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AU repincements and nddf�fons ehull �dsa hc covered by �I�is Securiry �ti�: <br />' i�ntrumci�t.All uf t0�c fumgoi��g is rcPcrred tii In this Sccurity instnimcnt ati ih� "Prupcny." �'��`' <br />, f30RRQW[?R CQVENAN'T��hat Ikmuwcr is Inwfully tciscd of dtc rstutc I;crchy cu�tivcycd und hati thc right m brnnt nnd �t�:� <br /> cotivey �he Pro�xrty iind �hat the Property is unencwnbered, except for encumbrmsc��s af reci�rd. Borr�wer �varrants and will �"M' <br /> defend generally tlie tiUe eu t�te Prope��ty nbiiinst all elaims u.r.d demancts,subjcct to nny encumbrances uf recurd. ; � <br /> TI�IIS S�CURITY INSTRUMBNT combincs unifarm cov�n�ints for �iational usc and non-uniform cuven;uus with limitnl �'"' <br />� ��' - <br /> variutiuns�y j�rlsdictiun to c��nstitutc u uniPonn security instrumcr�t ccwcring rc:d property. �' ' <br /> UNIt�ORM COVENAN'!'S. Borr�nvcr und I..cndcr cavenant and agrcc us fallmvs: ��`�' <br />� 1. Paynnent of Nrinclpul and Iateresh, Prepnyment and l.atc Chnr��s. Burrowee shall promptly pay when due thn ,i.,^��; <br /> principal of nnd interest on U►e debt evidenced by the Note anJ any prep�yment and late chnrges due under die Note. :��* <br /> 2. Funds for'Pnxcs and Insurattice. Sub'cct to n licublc luw or a�a writtcn waivcr b [.cndcr, Borruwcr,liall a to ut�`�r-� <br />! J PP Y V'Y ei'cw.-_ <br /> l.endcr on►hc day monthly paymcnts are due undcr thc Natc.until dic Notu is paid in full,a sum("Funds'7 for:(�) curl taxes "°'�°' <br /> i Q�s-- <br /> Y Y Q�•r.. <br /> and assecsments which may attain prioriry aver this Security Instruroent as a lien un the Properry;(b)yearly IeaSChold payments �_-_ <br />� or ground rents on the Property,if any;(c)y�.lrly I�aG1rd or propeny insurance premiums:(d)yearly fluod insumnce prem+mns� �:--— <br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgagc insurancc prcmiums, iP any; and(fD uny sums payuble by I3o�rower to Lcndcr, in accmdance with �""` <br /> the provisions of parngraph 8, in lieu of the payment of martgage insunnce premiums.These items are called"Escrow ItemS•." <br /> 1Lender may, at :u�y time. cullect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for n federnlly _ <br /> ntatc�i mortgagc loan may require for Borcower's cscro�ti• account under the fcderal [teul Estatc SctUement Proccdures Aci of <br /> 1974 as amcnded fram time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section �501 et seq. ("RESPA"),unlcss another law tt►at applies to the Fun:is <br /> sexs a Iesscr a,-nount. If so, Lender m;3y, at any timc, cnllect and hvld Funds in an xmount nut to exceed �he lesscr umauut, riA,� <br /> Le�dcr mav cstimate the amount af Funds due on the basis of cuRCnt data and reasonablc estimates of expenditures of futurr. <br /> Escrow Items or othenvise in etccordance with applicable la�v. <br /> 'i'he Funds shall lic h�:id in an institution �vhose�1�posits arc insured by n fi:derai ngency, instrumentality. or cntity <br /> (including Lendcr,if Lendcr is such an institution)or in any Federal Home I,oan Ba�ik. Lender shall apply the Func�s to pay th� - <br /> Escro�v Itcros. [,emicr may n�t charg� Barrowcr for li�lding and applying the Funds, unnually aualyzing thc escrow r.r.u�i�nt,or <br /> ve�•ifying thc Escrow Itcros,unlc�s I.ender pays Bonawcr interest on the Funds and applicable la�v permits Lendcr to malcq suc.� <br /> a chargc. I-lowevcr. Lendcr muy rcquire Borro�vcr to pay a one-time charge for an indcp�ndent rcal estate tax reponiri�; scrvicc <br /> useci hy I.enJer in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides ottr�zrwise. Unless an agreement is mar.its or <br /> �pp�icuble luw rcquires intcrest to be paid, Lender shall not be rcquircd to pay Borrc�n�ar uny intcrest or cumings on•et�c Puntls. <br /> Bonower nnd Lcndcr muy agree in wrieing, howcver, thut intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr shall give tu Darmw�r, — <br /> without chucge, an annuul acwunting of thc Funds, sliowing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose fcir.�+•htch elicn <br /> dcbit W tlic Cunds was madc. The Funds are pledgcd as additional sccurity for all sums secured by this Security Ii�.ztn�ut�nt. <br /> If thc Fuiids held by L.e�der cxceed the umounu permitted to bc hcld by applicable lnw, L.cndcr:sli�lll Horrower <br /> for the excess Hunds in accordance with the requirements uf npplicable law. If the amuunt of tlte Funds held by�Jer at nny <br /> time is not sufHcient tu pay tlie Escrow ltem:when due,I..ender may so notify Borrower in writi�,;,and,in suclz caae Dcnmwwt <br /> shall pay to I.ender die iimount necessai�•ta make up the deficiency. Eiurrower shall make up the deficiency in•n�mt�re thnn _ <br /> twclvc monthly paymcnts,at Lender's solc discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full ui sd1 sums secured by this Security instrument. Len;]::r chall prompdy refund to Hnrm�ti�cr any <br /> Funds hr.ld by Lcnder. lf,undcr parigrnph 21, Lendcr shull acquire or scll tlic Arcr�c•cty,Lender,priar to the ucRr+isi►inn <br /> of the I'ropeny,shull apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acyuisitiun ur sale as a crcdit ayainst dic suln3 securcc�b� <br /> this Sccuriry Instrument. <br /> 3.Applics�tion of Fay�mcttts.Unless upplicablc law provides nthenvise, all p�yments reccivcd by[.ender urx7¢r pa�igrnphs _ <br /> 1 and 2 shall bc applicd: firsa,to uny prepayment charges duc under the Notc: secnnd, to amounts payable under�ra�;ruph 2; Y <br /> ttrird, ta intetest duc;founh, to principal duc:und lust,to any latc charges due under thc Notc. _ <br /> 4.Chary;es; l.lens. B�rrower shall pay all taxcs, assessmentf, cliarges. fincs and imposition;attributable to th:Prop,rty <br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borror.�:r sltill pay <br /> �I�ese obli�ations in the manncr provided in parngraph 2,or if not paid in.that manncr, Borrowcr shall pay thcm on tim:directly <br /> to thc person o�vctl paym�at. Borrowcr shall prornptly fumish to L.cndcr a!I noticcs of amounts to bc paid undes patrogrt�ph. — <br /> If Borrower nwkex these p.�}�.ments Jirectly,Borruwer shal:pmmptly:urnish to Lender receipts evidencii�g the ryay�m:aLS. -- <br /> Borrox•er shnll promptly discharge any licn�vhich has priority ovcr this Securiry Instrument sinlcss Borrowcr: (n)a�rccs in -- <br /> writing ta dtc payment uf thc obligntion se:.�arcd by thc licn in a inar.ner acceptable to[.ender;(�i1 contests in�oaA faith ahe licn <br /> by. or defends ugainst cnforccment of t;he licn in, legal proceeciings which in thc Lende�'s opinion opernt� to prevent the _"= <br /> cnforccment af thc licn: or(r)sccures from thc frolder of thc lie�i an :igrcemcnt satisf:utory to Lendcr sulx��dinatlrtr,thc lien to �;;.�. <br /> fhis Sccurit Instrumcnt. If l.c�idcr determines that an rt of tBc Pro rt �s sub'ect to a licn which ma atteiri riorit��rvcr �''�-` <br /> Y � fi� R� Y � 1 Y P ) �,,.-�_g <br /> this Sccurity I�istrununt, IAndcr may givc Borro�vcr a noticc idcntifying thc lien. Borrotvcr shall satisfy thc lien or t�tc4 oi*.;:or ��.�- <br /> morc of thc actions set forth abovc�vithin 10 days ut'thc giving uf noticc. �;�- <br /> Fcmm 3t�`d 9J;R1 {� <br /> Pego 2 of 0 � .� <br /> �i. <br /> i'� <br /> ;,,_ <br />-� ._-��-•:,�;�,�);;;i�s;:;°�:�lc:.�- _- .. _ -�- � . . .. . . . . �..... �•.�.��-�"`;'Y..,�`J,;.,.,,h..,; . <br /> ,.'Il. .. .. • $" �� ., , . .. <br />� . i. • , �. .. �� .�r •f ,*6�..��. •�.•�� ' 1 .. •... .� � .. . . <br />.. .• . �� ' .� •.w�t'1.�.,�.a��`�� . . . <br /> _._ .—_—_— . .... -__ <br /> .. � ' . _ . —___ ..__ r.... __.. <br /> � .. . -.� _ 's.�_" ._... . . _ <br /> . " . . - t. � . _ . "_"____::.... <br />. . . . ..�.. ... .. . __—_" <br /> . �� .. .. � 1. .. . <br />-. . . . 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