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<br /> psyments may izo longr.r he requiied,at tl�c op�ion of'I.ender,if mortgnge insurance�coCie�g~in the amount und for thc p�riod
<br /> that Lender rec�uirest pruvidecl by an insurer nppmvcd by Lender again becomes availablc and is ot�taincd. Horrower siialx pay
<br /> tl�e premiuntis requircd ta maintain mortgagc insurance in cffect,or to providc a toss reserve,until thc requirement for moRgage
<br /> insurance ends in uccordance with nny wriuen agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicable Inw,
<br /> 9. Inspection.[.ender ar its ngent may make ralsonable entries upon 1nd inspections af the Property. Lc:nder shall �ive
<br /> Borrower notice at the time of or priar tn an inspection specifying reasonable caus�for the inspection.
<br /> 10. Gonde�nnation. Thc praceeds oP any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in cannoction�vith�iny
<br />: condemnation or other taking of aiiy part of'the Property,or for convcyance in lieu�f condemnation, are hercby ussigna.��►ud
<br /> shaU bc paid ro Lendcr.
<br /> [n thc cvent of a total takin�af the Property.thc pcoceods shall be appfied to the sums secured by this Securiry Instrumcnt,
<br /> whcdlcr or not th�n duc, with any cxcess paid to Borro�ver. Io the ev�nt of a partial tuking of the Property ii�which ihe fair
<br /> ntarket valuc oi thc k'roperty immediatcly beforc thc t1{cing is equ11 to or grcater d�an the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> Security lnrtn�nicat immcdii�tcly bcfore the talcing,unless IBorcowcr a�td Lender otherwisc Agrcc in writing, die sums securexl by
<br /> ti�is Sc�u�ity [nstrumcnt shall b� reducc�d by the amount of the procc�.':s mnitinlied by thc followinfi fractian: (a) the total _
<br /> ;uirount of the sums sccurcd immediutely before the taking, divided by�b) the fair market valuc of the Pmperty immcdia�.ely
<br /> bcforc tl�e tnking. Any balar.ice shall bc p�id to Borro�ver. ln the cvent of a partial takins of the Property in+vhich thc fair
<br /> market valuc of thc Propeny imaic�liatcly bcforG the taking is Icss than t6e amount of the sums sccured immcdiately bcfore the
<br /> tnking, unles;T3ono�ver and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless aPplicablc law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall
<br /> !�c applied to the sums sccurcd by this Sccuriry Insttiment whccher or not the sums are then duc.
<br /> If the Property is ab,uidoned by Borrower, or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the co�demnor offers to n�ke an
<br /> nward or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to l.ender within 30 days ufter the date the notice is siven.
<br /> Lender is authorir.ed w collect and apply the proceeds,at its optian,either to restaration or repair of the E'm�:.rty ar to the stnns
<br /> scxured by this Sccurity Instrum�n�,whcthcr or not then due.
<br /> Unlcss I.cnJcr and Borro�va othenvisc a�rcc in writing, any application oF procccds to pi�.�ciyal �hall not extcr►d or
<br /> �,:,:.�,:,���.hY MV4 3a:s zf:h�:::�:2t!:!;Ys;�r.�nr��nfrrr�A t�i in n�ra�ranhs I and 2 or ch:utgc thc anx>'a:�t of such paynxnis.
<br /> 11. Bo�•ro�r•cr No2 ltc4��ased;Eorbearnncc�3y I.cnder Not a�Vuivcr.Cxtcnsion of thc time t'or paymen�or modifi�ation
<br /> of amoni•ration of the sums sc..�ured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt granted by Lcndcr to a�iy successor in interest cf Sarrowcr shatl
<br /> not oper.itc to rcl�asc dic Iiubiliey of the original Borrowcr or Borrawcr's succcssurs in imcrest. Lcndcr shall not bc rcyuircd tra
<br /> cmnmei�co proreeciings against any successor in interest ar refuse to extend time for payuient or e:(��rwise modify amorti�atian
<br /> of the sums sccured by this 5ecurity in:z�umc�it by reason of any dcm:uid made by the origin�l Borro�ver or sorrowr,r's
<br /> succ�ssors in interest. Any farbcaranc:e by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a�vaiver of or prcclucie tlie
<br /> cxcrcisc ok'aoy right or rcntcdy.
<br /> IZ. Successors:tad Assi�ns Iimmd; Joint mtd Sevcrul I.iAbi7ity; Caslgners. Thc covcnants and agreements of this
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefez thc successars and .sssigns of [.cnder a�id Borrowcr, subject to the provisi�ns of
<br /> p.iragraph 17. Eiorra�vcr's covenants and agrcemcnts shall be joint and scvcral. Any Barrowcr who co-signs this Security
<br /> b�strumcnt but docs nut cxccntc thc Notc: (a) is co-signing this Sccurity instrumcnt unly to mongage, grant nnd convey that
<br />— Borrower'ti intcrest in thc[Trc;�eny undcr thc tenns of this 5ccurity Instrumcnt; (b) is not personally obligatc�!to pay the sums
<br /> secuceJ by this Security Instnunent;and(c)agrees that f.,ender and any other Bor�o�ver may agree to extend,modify,forbea►r or
<br /> make any�iorvrrattadations with regurd to e�ne terms of this Securiry I�istrument ur the Note without that Dorrower's consent.
<br /> 13. I.os�n�t�nrges.f:'tlie loan secured hy this Security Instrument is subject to a law�vhi�?z se[s maximum laan charges.
<br /> ar.d thut lau� �,Pinally interpreted so that the intemst ar uther loan charges collected or ro be collceted in a�nnection with the
<br /> loan cxcecd the permitted limits,ther�: (a) ;uiy sucli lon�char�e shall be reducecl by the;unount necessary to redu¢e the aharge
<br /> to Nic permitted limit; and (bl uny sums already collected from Bonower which exceedcd permitted limits will be refuncicd ta
<br /> Bo:ro�ver. [.c:nder may chonse to make Ehis refund by reducin�; the principal owed under the Nute ur by m�kin�a direct
<br /> payment to 6c�roa'cr. If a refund reduceti princip:d, the reduction will be treatesi ati a partial prepayment �vithout any
<br /> prepaymcnt chargc unctcr thc Notc.
<br /> 14. Noticc.v. Any nntic:�to Dorrowcr pnrvidcd f��r in this Sccurity(nstrument shall hc givcn by dclivcring it ar by mailing .
<br /> it by first class i�iail unl�ss applicablc law reyuires use of another m�tttod. The notice shall be dirccted to the Propzrty Address
<br /> or any othcr a:ld�•css F3orrou•cr dcsignatcs by noticc to Lcnder. Any noticc ro Lender shxll be givcn by tirst class m3i! ao
<br /> Lcndcr's address statcd hcrcin or any other�idciress Lcnder designatcs by noticc to Qorrowcr. Any notice providcd fur in dtis
<br />- Scruriry instrumcnt�I�all bc dcemcd to havc been given tu Borrowcr or Lcndcr wlun given as prm�d��l in this par�};raph.
<br /> I5.GoverninF La�v; Sevcrebi8ty. This Sccurity Instrument �hall be gi�vcrned by fcdersl law a2id thc law of thc ,
<br />- jue•isdictioi�in«�hich the Pn*�erty is lucated. In the e��ent tl�at any provision or clausc of this Srcurily Instntm:nt nr di�Nute
<br />- contlicts witl�applicablc la�v,sucli conflict shall not affcrt othcr provisi�ms uf this Sccuriry Intitrument or thc I�'otc which can bc
<br />- givcn cffcct without thc conflicting pro��iwiai. To this cnci ll�c provisions of this Sccurity Instntm:m and thc Notc arc declar�.if
<br />- . to bc scvc�ablc.
<br /> 16.llorrower's Copy.Borrotvcr sha�l bc givcn or,:confornud copy of the hcte and of tliis Security Instn►mcnt.
<br /> Form 302i� 9l90
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