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_ �r �' , °�, �< •4r . _� . . , � , '. . i� . _ ' . ` - s. ° . . .'�FX�. <br />� � '�, . . . ,<�s u ' ` ` ' ' . . `4; � � r., �y` . '`T��' <br /> �� �y^ .< < , , � � � <br /> �, .` ` .. ' . Ot-0�1�9& � D�OF TF301ST Paga 3 �°�. >='�_;�'�� <br /> �.'' t �oen Ha 8142 (�o�u� � ... ����i r� . . ` �.� . �` <br /> _�� �" - � ° � �� �' �- . �;���' <br /> �;F. �. < . Rtiblt�n�rlE�oi(nWriAC�7natar at�prcc�and rt�atrtfafn Po6des ct t�.ra hu�aanea Mt�StanQetd e�RendeO Cove�aga endatssmstds an a . �:, <br /> rep�bas�s fac tM flA tffitaaDf,v�eoveeiry ef Ur�yrwpmertb an tf�Reat Rroperty tn eri smouet sufRetsni lo avcid eppticaHOa ot any . �. �' y � �r R� <br /> �• � " `` . . " , caTrtsruana oisuss►tnd wtfh s 8tandard mortga0eo�tn fav�ot Lsnder.t�ar wtth sueli other ha�d en�UaDUIry insiuence es Lendet � `�`-�-. <br />':: � , � ' may ra�scna�N refN� �a1tctes stmJ!Q9 wrftt�n tn fam.�rtaucds.ea��reCss t.+�d 0asls rassonebry accepffibte to Lender and t�sued by e �' , . . "r�°� <br /> . . , eomPu►Y ar Car�ttfis�Cpsor�btY�Dt�to La�er. Trtator.upon tequast o!LenQe�.w(H d6flver to lsnQer gom Hme to gma the po�ci� �.• , ��-. <br />�' > � �c�ACa�ot tns�ana N iam saBsfictcry to Lender.trictu�5ti�utaSCns fhat caverages wi9 aot ba��ce4e0 ar d►minf�hed wMOUt at • ,*' <br /> w <br />� � , ' , tsest ten(t0)�y�ptta�naft�to t�da: Esch insaaana Do�f aiso shaD InduBe an enQorsemen!pro N d ing N a t coverage t n t a�r or o f . ��' . <br />_: . . ." LenQ�r wHi not 0a lmyaUeA U any way bq arry ac6 a a i s s ton or d e f a u l t W C�a►i t�or aay c�r persan. 7 Ae R s e t P r o p e rt y t s l o r,a t e d i n a n t v e a .., �'�,� <br />—' � destgnaL�O ay ths Directmr pt th�Fedsral Em�qerwy ManaQemaM Agency es e sper.t�Qeod hs�rd erea. Tnrstar,agr+ees to obtsln and f� . ,. ,,� <br />�• % ' matntatn Federst Flaod Irts�aae�ce to th0 exis�d s�h Gssusance Is cequtrsd Oy Le�ffr and is avaQahte tor its0 term at ths Note and tor the flil!"� t • , ,,�'�+r�` <br /> � _ `' '`� ` • ur�patd pdndp�l dalanoe a!U�o Not9�ar tAe rna�Qmum Qaait olcavarsae that C�avaffabia.wtdcnavar is ts�s. . <br /> pat <br /> ----; -,------.- �pDilteSOn of PnaeleQ;.Ttust��aD P�Pg1►t►otiN tertQ�ot an11 tDSts ar damaq9to th9 P�ePeriy► t.ender may melce ptoof of toss if Trustor �-�-�—-'�.-. `�`�:` <br /> '_ , . taIIs ta da ao w8t�n 6ita�n(16�days at tRs eas�Ry.Wt�ettier�nat LertQarss�urii�l(s kr�atred.tender Hs e�oa,�eceNe nnd reteTa � , : � ,.�' : <br />_ � ` " ' tha Orxee�ot anll ir�wance and eAD�Y�Droeeetls to tt�reduc6on of Ure tndaDtedness.9ayment of erry Cen a�ecHng thB P�oparty.or the � �. <br /> - • wstara8on ertd wpatr�tha PropeAY. (P Lender etects ta'epyry tha pmceeds to�sloraUon and repalr.Trustor shetl repatr ar reptace fhe ,�� . <br /> h <br /> • damaQed�desttopa0 ImDrovemerds in a rt�sa�actafl to IBnQer. Lender shall,�Pon sa6sfadorS►Droot of such expen�it�e.Pay a� � "'";: � .` �:'"y� <br /> -. ,. . _ . ' �etmbursa Tnatur Bom the pmcae�for tha raescnabte eost ot reAat�or re�araSOn it Tn�r ts not tn default untfer tNs Oeed of Tnui. Acry <br /> - � � proceeds whfch tiav�aot bean Qfsbursed w�in 180 days etter thetr�t and vVNCh Eender fias nat commRted to ihs�eAatr or wstarafon ot �`--: <br /> aa . , <br />� � � . ' the PropsAy s1�aA ba used 8�st to Pay atry am0unt owtnp to Lender under th�Os9d ot Tnu�then to�ay eaxued frttecest.end fhe wmatrtder.U . . •_,.� <br /> • • . • ' enyr.sha9 be appQed b Uie Drlr�ciPal batar�o!ttf0 Indsbtedns�ss. !i Lendar hatds anYProrasds afEer paymar�t in full of the fndetitedness.sacN .� ;4�r.;�; <br /> ' . • , � DroceedssMSbepatOtoTiuslassTn�storstrde�tsmaYBPP� _ . . <br /> . . _ . . . IfiEtpUed tftauranee al�ete.1►nY utc�5�ed h�artc�sAaD tntm�b thB benefit ot,end pass to.the purcA�s�ot the FroD�Y cmared bY��S . , , <br /> _-_. � , � Oeed of Tnst ffi erry hustee's saia ca c�er t�te h��un�the Pr�uk�Jn�ot p�Qee4 ot Tn�or at ac►y forectosur0 sele of guch PmPe�Y• . . `� �,. <br /> - � .� � � D�ElmTRJRES BY LS�EF�. II7�isScrfai�to compiy wfth arry provSston of thts Oeed oiTrusi,or it any adion or preceeding is cammena3d that .,',. : <br /> .. . ' woutd matartafly afl'eci Lenders Inte�as�tn ttw Pr6perry.Lender on Tiusturs bahatl raay,bu!shaA nci be wquhad to.take arry acHan U�si Lender _ �,�,� <br /> "l. . deemsaDWoDrlale.MYansotuft9s�lLertQarexpen�insoddn�w�bearinterestBttlseralact�arpadtmderU►elVo�framtttedate[nstrtredorPatO *� �-,a <br /> .`<. ,. by LAnder to fh�da4 ot taAMne r d b y T r t a t o r. A i s u e h�ansa�,a t L eA d e rs oD Ho�.v u�(a j 6e pa y a E t a on d e m a n�. (@ l 6 e a d d e d t o t h e 6 a t a n c e � `-�`.�� <br /> .W ihe[Jo�and ba e0Pa9anQd emanp and be paYr+t�vhth u.y Ugts�merd payrtwnts to bacume dus d�either (�the term of anY aPPQ�bte � <br />- . E tnsurarka P�.Y�l�ftfa cssAatNnD temr ot th0 Naie:u(c)ba traa'ffi r-s a 6aGoan paYmerrt whh�sa-��a due and payabfe a!tt�Rtote's mafurtiy. , <br /> . � . . . .7'hisDeednt7rust.atsosv�.secur�Aayrrientot3hesaenoour�.U�atIQ.�.�!IQeQ.fQr1r�L�Aet$.8�!?!s:laitCeinaQ�ttonto yothsrB ara �-'�`,;> `-``-'.� <br /> --- � � . . . - wmsdfes to whkh Lender maY be es�ed on accouM oT iha 6efa�w.3rsuch acBon by Lender sflafl�ot be construed as cwfng iTie deta�utfso-es o-- .__. .."�. �, ,t,�.,�;�a� <br /> �:°i_ <br /> .. � barl.enderNomarryramedythatRatt�erwtsewouidhavehad. ..• �=.t4•==-__ <br /> {.�ti-�����. <br /> ` 't WARAAriTY;DE�EiYSE OF Ti?LE TAe faIIawin�provtstons retatln�to ownsrsNp af the Properly are a part oi fh�Desd of Trus� �_� <br />_ . � Ttfte.Tnata wartants that fa)Trustor hatds 9000 and madcetable�o!c�rd to ihe Property in fae end clear ot aU(!eas aM �n_- <br /> T - . encumbrances afher.ihan ih�e_sot faAh in the Real.Prapert�t desai&9on or in any t�a insurance poV�y,U'tla cepor�or Qna1 tme oPWan issued tn - <br /> ' . . ' ' . , tavor of.and aa:6pted by.lender in conrtec6on wNh this Oeed ot 7�s1.and (b)Tn�star rtas the tt�dpM.povrar.a�aulhoriry to execute and _ <br />- • del(vet this Oeed o}Trust to LenQer._ , T <br />- � � � Qefenae ot Tffttr. SubjecQ to the ex�ep9on in the parsQraph aToove,Tnrstcr warra.�s and wBl forever Qetend the Utt�to the Property ageinst thA � .~�'-�. <br /> . � � !aw(W ctaims ot ell persons. In the evOrR 8nyr e�an or proCeeQfn�LS cOmman�4 that qu�fions Trustofs Ufle c-r tR9 Irtterest oi TnJStee or ' '. � `*=: <br /> • ' �� LenQer under tNCs OaeO otTittst,Tnistor snaU Qet�rd d�action at Tn�ofs e�enss.Trustor may be tne rtamirtal�csty in suoh proceedfnp,but ��•� F ' <br /> � lender shsD Be eni3tted to parifc�a�In the proceedln➢en0 to C�caDresentea In tha DmCeed,np by courtsei�lertdar's owo choke,and <br />_ •. � ' � TrtrStarwID eause to De� Lender sucA ir�strisr..enis as LenQer may request from ttme!o time to permit sucA parUcipaUon. <br /> ' . •� .. C�myll�nCe VYI� Tntstor warranls tltat tha Propedy and Tn�sttWs use of 1ha PmDBRY comDttes w(th ell e�dsNn9 aRpitcahie laws. .+�'. <br /> . . . ordiaances,and repufallom ot pavemme�i aufhoAUes : ..��. <br /> . 1' R <br />`;•. -_--__..-'----.---.._..,:. CGHOEMHAT[OM.The foDawfrg�provlsto�reiagnD to condemnauon proceedings ara a Pact of fhis Oeed ot Trust � . ��� <br /> .� ' AppiM.attan of Nal ProaeeQs. t!a0 a eny►paA ot tfle Prop�tyt ts condsmned by emtnent domeh�proceedings or by any prxeeding or ,. �u�e` <br /> • purcMss tn Qeu ot condemnat[an,Lender may at H9 eiec8en cepufre that a0 er eiry partlon of the net pcaceeds of the award be app4e4 to the. ,;,• ��i 73 <br /> -� . • tndebtedness a the cepuTr or�astaaftan af itu Prop�tyl.Tha net proceeds o!1he award stiail me�.�the ewerd after Dayment oi eD reasonabfe ;.�,�:: <br />- � cosb„e�eases,end attamey�'fees inc�d byTrustse a Lender tn eonneclion wflh the condemnation. . <br /> -�. 1• � Praceedtn� It erry proceemn�tn condemnaean b 6ted,Trustor shaD prompHy nat(fty LsnQer in wlfUng,and Tnrstor shaU prompty take such �`--r--=�- <br /> � � • '. . sfeps as may be aecessary to defend th0 a�ilOn anC obtatn ihe awara. Trustor may be fhe nominal pady(n suc��roceeding,but L6nder aBe(I ��±e�.,�,� <br /> • • be enWed b parUdpata tn Hie proceeBnp tn0 to ba repr�anted in fhe prcceedinp by counsel of[b ovm chc�and Tnrstor vum deQver ar '�°�- <br /> �° � • . cause to Qa deYuered to Lender sucA Imtrumenb ae may ba requested by H from tlme to tlme to p3rmR such perticipafion. � <br /> . , � . IM708RIOli CF TA�B,F�A!D B�UiiGQ BY QOYERFIt�EMAL At111tORITIES. TAe toVOwL�g prov�lons retaUnp to govemmentat 1�s. �•�� <br />- - .. .... . • � tees and aherqes�n a pert W thh Dae�!ot tn,s� , ��'��� <br />_ ' ,���,,,.�,._ <br /> ` Wrrent Taxet,Fmes wf CttfrQes. lipan request by LenQer.Tn�stor sAaD wcecu9a sucA Qxumenls in add(tton to Ws Oeed of Trust snd teke �``�-`= <br /> � � wnatevar ather ecHo�fs�quasted by Lendar to perfeot and cocrtlnue 18adefs Uen on the Rea1?roperry. Tnrstar sha0 reimbursB Lendor tor a� ��— <br /> + . ' 1axe�ea de�crme0 tsetow�toaethet wfth e9 e�enses incurted to,recordir�.psr(ecflng or eonUnuinp this Deed of Trusf,incfudinp without � <br /> ,� tiMffiUon ell faxe9,fees,Qocumentary stamps,and othoc charpes tor recor6ir�or re�sfednp this Oaed o1 Tnrs� , �, ,: , .R � <br /> . � Tq�ea. TAa toUowt�shatl consBttute fexes to whicti thb SecNon eppUe� (a)a spw�fflc tex upon thts lypB af 08ed of Tcust ot u�on eA or any •• �• <br /> n sec <br /> J�� :• �� � � pfltt of the tndebtedn�s saCttred by tNs Ooed of Trus� (b)a sAecitte tax on Trustor whieh Trustor is authoAxed or re t6rea to deQUet Uom ' <br /> 4 ��¢,'�j'�`~: <br /> _ paymecRs on 1he tndehtedness secured Ey tAts type of Q9oC ot Tnn� (o)a fax an ihts type of Deed of Trust ct�r(.�eabte agalnst thp Lender or . � <br /> � � .. the ho►der af the Note;and (�a spe�tla faa an eU or arry porfton of the tn¢^�'.e0ness or on paymenb of prirtclpal end IMecast made by ' ' � <br /> -• . . • � Trttsta � #� <br /> . . ' ,,,..•. <br /> � ' �� Suh�equetn Teae�. !}enyr tex to whtch this secllan epplles Ls enacted su65equent b it�3 dato ol this Oeed ot Trust,this event shaU have the , �' <br /> �, � same effeot as art Evenl of Defaull(es d�ftned be[ow}.and Lender may exerelse any or aff of Its availabte remedtes tor an EveM o}Oetesrtt as - . <br />-s• � •� � provtde�betow un1ess Tiustcr eilher (a)pay!IA�tau betare 0 becomes deIInquent,or (b)contesb t�e fsx as provided eCove In the Texas and ' <br /> �:i � .. . . ° • Uena sx9on and d�posfts witN lenQer cash�a suRk��corporat�a�uery bond ar oth�secur(ty satisfactory to Lender. <br />"" . � � . 8ECURRY AG�EHT;FlNAltGNti STATEI�I�RS.The fortwvinp provts�oro reL3tlnp to ihis DeeA of Tn�st as a securtry apreemer�ere e part of ' - <br />� Ihis OeeO of 7rusL <br /> i;f � .. �. . SeCUiity Agraement. Thh InttrumeM shal cons64�a securfty tQreemerd to.Uw exterA enY of 1he Praperty constitutes fuRures or other � ' " "�.= r��' <br />-- ' � p9r5onel OtOp9rty.srt0 Lendet shaU have aA of the Aflhb of a secured paAy und3r the UNform Commer�tal Cods es amended trom Ume to r <br />°: ' - tlm9. . • J. <br /> ' , SeCUAry tntete3t Uaon request by lsnQer.Trustor shaV�e tlnancinp statemertts and taka whataver CAer aeUOn is requested by lender � � '�; ' <br /> :f,. � '" , to peAeet and canBnuB Lendefs security Interest In the Re�s end Rersonel Properly. fn add'�lon to recording thts OeeO ot Trusi tn ihe reat � . ��� <br /> _ . p r o p e A y r r a c o r d s.L e n d e r m a y.a t a r ry B m r a n d w i t h a u!t u r t t�e r e i M a i z a 9 o n h o m T r u s t o f e e x e c u t e d c o n n t e r p a R s.c o p t e s o r r e p ro d u c t t a n s o t � , , a.�� <br /> • : �. � tNS Oeed af Trust a�s a flnandng staterty�r�t. Tntsta shet reimburse lender ta aU e�snses tncurrea in perfecHng or conUnuUg ihis securfty �: � ''� <br /> � ' � InteresL UD�def8un Trustor ShaO assembla ihe P�sanaf PropeRy In a mann�and at a pface reasonebty canventent tu TNStor and Lendar 4 ; �� . <br />_ � t� �� . . ' �. � • .end mafce(t aveUabte to LenQ�wtthln three(3)days erter rer�ipt oi xrdtten dem8nd hom Landar. ;� <br /> � �. ; . <br /> " • QdQntNS. TAa rtw3Bnp tddresses ot Trtuta(debtor)arzd lenQer(socured paAy),from whteh Intormation cort�mtng tha sacu�ty Utecest E• � <br /> . • grented by thts Oeed c}Tnnl mey bo obtainad(aas�as nqtdred by the UNfarm CammercTel Code),are es statod on tho Brst page ol tnis Ooed � � C <br /> • • ' otTntsf. ' � r:` . <br /> i • ,.: . � . . <br /> .. • � � FVATFEia A6SURANCES;ATTORNE�f-tN-RACT. fie loQOVtt�g prouts�or�tefa�r�to fuMer essurances 8nd ettamey-lo-lsct are e part of this ; . ► <br />- �' �� . � • OeeOolTrusL <br /> '' � . .• . . Furthcr Assurences. At amr tlme,end tram tlme to time.upon roqusst ot Lender,Tntstor will make.execute and deGver,or wilt cause to bv � � � <br /> . � maC�,executed o►QsGvereO,to 4ender a b lend9fa Qesigne9.and when cE3quasted by Lender,causa to be fi1ed,recor6ed,refiled.or . <br /> • � , . rerocarQed,as trto easo may bv,at such Bmos and In suer offico3 an0 ptacus es LanQar may Qeem apprapriata,any ana atl such martgages. � . '; .; <br /> . � �: doed�ot trusf�sE�ctuity Qt�eds,socwity ngreomnnts.tinancdng statemonTS,contnua6an st�t�menh,Inshuments ot turther sssuranso,ceAiflcetes, � <br /> .. _ .. '' tu��3 au�ar da.-surrrerra e�r tn tP��9�r Gpt�tOa W Eenfi��be r�er�r r,r Gasira5te�n ac�r to etreetu:se,.am7 bte, � --�_f . <br /> - _ __ -- - -_ �, '-�`----- � - <br /> pt �i��� , <br /> • • • • presenra (o�tRo obCgaUon9 of 7Fustor undar th�Notn.thls Osae af TrusL artd Iho Rofated Ooeumen�.end•@�tta Itort9 nnd securfty Inlerests � ,,� , <br /> � �. • . . . . � s <br /> _ r � • l , <br /> •. <br /> . ..�._-.�- �....._�,_. <br /> -- _ _- . <br />