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i�� ... �..� .J,�rw�M�at�hmwu'rr �� .,,n•,5�,';}.�, . 'm'°nv7`�R`c,8ed� . , <br /> 'AK�11�'�yYfe��. <br /> � . ..u.�a �` Y, Fae.0 <br /> ,,.i�' . . ,. ., . , � '� r,.A� , . <br /> :�: <br /> n{�i�yn _ . , . �. `.�9••� ([� yyyy„��y_ ,�,2. ....ii•�:,+;i r'�r;'�y"wyX�•'�l`r$,.�.!fNMa.::__�-`_`-- <br /> Tr�..."atC,. �11'.1�- - 1WSK,M ' "'��u.�"�7.i:_':�cafGr��.-L- <br /> t�ill.�Yr/MNkYh�1Y{ �,,,,:.�: - - -=�n,ce.agvr- <br /> .'^` �.i,-�.Q.r..RnRni s <br /> . .. . . . . .. . ,.. � . <br /> � _:. __._-rW'--'---'--..v. . _Y,r.�.r....�n._a.�.i.--...__.-,.--- .. <br />— — v___-'-_—y.Y:7'N..:i5i�.4'�f�_t'�':� ��i�.�..�.��EC.'jF1Y�.:e�fun_�, <br /> .. _�r�v, t....y:- -_ �.v. - � 5 v7.RM /'"T-IJ.a i . . . �0��/`a^ ! Y� . . �-��. '.'_.__ . <br /> r,• • ... . � <br /> _ --- � 'tLt,� L fN _ 'ab __t__ _ <br /> — u,... <br /> �� "`�I�" fCI iyy���wr,v�rr uc�i^S Y►aV�1'1�� <br /> �� p �o�,�� �,'rt , . „ � . .. � , . _ +�'�. <br /> T...,;��.�� :'.^n � , .�t ,� .. „ . .��t�_ <br /> ... .._- _ ... =?s;Li[�r:L,n..._.''�-�-..-_--.. �.-.+...:...w�%."iirr... �-iF-- r .. .,, '_'�r.l.......,, �,- .t: 'it---r.z'nw'r:�nci`r.�s-"'r.:�er.==�:-�r'--ri'-?-,-".'�'it"'�=.-'�r�. <br /> � g�,��oo��a� <br /> S. H�zArd nr ['mperly Invu�wnce. I�orruwcr tihnll kecp the hnpraventents naiw exlsting or here.dler crectcd un Uir, <br /> Praperty lut,ura�d c��nintit Inrv h.Y fiee, hn�nr�1� fnshidrd �vi�hin �I�e trrm"e�.rtencicd coveri��;e" nnd nny oUacr I�nii�rd�. includinZ <br /> I1�Nx1s ur ll�Hxting, for which I.cndcr r�;qidres ins�n•imcc. Thi�: insiirnncc sludl tyc maintnincd in tt►c iimuunts iind fur thc�x:riocjs <br /> Ihat l.endcr rcq�iirc.r•. '1'I�c in.r•uri�ncc curricr providing thc insuruiicc shnll be chasen hy Cii�rrowcr subjcct to L.cndcr's approvul <br /> which shall not bc unrcasunahly withhcld. If k3orrowcr fuils to mnintnin covcragc dcscribcd nbuvc. I,cndcr nury, ,►t l.endcr'.r• <br /> aptinn, obtufn cavcragc to nrotcct[.endcr's rights iu tlic E'roperty in nccnrduncc with par�i�rnph 7. <br /> All insurance pnlicics und renewals shall be accept�ble to L.ender nnd tihall includ� a standurd mnrtbiige clnuse. l.ender <br /> shall huvc tlic right to hoid Utc p��licics and rtincwals. If I.cndcr ru�uirr,s,F3an��vcr shafl promptly givc to l.endcr all rcccipts of . <br /> paid premie�ms and rcnew.d nc�tices.In Uie event of losa,Rorrower shidl give prampt notice ro the insurance carricr and I.ender. <br /> Lcndcr may makc proof of loss if nnt mudc prompdy by Burrowcr. <br /> Unless l.�nder anc7 Borrower odicnvise agrec in writing, insurance prucccds shall bc applicd to restoration or repuir of the <br /> Property clamage�f,if the restoratiun or repair is econamicully fcasiblc unJ I.ender's securiry is not Icssened. If tlie restnration or _ <br /> repair is not cmnomicnlly feaviblo or 1_cndcr's sccurit}� wcruld be Icsscncci,the inEUrance proceeds shall be applied to the sums <br /> secured by this 5ccurity Instnunent, �vhetlter or not Yhen duc, with nny excess paid to Borrower. If l3onowc� nbandons thc <br /> Property,or docs na1 answer within 30 days u nutice fruw[.c��dcr ii�ul liic Inauraa�e cari ier has offe►c�l to setU�u claini, then <br /> Lender mny collect the insurunce procecds. I..endcr may �ce hc proa •ds to r�nair or resmre the Property or u� pay sums <br /> secut:.d by this Security Instntment,whether or not then duc. The 30-day}�eriod wul b�bin�vh... the notice is given. <br /> Unlcss l.ender und F3orro�vcr otherwise zgrce in writins. any application of pracceds to principal shull nat cxtcnd or <br /> postpone the due datc of the monthly p:�ymcnts referred to in parn�nphs I and 3 ar changc thc:unount �4'the payments. !f <br /> under parab��aph 21 the Propeny is ncyuired by I..e�ecicr, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and prpceecls resulting tiom <br /> damage to thc Praperty prior to the ncc�iiisition�hall puss to Lender to the extent of the sums sccured by this Security Instrwment <br /> iinmcdiutcly prior to thc acyuisition. <br /> 6.Occupancy,Pr�ervattai,Mainten:�nce ou�d Protection oP the PropeMy;lQorrowFr'�iLoan Appllcatlon;I.casc'h�1cis. <br /> Borrower shnll occupy,es[abli,h,und usc tt►c Properay as Borrower's principal cesidence within sixty d�ys s��¢�r the execution af <br /> this Security Instrument and shnll continuc to occupy the Property ns Borrower's principal residcnce for at le�st orte yesu'uRer <br /> ti�C tj6ZC u�vCCuNui��y. ui�ici5 �.cin�ci i�I�'iciwi5c abicc,S ii1 i'vii2ti�b. �v�iiui Cui�ScTii S�iaii i�ve vi:ui�T2q5vTiu.�iji i'rli�i�icit�. i�i 23ilSi;.SS - <br /> extemiating circumstances exist which are beyond 8orrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> Propeny, allow the Pro�x:rty to detcrior�te, or commit wastc on ihe Property. B��rrowcr shall bc in dcfault if any forfeiture <br /> �ctiun or pracecding, whether civil or criminal, is begun thnt in I.endcr's good fuith jud�ment could result in farFeiture of the <br /> Ptapxny or othcrwise matcrinlly impair thc licn cre:Ued by tliis Security�Instrument or Lender's security intt:rest. Borro�ver may <br /> curc:sucN A defauU und reinstute.�.S pruvide.i in pamgraph 18, by causing the uctiun or praxeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that, in Lendcr's gaxl faith dctermination, prer.ludes forfciturc of tlic Borrowcr's intcrest in the Propeny or othcr matcriul <br /> impainnent of the lien cre:ned by tl�is Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Sorrower shaU alsu be in default if <br /> Borrowcr,d�ring thc loan�pplicatiun proccss,guvc m�tcriidly falsc or inaccuratc informatiun or statcments to l.ctid��(i�r fuilcc! <br /> to pruviJe l.endtr with any muterial informallon)in cnnnectinn�vith the Ic�an evidenced by thc Nnte, incluJing, but not limited <br /> ta, rcpre�entatimis concerning Burrower's occup.tncy of the Properry asn prinripal residencc. If thiti Sccurity Instrument is on a <br /> leaschold, ���rcmvcr shaU .omply with all thc provisions �if thc leasc. If Horcowcr ,�cquires fce titic to d�e Propcny, the <br /> Ic.uchold nnd thc fcc tiNc shall not mcrgc unlcss Lcndcr agrccs ta tetc mcrgcr in writing. <br /> 7. 1'rotcettvn of Ikndcr's Eti�litv In tl�e Pruperty.If Dorrowcr fails to perfonn thc covcnants and asrccmcnts contain�d in <br /> this Sccurity lnsm�mcnt, or thcrc is:► Ic�sl procccding that may significandy afli:ct I.r.ndcr's rights in thc (�rcpcny (such as a <br /> pracccding in bankrupicy, ptubatr., for c�ondcmnation or fo�faiture or to cnforcc la�vs or rcgulatiuns), thcn Lcncicr may dn:u�d <br /> pay for �vhu�ever is necessary to protei:t the value of the Property and L.ender's rights in the Property. L.ender's:tctions may <br /> include paying any sums sccured by a lien which has priority over this Security [nstrument, appcaring in cuurt, paying <br /> reusonable attonuys' fcc,�nd cntcrinb on the Prupeny tu make repairs.Although Lcndcr may takc uction undcr tl�is paragraph <br /> 7, Lcndcr dacs not h;ivc t�o do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this p�,ragraph 7 shall become additionul debt nf f3orrower secured by this <br /> Sccurity Instrument. Unlcss porrowcr and [.cndrr agrcc to othcr tcrrns of paymcnt, thcsc a�naunts shall bcar intcrcst from thc <br /> datc of disburscment at thc Notc ratc and shall bc p:ryablc, with intcrest, upon iwticc from Lcndcr to Borrowcr rcqucsting <br /> paymcnt. <br /> B. Mortgt►fie Insurv�aace. If Lendcr requirccl nmrt�a�e insunince as a condition of making thc loan secur.d by this Sccurity <br /> instrument. Bonvw�r shn]! puy the preminms requirrd W maintuin the mortgaLC insurance in et'fect. if, for any re:uon, the <br /> mon�agc insamncc cuvcragc rcquinKt 6y I.�ndcr Inpses or ccascs to bc iii cffcct, Borrowcr sS�all pay thc prcmiums myuimd to <br /> obtain coverag,,substantially equivalent eo the mortga�e insurunce previously in effect,at a rns1 substantiully cyuivalenc tc�Ute � <br /> cost to Uorrower uf thc ntongage insua►ncc prcviously in cffcc4 fram un:dtcrnatc mortgage insu►tr approvcd by l.en�➢er. If <br /> subs�untiolly equiv,dcnt Fn;�t1�A�E:II1SUillIlCC CUVCI"��,is not nvailnble. Borrrnver shall pay to L.ender each monch u sum equul to <br /> one-twclRh of the yc.�rly monBage insurancc prcmium bcing paid by Burco�ver u�hc��thc insutuncc cuvcr,i�c lapsecl ur ccasul to <br /> be in effect. Lender will accept, usc and retain these paymc�tts as u loss reservc in lieu of mortgagc insurmicr�. I.oss reserve <br /> Form 3028 �JI90 <br /> �otio 3 of 0 <br /> � <br /> .--��_,..r,.........� t4: 'f 7��7fL l�:'s'.xi---g.T --- -- --�-- - --------.. <br />.-._�-_-_.___`�-'%�{iZ..�'C..��'S.�'w'._ ..�•r^t.',.'.�'.ii:"' _. n •'t�. -' .. _ . <br /> ' ° ' . , = ' ' ..'}���M"rt�.�..p„ .. ._ ' <br /> - ��-.. . _ . ._ ._. . _ ..�.. _.. - .— - . ..'_'_'_" '_ -i. .._.�_' � . ""_ " ^il�" " _. .._ . . . ' .ii-.;'. <br /> �� .. E', , .:Nf>:,�,�,••� •.:ti;. <br />- • `� ., •�"' • ,1.4�;..`.�. ' „. <br /> .._ . ` . � . : . „ � • , . . .. ,..� . . <br /> , ..;,��i,t�- ,. <br /> , . � - .... . „ . �� ��r'' '`- �� � - :,'i�• <br />- , � ' ' ..��.�� 4.. ,,t.4!.- , . <br /> - . , . . .. � .. . .. . .. 'F .si�ik'.� . � <br /> �n .. � .� ,. � . � �.w���••�"'•.. - _rl . <br /> ..,P . . S� ,. � ,_ " � �t`.�' + t•� , <br /> y,�• , r- 1 u „__,,. <br />-- �lt•!.''i�'• . 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