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....".cy,�svrrt r � n �{���t t . - <br /> R�sm���FYq�/w�oYrhls'.�aV�i�..- ..-.� � f'�-•',' -- -- -`- <br /> �/���}y�'��-� �y[ ___� r• ---_ <br /> - n�. ��. T�C ' _!.���I . _ _ .«.�.._�_.«� —__-____ <br /> �._.,.,�.� - -_--_ � <br /> , -�� ���.�a___-_._..�--_ . <br /> • vnmoe: .-. <br /> .4 _ <br /> ` ��"' ���i%�% <br /> 1 <br /> t�:,S�m��it��eti�;�y ita longcr t�,^.requircd,ttl Ihc onlinn of l.etttter, if mnnra;;e insurance cm�c�•.�;c fin the iunnunt a�id f�ie thc E�erin:l <br /> °°=�_ <br /> �I�:�.t l.c:�,ilc:•r r�i��!h�•:) pruvid��t i�y nn in°:urc�•np>>►�nvru i►y L�cizstcr���;,iin I��com��•�iwailnbl��nnt9 Is uinaiiicil. li«t��►r:cr s,tiali�:;y �:•-'` <br /> tlie pr.^�tilu�n�re:.�ideccl to m�intain mc�rt�;a;;c in;iar�uce in ci'fcc�,or to�r�►r�dc s Inss resa•vc.Ulltl� (I1C CC({UlYClIICII[fOP tilUft�agc �_:�_. <br /> insuranco cnds in c�ccordancc wiih uny writtcn agrccment ln;t�vccn Bnrn�wcr an�l I.cndcr or apNlicnblc I:�w. <br /> 9. Ir+spectinn. I.cndcr or its ngciit n�ay makc rcasnnabic entric5 u�n�md intipc:ctions of Uic Prap�rty. l.cndcr sliall givc <br /> &►xraw•�r nutece at the ti�iie��f or prior to:►n in��xctfon+jx:cifying reationahle cau�c Q'nr tl�e inspcciioo. <br /> 10. Condemn�tion. 'Plie pr�iceeds��f tiny uwurd or clni�n for duma�es, direct m ron;equentinl, in ewin.•c:ion with any <br /> tuixl�tilnatiun ui�a41tc��lakiug uf�u►y p.��i of dic I'��ap�rt;.or far cattvcya�tcc in licu uf c�m:irmn-�tinn, nre hcrchy nStiiE�nc�1 nnd �_ _ <br /> shnll I�e paid tn l.c�xler. <br /> In the cvent af u t�Ual t��l:ing uf�hc Prupeny, d�c prcuccds shall bc upplicd t��thc sums.ccurG!by this Sccurity In�tni�ncnt, <br /> whethcr ur iwt [hcn �luc, with nny paid to fianowcr. In d2c cvcnt of n parti:Q taking o(thc k'ropcny in �vhich thc f:iir <br /> nuerket �•alue uf the Propeny immediutcly bcForc thc tlking is cyual to��r gnatcr thc►n ii�c imiount af thc aums securedl by this <br /> Security In�trument iaimcdi�tcly bcforc Qie taking,un!css Borrotivcr and Lender�lthcrwisc agrce in�vriting. the su►ny sccureJ by -- <br /> this�;turity In�;tnimcnt sh�ll bc rcduccd hy thc ainount of dic praceeds tnultiplic�l by thc foll��win� fr.tctinn: (u) tlic taud -- <br /> amount of the sums sccurecl immediatcly bcfivc thc takin�,divided by (b)thc fuir roarkct v;due of the Property immcdiatcly <br /> i�efnre thc tnl;in�. Any halnnco shaU Nc paid ta Borrativcr. In thc e��ent af a panial tnking of thc 1'roperty in which thc fair _ <br /> mlrkct ��alue of thc Propeny immulintely hcfin�c the tuk��ce i� ,.s.s thnn the :miount�yf thc tiwus sccured inuncdiatcly heforc tltc <br /> talting, unlcss Dorrowcr and L.cndcr uthcr�visc agrce in��r.�i���g or unlcss applicablu I:IK'UI{ICI11'ItiC prrnidcs, thc procecds shnll -_ <br /> be applicd tu the sums sccurcd by this Security Instrumcrc�vhcthcr or not thc+ums are then Juc. <br /> [f'thc Propeny is nhandoncJ Uy Borrower,or if,aftcr noticc by Lender Io Borrowcr that thc condcmnor offers to makc an <br /> award or sculc a cluim for damages. Hnrrowcr t�ails to respond to I.endcr�vithin 30 days aflcr �he dutc the uutica iy biveil, ____ <br /> Lei�der is autl�ori�.ed to ca�llect and apply tlu prcxeeds,at its option,either ro restoratian nr repair of�he Properry or to the tums <br /> securcd by diis Scc�rity Instn►mcnt,whcthcr or nut thcn due. -- <br /> Unless Lendcr and Borrowct othcrvitie agrce in �vritiug, any appli�atiun uf procceds to principa! shall not extcnd or -- <br /> postpunc thc duc dntc i�f thc monUdy payments rcfcrrcd to in paragr.�phs I and 2 nr rhanFe thc amount of such paymcnts. ="_ <br /> 11.Dnrrow�cr Not Relcs�sed; F'urlxa►�uncc 13�� Lcndcr Nut si 1Vul�cr.Extension of thc timc for paymcnt or moclifi�;�tion =-- <br /> of nmortir.ation of die sums secured by thi+Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to uny,uccetisor in interest of Borrower shall __ <br /> not operate to rcic:�.sc the liabiliry of thc original Bonower or Borrowcr's+uccetisors in intcrest. Lcndcr shall not be requirui to _— <br /> cammencc prceculings aguinst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or uther�visc modii'y.mioni•ration —� <br /> of thc sunu securcd by this Sccurity Intitrumcnt by rct►son of uny dcmand madc by thc original Borrrnvcr ur Rorrowcr's �=_ <br /> succcsso�s 'sn intcrest. Any forbc:ir:mre by f.rnder in cxcrcising any right �tt remedy shall not bc a waivcr of or prccludc thc --- <br /> exe�cise at�any nglit or remcdy. <br /> ». Sncc�.�ssors aitd Asslgns linund; Jotnt nnd Sevcral Liability; Co-si�men. Thc rovcnants :[nd agrccmcrtts uf this =__ <br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt sh;►11 bind anJ hcncfit thc +ucceti,orti and utisi�nti of Lcndcr and Borcowcr, subjcct tu thc pmvisions af - ... <br /> parngr.iph 17. tiorrnwcr's covcnants and agrccmcnts shall bc joint and scvcral. Any Borrower who co-signs [his Sccu�•iry _-, <br /> Instniment but d�w� nnt excrute the Note: (ul is co-signing thic Security� Instrument only to mortgase, grant attd convey that a--rt <br /> Bc�rro�vcr's entcrest in thc Pmperiy undcr the tcrms of thiy Sccurity In;tn�ment: (b) ix not person:illy�hligated to pay thc sums �-'`r <br /> securcd by this S��curity Instcumcnt:and(r)agrecs Ih:tt l.eitder and any othcr porrowcr may agrcc tu cxtctid, mudiFy, forhear or �f;`•� <br /> make any accommodations with regard to the[erms of'this Security In�:trument nr the Note with��ut that Borro�ver's consent. ,w; <br /> 13.I.oan Chur�;�. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument ir subject to a luw�vhich sets maxi�num loan rhurges, ,�s" <br /> and thut law is finully interpreted ,o that the interest or other loan charges collected ur to be cullecteJ in comiection weah the , <br /> IOan cx��Ced 111c permittcci limits, thcn: (a)any such loan char�c shall bc rcduccd by thc amount ncccssaiy to rcducc ttu�7�argc , <br /> to thc perniittcd limir,�ind lb)any sums alrcady rollccteJ from[iorrower which excecd�d permitt��1 limits will be refunded to '��_. <br /> Bon•owcr. Lendcr may rl�o�,c to makc this rcfund by rcducing thc principal uwcd undcr thc Notc or hy mrking a dircct ,' <br /> payment to Horrovier. If a refunJ reduceti principal, tl�e reJucnon �vill be treateJ ati a partial prepayment without ;uiy �,. ;' <br /> prepayment chargc undcr thc 1Votc. <br /> 14.:Votic�.Any iSOtice to Bottower provided for in d�is Sccurity Instrumem tihall hc givcn by delivering it or by mailing � <br /> it by first class mail unlcss.ipplicabl�law rcquires usc of anothcr mcthal. Thc noticc shall bc directcd►o thc Property Aadress <br /> or any othcr address Borrowcr designatcs by notice to Lcndcr. Any noticc to L.cnJ�r shall bc givcu by lirst class mail to <br /> C,cndcr's aJdrtss titatcd hcrcin or any othcr address C.cndcr dcsignatcs by noticc to Dorrowcr. Any no[icc provided for in this <br /> 5ecurity lnstn�mcnt shal!bc decmed to have bcen given tu Borru�vcr or L.cndcr whcn gi��en as providcJ in Utis puragraph. <br /> IS.Govcrning Luw; 5evrrnhility. 'I'his Sccurity Instnimcnt tih;dl bc guvcrncd By fedcral law und thc law c,f thc • <br /> jurisdiction in which tl�e Property is locutcd. In the cvcnt that nny provisian�.�r rlause c�f this Security Instrument or�he N�ite <br /> canf]icts with applicable I�w, surh amflict�h:dl nnt affect other provisions of this Sewrity Inscrument ur tlit Note which can be <br /> given effect without the conllictin�;prc�vision. T�,this enJ the provisions of th�s Security Instrument and the Note are dcclared <br /> to be scvcrablc. <br /> 16.�lorrow�r's Copv. Borrower shcdl be given onc conformed ropy ullhe Note and��f ehis Security lnstrument. <br /> Form 302U 9/90 <br /> Pnpo 4 0}0 <br /> . I <br /> • I ., <br /> -r��-�_�.._.-..---.._".,' <br /> -1'lr } --'_._� - III�Fl►'r':"^"°r^i^wA'ef�n' � �itr+�:r-'-�•_- ____-. . ... <br /> � _ . . . ' <br /> f i...`Z.> �n . . . . . - • . . <br /> . . <br /> , .. .�� .. . <br /> . .. --*� _ . ,� . ..y�.. • -w ,. <br /> __i� . -- � -- - <br /> �_ . -�,r. .. . . - ----- -,�T_� --- ---�---. _..._..--�- ----- ----� <br /> f� .i - .. --tr ..- ' �.r�."f'�i�. 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