�.:.'�F:Y.�- .: „ � .. . �. . .
<br /> � .�_ ..
<br /> ..__��_ .� .� . . �'
<br /> � J�K.J.�.Y� _ " tC4i-♦t,.�11c�.t�:F�2 2': wm". — —. _ . ---- �a�:�
<br /> _— , . . ` _ -- . -__ .- _, . __. ,� _ .__ _ .` . - ' , .--.. _-_ __ `___ [.. ._ .
<br /> �_��� . . . � . `` ' . . 1 , ( � '
<br /> _--� . . � . : � � . . - __ - ������1��40� � -- - -
<br />-__===_-s �S. Baznrc�or Panp�riy inaa.se� $orrawer shall kcep:the improvements un�v existing or h�ter eiected a� the --- —
<br /> _-_- -- Frogerty ias�ved agT�t[a�s�by fuE,hazards iucl�aded witlaiu the term "extended coverage'�any other harards.incleding �^
<br /> - ` ftaods or tloading,for�vY�ch Lender reguires�nsur�tee.'I�is iasuranoe shals be maintained in the amdunts aad for the periods �
<br /> - -- �that I.eader requires.Tk�insuranoe carrier prov,'tdina the insuraace shall be rhosen by Borrower 3ubject to L.ender's.approval . _-_-
<br /> � ' which s�a!! not be anre�asonaUly�rithheld. If Borrower fails to maintain caverage desrrib�abo�re; Lettder may, at Leader's - - --
<br /> --."' option.obtain,coveragi co pmtect Irender's sights in the ProQetty in¢cccrrdanee ovith paragraph 7. . . - _-----
<br /> --�;;� . . /�l! insurance policies and renewals sha11 be acceptable:to Lender and shail inclade a standsu+3 utortgage clavse. Lender �
<br />�_ , s6a13 iiave the.ti�ht to hold the policies and renewals.If Lecder reqttires.Bortower shali pmtnpdy gi`'ve to Leu�er al!receipts af -=-===----- -
<br /> - ��a:'�-- --
<br /> __ - - paid prenuums and mrtewai nodces.In the evea�of toss,Borrower shali give promPt notice w the insurance carrier and�l.ender. ���.�"
<br />__.-=�:. Lender may ma[ce Qraof of toss if not tnade prompUy by Borrowcr. ' � g�, � =�,r�;
<br /> Untess Lerider and Borronrer athenvise a in mitin ,insurance raceeds shal!be lted to restoratian or� . ��'�°°'�"
<br /> � g P aPP �ePair of the �; �_, :
<br /> ^�;� Progerty dumaged.if the resroiation or repair is eoonomicalfy feasibte and Lender s security is nr,t iesseaed.if the restoaut�un or i e= �:
<br /> �r is not econQmicalty feasible or I.ender's seeuriry would 6e[essened.the insnraace pnaceeds shall be applied to the sums •������ -
<br /> 4s.�-� �.
<br /> � . secv�d try t6is Secuiity Insoiument,whether or not then due. with any e.�cess paid to Borro�ver. 1f Borrower abandatis the � . . i�����'"����-
<br /> -,.g=.�-�.�:=��.,
<br /> �`�"� Propeity,or d�es nczt ar�ver within 30 days a natice fr+om Lender that the insuianoe car�ier has offemd to setde a claim,then , _—_ - _
<br /> __ - � L�nder may collect the insurance proceecis. Lender may use tfie proceeQs te r�pair or restore the Property or�ta pay sums =���,-�--,.,,,e.,..,,
<br /> ___°.� � secured by tbis Sec�rity Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period w71 begin when tHe aauce is given. • . �� —_`
<br /> ��._ -_
<br /> Unless Leader and Borrower othetwise agree in wridng, any application of pmceeds to principai shall not elttettd or - =x-=-_� _
<br /> pastpone the due date_of the monthly payments referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If -s'P�:�'-�-
<br /> �� under paragmph 21 the Pra�erty is acquired by Lender.Borrotiver's right w any insurauce policies and procetds resuldng from „�:; � ��-�
<br /> --y:�_ ^ `
<br /> •j•.�� - damage to the Propeaty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secvred by this Secvrity Instmmeat . ,'�'�R-�=�-
<br /> '• ..��_-_.---,
<br /> -_�� � immediatety priorm the acqnisition. ,�r�"���
<br /> °=_:�:, •. .
<br /> _�� 6.Oozaparecy�Preserfatton,b'Yai�ateaance aad ProtectFon of the Property:Bornower's L�an Appl�Ion;I.easeho2ds. ,='-;--:.-_�
<br /> _�„�' Bouower shall occupy,estahlish,and�se the Pro�erty as Barmwer's principal residence�vithin sixry days after the execvHon of ..�;;.'�'�.;�`��
<br /> _=-'�-•:� this Security insuument and shall continue to accupy the Pc�nperty as Borrower's priucipal residence for at 2east one year after � � .,<�;��-��
<br /> ------ ------- -- We date of oocap�anc�r,unless Lender otherwise agrees i^ariting..arh.ich consent_shall.not.be unreasonaDly wit_6.held._or unl�s.s'----....._ . -:-"�::�.��--
<br /> �""`•� extenua�ng circumstances eacist �rhich are beyond Borrower's contral. Borrower shall not desuoy. dainage or impair the
<br /> �.. .
<br /> _ P r o p e r t y, a l t o w t h e P r n p e r t y t o d e t e ri o r a t e,o T c o m m i t w a s t e o n t he P r ope rt y. B orro�ver s l�a l!6 e in de f a n I t i f azry f fl r fe i t u r e� --
<br /> °��I actian or pmceeding. cvhether ci�il or criminal,is begua that ia Lender's good faith judgment ooutd�result in forfeiture uf the•. � '•t': _ s
<br />- �� , . Prvperty or otherwise materially impair the tien created by this S�urity Insuvment or Leisder s sec�rity imterest.Bamawer may ' �•
<br /> r_ ;:,.
<br />-:z;;&� • cu�sach a defanit and reiastat�as provided in paragiaph 18:by causing the action-or pmceeding to 6e dismissed vsrith a niling -- ':•��..•.�t -
<br /> -_- tl�at, in Lender's goad faith�determination, precludes forfeiture of the BorrowePs interest in the Property or other material �"'��'+� �.��.. �
<br /> ....�,.,:.y;,,
<br /> `? impairmeat of the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.ender s securiry interest. Earrawer shaU also 6e in dePault if -�-- r;.f -
<br />�::�3:.'.' �rrower.during the loan application prac�ss,gave materiaUy false or inaccurate infarmation or statements to Leader(az failod �=��'�� �
<br /> �.:�•;:...
<br />��'='�-� . �to p;ovide Lender with any material information)in connectian cvith the toan evidenoed bv tlte Nate.inctuding,6ut aot timited �"��`�`� +
<br /> �-.`r•,'• .
<br /> .���y'F'.� '�.:'��.''�r.�:P
<br /> _-.__�-� ta.�epresent2tions concerning Borra�ver s occupanry of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instnunent is on a �-;..�. , ,�,�
<br /> ��=-%�� leasehold. Borruwer shall wr�ly with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee titte to th2 Ptuperty, the
<br /> � _ lasehoid and the fe�titte shall rtot merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in�vriting. .��:�. �
<br /> -�_ �' . 7.Pcotectlon of I.endes's Rig111s in the Property.If Borrower faits to perform the covenanu and agreeamnu oontained in �s:,,' µ ; �` `
<br /> ___-= Wis Secarity Insnvment. or.there is a legal praeeeding tlnt may signifccantly affect I.ender s rights in the Fcnperty(such av a ' ? �-...
<br /> =______= pmce�ing in banlwptty,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforre laws or reguiations).then Lender may do aaA `�; ..., �: �,;�
<br /> ,_,_
<br />--___.--.- pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.Lender's actions may ;==-.•� . ';�
<br /> �'..�.yy✓%i'.i.
<br /> - -_= inclnde p3ying any sums securpd by a lien which has priority over this Security liumiment, appe:uing in conrt, payaag •
<br /> _:_� � r�easonable attomeys' fees and entering on the Property to malce repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph �3.° +'�� .
<br /> -_= 7,Lender daes not have to do so. :F� ' ..
<br /> ; Any amounts disbursecl by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become addidonal de6t of Borrower sRCUied by this °T- . -. }�,•�. ��
<br /> .� Seciuiry Instrum�nt. Unless Borro�ver and Lender agrec to other terms of payment:these amounis shall beac interest from the ' .: .�`�,';�:..;
<br />___= daie of disbursement at the Note rate and sha11 be payabte, witl� interest, upon notice fram I.c�er to Borrower requesdng
<br />