� � .. �� �� ���, � � � ��� �� � . ; � �c- --�-.j 9�- ���� � � . .. � �, ; -
<br /> ` � � 1�Y�nts ttu�y ao[onge`r 6e required,at t6e apuan o�i.�fider.if mortgage�R�+,*��CP coveaa�e Qin the amount aa3 fo:tt�geriod �� .
<br /> � 't$3t E��tctar'requires}�pravid�d by aa insurer'aPPmved by Le�de�ugaia bcco�es available nad is obtaiIIed.Borrowes sltat�pay ` . --
<br /> the pz�minms r�gu�r�ed to mai�in�ortgage insurance in effect,or to pzavide u los,s reserve.�insit t�e reqnifem�nt fpi maaigage:
<br /> ' � inssrnac�ends in accardaece wit�a�r v�rritte�sgreeu�ne D�ween�Bormwer,and Lender ar a�plicable taw. . —
<br /> ' � � 9: Iaspesun�.Lender or its a�E maY makB ieasanatote entries upon ar�in�ppctians of t4te PsQgerty.Le�der ahall give � , _
<br /> Bo�wer Qotice at the ti�e of or grior 4o an ii�spectian s�.cifyinS reas�naWe cause for ihe inspection. ' ., .
<br /> . 10. Eoademnstioa:The�prooeeds of aay award or claim-for damages,direct or cansequ�tial. in connectioa wit3�ariy
<br /> � ooadem.n�rioa ar other taking of an}i part of ttte Property.os for eonveyance in lieu of aondemnation,are hemby assigned and , ',
<br /> sLali 6e paid t4 Leader. � .� �
<br /> , . Ia the eve�of a totai ta�ing of the Property,the proceeds sliall be agplie�to the sums secured by'this Securhy Insmuaeat, � _
<br /> ' whether or not then due,with any excess paid ta Eoao�r�er. In ttte e�ent of a partial.takmg of the Property in which ttte fair�
<br /> � mar�t vaiue af th,:Froge�ty�mmrd;�rpty ls�for�the ta�ng is e�Z!ta os g�ter tl�n the amcwni of t6.e sums�by this _----- .
<br /> , Secarity Tnstruu�eat immediately before the talting.nnless Borrower aud L�nder othernise agree in writing.the s�s secured 6y � • -- —
<br /> this security Instnunent shalt be�duced by the amount of the pnooeeds multiplied by the folto►ving fizctian:(a) the�total — --
<br /> amouttt af the sums seaued i�adiately�befote[he taidng, divided by(b)the fair market valae of the Properry iaimediazely —
<br /> befare th,e ta3�ing.Any ba�auce shall be patd to Borrower.•In the event of a partial takiug of the Property in wluch tke fair
<br /> market value of the Property iramediate3b befiore tbe taking is less than the amauat of the sums secored immediately[�€fore the ��` _ —
<br /> . �taiang,iml�ss Borrower and Lender othenvise agree in writing ar unless applic�hie law otlaecwise provides.the pmceeds shall --._
<br /> be applied ta the stuns secttred by'tlsis Seeurity Iasttvmem whether qs noi the sum.s are then dae� '
<br /> , If the Propeity is abandflaed by Bonower:or if.after aotIce by Lender to Borrower tltat the condemnor offers to make aa — ���� �
<br /> award os scitle a claim fos damages,Borrower fai[s to respond to Lender i�ritfiin 30 days after ths date tfie uotice is given, °_ _�
<br /> k_��-�=�-
<br /> I.ender is authorized to oollect and apply the grooeeds.at its option.either to restoration or repair af the P�openy or to the sums e__:��._
<br /> se�a ay r�s se��y t�m�t,ahether or not then due. �p`�`�-
<br /> ''_{
<br /> Untess Lender and Borruwer othenvise agree in writing, any appliration of pmceeds to principal s�alf nat extead or �.�=�-1�_
<br /> • os one the due_date of the mon�Wy payme�s refened to in 1 and 2 ar c6an e the atnount of such a '�''�=` .--
<br /> P � P�� g P Ymenis. � , �r.�'���%� _
<br /> 11.Borraicer l�to;Rel�sed;Forbearaace By Lendes Not a�Yairs�.Eateasion of the ame for payment or modification
<br /> _.,..
<br /> � -��--�--of amortization of the sums-secured b this-Securi i �m t teii b �L-ender�o an �sac�essor in imerest of Borrower�shall�—�----�- " �v
<br /> Y �Y � Y Y -:.� n':;�_—=
<br /> aot opetate to nelrase the liabiliry of the original Bomower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lend:r shall not be required to ;=;r.` .:
<br /> oommec�e.praceedings against any.saccessor in intecest or refuse to eatend time for paymeRt or othernise modify amortization "?``- • -�`
<br /> �.,�::3i�:s�i�'�----
<br /> of the sums s�cured by this 5ecurity Inst�ment by reason of any demand made 6y the original Borrower or Borrower's ,.•;.._,__ _
<br /> sttccessors in•inierest. Any.foi6eaiance_b Lender in exercis' '-= - 1 �
<br /> .e ___ y uig any right or.remedy shall not 6e a_waiver of or.preclude the__ ._ .....,.�.�:_
<br /> exetoise of an ri t or remed . :'��°"==—
<br /> • 12. Successois and�Asslgns IIound;Joint aad Several Liability; Co-sigot�rs. The�covenants and agreentents of this = '�? `�����
<br /> Security Instnunent shaU bind and 6enefit the successois and assigns of Lender and Borrower. su6ject to the provisions of =—
<br /> � patagraph 17. Borron�r's rnvenants and agrcemenu shaU be joint and severai. Any Borrower.ivho co-signs this Security ; °--
<br /> In �m nt but does nat execv�te the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage.g[ant and canvey that • ��'_���'
<br /> ;�'".:;�:��,.�
<br /> Bormcver's iaterest in the Property under the terms of this Security insuument:(b)is not personally obligazed to pay the sums .�
<br /> secatred Li this Seatri Instnunent;and(c)a that Lender and an other Borrower ma a ree to extead,modi forbear or � �'r ��'"—
<br /> Y �Y � Y Y E fY• . • :s•r:,. ,w.-.
<br /> make a�accommadations wiW regard to the terms of this Security I�eat or the Note without that Iiorrower's consen� � : :;9�
<br /> " 13. l.oan Chargts.If the toan secured by this Security instrument i�subject to a Inw wluch seu maximsun loan charges, • �-�
<br /> and tfiat latv is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges rnllected or to 6e collected in oonnection with the � � '��-'`�:
<br /> toan exceed tAe permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the eharge , . �`,���
<br /> to the permltted limit;:u�d(b)any sums atready collected from Borrower which exceeded pemutted limits will be refunded to ' �
<br /> Borro�ver. Lender may chaose to make this mfund by reducing the principal owed ender the Note or by making a direct � '. � ��`�� "L"'�
<br /> �.i,�`_.�i,�•�a.:
<br /> payment to Borrowet. If a reFund reduces principal, the reduction �ri11 6e treated as a partial prepayme� �vithout any -^�;��
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. � �
<br /> s
<br /> 14.Notfocg.Am+notice to Horra�ver provided far in this Seeurity lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by mail}ng . --.<:����-,,
<br /> ' it by fi�st ctass mai!unless applicable Iaw requires�e o�'anather method.The notice sha1J 6e directed to the Property Address � • `�•=+
<br /> or arry other addr�s Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Leader shall be given by first class mail to .``:'�;::;.'
<br /> Ixnder s address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this � �=�•t,� �
<br /> �.,t�-.�1c- •.
<br /> Security lrtsuument shall be d:emed to have been given to Horrow�er or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. ' • . •_
<br /> 15.Governing Law; SevesabUity, This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law aad the law of the ._ �'
<br /> jurisdiction in tivhich the Property is[ocated. In the event that any ptovision or clause of this Security Instniment or the Note �
<br /> oonfiicts with applicabte law,such mnflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note�vhich can be . • � • ' .
<br /> given effect without the confticting provision.To this end the provisions of this Securiry lnstrument and the Note are declared � . - �� •
<br /> to be severabte. � � ' , ' .
<br /> 16.IIorrn�er's Copy.Borro�eer shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and o.rr this Secvrity Instrument. ' ' '
<br /> Fartn 3028 9t90 . '
<br /> v,yoaors • . .�. � �-
<br /> — -- — _ • •
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