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<br /> ' � 78.ediu�anlou�Pruvt�icns � . ..
<br /> `r� F.• ��. rrayp�(Itpt as,ed.Ext�sion of thatime far payme�t or modification of tho sums sewred�y Nt9 Qeed of Truat qr�t•d � .. E. , , -
<br /> te?� �
<br /> . ` by tender to enY sa�e�sor in interest ot Bonower sha11 not operete to retaase.im eny marmer,th�liabdity ot the arip'mai Bcrro�ar �� . � �. • ��
<br /> ' <<,. end:Qottowet'ts suceeasOra in irt�erBSL Lendsr sAatl not be requ'ued to eommeneo Dracead'a�gs e�,ainst sud►suC�essor er r�fusa w _ . - rt,..�� ti
<br /> -' , . " 4. ;`. , mRend t'¢ue tos payma�t ar otherwise�naditY emortaation of tha sums sepuad 6Y��Dead of Tnut by reasan ot arry dananda . � • ,.. ,� �.
<br /> • . . . made.bY the oripu�at Bonower mid Bcrtowar'e suaeessora in irtterest. _ f
<br /> , , tb4 f.�dw s Paw�rs.Ylfrthout effeatmy the IiaA�7itil of m�F otdier peisob liabla for.tha PaYn?ent of any obG�atian hsrau►montioned. F'� ,
<br /> - `.. �- end w�thuut affact�0 tho @an or d�Qe Qf�hi�Oma3 ot Trust upan.er►Y vartion of the Propartyr not thm w thereto¢ore rolaasad as . .
<br /> - - ---- .�.. �. seairitlt for tha t411 emount of afl unpaid obGyetions.lander may,from time to t6ne and without notico G?rateaso any pmsan so -- -
<br /> �--- '_,i''_f... e�Rmd•t�e ' or e1ter a►y of the terms of�y sucfi obfegatians.(m!prent other mdutpe�caD.liv?�etease or reea�vey. �`' : • .. .�- ..
<br /> _ GaDIo,(u"� Rm mai�tntqt
<br /> _ -.—�----- or�sd to De ratease8 oP�a�oaveYed at sqr time at lender's option eny parcal.Durtian or a t t o f t he P r QDery.t v)m l c e ar�e n i t - - - -
<br /> - '. ``.`bttter mddrtiana!eewt�N for anp obTipati�n here�mertioned.or Lvi!makecompositions nr other arr�Qses�ta wiih debtnre q► f�`�. �.. .
<br />- �` telationtherato. f" ; � ,�
<br /> � : - -` (c}�FotO�rsee�by f.�ndrr lMot w Wawr.Any forebesteaea Ov tend9r a�exerasmp e�y rigfit or ramedY Rereunder.or otherwise s .- - -
<br /> : ,. _.��;.. ' afforded by appGcab[e iaw,sha11 noi tia a waivor of or preciudo the mcereisa o!any suc!►riphc or�emedY.Tha procummen2 of ,,_ y
<br /> . - � th G�s ot char eg b lenEee sha(!noi ba a waivar ot Laredar's riQht to�.�cet�rats the ��.':�'.` :. .� � �, -
<br /> . msurancs or tha psyment of texes o�o er 0 Y , , .
<br /> - � : maturity ot the indebtednass sawred by this QaeQ of 7rusL , � � ��' ' . •
<br /> ..- . � ` �d1 Sucewrors ond As�ns BounO;Ja�t�od 9avrat Li�b�Y:C+Pttor�s.The covenants�d aD��herae�contea�ad ahaU � :. .
<br /> - - , • . tir�d,std the.riIIhts haauiQar sha➢ 'uwre to.the resvebtive s�cessore.�td assiqns of lendes ec�d Tnistor.Alt cov��ts enQ , . . . ,
<br /> a 4 .
<br /> ��� • � epraements of Trustor shaU be jofit end sever�. The ceptioiis snd headinp� of the parayreDhs af this Oead pfi Tast ers for �::f: .
<br /> - 3°. v ... .., ,-,;-_,'.,`-. convenia:cq enly�red are not to be used to mterpret or def'ma ths provisions hereof. � . �; . . __
<br /> - � � ' . . te)R�Mt far Notf�s.The partias hereby requeat that a copy ot any�otice of defauti here,under and a coDY of aay,noti�of '
<br /> sats heraunder 6e medad to each pertv to tAjs.Oeed of Tnist et the address set forth abov@ in tlte m�ner prescnbad by epAliooble
<br /> �� . law.�ccept for any other notica�4Quired unda►appfice6Sa few to be Qivan in enother tnanner,ercy notics provided for 6►th»Dad of
<br /> g ' Tcust sAa1F be�piven by mei7np eucfi notice by certifiad mail.eddtessed ta the othes Darties,et th�addrass set fortii abovs.Any . �_� _ -�.
<br />- 'T"� � � � - �otice pravitt�for in tAis Caed of Trust shaU�e effactirre upon maTmg in tha m$nner dasi�ated har�n.ff Truitor is man tlwa ans �:;�r���;;�..
<br /> � '" � ' poraon,owtice sant to the addrass set torth abova shaU be notice to atl sucts parson9. _ � � ,
<br /> ` , � . � _ .. ..
<br /> --,--.-�-r--•H--. .----..__._._._..._(fl.Inawation.l�der.meY.�nake.gr cause,to�@ made reasonabta entries vpon and inspectiens ot ths Rrapety.Wovid!a . �.-�_°`�.°
<br /> tender eheft give Trustor notice Prior to eny such msyeciion specifying reasona-5ie ceuso tfieie�for r�a�aa�i�.dnde�i►intirvaYiti ths�-----�-�--- -`; '•��-
<br /> .. . " prapetty� ' . ` �
<br /> . , _, n s�
<br /> � �' • • (D)Raconv�yanc�. Upon paYment of all sums secured by this Caed of Truat, Lender shall roquast Tncstae to reea+vsy the •• � -
<br /> '':� � . ' Property end shafl sunender this Deed of Trust and a11 notes evid�cmp o�debtednesa sewred by this Oeed ot Truat to Tnist�r. � r''—
<br /> -� - • •�� , • � Tacstes aha11 reconvey ths Properiy without werraniy and without charp�to the D�a�ot De�+�[apalty entitied thereto.Trustor _ �
<br /> .�•---..:,__•��.. ;_ - - --- .. . - -- - - - .
<br />_- -eAQu paii en oosts bl.eeoraae•wn�a env.- - . ~.
<br /> �,. . .
<br /> - „ .. . ' . (�)P�ona{�top�rty:8�cauiitll Il�Nmu►t.As additionel security for the PaymanL of ths Flots.Tn�+toi heriby pnr►4s E�nder ure3sr ..
<br /> CAQ
<br /> . • the NsbrasYa tJn'rform Commericel Code a security interest in elt fixturm,equrpm�t,an0 othar De*QOnalOfoDertY us�d�co�x�atiw►
<br /> with tho re�l astata or onprovementa tooated thereon,end not otherwisa declued or deemed to ba e part of the roe!estate aewred ' �; �
<br /> • .. hereby.Thi�b�atrument shall be aoastrusd e9 e Security Apreemen!under seid Cods.and the Lender sh81t have att ths d�is and . �;y. _
<br /> � � ` � remedies ot e sacured party under eaid Coda m a d d"Rion to t he riQ hts and ramedies�created under sn3 accordad ths L�crder pursuant ,, -
<br /> : � � to tA'rr Deed clt f�ust; provided that lender's riphte and romediea under this paraarapfi ehalt ha cumutative witi�;en4 in nn wey s � :` '�
<br /> � � limitation on,lendar'e riDhta end rempdies undar eny other security egra�nent s6�ned bY @orrowe�or Tnutor. •`'�" �
<br /> G) Wn� artd Enwmbranca�. Trustor hereby warcants end representa thet thero is no defauit unQer tha proviaiqna of itty �'•� , µ��
<br /> ' ,� mortgasa, dead ot trust, tease or purchase contract doscribing eIt or eny part of th�Proparty, ot othor controct, mstn+mant or . ± � �
<br />- �- -- - - -- � egreement constituting a Gen or enwmbranca aga'aist ell or eny part of the Property(coltactive,'li�s'!,ex�tnQ a+of the dsta of � ,,
<br /> � � tfiin Oaed of Trust, and that eny and e11 existing lians rantain unmodifiod axcept as disc(oaed to Lender in Trustor'e writtm . '�"�-
<br /> . • disctosuro of li�s end encumbrt�nces D�ovidod for herein. Trustor ahei!timefy Redortn all of Tn,3toi's oblisations, covanrU, '•
<br /> � , ' . ropns�nteiton�and worranties under any and elt existinp end tutura Liens,ehali promptly forwerd to Lander copi�s 010A notico�of ��?�' ! �
<br /> ! , . defeu(t sent �connection with eny and aU existm�ur iature liens,and ahaU not without La�dar'e prior wriKm consa�t in enY � ;,r�i��i�
<br /> manner modifY the provisian9 of or allow�y futura edvances undar eny existmQ or futura Lians. '
<br /> , . �-�' ''���
<br /> . . �'►ApyQcttion of Paym�nU. ttntes9 otharwise �eQuired bv faw,sums paid to tendei hm�nQar, e�cb�dinQ withont limit�tia► : .�=�...;-
<br /> . • paymmta ef principal end intnrast.'v�surenee ptoceads,condannatian proceed9 end�ants end v�ofita.shall bs eppli�d by 4end�to • •
<br /> ' • the emounte due end owinp hom Tr.ustor end borcowai�sucfi order as Lander in it9 sote discretion deems desirebk. ,. �•' .
<br /> ic
<br /> �� iK) S�vRaD�'ity. {f eny provision of this Dead of Tru9t confliota witt► eppficebts law or is dacluad invalid or othatwi�s � � t- '
<br /> - � unantoresabte,auct►oonfGct or invalidity shall no!effect ths other ptovisions of this peed ot Trust or th9 Note which csn ba piva► � � •
<br /> � � , affect wiihout tha conlli�tiny provision, and to tris end tha vrovisions ot this�eed of Trust and the Nots are dectarad to be . .• , . .
<br /> �r.:r .�. .. � � eavarable. . . _
<br /> ' • (p Trms.Tha term9'Trustor'and'8orrower'shall fictude both sinpular and pluret,and whm the Trustor end Bonowar are ths t ���'�� ••
<br /> " ssne paraonts),those tetms es used in this Dead of Truat shaU be interchenQeabte. � f � .
<br /> �, '�� , • (m)(iov�minp L�w.7t�i9 Oeed of Ttust shali be governad by tho lowe of the Stete of Hiebreske. � . , '
<br /> : =, � • � - T►ustor has axecuted this Dead ot Tcust a9 ot tha date written ebove. � .
<br /> . �,� .. � � : • � . .
<br /> , •. (I'yt,sr ��
<br /> . /"Da AI.D BRCOKS Tr`us�or I••� .
<br /> • ;� .. � !� � i i�J�%�� ' . � _.
<br /> . • . .. ��,J � .
<br /> . , ' PRICIZ.LA A HROOXS Trustor i'_ , •
<br /> , �
<br /> ,�• . . . . ' '. � - .. .. - , '
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