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V�M��V •V.i <br /> paym�nln may ru►lung�r�vldcd�h�c�i�'iu,u�cr�u��pnr c'I Iiyll.andcr�nguii�hccm�ic��nvnHcfilc�im lils'��htuincd,�Cl��rruwcrlshull��y �-- <br /> tttat Lcn!!!'? rr�piircv1�r . <br /> the prcnilum+rcyuired tu m;dntufn mungugc In�;ur�incc iu cffcct.�1C lil�IP�tV�I�C ll I���`�ICtiCW�.uncU t3ia r..yutrc:i�s:nt far+m�rt±+ugc �- : <br /> insurnncc c�xls in uccurduncc with nny writtcn ugrccmcnt hctwccn Rarrowcr imd I.cndcr or npplicublc Inw, <br /> 9.InspecUon�I.c�xlcr or Its nFcnt mny makc m.a,unnblc rntricY u�x►n und fnspcctions nf die Pr��{xrty.Li:ndcr sh;�ll givo <br /> l�rrowcr notlr.c at thc tin�c o�'or priur to un in�,}xctlon spccffying rcason�blc causc(ur thc inspccdon, <br /> 10. Candemnatlon.7'he pr�►ceeds of nny nwurd or clatm for damages, direct ��r consequemial. in cunnecifon with a»y <br /> cm�denu�ation �r ather¢akinF oi;�ny paiY of the Propeny,or for a►nvcyance in licu of condemnation, are hcrcby assigned nnd T <br /> shall bc paid to I��ndcr. <br /> in thc event uf u total taking af the Peoperty, the proceeds shall be applied to tl�e sums secured by this Security Instn�ment, <br /> whet8er or not then due,with ony excess paid ta 13orrawer. [n the event of a p�rtiul taking uf the P�nperty in which tht�fnir <br /> mnrket vnlac��i the Properry immedintely before the takin� is equal to or grcater than the amoune of the sum5 sccured hy �his <br /> Securiry instrument immcdiately before the tnking, unless Hcirrower und L.cnder othzrwisc agrce in weitiaS. the sums sccured by <br /> this Sc�uriry Instrument shall be rcduccd by the amount of Uie procecds multiplied by th� follo�ving frnction: (u) the totnl <br /> nmoum ui�hC suius securcd immediutely before�the r.�king. divided by (.b) the fair market value of the Property immedintely <br /> bcforc the taking. Any balance shnll be paid to Bormwer. In the event of a partlul taking of the Property in which tha fair <br /> ntarket value of'tlic l'roperty immediatcly beforc thc takin� is lcss than thc umount of th�sums securcd immediately bcfarc the <br /> �aking,unless Borrav�er nnd l.cndcr othenvise agrcc in writing or unlcss applicable law othenvise provides,the procccds shall _ <br /> be appiiecl ro the+wns secured b;��his Secwiry instrument�vhether or nnt the stems are then due. _ <br /> �ff thc Property is abandoneci'ny I3orrower,or if, nftcr aoticc by Lcnder to Borcowcr dmt thc condcmnor oiiers io muk�an <br /> nwue•ci ur settle a claim fur damAGes, Horro�ver fails to respond to Lcndcr within 3� dnys uf'tcr thc datc tltic notice is givcn, <br /> Lcnder is author�zed to collcct and apply thc pro;:ecds,at its option, cithc�to restoration or rcpair of tlie Property or to the sums <br /> securcd by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due. <br /> 1]nless l.endcr and Bottowcr otherwisc agree in writing, any application of procceds ta principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the duc dntc of thc mo�a�hly paymcnts re'rerred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or chungc thc am�unt of such paymrans. <br /> ti� �o���;�t;"��t p��„�P�;��T1u�aipnce liy Lcuder Not u Wniver. Extension ot'the time fnr payment or modifiratiun <br /> of nmortiiation of the sums sec�zre.d by this Security lnscrumcnt @rantcd by Lender to any successor ie�in�eresi oi Bur�owez s3:a:. <br /> not operate to re.le�ise chc liabiliry of thc origina! Borrowcr or Bonowcr's successors in intcrest.LendeT shnll not be requiral to <br /> commenee proceedings usainst�i�y suceessor in intcrest or refuse to extenJ time for paymen�or other�vitie madify amortilation <br /> af the sums ser.ured by this Security Instrument by reason of any clemnnd n�ade by the ari�inal Narruwer ur Borrower's <br /> succcssors in intcrest. Any fortxUrancc by Lcndcr m �xcrci��ng uuy ri�fit or rcmcdy shall not F�e u �vaiver of ar precludc the __ <br /> excrcisc of any right or remedy. <br /> l2. SIICCI.'SS01'S AIIII ASSIR,115 Baund; Jo9nt nnd Several I.iability; Grsigners. Thc covenaats�nd i�greemcnts of this <br /> �curity Instrument shall bind und ben�fit tiic successc�rs and assigns of Lender aad Borrower, subject to the provisions of — <br /> paragr:�ph 17. Burmwcr's covenants and a�;rccmcnts shall bc joint and sevcral. Any Borro�ver who «�"t�n�tconvcCUtlmt <br /> Instntment b�U dnes nc�t cxccute thc Notc: (.i) is co-signing this Sccurity Ins�rumcnt only to martgagc, g. � Y <br /> Borrowcr's intcrest in thc Property undcr tlte tcrms uf thiti Security fnstrumcnt: (h) is not personally nbiigatcd to pay thc sums <br /> securcJ by this Security Insttumenr, and(c)�grees thut Lender and uny other Dnrrower muy agrec ro extend,ntodify,forbe.�►r or <br /> nt;ikc uny nccontntodations with regard to thc tcnns of'this Sccuriry Instrumcnt ur thc Note�vithout tl�at Eiorrowcr's consent. <br /> 13.I.oan Chargcs. If thc loan sccurcd by this Scrueity inst�vmcnt is subjcct to n lanv which sets�naximum loan chargcs, <br /> nnd tliat law is finally inter��reted so that dic interest nr c�ther loan charges collected or b�be cvllected in c�nnection with the _ <br /> loan exccaf the permitted limits,then: (u)uny such luan charge shall bc reduced by the umount necess,nry to reduce the charge <br />= to the permitted limit;xnd(b) any sumti alrczdy collected from Borrower which excecdcd permiucd limits will be refunded co y <br />_� porrowcr. I.ender m:ry chanse to makc this refund by rcducing die principal uwcd under thc Notc or by maki��g a dircct <br />= payment to liorro�ver. if ,+ refund reduces p�incipal. Qhe reduction will oe trcate� :is .t psrtinl prepayment �vithuut uuy - <br />-� prep:iyincnt chargc under thc Note. _ <br /> I 14.Notic�.Any notice to Bono�vcr providal for in this Sccurity lnstrumcnt shull bc givcn by Jclivcring it or by mailin� _ <br /> _ it by first cl,tss mail unless applicable law r�qt�ires use of another methc�d. The notice shall be directed to the Propeny Address - <br /> or uny othcr nddress Borro�scr designatcs by noticc to l.cnder. Anv nnticc ea I.cnder sh.dl bc givcn by first cluss mail tv <br />�' Lendcr's address stated herein or any uther address l.en�3cr designstes by unticc to Borruwer. Any notice provided for in this _ <br />= 5ecuriry Instn►ment sliall bc d�cmuci tu havc becn givi�n tc.Botto�vcr or l.cnder whcn givcn us pruvidcd in this paragraph. <br /> = 15.G�n•e�aing La�v; Severnbility. "�'his Security Instrumcnc shall be govcrncd by fedcral I:sw und thc law of the _ <br />=• jurisdiction in a�liieh the Pro}�eny is locatwl. In the event that any provision or clause of this Sre��rity Instniment or the Nate ' <br /> ' conflieis�vith aµplie.uble law, such cunflict�;hall not affect other provisions of thir Security Inslrimient ot the Note�vhich can Ise _ <br /> � givcn cffCC[tvititout thc�uutlictin�provisi�m. 'To diis cnd thc provisions of this S��urity (nstrument and thc Natc aro dttlared n <br /> to bc scvcrshlc. - <br /> f b,l3orroH�cr'ti C�py.Borrowcr�hul! bc givcn onc confortncd a�py uf thc Notc und of thes Sccurity Instniment. <br /> Form 3020 9190 = <br />— i± <br />.-. PoyJc 4 0l p �. <br /> �., I <br /> r _� uS:�Ei�.iS.-.,_._._.. .-im7Yr__;_-� .� <br /> _- - ._....�o±trr+usvr�Idff7�!_faY��:--�r---�_.- _ . . <br /> �n'�wrn!!�`R�wwrrnsRM�:wT�F.P'�s+�cCw�•-.... - . _ � - - . ' _�i-� "f . <br /> �- �/ '__ '_"_-" <br /> . <br /> ' " __' - '_- �y}���q <br /> _Tr�4�l'...{i.. J - _ . 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