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<br /> 1f3Gt:7'a1f?Ei Wl'l'il nll tli�icn�irnvements now nr liere�t?er erected on�he nra�xrty,m�d c�ll easemer.ts, appurtcuaiiccs,aud
<br /> ffx�u��r�, n��t� ��r I,ciu+licr a p:+ii ��P�lic �s►•�it3c�iy. All �epiuccnt�:i�t�� und iuliq�ions r,lydl al:.o be c<�vcr::d hy thi�; S�-ui�lty =.�'
<br /> Intit�vnicnt. All nf Ihc ti��cc��in�,ia rcfccrsd tu in tl�iti aec�i�Ity YnStrunicnt a}Iltc"t�eopc�iy.,' �°r' •
<br /> �iUFtRt)Wlilt CnVO:N�N'fS l0at F3orrowcr i�;Inwfully scisecl of thc cst.�tc hcraby c�nvcyal an�i haw tL•c right to grunt und
<br /> ci�nvcy titc Nra�xrly ueid that thc Pr�fp..rty iti unc�icwnbcred, cxccpt Far cncumbrnnccs of'rc:corJ. [i�irr��wcr warrants i►nd will
<br /> dcfent)baicraliy ihc IiUc tu tlie I'r�ipc:rly nguiiisl nl1 clninri nntl dcm;utds, tiuhJcct tn uny ci�cumbranccr;nf rccard. _
<br /> i HiS SI:Ci1ltlTY INS'PRUMFN7'cnmbhxr uniform cuvcunnt9 For nutioaal use uu�non-unif�mn �ovcnunts with lin►ited
<br /> vurL•iNmi�:hy j��ri�+H�:tfun fo cuntiNh�zcu imifiirm,ccurity instrument covcring rcal peoperty.
<br /> QJNIrO�tM G�VI:NANTS. Bi�rrowcr und I.ci�der covcnunt nnd ngrce us follows:
<br /> 1. 1"Wyment uf !'rir.clpal Wn�i Interetit; Prrpwyuieut und LAte Char�es. Dorrower shull promptly pay whcn due tha
<br /> principai of and intcrest uu ti�e dcbt cvidcnccd by�thc Notc n»d nny prc�snymcnt und Intc chargcs duc undcr thc IVotc. —
<br /> 2. Fundv tnr Twxcy und insurs�ncc. Subjcct to c+pplicnble law or to n wriucn waivcr by Lr.ndcr. [3c►rrawcr shidl pay to
<br /> [.cnder�m thc day u�unehly paymcnts+iru due undc►•the Notc, witil the Notc is paid in full,�sum("Funds"?fnr:(a)y�:u•ly t�xes
<br /> n!H1 n,sessmcnts whici�rnay aiuiin priority e�v�er this Sccurity Ins�rument as n licn on dte Pr�peny; (b)yc.uly leasehold paymenis `_
<br /> nr gruur�l rc:nts rn�the Properry. if uny; (c)yeurly ha�ard or praperty insurnnce premiums;(dy yearly floc►d insurance premiums,
<br /> if.�ny; (c) ycavly ntort�agc insuruncc premiums, if any; .inJ (t1 uny sums payublc by Barrower to Lcndcr, in uccardancc with
<br /> thc pmvisions��P parn�ruph 8, in lieu of thc �aymm�t af mortgagc insurnncc praniuiiu.Thcsc itoms iuc�;�Ilcd "�scraw Itcros."
<br /> I.cnder may, at uny lime, collcct :�nd hold 1=unds in nn amount not ro cxccul thc maximum umount u Icnder for a fcderally
<br /> relatai mortgagc loan may rcquirc for Aorr�wcr's cscrow uccount undcr thc fcdcral Real Estate Setdement Frocedures Act of
<br /> 1974 ns amcndeil from timc to time, 12 U.S.C. Scction �b01 er sc�. ("RESFA"), unless nnother law that applics to thc Funds
<br /> �r.ty a l���c:�un�ount. If so, Lendcr m�y, at any tinte, colleet nnd hold Funds in an amount not t�excceci the Iesser umaunt. .-
<br /> L.endcr may csumatc thc tunaunt i�f Funds duc on thc basis of current duta and reasonable csti�nates of cxpenditures af future
<br /> Escrow Items ur athcrwisc in accordancc�vi�h applicablc I�w.
<br /> Thc �unds shaU hc hcld in :lll II15hIUI1011 \VIIOSC dcpo�it5 urc insurcd by a f'eder.il a�cncy, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> (iu�luJiiig Lerder, if C.endcr is such an institution;or in any FeJcral Homc Loan Bank. Lcns!cr shall 1p�1y thc Funds to pay the �
<br /> Escro�v Items. Lender may not charge Borrower far holding and npplying the Funds, annually analyz�ng thc escroov account,or --
<br /> vcrifying the Escruw Itcros, unless Lcndej pays Borro�ver intcrest on th�Funds and applicablc law pr.rmits I.endcr to make such
<br /> a charge. However, I.cndcr may require Aonowcr to pay a one-time charge for an indep4ndcnt rcal cstatc tux rcporting servicc
<br /> used by I.cndcr in conneclion with this loan, unlcss applicable luw provides othe��vise. Unless un .igrccmcnt is madc or ��-
<br /> applicable law requires intcrest to be paid,Lendcr tih:�ll not bc rtyuired to pay Borcower uny intcrest or carnings on thc�unds. _�
<br /> Borrowcr and Lcndcr:nay agrcc in writing, hu�vcvcr, thi�t intcrest shall bc paid on thc Funds. l.cndcr shall givc to 6onowcr, _
<br /> ii%it,iviit�.,iu3'bC:. ar,ar.:7SS:I! 3..^.L'::SSrb QF(h� �S;p�g c�nwino �rr�litc:m�l rlrhitc tn thc FunJs and thc Qarposc for tivhich cach �_•
<br /> debi�to the Funds was made.The Funds are pleiiged as addition3l security for all sums secureJ by this S�curity In,trument. --�.
<br /> If the Funds held by I.�ndar exeeed the amuunts permitte:ci w be held by applicable law�. {.ender�h;�.11 account to Borrowr.r --_:-
<br /> for the excess Funds in secordance with the reyuirements of iipplicable law. If the umount uf the Funds hcld hy Lender xt any R�°°-
<br /> timc is nuc sufficicnt to p:iy Utc 6scro�v Itcros�vhcn Juc, Lcndcr m:i ,o notif Borrowcr in writin� .�nd, in such rasc Burrowcr �'��`�
<br /> Y� Y b• ' �;:-
<br /> sl�all pay to Iw:nder thc amount necessary tu make up the deficiency. Borrou•er shaU makr,up the deficien¢y in no more than ���
<br /> nvclvc mnnthly payments,at I.cndcr's solc discrction. '`�
<br /> Upon payment in full uf all tiums sccurcd by this Sccuriry Instrument. I.endcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any '
<br /> Funds held by L.ender. If,under parngraph 21, [..ender shall acquire ur sell the Property. LenJer, prior tci the.icyuisition ur sale �
<br /> ����–
<br /> of the Property, shaU apply any Funds helJ by Lcnder:�t chc timc of ac:yuisition or sulc as a rrcdit a�;ain,t the sums securcd by .-
<br /> this Security[nstrument.
<br /> 3.Appltcutton of P��yments. Unless applicablc law provides otherwise, all payments reccived by Lender undcr paragraphs ,'_.
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applicd: first, to any prcpayment rhargrs due under thc Notc: second. to amounts payublc under para�;mph 2;
<br /> third, to intcrc�t due:fourth,to prin�:i�al duc;and lasf,to any lirte charges due undcr thc Notc.
<br /> 4.Cl�ar};�; L[ens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxcs,usscsssncnts,chargcs, fin�:s und impntiitions attributublc to thc 1°i�peRy �
<br /> which may attain priority ovcr this 3ccuriry Instrument, and leasehold paymcntti or ground rents, if uny. Borrower shall pay
<br /> Ihese obligations iro thc manner providul in pai.igraph 2,cu if not paid in tNat manner, B�irro�vcr til:all pay thcm on time direcdy "
<br /> to thc pcxson owcd paymcnt. Borros�er sh:tll promptly furnisl�to L,r.ndcr ull i�oticcs of a�m�unts to hc paid undcr this paragraph.
<br /> If Borrowcr makcs thcsc paymcnts dircctly.Borrowcr shall pnimptly furnich to Lendcr reccipix evidcnciug lhe paymcnts.
<br /> Borrower shall protnptly disrhArge uny lien whirh hus prionry nver this Security Inserument unless Borrower: (a)agrces in
<br /> writing ro the payment of thc obligation sccured by the lien sn a manncr ucccptable to I,cndcr, (b)contrsts in good Fai�h the lien
<br /> by. or defcnds against enforccment of the licn in. Icgal procccdings which in thc Lendcr's opinion ��pernte tn prcvent the
<br /> enforcemcnt of tBe licn;or(cl secures from thc holder of th: lien an:igrccmcnt satisParta��v to L.cndcr tiutx�rdinating thc licn to
<br /> this Sccuriry lnstnimcnt. If Lcn:ter<lctcrniincr that any part of the Pr��perty is subjcct to a lien which may auain prio:ity ovcr
<br /> tl�is Sccurity Instrumcnt, Lcndcr may�;ivc Borrowcr a noticc identi(ying thc licn. Borro«•er tihall satisfy thc licn or takc one ur �
<br /> more of d►e nctions set torth above within 10 days of the};iving of noticr..
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> Pc�o t o��
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