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<br /> �. R�.7'1l26�d ae• ['mpcti�ty Y���t�rcaur�. Einr�•oe:er ,hall kc�:�� thc impr��vc�mcnts �iuw exit,ii�a�r iicrcaf'tc� cr�it�il u;i Uic �"`°„�_�,',-----
<br /> '�. -
<br /> --- -
<br /> t�ropet�ty insureei ngainsl (m.;s ffy fir�, liaiardn inciudcd �vfdiin�iic term "cxtcnd.Ll L'/IVCYilriS�" y n�i:c�h�uaruls.I���lu�liu;; ������-.��-===��..`-`
<br /> ,ui�l a�i �___=_mr
<br /> floals ar ticxKlin�, foc•which l.c:ncter reqaires insuran�e. Tliis imurunee shall he�naintnins:d in Itx amoiuus iin�D fi,�•tlie �eri�xls "'°'� -- --
<br /> that LcncEcr rcyuires. Thc intiurancc car�icr pruviding tlie msurnacc�hall bc�chuscn by Unrrowcr tiubJce:t tu I.c�ndc�r's apprnval
<br /> which shall nt�t bc wucu�onnbly withh.ld. If llorrnwcr fuils to maiutnin r.ovcragc desrrihr.al nhuvc, I.cndcr ntny, ut l.cn�cr's
<br /> opti�n.obtain covcmgc to pmtcct[.cixlcr s ribhts in thc Pni�r�y in uccurdancc with paragr,iph 7.
<br /> All insurance pulicics ;��td re��ewnls sltall he ncceptable to l.ender und si7al! Include n �tundard nwn�a�e clause. LendCr
<br /> �-- -
<br /> shull liave the riplu to hold�he pc�licies und renewAls. lf[.cndcr rcquims,Ik�rrowcr shall promptly give to l.cmter ull rcceipts oi� --
<br /> paid premiums and renewal notices. In tiie event of li�ss,Harrower sltall give prampt noticc:w the ir.suwmce carricr und l.ender. _ _ _
<br /> I.cndcr may makc prnuf c►f lots if not ntndc pron�ptly by Fk�rrawcr.
<br /> Unless l.cndr,r and[k�rruwcr otherwise agrcc in writing, insurmuc proc:tcds shall be npplieti ta restor:�lion ov rcpair of tti� —
<br /> Propeny dnmaged, if the restoration or repair is econnmically feusiblv itnQ l.rnder's security i,nat Iesse�icd. If the restor.ition or —
<br /> repair is�nt economic�lly fcasiblc or Lender's security �vould be Iessened, the inr,urnnce proceeds shall 6e cipplic�l to the sum�
<br /> sccured by this Sccuriry Inscrument, wl�ether ar nat thcn due, with aiiy eMress paid to Borrowcr. If Bormwer ubandons thc - T
<br /> Propeny, or docs not answcr within 3Q dnys a nutice from l.er►:ier that the insurance carrier h:u offercd to s�ttic u claim.thcn
<br /> Lender may collect the insurnn�:e procceds, l.ender may usc the praceeds ta repair or resture the Property ur to pay sums �,__ —
<br /> secured by this��curity Instn�ment, whcther��r not tben due.The 30-day period will begin when the noiice is given. —
<br /> Unless I..ender�►nd Eiorrower otherwise agree in �vriting, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or _
<br /> posqwnc thc d�e date ��f the monthly payments refcrrcd to in par.igraphs 1 and 2 or cl2ange thc amnunt of thc paymcnts. If
<br /> ueil:r paragr;Fh?! the Prope►ty is�equired by I.ender. Dtxroe;�er's riglit tu uny insor�ncc p�licies und prnceeds resulting fram =----�
<br /> °- ° -°-- __
<br /> cl�r�;L�e to thc Property prior to thc acquisition shall puss to Lendcr to thc extent of tlie sums sccurcd by this Sccurity Instrument �___
<br /> immcciiatcly priQr to thc acauisition. —�-�__.—
<br /> 6. Occupas��y,Nr�ervatton,Maintenance nnd EIt�a2�ct[on uf i9ie G'n►perty: Horrower's I.oun Applicati��n; Lcaseholds. "°"'_
<br /> B.�rrowcr shall occupy,establish,and e��tE3:Fn;perty•as Rarrower's F.^:ncipal re�idc►?ce�vithin sexty days atier the exccution of :�:..��----..---
<br /> el�is Security[nst►ument and shail con�inu;to ixcupy tl'�Pr�perty as Bormwer's pri�Tripal residence for a[ Ie:sst one yea�after '''���---
<br /> �:i��i:_''----
<br /> the�late of occupancy, unless�.in��tr othenvise ugrecy in writing. which consent shal! not be unreasonubly �vithheld,or unless :;;�i��o�-
<br /> extenuating circumstances exis*. which ,�se beyond Bon•ower's control. Rorro�ver shall not destroy, damag�e or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Pro�erty tu detcri«�te, or commit waste on th� IPropsrty. Etorrower shall be �n default if any forfciwre •-�-
<br /> action or procceding, whether civil ur cririinnl, is l�egun that in I..ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture af the r�'�, '���''
<br /> Praperty or othenvise materil',lg�impair the lien crcated by this Securiey Instrument or l.ender's security interest. Dorrower may ::j��
<br /> c�era e�trh:��inf�t�ll�nrl rninclAto ;,���rn,myitln� j�r��or:r.n tR, hy ra��cino�rhr:�cti�n or�rnccedinc tn hc dismisscd with a ruline �::� •
<br /> lhnt, i� L.ender's �ood faith determinatinn, prccludes forfciture of the Borro�vcr's intcrest in the Property or other material ' "
<br /> in�pAi�7ncnt of the licn crcated by this Securiry Instrumcnt or I.cndcr's sccuriry interest. Bottmvcr tihall also bc in default if '•
<br />' Rionuwer,during the loan applicatio��process,guve materially false or inaccurate infonnatiun or statement,w C.ender(or failed ,%t.y
<br />' tv Qr��vide Lender with any materiul infomiation)in connection with the InAn evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited : ,
<br /> tv.,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of ehe Pr��perry as a principal residenca (f this Sccurity Instnzment is on a i,;,�.;�'_
<br /> leasehold, Borrowcr shall comply with �U the provisions of thc Icase. If Borrowcr acquir.,s fr.c tiNe to thc Propeny, the '• `�.:y "
<br /> Ieasehold nnd the fec tiUc shall not mcrgc unlcss I.ender a�rees to the mcrger in writing. • 'S"' "
<br /> 7.Protectton af Lender's Rights in the Praperty.If Bo:�*nwcr fuils to perform thc covenants and agrcements�ontainuct in � ''^` ,
<br /> this Security Instn�ment, or there is a legal proceeding diut may significantly affrct Lcnder's right�in the Property(such us a � • ,�
<br /> proceeding in hankruptcy, pmbute. for condenm.uion or forfeiturc��r to enforce la�vs or regulationsJ, thcn Lender �nay do and ,;� a;,a
<br /> pay for whatcver is necessary to protect the valuc of'the Propeny anJ L�:nder's rights in the Propeny. Lender's actions may �� �`
<br /> include paying any sums secured by a licn �vhich has priority over this Security Imtrument, appearing in rourt, paying � •-:i���
<br /> �easonablc attomeys' fecs and entcring on thc F'roperty t��makc repairs. Althnugh l.endcr may takc action undcr this paragraph ' ' '��"r"4'' '�
<br /> , ,,,,Y,,, , „�
<br /> 7, L.c►rdcr ducs not havc to d��so. � i:.�, ���
<br /> Any umouats disbursed by L.endcr unJer this partiFraph 7 shall hecome addic:ionul Jebt of Burrower ,ecured by this ,���•. ; ,> F_. ` �•
<br /> 5�curiry Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lcndcr agrec to nthcr tcrms of paymce�t, thcsc umounts ,hall bear interest from tfie � -��'�:",'.��� y
<br /> datc of dishurscment s�t the Notc ratc and shall be payable, with intcrest, upon nnticc from L.cndcr to Borro�vcr n:qucsting ..�. �.- �: _� �
<br /> paymcnt. �''� '
<br /> 8.Mortga�c lusurancc. If L.rndcr rcyuircd mortgagc insurancc as a rondition of making thc loan sccurcJ by this�ccuriiy , - •`.�caar�g•: ..
<br /> rnstrumcnt, 8orrowcr shall pny the premiums rcyuirul to maintain the mortgage insur.uice in ct'fect. IF, for any rcason. the
<br /> c�ortgagr, insur:incc covera�;c reyuired by L.endcr lapses or ccascs to bc in cffcct. Borrowcr shall pay thc prcmiums requircd a�
<br /> obtnin covcrage substantially cyuivalcnt w tltc mortgagc insarancc prcviuusly in cffe�t, at a cost,ubtitantially equivalent to the
<br /> c�st to E3orro�vcr of thc mortgage insurancc prcviously in effect. fn�m �in altcrnatc mortgagc insurcr upprovcd by I.endcr. If '
<br /> substantially cyuivalcnt mortgagc insurancc cuvcrage is nut uvuil:iblc, Bornnvcr shull pay ti� I.cnticr carh month a wm cqut�l to , ., �
<br /> one-twclftl�of die ycarly mongagc insurancc premium bcing paid by Borro�vcr when thc insurancc covcragc lapsed or ccascd to ,
<br /> Gs in effcct. L�:nder�vill acccpt, usc:uid retain tNc+c piyme�its ns n loss rescrvc in licu of mortgagc insuruncc. Loss rescrve �
<br /> Form 3028 �J/�JO
<br /> P�po J of 6 .
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