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�, .. ___ • <br /> »r:,l�'i�` AcGm�'� iri:res-.. {�. _._.�._ ---- <br /> fir1A 4lMr+ , �dw+� � v�y <br /> _�.— <br /> ' i... � ' ---•-= - - <br /> . .�� __ .__ _ <br /> •Yt.�. _ <br /> i+-i-s�1���� -__�__"..._"._.�::�.-.�...._ .._.�._ .._'_._-__ <br />.-_- _� K� �. <br /> i y ' ._ <br />-_._.. . __-_.___..'—__'__ . <br /> � ! ��^ �0�� . <br /> ' A7.'('ra►�sfQr oY the I'm��c�iy nr p Hcnellciul I�titerc5t hf li�rr�K•cr. If zill c�r any p�►7 of thc Prnjtcny m•cu►y ititcr.:st i�i i� <br /> iti r.nid or t�:i�lsfi'Iii4I Ilii'I�tl I/Clt:1'ici:�l iutcrc�d Ikl JI1�f��ll`JCi't,sold or t�.iu��fccrr�3 a�til tlnn'.��vcr 1�,uot,�u:�tui-al��,rr:cni?���itln�ut <br /> �ndcr's p�io�' �viitccn consent, l.c�t�icr ur,�y, ,�i il�� n��iiuu. ���Iuit� li�n;a;iliat�� yi:.�y�i�:ut in {'ull uf :!11 yw�3•� ��sctar�!I hy ld�l�i �:. <br /> � Sccuriry ln:,trmxient. Puwcver,this option sliall not 1}c cxcrriscJ I�y l..cndcv if excrci�G is pr�iliibitcd By fwstirol In�v a4�►1'th�:cfa�e -- <br /> of tl�is Security Insnvtnenl. <br /> j If Lciidcr excrciscs this oplioi�, I�c�xlcr shall givc fi�rri�wce nutice of acccicration. Th�rAticc shaly providc a perial of ix�t <br /> less �Iwn 3Q days f�am the datc ihc no�i�c iy Jclivcrcd ur mailr.d witl�in a•liirh Rurrower nu►�t p:+y all �um5 sccarcd Hy thts <br /> ' Secuciry Instninknt. lf&�rrower P:iifs to pay the�c s��my prior to�he expirutiun of ihis perlcxl, I.encler muy inv�ke Q�y re�rktilics <br /> pcnnistcd by�I►is Scruriry Inrtrument v�itiinut fu►71icr natirc or dcmand on[k�rrowcr. <br /> 18. lSws�uwer's RiRht ta Rci�tate. II' i3m•rowcr �nccts rc�tain a�yxlitiunti, �lq'i'iili'�;i' :+hall havc du ri^u �o ftavc <br /> enforcenxnt of'this Security Instruirxnt Jiu:ontinurd ut uny lintc prior ta U�e earlier oL• (a) 5 duys (or such�ther per�od as <br /> applicable luw may specify for reinatutcment) hefure snle of'the Propeny pursunut to any potiver of sale car�tainecl is� lhis <br /> Sccurity Instnimcnt;or(b)cntry of u Judgmc:nt enforcin�thi��.'�ecurity Instmnxnc.'�'hau cc�nditions ure that I3nrro�vcr:(a1 pays <br /> Lceuler c�ll sums which thcn�vauld bc due ui�dcr Wis Seciuity�ent anel�he Notc ns if no::ccclerntion had occurrcd; (b) <br /> curcy anp etefaull c�f any mher covenants nr agreements: (c�p�ays al1 �:xpen�s incurrcd ir� enEarcing this Security Instnmient, __ <br /> includiog, but nut limitod ta, rc;�.sonablc attameys' fees; :md l'dl ts�kes such aciion as I.cndcr may rcau�nably requirc to assu� <br /> �I�at the lien of Ihis Security Instrumcut, I.endcr'�iishts in the Pn�perty ui�J B�►r�'ower's c►bligation tc�pay tfic sums•��dl by �-___ <br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. U�n reinstatement by Borrnw•er, this Security Instrument und the <br /> obli�ations securr.d hcrcby shall Yemain ftdly effecdvr as if na acceler:,tiun had occurred, How�ever, this right tn re�nstlte shall <br /> nat npply in thc casc of acccicrstion undcr par�gr.�ph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; CtuingR uf I.���i Servic�er. The Notc or a partial interest in thc Note (togcther with lhis 9ecurity � <br /> Instrument)may bc sofd onc or m�rc timcs without prior notirc to Borrowcr. A sal�:nviy result i�a changc in thc entisy(known <br /> as the"Loan Servicer")thae collects monthly payments due under t4e Note und this Security Instrument.There also may be eux <br /> o�nMre ch:mecs of thc Loan Scrvirer unrelated to a sale ot'the Note. IF there is a change of the Loan Servicer.E3arrower will be <br /> given written nodce of the change in accordance�vith paragraph!4.iFxwe and applicablc law.�he notice�vill st�te ti�e uaj��e�tnc1 -- - <br /> address of thc new Loan Servicer und thc address to �vhich payments should bc made.The notice will also contain any other <br /> infurm:�tion rcquired by npplicablc Inw. <br /> 2U. Halnrdaus Substanc�rs. Borcowcr shall not rausc or perniit thc �rescncc, use, dISI)O51I, storage, or rcle.�.se of any <br /> ii�az:inlous Substances on or in thc Pro�rty. Borrawer sliall nnt �1n, nnr allow anynne clsc to do, arrythin� affccting the _ <br /> Praperty that is in violatiun c►f any Environmemtal f.u�v. The preceding two scntenccti shall not a�ply ta thc presenee, use. or <br /> storage on the Property of srnall quantitics of hla�ardous Substances that are generally recognizr:d to t►e appropriate tu normal <br /> residcntial uses and to maintcnancc of thc Pruperty. <br /> E3orrovrer shall promptly �;ivc L.cnder written notice of any im•c.stigation, claim, dcrnand, tawsuit or�ther action by any <br /> guvcmmcntal or rcgulntory agcncy or privatc party im�olv�ng thc Pruperty und any NazarJous Sub�tancc or 6m�ir�onmcntal Law <br /> of which Borrowcr h�.s acwal knowlc,�igc. If Dorrnwcr leams, or is nc�tificd by an}•ga�'crnmental nr regulatory authority, that � <br /> any removal or uther remediation of any Hazardcus Substancc affectin�ttse Property ts necessary.Borrower shali pramptly take <br /> all nr��cc�rrv rrmr�li�1:uiinnc in accordancc with Environnuntal l.a��•. <br /> As used in this p�ragraph 20, "H:uardous Substanees" are those substances defined as tox�c nr haiardous subuances oy <br /> Environmental and the follawing substances: gas�3line, kerosenc, other f�ammable or toxic petrolcum prcxfucts, toxic — <br /> pcstieides and herbicides,vol�tilc solvents, materials cantlining asbrstus or fornialdehyJe, and radioactive materials.As used in ' <br /> tliis par.�graph 20, "Environmental Law" rr�cans laws and laws of thc jurisdiction whcrc thc Propcny is loc.�tcd that �° <br /> rclate to hralth, snfcty��r environmcntal protcction. �,�L <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burrower and i.c.nder further cavenant and agrec as follows: __. <br /> 21.Acceleretion;Remrdies. I.ender ahall give nui9ce to Borraw•er prior to accelerati�n fo�9owin�[iorrower's breach <br /> ot eny covcrwnt or aKn�ement in this 3ecurity Instru�nent (but not prlor to uccclerutian under pura�rrpfi 17 unless �ti <br /> a�¢fi►Ilcable low prmvtdes nodce sl�ull s�ec(fy: (u) the default; (�) the actiun required to cuu�e tlie def'aulh •.;.��': <br /> (c��dAte, not less than 30 days frmn the datc the notice is given to Qc►rrow•cr,by�ti•hich the defAUlt must Ix curecl; and �;T�-: <br /> (d) thAt faUure to cure the default on or bePore the date specified i�the notfcc rnuy r�ult in ucccleradon ot'the sums —,,:i <br /> secured by this Security Instnnnent and sule uf the Praperty. T�r notice shull Purihcr inform Borm���er of thc right to <br /> relnstate aftcr ac�eleration nnd the right to bring a court aclima� to as.scrt the non-aexlstence of a dcfault or a�ny other • <br /> de(ense of 13orrower to acceleratlon nnd sAle. It the deFuult is not cared on a• Ixfore tt�e d4te spcclf'ied tn thc notice, ''..(:. <br /> Le�der, at its option, may e�equire I�nmediaYe payment fn full of nll sums secur.�vl by this Sccurlty [n�tri�ment witho�t ,."�,;`; <br /> fbrQher demand and mpy Invoke the powcr of sale:►nd uny other remedi�permitted by .�pplicablc lu«•.fl.Ender shall be ;.;�;'. <br /> entttled ta coflect aU expenses incurred in pursuing thc remcdt�.�prov3dcrf iu Niis parn�rnph Zl. including,but not limftcd ' <br />� to,reasonablc attorneys'fces und costs oft¢!t!e evidence. �` <br /> If the pow•ee of sale is invoketl, ,Tr�istce sl�all record n not[cc of default in cach county in which nny part of thr "-x <br /> i�rogerty is locuted�nd shall mail coples af s�rli not�tre in the mamier prescritxd by �pplicnb[e lu�v Scu B�rroe•er and to . <br /> Sfie other persu��s pr�;cri(�ed�y upplicable lu�v.After ahe t[mc rcqufred by app7icahlc Inw,Trustce shall gove public notice ~ <br /> �'P s�lc to the�ersons stnd•'a��the manner prescribcd by appllrablc law.'Crustce,�rlt(�out demand on{inrr��wer,sPoall scll :�_ <br /> t�e Property s�t public nuction to the hlgh�t bldder nt tlte tlme nnd place and under¢I�e terms d4�si�nnted En tlte notfce of <br /> sule in one a,:r mure pa�rcls und I��nny order Trnstee dctermin�. Trustce m�y postpone sfllc uf all or:iny parcel of thE . <br /> 1'ropc�ty by public announc�ment at tl�e tlmc and place of any �prrvfously scheduletl salc. Lcnder or its designce�n�s��v <br /> �i�rshase thc Property at aray sule. �s}�< <br /> yil�i. <br /> �i 1:��Y <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> Papa 6 of 0 I i;t i.�.. <br /> ',� ... <br /> 1`�, <br /> __ ___ ____ _ ___� NnirL_.=_ae��fT°.,�; _`{.-•�r �. <br /> __:_-_ _—_ _--— _—__-_ - __ ____' ._ .. ______ __- ..� `.-M.; <br /> sar.,a�..�._ � — �—- �.�.. ..�r,�...�......•�w�....T�.�..-�.-,--'^ �� .. . . <br /> v.- <br /> . �, h; . <br /> �j{���'4 ir�.�"��T�" ry�:.l - . - ..�' . ' . ____ _---. "__1.-.:(l� -_ • '__ .._--_,-_ _,..__ . _ ,.,,__ <br /> ii --r °-- �.a�.. ---�- ' - �---- - ----- ---�-�- �r9s+-+�•�efr _ --� ----- -------- ---- ------_� <br /> '�I_d .�'!W:a.. .� . � > . . . ..�•)Yt'rd"��'ljfi'. S }��.�- .. . • .� - . <br /> - �-...t.. . :,� .,. , �. ,�1 '!`'�,- -$."�' ��i'1.. . <br /> '_h it?,t. .., ...... 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