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T'�_ r_�� .yy,���Yf(`'t�wa...?_ <br /> �. _ t ^:�6�� �~```1jar�sy }- _ — — _— —_ <br /> �.rii8dl�d�'� `•.� — — — - — <br /> =�y�`� ` ' , ' � . � ," . . � ����.. ����� � a — . <br /> , . . . <br /> - -_____=_ ' I7-7'�fc�o�tke Pru�ar a���siat Interest aa Borrower.If al!or m�q part af the Property or aay intaest ia it -- - <br /> -__-__---—_ - is so'�d or tr�sfer�d tor�a benef cial interesE in Bormwer is sold or aansferned and Borcower is noi a�nato�al persob}�riihout —__ __-__ <br /> --------_ • Iaeader's prior cvrittea•conseat.�[.ender may. at its op�on, reqiiire imm�i� payment i� full of atl sums secnred bp tlus . _—_ <br /> - - =_ ' � Securiqr Insuument.However.tltis vption shall uai be ex�rcised by i.gader if exercise is pmhibited by.federal la�v as of tlre date -=_=— - <br /> -- —_-- , of this Security T�stnunent. . � • � � ` . _-- <br /> ---__-� • If Lender exercises Nus opiion,Lender sh�1 give Bo:rawer ca�tfce of accelerstion.The notice shall grovlde a periad of not o_ ___-_ <br /> ---- = te�s than 3m days from ttte date tke notice is delivered or maited within w➢uch Borrower mwst pay al! sums setured isy this =_ <br /> ---_=�• ' � ���;_.,_�—___ <br /> � Security Instrumer�t.If Bflrrower fails to pay these sv,ms priar m the expization of this periad, Lender may invoke any temedies • __ — <br /> - -_ •permitted by,tiu�Security Instrument withaut farther notire or demand on Borrower. . . - __ <br /> _= 18. Sorrower's RIg6i to Ideinstste: If Borrower meets certain condidons. Snrrower shall have the ri�ht to have ��,���� <br /> —�-- =-- , enforcement of this Seeurity Instxument discontinued at�ny dme prior to the earlirr af: (a)5 days(ur such other pecia�i ac a - - <br /> �_._�� licab2e law ma eci .for renutate nt) 6efare sale af the Pro y p :.,,�'�'"�s <br /> aPP Y SP fY � P�Y P��t to an ower of sate oontained m tius ��� <br /> �__�;�y Security Inswment;ar(b)entry of a jadgmeni enfoiciag tEus,Secvrity insuvmeat.Those conditio�s are that Rormwer.(a)pays • � �, :�' <br /> - --_ -_- �eader al!stsms which then would he due ander dvs Secutity t�M,mPrn anli the Note as if no a�tgrannn had oc;�uaed:(b) __ ._:�-��� ' <br /> aues any default of any otiier covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Inswment, �� �ar��= �= <br /> . inciuding,6nt not Iiraite�to,reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)takes such acEion as t,�nder may reasanabiy r�quire to assure• � •��- - -= <br /> ' tfiat the lien of this Security tnstrumeM. Lender's rights in ttre Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums se�ured by � ~!'`��=='�`^'� `� <br /> .. .. ,•�,��.�.. <br /> tiris Security Insuument shall oontinue�unchanged. Upon minstatement by Borrower. this Security Instrument and the _�:3,�,.�����9�- <br /> � obligations'sea�red hereby shatl remain fW1y effective as if ao acceleration had occwred.➢s right to reinstate shall ` �'--. <br /> " not appIy in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. {�:i:���,� �, t�::f <br />_ , 19. Saie of Note; Chaage oY Losn Ser�icer. The Note or a partial�interrst in the Note (together:with tl�is Security '�b 5�*��- <br /> •,r.F;.�-� <br /> ' Ir�tniment)may 6e sotd one or more times without prior noace ta Borrawer. A saIe may resuli in a change in the eairity(known �c';� =-"'""°"'" <br /> .M�.� <br /> as the"Loan Senricer")that ooltects manth3y payments dae under the Nae and this Security Instrumenc.There atso�may 6e one �;:-�=, <br /> , �, ,r:�::�.=-,_:.-. <br /> or more c6anges of the Loan Servicer untetated to a sale of the PIote.If thece is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be � � - <br /> ,-Y = gi4en written notice of th�change in acoordance with paragiaph 14 a6ove and applicable law.The no6ce wiil state the name and , � <`�-��R�-� <br /> >.�x�=- <br /> �: address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. Tiie notice will also oontain any other •�:-��=_=-=: <br /> t:T • information ured b ucable law. •��,�`�''. <br /> _ �,�;�:• re4 Y aPP� ';;.n._.,_._��.. <br /> _ ��,: Z0. Harardous Sul�stances. Borrower shall not cause or permlt the presence,ase,disposal, sto:age,or release af aay � . ���'�;,�,T <br /> ";i � Hazardous Substances on os i� the Property. Borrower shalf not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting the • -. `;�,.,�„-°--� <br /> :� -' '�� Propert}r that is in violation of any Env'uonmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply ta the presence,use,or • �;�;�A.��` <br /> , �w.e: <br /> , stoiage on the Property af sma11 qnantities of Ha7ar+dons Sabst�ces that are generally recognized to be appmpriate to normal _ <br /> :.• .,�.;� � ._.-- -�cesid�iaal-i[sesai�lioma�nlenanceof-th�eProperty:_. _ ._..-- -----� --... ._ ..-�-�• - -- -- - � --.. -� --�- �----._..--- --... _.._...------ - � <br /> ��r"'y.; �, . <br /> �,� �,~�`;�.. Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written nouce of any.investigation,claim,demand lawsuit or other action by any ,: ••+ _ <br /> � " govcss�ancutat or r�g,ilatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Env4ronmentaD Iaw �•�',- <br /> ��`.-�`�'�� '' of which$orrower has acwal.knowl e. If Borrower leams,or is notified b an ovemmental or r lato authori that <br /> :�., 7Jk...,. . �S Y Y g � rY tY. <br /> r-���- = aay remova!or otUer remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shall promptty take . <br /> T� "' ;," . all neoessary remedial actions in accoidance o itt�-Envimnmentat Law: --- , , - <br /> �a, j�`��_, _ As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous 5�bstances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by � ' <br /> � -.�•'��.���•�� EavirottmentfJ La�v and the following substances: gasoline, kerusene, other flammable or toxic petrateum prodads. ro�cic �, F <br /> '�a.- �n` '"''�, �x�. pesdcides asid herisicides,volatile solvents. materials containiag asbestos•or fomutldehyde.and radioactive materials. As used in • � '� ` <br />- " _. .� _�� this parr��h 20. "Em+ironmental,Law" means federal iaws and !aws of the jurisdiction cvhere the Property is tocated that - ' �;; �' <br /> '� - relate to health,safety or environmental protecrion. ' ` ��• <br /> ' NON-LJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrawer and l,ender further covenant and agree as follows: . .. .:. � , <br /> '" ' '• ' �21.Acreleration;Remedie�.Lender s6a11 give notice to Borrowe�prFor to accelerat�on follo�ving Borrower's breach �� + ` <br /> of any covenant or�reement in thLg Secarity Inst�vment (but not prinr to acceteration ander �saragruph 17 ualess n;�/ <br /> �� �:a• '�� applicab2e tan provfdes othPrwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the def�R;(b)the action reqaIre�¢o cure the defaalt; � . ���,,,��' <br /> (c)a date,not less than 30 days from the dute the notice is given to Borrower,by whIc6 the defautt mu�t 6e cured;a�ed � .�t`;.. � <br />- (d)that faituu�e to cure the defanft on or 6efore ttie date specip'ied in tj�e notite may resnit in acceleration of the sums - . -�: <br /> se�vred by t1�Lg Security Yastrument and sale of the Property. The nof�ce shall further inform Borrower of the r�ght to �_+',���•,�; <br /> � r�instate after acceleratIon and the rig6t to bring a coust action to s�.ssert the noa-exfstence of a default or any other ., � . �,;:;�� <br /> _.i� defense of Borrower td acceleistion and sale.If the defauit is not cur�on or 6eforn ihe date s fie�In the aotI � • ,� � <br /> n� ce, ..� <br />-�� Lender,at Its optton,may require immedIate payment in fuil of all sums secured 6y thLc Security In.�trument��ithout .. � <br /> e�- tbrther e[emaad and may iavoke the power of sale and any other remedies permi4ted by applicabte law.Lender shatl be � .� �'� <br />- enHtIed to coliect all expenses incorred in pnrstiing the remedies provided In this paragrap,7�21,including,but not timited :. � � <br />-_ tn,reasona!►le attoaneys'fees and wsts of t�tle evidence. ' , <br />__ ,�� . If the power of sa[e is invoked, Trustee s6all recacd a notice o!default in eath county in wWct�any part of the • ��t"�`�.�•, ' <br />_ '�`;=.;H��� ' P�sope�ty is tocated aad shalf mail eopies of such noilce In the manner gaest�ribed by appftcabie(aw to Borrower a�d to . � �. •� <br /> - - the other persons prescribed by appfica6te law.AtZer the tlme reyuired by a�piicabte la�v.Trustee sinatl give pubiic notice - '�.• � <br /> of sale to the persons aad dn the manner prescrlbed by applicable luw.Trastee,withaut demand on Borro�ver, shaU sell " _ . <br /> �;'` the Property at pabtic audion to the highest bldder at the time and place aad under the terms desi�nated in the nottce of � • <br />_�.� sale in aae or more parcets and in any osder Trustee determines.Tntstee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of t6e �. � ,� <br /> Propesty by pnbltc announcement at the time aad p[ace oY any previonsly schednled sa2e. Lender or its designee rr�y '� <br /> ��_ pmci�se t6e Property at any sate. .....� ._. <br />-- - `��`-�. . : :. <br /> :.,. . . <br /> . • <br />_+ I . <br /> Form 3028 9l90 • � <br />_ Papa6of 6 '- ,.-. . .�- � <br />__ ' <br /> � <br /> �-_� <br /> s� • . <br /> � . .. _.. i.. - - - <br /> _ . . . ._ .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . - .i.r..:w�::ii�_ ...,- . _ � • -.r-----� <br /> , i . , . .. . <br /> _' " " . . . .. . • . ' . . , . . �-Z�'• ♦. ' ' . ' - <br /> . . <br />— '� �' .. • . - r ' r. ' .. ' - - . . . . .. . ' . ' <br /> . <br /> �t-_x��!.`'• • ' ' . ' � . ' ' _ � " .. . , � T. �_ . ; - . , _ . ' �. <br /> _— �� • . ` " <br /> . _ ""w___. . . _ . - _ . . <br /> — — _:�d�l.+�M_r�• .. ` '..� • . � - , _ . \. � � .. . . . . . ' . <br /> .���}�� . . . ' . " . . _ . _ .. • .. —�i . . • . ._ . . _ . . . � . <br /> '.;S ::1'�' ��� ` . ._ � ` �1'. ' . ., . . . .. . ' . ._ �. . , _ . ' • • ' . . ' <br /> ��. �::. r�.!C ' ' . , . . . � . <br /> ,. __ �SS' . ... . . . - ' .. 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