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;:_?a,4�s�.1 r - ...n.r...�. . . _ �wwwr.pF�r�. .-.w.a-. <br /> 'n;;j:L• . .,.:�.mr«..., .. ,. . .. ��wnewMf�tYtiFy�1/�iY?AieOnP+r�4'r: <br /> i <br /> �,Vj' ..... , . _. -._._� ._...�..�__.. _ <br /> . ,•t�,l....�.� , y. . � . ... I�v ' <br /> ..l'..4,1R�i.'�... . �` - ., , .. . <br /> ,+ni1. . r . '! � , . ,`��..- ....: � _.. <br /> {f'N ' . y� ,y(f�.-��' ...,'.-, ..' �:'..�,►��Y� <br /> �ypL1f'_ ..'Y�._......;.____._ �.�Y1-. <br /> .....�.�nr.n.x.�n..�...... ' ' . . � _�__ .,,,�,wgAlYp�•, .. <br />..__.� ..�_.__....�........ a - �u���.���...,. ....i...W..�n.�.sa����ia� <br /> ."n]� ..,..;_ ____ �.iV_�.-- —_ -- <br /> . - -� �_ ___ —_-_ - '.1.. . ` <br /> � -3�S�st�+� r�e,er���.t�� �'''t'��� FK3�y�i 'M Y.c,j�r M yi,- � � . <br /> . . _� ��aR-�s^:.r^"��ti�'3'Ff*�"�Ci`'.y7�r';'^!\}fr�.;��y.rr-r;�r� .�a� . .. . -� . Y u.aM r . �_�. <br /> �—�..R .5.c:t..-w:i';t . T, . . . . . . --1'�!�". <br />'a.jt.; � ,�h++.,....�aA.� �i � , � . ` . . " r> . • ' . ' .' � n ,'\..... :`�a nS� . <br /> , <br />� . ..�... � ...-.., ',.,rH, �' . v � �- . .. .. . . ... __ - .. . . .. ,. .. ... . . <br /> , ..m,,�v• •.r.,r.��,�4,. . <br /> ..... .. .._.. fsa_ <br /> �� �fa�3'7'�48 =— <br /> 5. klazard or Property insurA��cc. tim•rmvcr shall kccp the imprnvcmcAt;�T,�`�i�r.iug un c�renftcr crGStcd on tBc �. <br /> 1'roperty insurcd ngainst loss by firc, h,vardv includcd within thc tcrni "extcr�dcJ covcragF," and uny c►th�:r haznrds, iacluding <br /> flaods or flaodin�. fnr�1h?cli LFndcr rcquirc�insuraucc."Cl�is insurnucc tihuU bc m:iintaincr,l in tli�:unount4:iiid f��r thc peri+�ds �,- <br /> that L.endcr require+. Thc insurancc cnrricr pruviding►he insu��anre sh:dl be rBoscn ltiy Ilorruwcr �ub��:ct to LenJ�r's approvnl <br /> which shall not be anreasonably withhcld. It Borrowcr fails to maintain c�mc�a�e dcr,rribcd ahuve. Lzndcr may. +u l.cnilcr's _._. <br /> option,obtain covcrage to protcct Lcndcr's eights in thc Properry in accordancc with paru�.ruph 7. �• <br /> All insueance policies and renewals snall be aeceptable ca L.ender an� sh:lll IIICIIIlI4 il SUIII(I�ir.1 most��►ge cluuse. I.�nder _ <br /> shall have the riglnt to hol3 thc policics and rencwals.IC l.cndcr tcyuires, E3arrowcr shall p��omptly give tn l.endcr all rcceipts af s. <br /> paid preuuwiu and rencw�l notices. In tlic event of loss,Burrowcr shaU give prompt nuti►:e to ti►r, in:�urt�.i�cc carricr:md I.cndcr. ` <br /> Lender may make proof of loss if not madc prompdy by Dorrowcr. <br /> Unless Lcndcr nnd Borro�vcr otherwisc agrce in writing,insurance procceds shall 1,;;applir,d tc�re.staration or rcpair uf thc <br /> Property damaged, if the restorati�n or repair is econumically feasible anQ Lender's aec�,rity is not Jessen�:d. If the restor�tion or <br /> repair is not eccnomically fcasible or I.ender's securiry tivould be lesscned, thc insinnn�r,.procccds slu�l.l be applieci to the sums <br /> secum.�i by this Security Instrumcnt, �vhctticr ar not then duc, with any cxcess paid cn Borrower. [f 13orrowcr abanduns the <br /> Prop�riy,or does not mistver within 30 days a notice from I.c:ndec that the insurance czrrier hn;;off�er�;d to settle A elaim, then <br /> Lender ivay coliect the insurau�e proceeds. L.ender ntay� ue:e the pru+:eed� t� rep�ir nr rc.atore tlic 4'rnperty or to pay sums <br /> se�:ured by this Serurity Instrument, whcthcror not thcn due.Thc 30-day perii�will bc��in�vhcn tl.�;ro�ticc is given. <br /> linless Lendcr and Borrower othcnvisc agrcc in writing, any application of�mccecls to pr9r�.�pa1 shall not cxtcnd or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly Fayrncnts refen•cd to in paragruphs I and 2 or change the nixwunt uf thc paymc�tts. lf <br /> under puragraph zl thc Property is acquired by tAUJ��. B��w:Y«'�r�b�:i���.� ir.s��s:ss:t�;�lici�s'!P_!�rr��rcds 1'CSUIUII��fORI <br /> damage to thc Property prior to[he acquisiticn shall pass to l.cndcc to the extent��f tl►c�sui�is sccur,�l�iy this Sccurity Instrument � <br /> immediatcly prior to thc acquisition. <br /> 6. pceupni�cy,Preservatiun.111aintenance ur�d Protectton of Nu Pn�perty;13��raowe�"s l.n���.i Appllcatton; I.cascholds. <br /> Iionower shall accupy,establish,and use the Property:�ti Qorrower's principal reside:n�r within sixty�days aRer the cxecution oE — <br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal at least one year after <br /> the date of otcupancy,unless Lender utherwise agrees in writing, which consent sh�dl 4iot br, ur�rensonably w6thheld,or unless <br />- CAICIIUilUtlb �ii�ti�i�SliiiiCCS CniSC ':::.: S:« �2.°ijC.^.� R^rrnwr��c cotltf�ll. QOI�MVCP ti�lil�� RUI VGFI[OV, dama�e or IIl7pA1[ [�1C <br /> Property, allow thc Property ro J.r.teriorate,or ce•:nmit waste on the PropeRy. Borrower sln�ll ba in d;f.ault if uny farfeiturc <br /> action or proceeding, whether civil or crimiuctl,is begun that in Lender's�on�t faidi judgnicnt could re�:tt in forfeiturc:uf Q�e <br /> Fr.eperty or otherwise matcrially intpair th�licn c�.atcd by this Sccurity InstivTrient or L.endcr's sccierity in:crest.l3urrowcr may <br /> cum suc{L a default and reinstatc,as�rovided in paragraph l8,by causing the:iction ur pmceedin�to be dismis�cd with n ruling <br /> that, in G:nder's good faith detenninuioit, prccludcs forfciwrc of thc Borrowcr's inlr.resr. in thc Pruperty or other material <br /> in�pairment of the lier crcatai by this Security Instruntem or I.ender's securety im►:rest. 13on•nwc:r shall also be in default if <br /> Borrower,during the loan applicatiun proccss, gave materiully false ur innecur.�te infnrniation ur statements to Lender(or failed <br /> to provide Lender with any niatcrial infonn�tion)in conncction with thc loan evidenia:�i by thc Nnte,including,but not limiied <br /> to,representations concerning Borruwcr'ti occupancy of the Prc+perty as a priucipal rasidr.n.e. [f this Security Instn►ment is an a <br /> leasehold, Bonower shall comply with all thc provisions i�f the Icuse. (f Barroa�:r a�aires fec titic to thc Pro�rty, the <br /> leasehold and the fce tide s6a11 not nurgc unlcss Lendcr agrccs to thc mergcr in writin}s. <br /> 7.Proteetton of Leuder's Rights in the�raperty.If Borrower fails to perfonn tha cavenants aud aoreements contnined in <br /> this Security Instruntcnt, or thcrc is a Iegal prncceding that muy signiGcantly uffcct I..e:ndcr', :ighG�;in the Pmperty (such as u <br /> proceeding in bankruptcy, prohate, for condemnation or forfeiture or ro entittce laws or regulutiot�s), then I.ender ma��do and <br /> pay for ichatcver is neccssary to ptetect the value of thc Property anJ L.cndcr's rightF� in dic Propcny. Lciidcr's actions muy <br /> , include paying any ,ums securc� �y a :ien which has �riority over this Security InNrument, :�ppearing in eaurt, payins <br /> re�sonablc attomeys' �'c;s and cntering on thc Property to m,ikc rcp�irs.Altltough Lcndcr mny utkc nction under th�s paragraph _ <br /> 7, Lender does not have to do so. <br /> Any amounu disbursed by I.ender under this paraGraph 7 ,hall become .�dditional debt of k3orrower secured by this _ <br /> Suurity Instrumcnt. Unless Borrowcr and L�:ndcr agrcc to other tcrms of payme�u, these anwunts shall bcar interest from thc <br /> date of disbursement at thc Not� ratc and shall bc paynblc, with intcrest, upun noticc from Lcnder to Borrowcr n;yucsting _ <br /> payment. -- <br /> 8.Mortgage[�surnnce. If Lender required mortgage insuruncc as a condition��f makin�she loan srcureJ by this Security __ <br /> (nstrununt, Borrowcr shall pay tl�e premiums requirc.�1 to maintain dtc murt�unc insurancc in cffccL If, for any rcason. the — <br /> mort�;age insurance coverage rcyuired by I.cndcr lapscs or cc:ucs tu bc in eff'crt, Borrm��er sh:il� pay the prcmiums rcquircd to �i:, <br /> obtain cover.ige substsntially cquicaScnt[o the mortguge insu�.vtce previously in cffect, at a cost substantially eyuivalent ro the == <br />- cast to Borrowcr of thc mortgagc insurancc previously in cffect, frum un sltcrnatc mortgu�c insurer.ipprovcd by f.cndr.r. If [ <br /> substa�nially equivalcnt nwrtgage insurancc covcr.�ge is neit avr�ilablc, F3orro�ver shall pay to Lcndcr cach nqonth a sum equal to � <br /> one-twcl[th of the y�.:uly mortgagc insurancc premium bein�paid by Bur��ci�!��r when Uu iusu��itnce covera�c lapsed or ccascd to � <br /> be in effect.Lender wilf acccpt,us�and retain tl�ese puymcnts ati a loss reserve in licu vf murtguge insur;mce. L.oss rescrvc <br /> G_ <br /> � Form 3028 9190 � <br />--- vq�e 9 0�0 r. <br /> � <br /> � <br />�i � <br />,.�..�� : __ -_ .� . __ '_ _ F� i . - �.._.. .' '_'"..�._.._��_. <br /> . <br /> ..'�—_._,.-_ .._ ....t:.7:�...::w?�i+.: .. <br /> .•� i?"�M1i�i .�f�l> <br />_.;�.r. .:A�Hi''fl:j����!�+y�����v . a_,..t. _ .. . . . . _ ... . -r " „ , - ,. <br />.__. " C . _ .� . � .�„ � ' �' .. „ <br />- . � . .. 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