� � . i .X G C`` . _ . . . c. � . � .. . . ' _ .. . _'IA, ' . —
<br /> —. .� . . . . .`� , ,. ' � _ s _� . . . . . . . . , � . - , • ` . - '
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<br /> ! , _v . , ' , . ;� S_
<br /> _ • � . ` � �. � ACt�NOIiYt�DGEMEN'f���EED���'RUST� � ,- . - . . '�ti
<br /> r��: . � ' ��'�3��� � � �
<br /> — � � �. �usso��-ra�s eF�o��s�c��c�c: � � � � . � . .. . . =
<br /> • . C�� ,
<br /> ` � `� " Tnistar urderstands t4ee1 tM docurrs�t tt�at Trustor is ebQut to axecuta is a DeeB ot Tcast end not o mortgago ared that tho poriat �� .. �'.
<br /> st
<br /> � • ' , � ot sete,Provided toc rtt tha E?aed ot Tnis!pinviCes subatentielfy different rights and obGgativn9 to Trus:or than e maKgage in th�evar►t of , _ � ' ti"
<br /> � � � e deieuti or DreiM ot obGQati�n under the Raad o�Tre�st,inc�d'a�,Qut not Grnitad to,tAe ten3er's rt�ht to hava the PropertY sot0 by thQ � << • , �
<br /> . . : ,Tr�ates�erithaut eny iu�cia�Diaccaoedir�p.Truscor rsyressrita and warrantv ehat tl+ig achnw�tedIIemsnt wes axacuted bY Tn�sior befora tha " ' ,, '
<br /> i� us
<br /> . :,�. .
<br /> — �. - . ' eicecutinn o!ffis Oee�d o!Trust. • ..., . ,.
<br /> - ,•:. . � . ' �� 4`��'' , � �
<br /> . ` ,
<br /> J�;��: BROQKS TRUST R � _ -�.__....:,� ._ ..
<br /> ` � r �A�a�,�l � �� "1
<br /> - �:`�" �` �_ .
<br /> -�° ` . .� . �PRIC2LLA e HRQ�RS �` �
<br /> . - . THUSTOR , .
<br /> ' . _- ., . �.. �: .--• . ,
<br /> , �__ . - . . - - .
<br /> � • --- .-. ---: ._ �EEQ OF THUST WlTt1�t�'URg AQV/1NCES . . ti
<br /> _ �� . • ,_ THfS DEED OF TRt15T,i9 meQ9 e9 of the -7th day of Januarx R 492�.bY si0 amonp � , _• � . •.
<br /> .. ,,�3' .'
<br /> �. . r.. ',:.
<br /> • - thaTn�tor, . DONALD BFt00RS ancl PRICILLl1 A BI200RS. StTSHAND AND WI88 , � . • .
<br /> . . . .�'��
<br /> . . � 635 $ H81�83 • GRAND I�LAPD 1� �i6Q�1- � � .:=;:'-
<br />- ' _ }. • �nho�e�o addre�is ar m �ustor•whet�ar onm or moref.. �'_. '. . ., ,._. _
<br /> ' � . � . . � . � �r . . . '�' H.1t�
<br /> - . . • � tfie Trustea AREND BAACIt � ' : - -
<br /> . �
<br /> . .. virhas�ma�inp edQrass i9,1y,�4 N WFIEI.LER AVSNUS ¢RAftD ISF.AND NE 68802 (h�ein'Tcuste�'1,and . �.�..`..:;�?:'�;
<br /> � . -�w:.�er.,:
<br /> . . .. '- °- --
<br /> _ �... .:..� ` �►�e«����n►. . __.�'FIE aVBRLAND NATIONAL HANIi O� GRAND ISI AND • - ..-- - -`_
<br /> ..... . ._._ ..__._..------._...--------��----�---�------ - �--- .._ ,F r-�rw
<br /> ..-- ---- --....-- - - � - . .. ._ ..._._..-� --- -� - M °-
<br /> � ;-.
<br /> _...._.. .. --- ...._.,_........
<br /> ,. � whose meitinQ ad�ess ia P O 803l,��688 aRAND ISL1�iD NE 69802 lheiea�'tanaef'R '� � �
<br /> : • � . . FOH 1lAlUABlE CONSlDEHATtCN,inchtd'a�p Lm►der'e extension of aredi!idantified here�to DONALD BROORS , • �, j_
<br /> :. . . .;., .. �,•.. PRICILLl� A BRQORS -
<br />_. . • .. . ;� - .,.
<br /> (herein'Borrower':whe6her ons or more)and the trust heroin craated,tha ..._ k. � - -
<br /> • • race�t of whicA is Aereby aclmowtsdgad,T�ustor heraby irrevocabty yrants,transtara,conveye snd essiQn9 to Trustes IN 7RUST,VVfTN . ` � ,.+;�
<br /> �'� � POYYER Of SALE.toi tha benefit and securitY of Lendee,under end subject to the tetms and conditiuns hereinattet set tortA,ths reat � � ', � '
<br /> . D�Darql.described c+9 toltows: • . �.�
<br /> See Addend�am A , " �
<br /> : _ _ . • . � . ::'-
<br /> , . .. . . ti.
<br /> • � � �' �i'+
<br /> . _. ' .�1�4
<br /> , :�, Tapether with e0 buitdrt+sa.unyravements:fatur�,etreet9,eRev9,vassagarTMav9, earemente,n.�t9. Rrivifeaes ertd eDOuKa�nC� i .: �ei;�.
<br /> � _._.__._..__..._:_ topta!thesson oe a�enVwe.se pertaining tAereto,and tRe rents.issues en�profits,reversione a�d remeo�dei►s thereof,an�suoh persona► (, � .. ' n`�-`
<br /> ' , property that is ettached to ths improvements so as to canstitute a fucture,includmp,but�ot Gmited to,heatu�end cootina eQuipment; � �� ." �''�
<br /> ' ' and topethei with tha homastead oi maritel Qftarests,if any, whict►intaresta ere hereby re(eased and waived;eIl of which, �cWd'a� � , . ,
<br /> _ ' reatacemante m�d additiana ffiereto,is kereby de�lared to be a oart of tha reai estete srs�.�urad by the lien of thi9 Qeed of Tcust and ell cf ( •
<br />_ •.. ., . the toreaoaip 6ee�p referted to here�as tAe'ProaertV'. ��� , � ' . ' �.�`�,`�
<br /> . . � TAia Ceed ot Ttust ahall seeuro la1 the DaYment of tha principal sum and intere;st eviQaneed by a promissory nots o� eredit � _, �•"� �
<br /> ' . . I. � , .
<br />-'� , . g���t�� 01127/95 ,hevin�amaturity date of 01�27�02 f " � '
<br /> - ' . e� ths uripin�l principal emouM uf 0 ��,�Qo_Aa ,snA eny and nD mod;fication9,extensiorw a►d�enewets � • .
<br />-'` r, � � theroof or tl�ereto end eny end e0 futura advanca9 and readv�co9 to Bortowes(oe any of tha»if more than oae)hereunde�purauant to - -"
<br /> one or mo»D�+�+�sso�te notea oe aedi�aareemmta(hmra�eelted'[Yote•1;(b)the peYmant of other aums advaneed by lendv to piateat % � �
<br /> . � ths wauity ot tha Nota;(01 the perlarm�ce ot ell covenante and eflteem�ts ot Trusto►set foRA here�:eno ta�en vr.a.�t�e t�. •�a
<br /> ; � � indebte��ss�rtd ob.tiQalans of Borroever(oe any of them ii more than onel to l�rndei whetAer d'aeat,eid'aect,aDsolute o�conta�Qent •
<br /> ond ahethm arisiiy 6�note,puaranty.overdreft or otMrwise.The Note,th%a Deed of Trust and eny and eU other doouments tha!secure
<br /> _ _ . the Note or othe�wtse exacute4�connection therewith,utctudinp wRhout limitetion puaranteas,security asceements end asqipnmente �
<br /> � ' ot te�sea and rants,ahell be cetertad to here�es the'Loan Instrum�ta'. � � �
<br /> �. ' Ttustve cavenants and apreav with lender aa foftows: - � � �
<br /> � • 1.P�Ym�nt of htd�6t��+w.All indeLte�esa securad hereby shal bo paid whon due. _ � • �
<br /> � Z.Titb.Tntator u tha ownar o1 the Vropartv.ha9 the riaht end authority to convev the Vropehy,and warranta thet tAe lien cceated • � .
<br /> . � �' heraDy is a firet and prior fien on the PropaRy,oxcept tor Gens and encum6rance9 eet foKb by Ttuator in writing end deliveted to I.ende� '
<br /> �`• �� beforo auecutian of thia Qead of Trust,and the exacution and doGvery ot thi9 0e9d o! trust 3oes no! violate any contrect or other
<br /> �S. ,.' obtiaetion to whir.h T�tot i�subject . ' �
<br /> " ' -� � �- 9.Tuu.As�qm�nts.To pay batore datinquency atl texas.syeciel ansessments and a11 otAer charges ageinse tha iRoperty now or
<br /> . �: harwftau feviad. . . �
<br /> _ �: • 0.tn�urana�.To kap the Proparty inYUrod apainst da►neae bV fue,Aazards,inceudad within the term•extanded cuvoras{s',and ' �
<br /> w , e�cch othe�hazard�a9 Lande�may reyuire.a�emeunta en0 with compenie9 acceDtaDle to�ender,namin9l.�der aa en additional n�ed � •
<br /> ' . . insure0,witfi tosa psyeD"e to it►e LonQes.tn easa of tess unQe�auch poticies,the Lendar i�euthorized to edjust,wflact and compramiss, .
<br /> ��� eU ctaprta thereundar and ehell have the option o1 eDRN�a eU er perl ot tho insur�ca D+ocead9(i)to ony indebtedness eecurod hareby �`'
<br /> ` . . . , and h sttCtf otdN u l�nQ�r m1ry d�tbrtnine.('uI to the Trusla to�s used tae 4he ra�air w rmtaratlan 44 the•9mpeRy o�(iu)tar any other . . •
<br /> .� � � • purpnse ar objeot cetpfactory to lendar without etfectinD tho lian of thp Qaed ot Tnist tor the fu0 amount secured heraby before suct►
<br /> _; � ° payment avN took pface.Any apDtication of proceed9 to indebtednesa shell nat extena o�poatDane the due Qate of enY psyment9 unde: .
<br /> � the Note oe curs any delautt tAeraeinder or hereunQar. .
<br /> �� �` ` ' S.Eacrow.UDfln written Eemand by Lender,Tcustot sfieU pay to Lende�,in auch mennar as Lender muy designate,su(ficient sum� � � . .
<br /> � � . � to en�bfe lande�to pay ae they become due orw or mwe of the folfowinp:W aU texav, essessmente and othw ofiarpes ega'u+st tho ' ,
<br /> ' •� � Property,tul tAe pcana�ms on the property insurence raQutrad hareunde►,and fiu)th9 Oremium9 on eny mortpaye insurance reQu'ved by •
<br /> � � � � lendez �
<br /> a
<br /> i 8.Maint�nane�Rpait��nd CompNane�wilh taw�.Yrustet shelt keep thq FtopertY in good cvnditian end repa�r;sfiaU prpmptty �
<br /> -- - - -. rspair.ar tepffice eny improv�n�t whicA mey be dameged ot desttoyed:sh�l not commit or pormit anY wasto or datetiorotion of thv .
<br /> : ' ' �� Vroyerty;sMlt not remove,damoli�h or substentiallV eltar eny ot tho imp�ovem�t9 on tha P�operty:shail not comrr.it,ouHer or parmit ' .
<br /> any act to 6e dano in or upon tho Proparty o�viotation of eny law.ordinancs,or reaufotion;.and ehnH poy and prom�tty disAerQe at
<br /> T�ustor'e coet and expenso a1f lians,encumbranca9 and charQe9 tavled.imposed or assossed asflin9t th0 Vroperty or eny paA thoreoi.
<br /> ��, � 7. Emtn�nt Qomain. lendar is hoieby assignod a11 comycnsation, owarQ3, dama�os ond othei puymonts or ro6of (heroinaftor
<br /> ., • .
<br /> - , U ..'�•. '. { 'Rracaed�')in conneetian rritb condarru�ation or othei teking of tAe Poiperty or part thoraot,or to>canvoyance u�6QU of conQemnt►tion. .
<br /> .'. ' - --,-— E6,-�eF ahaii ta e.zsrR;�6s its optiaa ta comrr�-sca,:.��s i��sd gsa'�:�tta jrc it:a�:s�n:sr�a ras�scssaa or proc:,:,3s-�gs,r�n4 sl�,:!ai;a ba -
<br /> � . � • erftit�fld to mnko ru►y comptomiso ar sotticmCnt in connactian with suc�fi toking or dumaflo.In tAp ovcnt ony pottian of tho Propotty is eo '
<br /> . V. " • � y .
<br /> � � � HBC t467 Qdanyi¢�IItrY QOa01 Rev.f0l�B . . .
<br /> � ��•. ' . Q 1BH9He�anfQ�NOfCommerceT���nOEnr�aAifwu�m��u�cCnAWrau � . �
<br /> , .
<br /> _?I �----..-- � . _ . � - -.._. . . ._...
<br />