���•� � . . .:i,�'
<br /> • .»� , . � _ , .;`;.; _� _
<br /> ' ' " . .. . .�.:; , � .:.
<br /> . , - :' ' ' . .. . - � - ' t. . - . Js+a .,,�,.::c� ..LfY�;y,�ri"�:�.. M• �y ...>.,.�rxr �.
<br /> !. _ '�'^:�`�=ic._ � - ...
<br /> ...�A.+:.u,::;s.:L_S:.x-c
<br /> sv..�l��1�.. �� ' ..�,....._._. ...�r.�r�-r--v..ar/.n.�=_ac ...�n.n-is�2 ns.tiw4.n
<br /> j .MIy , ►AUw�+.w+%...�.. - ...1 i..
<br /> �� "�..�... _ /� /��\ ..
<br /> ` �.�-' '� ` V�'��/V�� ..
<br /> 'fh�: I��nul�� ,li�dl h�� hcly�yuch"m1mstiluli��n1 ui��in�iny��l�cdcr.�l�ll��iocrl�uan liii hi1Lr idrr,'Ir,ll app��uihr�fin�I n�I��iyuth�
<br /> Iincludin�S LAnul�.r, il Lcnd�r
<br /> �- _t:•„ liuruw In1►u,�. l.cn�.lcr m�iy nul rh,u��;c liurn��vcr I��r lioldin�t nud upplyin�.Ihc Fund., nnnuully:�naly�ing tlic c�cru�v acr,�unt.ur . „
<br /> n.;.;r� , ��cnlyin�;i,ur I;rcru�v li�:m+, unlc,�Lcnd�r pay� ll�+ru►�'''�� �i��l�icylimc'cit irF�'�fiir���n'indCpc���dciui1rc.11�c,tutc t x��rc�n�rtinRj�+cc•vi�lc �.,+. ; .' ,`.
<br /> . . a cl►su�llc. IUt�r�cvc��. I.c�ulrr may rc��uirr Horruwu t � y .''�
<br /> ,�.,".".';;:.. ., u,�d by I.,��u�t.,:r ii� �unncrtiun 141II1 IIIIti I��an. unlc+, ;�ot�lhc�rc�ui�rcd to��my Horru�vcr'any u�tcrc+t�or cin�i igs�on'tlic�l unds' .,nn
<br /> �, applical�l�:In�ar r�quirc� intcrc�t tobc p��id. lAn�cr tilt:dl � I �^".;'.��_
<br /> -'� ' � I�OffUWCI':m�1, I.rn�lm u�uy ��gr�� in wrUin1�, howcvcr. thut intcn�st �.h.dl hc p�iiJ un thc l�undti. Lcndcr�fiall �ivc to I3o►ro�vcr.
<br /> ..,,._T-,�r , ..;t , , .. :�;1=.
<br /> .. • without rb»rgc. nu nmiuul cicr��unting af ih�: Fun�l�`1��``�ititimal�,ccuriry f��rull sums sc urcJ by thiti S�cu ir ryLlnstrwncnt.��1�1i ...�._�-
<br /> `. ,s dehit tu tf.ir, PUIIIIti W71ti I11111IL'.�I,IIL I'11111I5 arc plcdg� '''}_`�:,.'�:"' ,
<br /> ..' ' If tGic Fund,hcld by lAndcr cxcccJ thc amuunt,permittcd to hc held by applicablc luw.Lcndcr,llull accoune to Burr�,vcr ., j �-�--.
<br /> - ;�';*...r`'..: . : .,.� .. -_
<br /> ,. ,,,, , fur thr cxres�+ Fwids in accord.�ncc with th' ��vh�n ducl�l.�nd p�n�Y ti����t�fYf$h�rc wcr in wr t n�Uin�, in�ucii�c 8orr nvcr :'�, �,:-�--�:
<br /> " ry' 7,� ; , tiut�:iti n�;t yuficicnt tit pay thc�scro�v lt�i� y �;:',+ .� ,,,��,'�,__;
<br /> � ��.
<br /> ,��� .'•'� , .hidt p:ty to L.�nder�hc umuunt necess.►ry tu nmke up thc deficicncy. Hurrower shall madce up the deficienc in no mure than ;,, ., ,,..;—, •
<br /> � ,
<br /> � nvelve munthty�sayments, at I.�:nder's�ule c�i�cretion. 3 y r��
<br />,n . . ;' Up�n paymc�u in full uf aU yums secured by thiy Securiry Instrument. Lender ,huil promp�Q`�o the ac a+uon or�lc -�
<br /> Funds h�:l�!by l.cnder. If, undcr p:►ragraph 21. Lendcr tihall ucquirc ur seU thc Property.Lendcr,p 9 �',�,.:�i':i�
<br />- •,�: �f�„�p�•���,;r�y,,���i��,ipp�y any Funds held by Lc:nder at the time of acquisitiun or salc as a credit against the sums se�urcd by �':C�°�_s=:.._.......
<br />-• ' ' thi:�Sccuri�y Instrumcnt.
<br /> �..�a--
<br /> �, ,`•� . 3.A�PliuitEun nf Payntcnts. Unlcsti applicablc Inw provides utherwise,all payments received hy Lcnder widcr paragraphs ���Y---
<br /> . �; I and 2 sliall he applied: tirst, to any prep:►Yment ch,irgeti due under the Nute: second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> �. : . � third,to intcrest duc;faurth,to principul dur:aud last,to any late charges duc under the Note. ___ _
<br /> - � 4. CRat�;��; l.iens. Borruwe�' tihnll puy all taties. ��sse�ymcnts. charges, fines und impositions attributablc to the Property
<br /> - � i�,,� which may attuin prioriry nver this Security Instrument, and leusehold payments or graund rents, if:u�y. Borrowcr shall pay -
<br /> -_ '. ; thesc obli�ati��ns in thc manneB`P u crshallpromptly furnish totLcnder allAnot ces of Bmou ts t be1pa d unde rhis pams ph• _^..
<br /> to thc person owcd payment.
<br />- ::�'c;; - 1f G,;;;an,r,;,al;ex these p��yin�ius�n'ecdY� Dorroaer shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payrnents. ���_-Y_---
<br /> Dorrower+h.�ll prornpUy discharon see�red b hthe I en pn�armannerrucceptable�to Lenderl(b)colntestBs in �Oad fai hsheli�n ___
<br /> � writinLc to thc payment uf thc obh�,an Y
<br /> -_ , by, or d�fcnds ugainst cnfarcc e�`ure�frmn thc�h lder of thc�liei�an�ag eement s thsfactory ro Lender s bord'tnat ng the licn`to
<br /> cnforccmcnt uf thc licn:or(�) -�-
<br />_- this Sccurity inst��tnent, l.ci�cicrm•ayegivc�Borrrnver aYnouce identifyiugert�i'zn.bBorrowcrlshally atisfy he lien ortaka une or ==:
<br /> �'� thi:;Security Instru �_„�
<br /> . morc af thc actio»s xet forth abovc�vitliin 10 days of the giving of notice. '.���_=
<br /> , " S. Huaa�rd or 1'roperty lnsurunce. Borrowe��tihW��rl,inetheherm Pexte ded co erage"Sand any otherf ha�ardst�in ludin - -
<br /> ri:-� - - - �.._.. � _- -
<br /> . . , , P►•u�scrty in�urc�1 against ios� oy iuc. ����r� :.::�-_.l ..
<br /> '^'' flaod>;or flc�odinE. fnr which Leiidcr rcyuires insuranre.This insurance shall be maintained in the amounin a��S io�.����° -
<br /> _- ,''��' . � that L.�ndcr rcquires. Thc insbian�'�hheldr Ifr�Bo�rower f,i ls wa maintain covera€c csc$bed abovebLender maye aY Lender's �,�„
<br /> ..: ,,;,^ �.: whicN shnll not hc unrcuaona y -
<br />_: ' , opticnt,i�bUtin cuvcrugc to protcct Lcndcr's rirhts in thc Propeny in uccordance with puragraPh 7•
<br />-- • ° All insurance policies and ronewals yhall be acceptuble to Lender and shall includp a sp y�e o�nder all recei t of __
<br /> � .'�,�,:"�� shall h•rve the�'�6�����ne�val nutP c'tic In the{event f los•.ti.Bonower shall gB e prompc nuticet o the insurance carrier and Lender. ��;
<br /> ° . .. puiJ prcmiums und
<br /> - L.cnJsr muy tnukc proof of loss if not n►adc promptly bv Borrower. �`���_ --
<br /> u'��� � Unless Lender und Horruwer otherwise •rgree in writing. insurance proceeds shall be applieci to restoration or repair of tite
<br /> �u".:
<br /> ' proFerty danmged,if the restoration ur repair iti cconomically feasible snd Lender's security ts noc Iessened. if the restoration or --
<br />- repair is nc�t cconom�ca��Y fcu+iblc or Lcndcr's �crurity would be lessened,the insurance proccecls shuU be applied to thc sums
<br />_ securcd by this Sccurity Instrume�it. wheth`r���`�I�`�f Om Lcndert hat hexnsuranc�e carrBrrhas offcreci o �tic ae la�m,ythen �'��
<br /> � .,�,
<br />�:� ' � Prr�crty, nr d��es not answcr within 30 day r _
<br /> "�.`•• Lendcr muy collect the insurance pruceeds. Lender may use the pn�ceeds ta repair or resture the Property or to pay sums �;'�•
<br />�� .- ' .�i', . '�i'.f/--^_
<br /> tiecur e c i by t h i s S e c u r i t y I n ti t r w n ent, whether or not then due.The 30-day periud will begin when the notice is�iven. ;,; �.;._
<br /> Unless L�:nder and E3orrowcr otherwise agree in writing, any app lication o t pro c e e d s t o n r i n c i p a l s h a ll not cxtend or r�
<br />�,�;. �� �rostpune the due date of thc munthly payments rc:ferral tc in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If � ��.
<br /> . • , Pro ert is uc uircJ by 1-cnder.Borrower's right to uny insurance policies dn�Ph S�Secur ty In trufine�n E ,'��"`=
<br /> "' ' unJ�r pxrabrapl�11 thc p Y Q
<br />�;;.•.:� ' i,�� dumugc t�i thc Property prior tu thc acquisiiion shall pass to Lcnder to thc cxcent of the sums secured by Y I ° ^�;a:�.?.
<br /> � , initnccli.�tcly prior to thc acyuisitiun. � '' j �'`"':
<br /> � �, 6, (kcupancy, Pr��crvs�don.hlointentince and Protection of the Property:
<br /> Borro�ver's Loan Application;Leuseholds.
<br /> '`ry'• E3urm�ver shall occupy. �ytttblish, .uid use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the exccutiun of i � 'R+� Y
<br /> - ' this Security Instrwnen u��l�s'Lendcr�thcrwixc�c e�hn wriiing�wh Bh consent shrallc ot'be unrea�nably wcithheld.yor un{ess � --
<br />