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,V .„r .. ,a�w�w�a�cs�_ -.i,:t:p; . . , . . �•i�� ay�c�wn.w�c....�..+�r.�. <br /> �i '.t��. - .. r•.c.��arro�5':I�iy-.:A��in, . <br /> (`•.. +�'�riil��+�l'M+T'; <br /> �'� �I1 �y� <br /> , .. _' � � _ . �{wiA'������IW)r��ti,l <br /> . �.�.... .�.�.N'I�Y�-� ' ' . . :;V .�' '���"""�' • <br /> . __ _�r'1RyM"�T <br /> {�'�� ,,. . .. . ' . va. � ' �. ..s.�'., �.1._.'_ _, ---_—__--_ __ —. <br /> , �r.� '•4��!` . '�r TF� . _ . .._ . <br /> , , , ... : _.. .��ra <br /> . . .- <br /> .1rt�.},W}a�µ52J'i�'+u1Yt{tiM�M4YC�G14 ' NJ'4�j�'aG(Kh�r �pdYy�af��A�' -. _ <br /> .. . . . ...s. . . . ' __- <br />.__'_. .,v •�.� •---,�.�����"'_ " ' .:..��uy --.�..s.y• •�s:�.:��r'�'-�rr ... .___. <br /> ..._� . : � <br /> --- ----.--°i':�sr�,�,"Y'.°�:°._.rt�"�4�Y'� .1C" _,�..• <br /> — _ —.�.�.�.�.��.........� "_"" _" _.'..'ilR II"_ ---__ . '" — � __ J-.,..�::,'^-""_—_— <br /> ""-a--''�'-�,_„�T�?!ir S.nivsti.,h:+idlicfS�M�'�i�iilA��. ��lY`�-�i�9i.'Gtu�18�l�'�k:F�v±±i-,•��!�•:�rr.:;a:• ---- <br /> -1° �74RV1!�/l�p4Ri,y�.�:-r�sm_,`.r�aPr�*'�w^+'•x�nrar...�rr.�*m.+s-�.:r�c:�rrrn+r+r�,.�.� a.a-�vrar.,r�� 4r•«�,�,�.rry�.,.. «-c�s.��.-.��-i 4�•}� � sar.a��— <br /> }� � . . <br /> 7,.,�,.�j1. • . ` . . .� ' � �- _ <br /> ,. -.'.1Ybww�Y-,, :�T^ - . ., , .. , , . . . . . :b"�'�P -. <br /> � .. ., . _ .. '. . ,. . .. , .^. <br />_--.'--...__-_.,�"'. ...,.l1._v ..._.. .. . .._ .. � _ .. ....... .. . ... - -. . _ . . - . .. . . . .. .. <br /> - � �r,r�. <br /> � � ����.�o�o� --- <br /> TGGETH�R �VI'CH nll�hc improvcnicnts rio�v ar her�,�itcr erectcJ on thc prupeny,nncl ull casancntr�, uppurtcnanccs.m�d !__ <br /> fixtures now or I�ereaRer u part uP ihe property. All replacements nnd ndditiony ti6nU idse� he c�►vered liy thfs Securlty <br /> Insu'umr.ut. All oP the Furcgnin�t iti ref'errcd�n in this Sccurily lustrument as the "Pr�iperey." - -_ <br /> HORROWER COVBNANTS that purmwcr is lnwfully sciscd of thc cstotc I�zreby convcycd nntl hi�s thc riFht to grmit nnd <br /> canvcy th�Proixrty Gnd �h:a tl�c PropGrty f. unencumbcrc�l,cxccpt for cncumbranccs of rccord. Qurrowcr w�rrnnts nnd will <br /> detend generally the tide to the Prope►Ky ugni�ist all clalms and demands,subjert crcucnbrances of record. -- <br /> THIS SCCURITY INSTRUMENT combincs unifarm cov�mmts for natlonnl usc:�nd non-unifi�rm cavenunis with limitcd <br /> variltions hy ju�isdiction to constitutr,a unifonn lccnrity instrumcnt covcring rcal property. ___ <br /> i1N1E�ORM COVF.NANTS. Aorrowcr nnd Lender covenant und a�rec as follows: <br /> 1. �'ayment of Princlpal a�td inter�+t; Eh•epuyuier�t nnd I.utc Charg�w. Barnnvcr shall prc�mptly pay when duc thc _ <br /> prineipc�l of and intc:rest on the debt evidencecl by the Note and any prepayment and late ch�irges due und:r thc Note. <br /> Z. Fu�¢d:� for Tux�and Insucnuce.Subjcct ta appliciiblc law or to u �vritten waiver by Lender, Borrotiver shal.I pay to <br /> L.cnder on the day monthly payments are due wtder the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Fimds")for:(a)yc.jrly taxes <br /> und r�scc.Ysments which may�tttain�iriarity over this Sccurity Instrumcnt as a licn on thc Prcepeny:(b)ycarly lcaschold paymcnts <br /> or gra�nd rcnts��n thc Property, if any;(c)yc;irly ha�:�rd nr property insurnncc premiurns;(d)ycarly tlood insur.tnce preniiums, <br /> if uuy;(a}yearly .aiortga�c insurance premiums, if any; and(�any sums payablc by �orrower to l.ender, in accurdance �vith _ <br /> the provisions of pata$Raph 8, in lieu of thc payment of mortgagc insurance praniums. Thesc items:nC callcd"Esc:aw Items." _ <br /> L.en�ler may, at any time, collect nnd hald Funds in an amount not to exceed thc maximwn s►maunt n lender for a fedemlly <br /> relatc;d mortgasc loan may rcquirc for Borrowcr's escrow nccount under the iederal Ra�l Estate Settlement Proccdures Act of <br /> 1974 as amendecl from timc to timc,�12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et ser�, ("981E5PA"), unless another luw tliat applies to the Funds """ <br /> scts a Iesser amount. if so, Lendcr may, at zny timc, collcct and hold Funds in an amount not to es�cul the lesser .lmount. <br /> i.ender may estimatc the amowit of�unds duc on the basis of current data anu �e�sonable cstimates���F expenditures of futuru s <br /> L'scrow Itcros nr othcrwisc in uccordancc���ith appltcablc law. <br /> Thc Funds shnll bc hcld in 1n institution whosc cieposits urc insural by a federzi ngenc,y, instrumentaUty, ur entity <br /> (incf��ding Lendcr. if I..ender is surh an institution)or in any Fedcrll Home Loan Hnnk. Gcnder shaal flpply thc Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,a�nually unalyzing the cscrow accaunt, or <br /> �`����i�b�w��.��Q�������� ��nlacy ln�1tlnr r��c�n��nwrr intrrr±ct nn thr p���nti�n�id annliCSlhle latv perrnilS LCt1dC1'[0 Rl1ke S1lCh <br /> a charge. Howevcr,L,cnder mny reyuirc Borrower to pay a one-timc chnrgc for an ind�pendcnt ruil estate tax rcporting scn-ice <br /> used by Lender in connectinn u�ith thiti loan, unless applic�bie law pravider �therwisv. Unless nn agreement is made or <br /> npplicablc law rcyuires interest to be paid,Lcnder shall not be rcquired to pay Borrowcr any intcrest or camingx on thc Fands. <br /> Hormwc�•;�nd Lcyidu may agrec in writing, however, th�t int�rast shall be paid on the Funds. Lend�.r shall givc te f3orr.rwcr, <br /> widiout chargc,an amival uccounting of Ihc Funds, showinb crulits and debits to tl�c Funds .►nd thc pu+pusc for which cach <br /> dchit to thc Funds was made. Thc 1=unds atc pledgcd as additionnl security for all sums saurcd by this Security Instniment. <br /> If the Funds hcld by Lendcr excccd the amounts permi;ted to bc held by applicable Inw,L.ender shall account to 8orrower — <br /> for the exeess Funds in accordance with the rccJuircments i�f.ipplicable I;�w. If the amount of the runds held by l.ender:it any �►' <br /> timc is not sufficicnt t��pay thc�scrow Itcros whcn duc. I..�:ndcr inay su notify Dorrowcrin writing,nnd,in such r�sc Bureowcr � <br /> shall pay ta Lc:uder tltc umount ncressary to makc up tttc dcficicttcy. Borrowcr sh:dl makc up thc dcficicncy in no morc thim = <br /> twclvc montlilv paymcnts,ut l.cnd�r's solcdiscrctiu►i. � <br /> Upan paymcnt in full of:di sums �ccurcd by this Security Instruntcnt, l.cndcr shall promptly refund to Hnrmwcr uuy <br /> Fu�ids held by Lender. If, under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire ur sell the Property,Lcnder,prior ro the acquisitiun�r sale "��"� <br /> d__t:. <br /> of the Propeny,shaU apply any Fund:helA hy l.�:nder at the time of.,cquisition ur�ale as a credit nguinst the sums sccureci by E�;._ <br /> this Sccuriry Instnimcnt. "":` <br /> 3. Appllcation oP Pnyments. Unlcss applicablc law providcs oth�n�•isc, :dl payments rcccevcd hy� Lcndcr undcr paeagraphs -- <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: tirst. tu uny prcp,►ymcnt ch��r�es du� und�r the Note;�ccond,to am�iwns payublc undcr paragrsph 2; ��''=: <br /> third,to interest due:fourth, to principal Jnc;and I:�st,to any date cV��rres duc un�lcr thc Notc. } <br /> 4. Chu �es; Llcns, e,�rrowcr shall i ill taxes, asscssmcnts, chae.,es, fines imd im asitiuiis atzribiunble to thc Property '"°" <br /> r!, p�Y ' P `r�c <br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, amd Icaschold paymcnts or oround ronts. iG auy. Botrower shall ��y� <br /> these obiigutivns in thc manncr providcJ in par.�gr,►ph 2,��r il'not paid in that mannci. Bon•ower shall puy thent utt time dirccai� - <br /> to thc perrson owed payment. Rorcowcr shall promptly furnish to Lcnder all nuticcs ot� �unounts to bc paid undcr this p�uagr.iph. <br /> If Borro�vcr makcs thcsc paymcnts dircctly,Burro�vcr shall promptly furnish to Lendcr rcccipts cvidcncin�;thc paymcnts. _ <br /> Burrowcr shall promptly dischargc am� licn which has priuriry a��cc this Sccurity lnstruntc�tt unless E3orrowcr:(a)agrccs in ' <br /> writin�to tlic p�ymcnt��f thc obli�;ation ,�tu��ci by tlic licn in u mannc.s.��ceplablc to I.cndcr. (n)�t�;icsts in gaod faith thc licii ''.. <br /> by, i�r dcPcnds a�ai�ist cnfurccmont o( Qic licn in, Icgul proccaliucs which in thc l.cndcr's opinion oper:uc tu prcvent thc <br /> cnforccmcnt of tl�c licn;or 1►)�ccuros Prom dic holdcr of the licn an aorcement tiatisfactor}•to l.cndcr�ubi�rdiieatii�.thc licn ro <br /> tliis Se�urity Instrumcnt. IF Lcnder dctetmincs that any part of the Prupctty is subjcct tn .�licn�vhirh mi►y attain priarity��ver . <br /> th[!: Sccurity (ttti?ts±tnent, LAndcr may givc Rorrowcr a nuticc identiiying►he licit. 13orrmvcr+hall satitify d�c lien or take vnc��r <br /> mon:of the ucti��e�s set fo►7h uhuve withen 10 d.iys�if thc�ivinb ui nutice. <br /> Farm 3028 srso <br /> Pege 10�0 <br /> . I <br /> _-----�_..�._._..._-.r�asscnv;'s�if-,p:t'.teYi{Qp1.'�c:`�'::'�"„�"��:k�n,'ti���::�:UTy;lfl�;,'�' , . • .. . � <br /> _4.w .. . .. J� r _7• . •_ ._� �`. • ' ._ _... <br /> .� .•�I: .�. ' . • .:.+Y... . <br /> _ . .�. 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