,. ` '. �� '' � .i ' , � f `' , ' � ,� c... . .. , . , .� a:' ., - .`'. < c(, . �..•'N�}.
<br /> ' � . � .. . . , � . . . o � '<� , .
<br /> ' . . . . . �` . _. _�_S _- ' , . . . ' . •
<br /> . .. . t ` ' . • . � • f � . _ . � ' � _ ..
<br /> - `'! , � ��'�,�0. to oD s�ch P�rocead3.efter deductin9 th�efmm . ' •� ' , ` , y-�
<br /> � 4atcan oe d�ieae4,tendsr's?e;i)havs tha oRtion in its ooto and aDsoNta discretian. apRtY . • ,_ .. c`� , _
<br /> � � e}I oosta�d e�enses incurred bY rt,��nneatinn with such Pmceads,upon eny indaDteQnes�secured haraby end'a�sueh order ss �
<br /> ' ' . . � Rend�r may detem+ine.or to epR,'Y all such Procesds.efter auch daductions.to tha re3toration of the,Properttr upQn suct►ccnditions e9 ' ,
<br /> � � . l�Qer may d+rtemiine.MY�AD���tion of Proceeds to indebtednes9 she!!not extend as po�tpene the due deta of eny peymantg,wder . .
<br /> ` � tP+a Noie.w wro anY default thereu�dci at here+mder.My unay�plisd hmds shaSl bo paid to?rustor. � . •
<br /> � <- � . ' 8..ParttormYlcs 6y t�ndrr. U�ar+tho occunence of an Event of Oefault hereurtder. or if any ect is taken or fegal proceedin8 ` .
<br /> P
<br /> ` ' comm�ced which meterielty affects Lender's mierast in tAa Property,tender may ut itS Otivn di�CreLOn,but withaat oblipation to da�n, .
<br /> ' • � :� � end with0ut notica to ur demsnd upon Tntstor end without refeas"utg Tttisto�frorr�erty obli�etion,do any'ect which Trus4or hes egreed '
<br /> ,,r--_ t Otli}81I9 t0�O Ei7d ntey 8440 d0 etly OtA9t SCt it d88T9 n8C989811/LO pfOiBCt 4lf0 68CUtity h8f60}.Yn1.4tOt 6hE11,cnmadiatety upon Q�nand
<br /> -- t#ux�es Is1t lesedas.DaY to Lender eI!cosis end.wc�en�u�cained end sums exACreded bv Lendbr in conr:action with the exercise bY -` - --�-
<br /> � ` .� `� Lendv ot tha foreqour�ri�hts,togather with ir►tatest theraon a!the Qetautt rata pravided in the Noie, wfi�ch efis11 be eddud ta tha . .
<br /> " � . : � indebtttdness secu�ea`.°.tehy.Lender sfiall noi incur m�y lia4ifity bxauss of enything it may do or arisit to Co horeunda�. . i . ..
<br /> 4,,.{ 9.H�zsrdow M�tutat�.T�ustor shall keep the Rtoperty irt ccmpGence witfi efE epplicablolavra.ordinenc�mid repulstion9 relatu�g w ,
<br /> _ 4 industria!hyqiene or�virqnmentat protaction.(coltectiveh/retarred to hare'v�es'Erniranmentel La+Na�i•Trustor s�iati keep the ProDertY
<br /> - free�trom e!1 substm�c�deemed to be har�daus or to�tic under qnY�WJanmant�tawa(collectivety rafanad to her9it+es'Hazerdous
<br /> � � Materiefs'!.Tntstor hareby wertanb end represents to lendar that ti4ece are no Hamrdous Materiat on ot undsr th$Proparty.Tasto� �
<br /> •. ` hexeby nprec9 to indemnfi►end hotd harmless Lender, ite directors.officers,emP►pyees�d agents.end any wccassota to t�der's � �
<br /> - ,^ , . :� . , interost.fr.om�d apainst any end el!clsun9.dan►ege3,losses and liabititiea e;ising in connaction wiRh the pr��ca.�ss,diaposel or i'' .
<br /> ' ' tr�spert of�nY HamrdAUS Metsriels on,uc+der,from or aDaut tha Froparty.TttE FQRECOINti WARRANYIES AND REPiiESCNTATlCN9. ;
<br /> . ' ' TRUST. � � . � .` .
<br /> k ,�.i :.. . ,
<br /> _ � 1 O.As�s+d�►m�R ot R�►tf.Trustor hereby assipns to lender tha rents,issue9 and profiis of the Pmperty:Drovidad that Trusior shelk ; . _ _
<br /> ' � � untd the occurrence of en Ev�t of Oefautt horeunder,have the right to coRect and retein sucA rent?.iesues and prafits as.tRey become p , . „ •. �;
<br /> " � dus�d paYeDta Upon tha occunenca nf an Event of Oefault,Le�dar may,eithar b�person or by a�t,with or withart bra�pa�g m►Y • ,
<br /> ' � action or proceed'mp.or by a�eceiver eppo6�ied by a court end without repard to Me adaQuaeY of ib securiqt. �ter upon sad taka �' ' . . � . • � -
<br /> . F ' .� .
<br /> � possessior►of the Property, or enY part tt�nreof, in its own nama or in the nama of t!►e Trustas, end do�+y acie whecl�it deems �. �.• .
<br /> , � � � , npcessery ar dssirab[e tq Dreservo the veiue,merketebifrtY os ronteliility of the Proparty.oc�►y pert tt►ereog or mterest thareu►.mccease ; . . . •
<br /> • - - . . ... tl�a�rr��tharefrom�or protect the security hereof_and.with or rritho�tekin�➢ossession.ot tfie Property,cue far or olherwes cofi�ci -. ------ -,a �--- .
<br /> - . �;; . , the ranb.issuaa snd Ptofits thereof,inaluding thoss pest due and unpaid.�d ePPhl tho esm9,tass costs�dexpen§as ofoD�idn en�-�-- -- --�,- „ " _;i?�
<br /> cottection inctud'¢rp ettomeys'feas,upon any indebtedn�secusad herebY.a�1'v�such order as lcmdar may d6termu�e.The�terinQ upon ,,� .
<br />- end tek6�Q paasessiun of tho PtoAertY, the coltsntion ot sucfi rents,issue3 mid D�f��d the apD���n thereot a9 aforesaid,ehalt cwt .:•�
<br /> . . ak
<br /> ' cu�or waiva a►V defeuli ot notics of default hcreunder or invalidate enY eat done o�responso to suafi defauft or pursuant to such notica 1 •` , '•yy���
<br /> . • . ` : of 6eteuft and.natwithat�diny the contmuencs ir►possession oE tha PropertY or ths cottection.receiDt end apD���n of rents.issuas or t ' .
<br /> _. . ' _""�`
<br /> _.. _ . . _ .
<br /> � profits`end Trustee end leridei shall bB en�i47e�to exeicis8 e-ver11 ripht provida8 for in anY-of tAe loan tn9trumenta or bY�+�upan _. .--. . _ � ..°�'
<br /> � � occurrance ot 6nY Eve�t of Defautt;inctud�g without limitation tho riaht to exercise tAe power of sale. FuRher, Lander s riahts end � � ��'� Y
<br /> t 4 � � .
<br /> ' rameda�undet thi9 pa►ograph shall ba eumulativa with, end in no way a limitetion on, lend@i'8 riqj�ta ertd remodies un8er enY E
<br /> � ' assignmant of bases end rento recordad agea�st tha Property.lender,Trustea end tha recei�+er afiaU be f�iloto ecccunt only for those . . ,� -;
<br /> ". . ' '� renta actuaRY received. ' f. • --.- ' .+-' .
<br /> � � 11.Eva�ts ot D�tautt.Ths follow'a�y shal{const'ttute en Event of pefautt under thi9 Qead At Ttust: . k"
<br /> � � 1 (�Faiture to pey eny instaVment of principal or u�terest of eny other sum aecured hereby when due; ' �- .�
<br /> -� E (b)A broach of or defeult under anY Drovision contained in the Nota,this Qeed of Trust,anY of tha I.oan,tnstruments,o�enY � • '.�
<br /> other lien or encumbrence upon the PiroDe+tV; � � ' , , 'G't� �
<br /> , . . (01 A writ ot execution or attechment or m�v simi�et Oroces9 shalt ba entered against Trustor wfiich efiaU become e lion on the . . s
<br /> " Properttl or enY Dartion tt�eraof or interest thmeu►: , l ��'` s
<br /> . G,.. , ` � . �'i��.�`�
<br /> t----�
<br /> • • � (C)There shali be fited OY or 8eainet Truetor ot Borrovier en actinn under eny present or futuro tederaF,eteta or othm atatue,law �- ,
<br /> oc ca4ulation rolntaty to bantuuptcy, insoivancy or other reliaf tor debtors;or thera sfialt b�appointed�y trustee, receiver.or �. ''.��_
<br /> liquidato�of Trustot or Borrowar or of a0 or enY pert of the PorpeRy.or ths renta,iss�;es or profit9lhereof,o�Truator ot Bonowet • J
<br /> ��- �' she8 maka eny genaral ossignment for the benefR of creditors; � ' '' • • ����%.,;
<br /> (e)The sate,trenster,teasa,aasiqnmont,cor►veYarv:e or fuRher encumbrance of all or any part of or eny interest o+tha Property. �� � .
<br /> � • eithar vohu�tarity or involuntarity,witfiout th9 express writton consent of�ender;provided that Trustor she1149 0���to executo . ` � '. ����� �
<br /> . _ , . - � e leue ot the PrtopettY thet doe9 not contain an option to purcha9e and th9 tarm of which dotra not exceed one yeet: ' � :
<br /> (f► Abandanmant of the Property:or
<br /> � • ' (o)ff Tnutor i9 not sr►individuai,the issuance, eate,transfer,essiQnr�sent, car►veyence or encumbrancs ot moro than a totat l •
<br /> � _. � • ot�,(�.pe[c�►t of(ff a corporotion)its issuad end outetande��atock or lif e partnetahip)o total of N/� percene of � � , ..
<br /> � � . . . partnerahip intetesta dur�y tM periad thi9 peed o!Trust r�nains a lien on tha Froperry. ( • _
<br /> �2,g�»;Ace�hratton tfpon Q�tault.tn the evon!ot eny Event of Oefault Lender may,without notice except es raquired bY b.w, `
<br /> • dectars a!i indebtedr.ess eeeuced hereby to ba due and pay�m and ttio seine ehall ther�0on becoma�due and payabte without�Y �, .� . '
<br /> . �tasentmast,demand,protast or notice of anY ttir►d.Thereafter lenQer may: i . � `'
<br /> a
<br /> � . � ' (�Oem�a that Trustee oxorcise the POYYER OF SALE prant9d herein, and Teusteo shaU thereaftor cause Trusta:'s interest ,
<br />. . � �the Propartlr to bo sotd end tho Droceeds to ba distributed,aIl ir►tha manner provided in tha Nabraska 7rust Deed9 Qat; � -
<br /> � (b)Exercise eny and all rights D�ovidod for in any ot the lob� Instrumonts or by faw upon accurcmce ot any Event of � • �•
<br />, Dofault:er.d ' � . .
<br /> E (o)Commance an action to foroclosa thi� Oeed of Truet na a mortyage, eppoint o raeeiver,or speeifiealh►enforee any o!tho ,
<br /> ' �a cwensnts Asreof. •� _ . � '
<br /> t. ' Ka romeGY Aerein confened upon or�csenrad to Trustee or Eander is intenCed to be exclusiva of any othmr ramedy hesae�,a�the loan ,�
<br /> i � � Ir�stnrm�nts or Dy Isw DroviQed or Dermited,but oacfi shall 0e aur.wtative,eha11�e in additian to averyr other remedy piven hereunder,6� , .
<br /> • ' �� ths loan Insttum�►ta or now o�hereefter oxistu�p et taw ot in oQUitY or Ov atatuto,end may ba exercised concunentty,indeoendently or • .
<br />- . . suc�essivay. . .
<br /> � • � t3. Twtp.The Trustee meY resi�i at�y time witAout ceusa,and tander mey at any tima end wiEhout causs e�Doint s auaceaeor , _
<br /> � or aubatitut�Trustea Truatee ahal{not Da liebte to any DartY,�ncA+d�p without lunitetion lender,Boirowe�.Trusto+or anV Purchaser of
<br /> ths PtoD�!tY. tor eny tos9 or damoQs untass dus to recRtess or w81fu1 miscondlcct, and shafl not be ►equi�ed to take anY eotion in ' . .
<br /> ' � cannaction witn tRS entorcomen!of thi�Qeed of Tnut untea9 indemnHiad,�writinp,fw atl coste,corr�yeruetien or axpenaq�wrfiot►may
<br />- � b�a�aoeiit�0 thuewith.tn edGition,Trusta�mey become e Ottt.d�aser et eny flate of the Diroperty fjttdicinf or under tAe powet o!ea� . ,
<br /> . � . grentad heren);postoone the seta ot all or any portion ot tha PropeRy,e9 provided by taw:or sofl the ProDanY e9 o vrhote,or in eeparate • •
<br /> ' � parce49 or lots et Trustea's discration. • �.
<br /> - .s` ' � 1 O,F�os�nd Esprn�u.ln the event Trustee eeft�tho Property by exercise ot powar of saio,Trustee aheli bo�titted to appty onY sate
<br /> . /q
<br /> � �. �6 '� • . preceaQa tirst to vavment of ell costs end mcpenses of vuereisinp power of eaio,inctudin9 all Yrustee'e fees,end l�dei�B 9IIO TN9t9B�9
<br /> �t ettamey'e tses,ectualty ineurrad to extar►t permitted by appfiaabte taw.In the evant Bmcower or Tnutor exarci�es anY rigP�t Drovided by
<br />-_ '+� _ ' tsw to ciue�Event ot Oe4euSt,l.ender ahell be ontitted to rocover feom Trustor e11 coste�4 expanses actuafty incur�ed e9 a result ot .
<br /> - + �� ' truata's Qatwh,�clude���vithout limitation e!f Tnsstas'a rusd ettomey'a faea,to the oatent permitEed by eDA!��►e taw. , _
<br /> _ � � 15,iutur�Advancu.tlpon requsst of Banower,t�dm mav,o!ite opfion,mako additiono!end(uture nQvances and resdvmica9 to
<br /> ' �i •. . �BorroNree.Sucf�advences�A readvancaf�r+ith intasest thareon,shafl bo socurod Dy th;s Oead ot Trust.At no timo shntl tha Drincipaf .
<br /> � :. . �naunt of the e�deDtedne9s secured Dy this Oend of T�ust,not includinp suma advenced to protoct the cocurity of this Cesd ot Trust.
<br /> . exce�d ths oripnat Drn+cipat rnawt etat�hernin,or A lO.OG,whichever ia greeter.
<br /> ,y „ • • .
<br /> :�
<br />- ,� i . • . • •
<br /> � `• .
<br /> . :.-� �• � ----,-�.� . _-. _ _- . , �
<br /> �� ' . F 1
<br /> .. � .... . . .. _ . ._
<br />