limited to, rcasonablc:utorncys' f'ec�; and (d) tak�� such actiun;iti L�ndcr ivay rc:i�unably rcyuirc tu astiurr
<br /> that the lien of this Security Distrununt. LcnJcr's ri�*hty in lhc Property an� [iunuwcr'���bli�:,uiiun to pay thc wmti,rcuri�i hy � ------- —__
<br /> _----� •• - - . .. . . . .. .
<br /> • ,- ---�� m�s �ecuricy ms�rumem snau cunnnuc uncn:mgca. up�m rcm�tatrmenc np nnrrv��t•cr. [ni� >crurny In,tnuncm .ind th� --------� ----- �
<br />-- _ . obligations�ecurcd h�reby sh;:U remaiu fully cl'f�etivr ati if no :iccrleration had �ncurred. Huweti•�:r, this righ� tc�rcinst,u�tihall �
<br /> not apply in thc casc of a�ccicratiun w�dcr paragraph 17. �
<br />__ � ' � 19. Sule of Note: Chuni;e uf Lo.u� tiervic:er. '1'he Nulc ur :i p;irtixl intrir.► in eh�� Nutr Itogrthcr �vitli this Sccurit}• � .
<br /> � Instrumcnt)mdy bc sold onc or►norc times�vithnut prior notirc tu liurrnwcr. A ,alr may rr>ult in a changc in thc cntity(knuwn ;
<br /> � as thc"Lvan Scrviccr")�h��cuii�cis moniniy paynunt�uuc unUCr tiic Nulc and thts Sccunty Insirumcnt. I h�rc;ds�i nr.ry hc unr � ..
<br />=�`' ur morc changcs of thc Luan Scrviccr unrclated 1��a sak ul'thc N�itc. IF thcrc is a rlian�r ul thc Lu.u�Scr��ircr. Hurniwcr will hc
<br /> . given�vritten notice of the change in arcordance with rara�:raph Id ahiwr anJ aprlirablc law. 'I'he nnlirc will�tate the name anJ
<br />�; �ddress of thc nc�v L,c�an Scrviccr and thc ,iJdre�� tu which paymcnt+ .hould hr mailc. 'I'li� noiirc��•ill:il,u r�,ntain any uthcr
<br /> -- inforniatiun rcyuircd by applirablc Icnv.
<br /> Z0. i�azardous hub:;tiuu�w. E3�.�rruwcr .h:dl nut rau�c or �icrnnt ihc prr,cnrc. uti�. di.pu.ul. .tur���.c. ��r rrlrati. ��I any
<br />'_ ., Hazanluus Substances on ��r in thr I'roperty. Burru�ver tihall n�,t Ju. nur allu��• any�mr rl�r tu �lu. ;inything alt'crting thc
<br /> = Property that is in viol,tticm uf'.my Einvirimmcntal Luw. 'I'hc prcccding t�vu .cntcncrti.h;�ll nut appl}• lu thc prc.rnrr. u.c. c�r
<br />,� " ', storngc o�i lhc Pruperty of�niall yuantiticti ut' Hu�anluus 5uhtitanccs that arr Nrncrall}� rrcuttniicJ n, hc:�nrr��p�,atc tn nurmul
<br /> �� residential uses and tu maintenautce uf the Property.
<br /> �
<br /> �`1' i'�ao.+„� � Form 3028 9l90
<br /> L
<br /> i .. ,_...__. . . „ ._ .. . . __.. .. _ ._ . _ . .. ._._�..l._.. . . . ... ._._...�._.. __ -- - _
<br />