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.,,,,, _._:�,,. __ : . . ., - , � <br /> •nNeudSroYftrlA4 .. . �� <br /> .. �'-n'a-�w� . <br /> ...7 „ " . . �� - I <br /> �1 <br /> •� <br /> � ��� k�• .. . ` -. •-11 ' ' � <br /> . E�I�A�I��.�......�._ •._ . .. - . . ', . . w'r+Tii:�.•�'r��; .y�.�..._ ' �'��� ♦y�.�--+�-. <br /> -. i. . � <br /> �: v <br /> �. . � . <br /> . , <br /> .. �......,_,_.��' .a_....�..'::f.i� . ......,_b... .. ....._......a�. _ __ —._k.,�� � ..._ <br /> .. ,. �,..i , � <br /> —����.r �� - _ _ r '_.--._ . i 4+ �re�...f <br /> ��� <br /> .._...�.�.�4.��-.v.�. .. .. ._._ . . ..__. . ____"_"_. ._. . _ . . .._ ..__ . � <br /> -- —" � <br /> `�'''—�^` "-� ��tl��� 1 <br /> .� ..;�., �, ' �5 -' '�"-t`..", <br /> Plorrowcr sl�all prumpUy �ivc �.ci�dcr�+�rittcii ii��ticc of uny investi�;utiun, clnim, dcm�md, lawsuit or uthcr i�ction by nny . <br /> --,-�: ,,..., �;uvcrnincutal c�r regulatory a�cncy ur privatc putty involvin� 1hc{'rupc�ty and any I I,itt�rditus Suh+lancc nr�:nvironmcntid <br /> �;.�j°,�.,,,�: of which Boirnwe.e t�a,uctual kno���lcdgc. If 13orrawer le�unti. �re ia notiiicd by any guvcrnmcntal ur rcgulatory authurily. Ilr,it , <br /> - =__ ui�y remc�val c�r otiur remediatian�f any Hn•rardous Subst,�nce affcctin� th�Pro�r,rty is ncccssary, Burrower shall pron�ptly Inkc � <br /> -----'--��`' ail necc�ss►ry remcdinl c�ztinns in nccordnnce aith Environmental Law. ' <br /> -=�'y?�•����;:,rN� As usal in this parageaph 20, "Haiardous Substanccs" urc tl�osc substunces defincd as toxic or h���rdous �ubstanccs by ;'; '° <br /> __����� �nvii�onmental L.nw und thc followinF +ubstunccc: gnsolinc. kcrosc�zc, othcr flammablc ur ti�xic petrolciun praducts, toxic _,.:•..�� <br /> �..,� pcsticidcs and licrbicidcs,vol(IIiIC tiOIVCIlIS,matcrials containing asbcstus or formuldchydc,and raJicr,�ctivc mAtcrials.As uscd in - <br /> - _°__?! this paragraph ZU, "Lnviromnental Law" mc�anti fedcral lnwti and laws of thc jurisdictian whcre �h� Pm�+Crty ic locatcd �hat � <br /> _��; relatc to hcalth,safety or environmcntul protection. �='�, <br />_:_:�;�� NON-UNIFOEtNi COVENANTS. Horrowcr and l.cnd�� furthcr covcnant und agrcc as fullows: � t:.;.�., <br /> -- 21. Acreleration;Remedles. l,ender st�all g(ve nuttce tu Borrower prlor to uccelerntton following Borrower s brenCh �a�;r7 <br /> ___�,�,�;':� of any covcnant or ugrcement in th(s ��cuHty Instrument (but not prtor to nc�cleratlon undcr purngraph 1T unless ,,,�,�' <br /> - appllcable luw pravldes utherwlse).The nollce shAtl s�xcify: (a)the default; (1�) the nctlon reyulred to cure the defi�ult; •.., <br /> __—:._�;•.:: (c)a date,not Icss than 30 dQys f�•om tl�c datr,the nntice is gtven tu Iiorrower, by which thc defi�ult must bc cured;nnd �,�;_•;:.•. <br /> �; �;{ (d) that faltu�•e to cu�e the defnult on or be1�►re the dute s��ecificd M tlie notice n�t�y res�lt I�� ncceler.attun uf the 1un�s <br /> _;����;«, � secured by this Securlty InstrumRnt und snle of the�•a}ierty. The noticc shalt further inform Borrowcr of the ri�ht t� .�.;{f� <br /> <� ;-�>:#!' relnstnte oQcr ncccleratfusx nnr�thc right to bring n court actfon to +usert the non-�xlstence of n dePnult a•uny other ��Y °s.r <br /> �'�� �� `�`- defr.nse of Dorrawrr to ucalcr�tion und snle. IP thc defnult is not cw•ed on iir before thc dute specified in the nottcc, <br /> _��u a�zt;,,:.�t � <br /> ;,W.;� [.cnd�r•, at lts option, muy requlre imn�ccllaM p�vment in full oP All sums secured by thls Securtty Instrun�ent wi::aut �rt^� <br />--�-���'-�{�?��`' further demnnd nnd mny invoke the powex oP snle und nny other reuiedtes permittcd by npplicaBle law.I.endr.r st�all ba <br /> �' e�►tltled to collect ull expenses incurred in pursufu�the re►nedies grovided in�thls paragruph 21, includln�,but nat liniited <br /> =;���Y•_ <br /> _-"� xa,���� to.rcaso�wble attarneys'fc�s mid wsts oP Ritle evidence. <br />���'��� i` �� It the paw•e�r of sule [s invoke�, Trustee sliall record u notice uf deii�uld lu each county in whirh any part af the � <br /> .0 <br />'•'�}���� �' Property fy located nnd shaU mafl copies af such natice in tt�e munncr prescrlbed by upplisable lnw to Borrower pnd to <br /> .��y"'�t°�`:, ' the�ither persons prescribed by upplfcable Inw.Aftee thc timc required by upplicable luw,Trust��e shall�ive public naticc _ <br /> .�p:`•_.�:� of salc W thc �ci�soi�s und in thc manner Nrescrlb�d by appllwblc It�w.Trustee, without demund on Borrow�r, shul!sell =_--- <br /> ;,.v��;M� �4 ll�e Pruperty at public auctfon to the higl�c.�st bidder at tl�e time und place und under the terms d�ignaeed i��the notice of —.�.. <br />`_:�Y�,_�_,�• sale in one or morc parusls�nd in any order'frustee determincs. 'fivstee may postpone sale of ull or any pa��ccl ot the <br />,.�.�t.;, '� Pro�rty by publtc annuun�:ement nt the Nme und place af uny prevtously schtduled snle. Lender or its designee muy <br />- .�,y�, purchase thc Property nt any salc. <br /> -�:��;�u-:�' Upon recelpt of pnyment of the prtce bld, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the _ <br />�:;;,�3� • Property. The recttais in the Trt�stee's deed sitnll be prin�a fncie evidence oP the hvth of the state�nents nta�de thrrein. <br /> '.'";;''';� `' �'rustee shail :ipply the proceeds uf the sule fn the following ordcr: (a)to nll costs aad expense�sH►�exercisln�the power of _ <br /> � � sule,ana the sAle, Includiug the payment of tlie Trustee's fees actually incurred,not to exceed 1 f 50.00 or '� °� <br /> '�••d•��''`,','�• F ,. . �__� : • .o lo tt n� <br />-� ar��r of the princlpal am�unt o�tne note ai ine iime vi i��r uc,;�a� r,f tl:F:,ul..a:i:!s:�:�.�._�__�!r_ vc Paru ng��nnEtted <br />,.�,..�_, <br /> y;^.��,a„� . ,,..• by law; (b)to nll sunxs secured by this Sccurlty Instrument;ond(c) any exc�;s to the pers�►n oj•persa��s Icgally�ntttled to <br /> 1't.`:ti ,� '� it, <br /> • Z'l. Recon��eynnce. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, Lender shall request Trustec to <br />`;^:.',��•"�'<'� reconvey the Aro}x:ny and 5hall surrender this Securiry lnstrument and all nutes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br /> •rn;�.L.t:;L'{+��' <br /> .,',ry^,�: Instiument to Trustce. Tru�stce shall reconvey thc Proparty without wurranty aud without charge ro the penon or pe�sons Iegally <br />-;-�'.,',, cntidcd to it.Such person or p�rsans shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> ''��'-LL--�=- • 23. SubsNtute Trustee. Lender, at its aption, muy from time to time remove Trustee nnd appoint a successor trustee to <br />`�''�~��� u�-��. any Trustee appointeci hereunde.r by an instrument recattied in the county in which this Securiry Instrument is recordr.d.Withnut _ <br /> `;..�,.,..,. <br /> -.�,.:�r,��, wnveywue a f t lie Property,t he successor tr us t e e s h a l l s u c c e e d t o a l l t h e tide, power and dutic:s conferred u pon Ttustee herein <br />._'+}��; ,,. and by applicnblc li►w. <br />:;>S��i;'''.�'G,��.. k , 24. ReqYiest f��r.Notd�es. Borrower requcsts that cc�pics of the nutices of default anJ sale bc �ent ro Horrower's address _ <br /> , ' "`'j^` " - which is thc Prop:ay Address. <br />,��f�,i;��,.`.'.,c'��'-'�i;.-�,• — <br /> , 7 2S. RIdC(Y�O llli.9 Sl'�UC[ty Instrument. If onc or morc ridcrs arc executeJ by E3orrower and recordcd together with this <br /> ,`_,:�:;=:•��'-;t�,;! 5ecurity Instrumant,the covenants und agreements of each such rider shall bc incurporated into and shall amend and supplement __,___ <br />,.:Rr��:�:�?,� � the covenauts mid agreements of this Security Instrument us if the rider(s)were'a part of this Security Instrument. r.,_��.,� <br /> ;�', a.q�;• [Check upplicuble box(cs)1 - - <br /> �f y,,��`,,. <br /> J`�,r.�_jr�� -.- <br /> ❑Adjustable Rate Rider �Condorninium Rider ❑ l-4 F•rtnily Rider �l�{,. <br />-`L"'- - �.:- [�Biweekly Pnyment Rider �:=-, <br /> • �Grnduated Paymcnt Rider U Planncd Unit Dcvelopmcnt Ridcr � <br />`�`��•••; �•' �Balloon Rider ❑Rute hnprovcment Rider ❑Second Hame Rider �'?j - <br /> N..eey_. <br /> f [�OthcKsl(specif'y► `=�`�' <br />�va;•:�.., ❑V.A. Ridcr � `- <br /> . '�s� <br /> x s <br /> �.�'�'"��°°'�'��` -I3otice• of Default '� � <br /> ��,,.. ..,,r���. <br /> "'i°'�'""''° 'nC•'�' -Home L�quity Line Rider . - <br /> -.:o-k,��;'�,t,r.. <br />.�-i.:lO�ijlC�•�1"tk•'' . i.. <br /> �'`"�� � �� BY SIGNING BL'LOW. 8arrower acce tti aud a rees to thc terms and covenants cantained in this 5ecuriry Instrument und <br /> . :�r:s` ._. ,: P�' F i.� <br /> ����"x � in any rider(s)cxccnted by Uorrowcr and recordcd a•ith it. • <br />_ � -:�:.�i}.I.l�v WIlI1C55C5: f •� . <br /> .:.�.. ��.,,:'y. , ' ($C.11) ' <br /> ohn R. H��Q � •13urru�vcr <br /> : , .. �.�. <br /> � F .�a��� - � <br /> L ' � __�,e�G� <br />-- • `-� r,Scal) <br /> �' `• Karen M. 1 ine .B�,rn,�ti•c� <br /> ; :.,.,j���;,�. •• <br /> � ;ti��i,�' <br /> h����' ie 4rcelli�(: <br /> _.:,'a`i�a"�.�i (SC:t�) _ —�$CA�) - <br />_ ��:;��(�. •fiarro�vet �Nurrowcr <br /> _:.�r��4 . \1 <br />-_'' �'si�:t'}r <br />_fan e s,rn ,s'�_ <br /> =���.;"+ � SI'IA'fC OF N�BRASKA, Httll County ss: � <br /> =` ".?;:��%;�f , da of . 1995 . ' <br /> �'�•� Tttc foregoing instrutncnt was acknowlal�,ed beforc me this ZO Y .Yanuary I <br /> � �..,.:. .:.ti. <br />�,_-;.�,:�. ,,. , by John R. Hig�ina. Jr. and Karen M. HigginA, husband und wife • <br /> ��_ ' Witness my liand nnd notarial sc:il at in tiaiJ Cu y,thc datc atiiresaid. � <br />::r_..` 4 � Grand Islnnd. Nebraskr��l.�� • . <br /> �.:.- .. ( , <br /> -�,6;�,y��''�'•� My Cumntis�ion Expires: (�lrfQ6f98 ' <br /> -.%^-'��1• I•7-Yy Nntary Nublic � <br /> :,�?t+.;��:-�":�''�:'''. . . i <br /> • , , , �NEAAI MOtAl1Y,SftMdlMMNiI i <br /> • - ' Pa��c n u�d CAROL A.�UANOT Fotm 3020 9l90 <br /> MY fmm�i.E� 7.111! <br />, �.. � <br /> . . <br />", .. <br />