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<br /> • �, .j `'. . ' j .` . . _ _l. N. �� .. � <<a �t� .. � ` . C �' � - —.
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<br />�F � .dr , .• ' . ^.3p:�=., ?���i�_; —
<br /> � `� . . Ot�O�-t995� t3l�ED OF TWUST � , � Pasa.2 �` -�.
<br /> � �
<br /> .tn,, ��`�.
<br /> �. , �`` . 4oan No 9142 . E . • (Coi9tinua� � ������i :� � � s� r � .� —
<br />�.� • - -— �p�4----
<br />� o. U .. ', . ' �
<br /> .�•,.,5 ibOYr � �
<br /> . �� � TH18 b�ED QF TFiU3T.lHtXdJDlH3 T11� A89lmN�fENT OF RElUTB �1 TNE 8ECiJSZiT� INTEREB'F IH T!!E iiENTB AUI�PERS�lf�{, , �� ,� r�- -
<br />�; ` . .` _ , PROPf]iTY.IS GIYFJi TO SECiJRH p)PAYII�Ri'f GF TtE[N�7E0li�SS AND (�)p�q60RMAl�tCE OF�lNY Il�ALI.066ttUlt0liS QF �,
<br />=-a TRilS�OR t1H�EEA 4tE KOTE,itE E�ElA7ED OOClJIY�tiTB,A!!D TlH�O�D�K Ziill9T. THIB 0£m QF TRil9T�1ilI�tJOiPFti THE . �.�. ,`:= V
<br /> �q p O D�K !l9 �,
<br />� .� � �;,° . . ASSIGNI�tJ�OR RDiT$AI� SECUR4?Y 1MT�ST IN ilE�AND PF�i80NAL�RQFFATY►ls A.Bb�31i1E[t�0 9ECUEtE AN1f 41° �
<br />� ' ' � _ . EYE23 OATE�lf11Ti� ASY �F�AilT tl1aDQi T!E CQNSTRiiG4lOtf�b4Ati A6A�#I�IiT.dR AliY O�TF�REiJrTED ` ' �., r� ---=�a
<br />�; • ' �Q�IlIi�II�1T8 RRFFEERRF�TO T�ERE!!i.SHALl.AL80 8E AM EVFJ�tT QF OE�ALL?UMDEPY TfQS OEED 0�TRUST. Ti�!l6TE�HD THf9, `•;�r"�
<br /> �y . . � OEED GF Tiill9T AAE CiIVEli/l[�ID ACCFPiF�0lit�TiE iQLLOW(!t0 YERN!& . ,_�;.:;
<br /> � . ' �:�.,�
<br /> - , _-' FAYFAENT AliA PER�QRfV[1Wi�.6rcepl as otrtsn�rtse protiic�tn fhTs Oeed a!Ti�st.Tnrst�sRatt pay to Ronder af1 emaunb secured by trtts Dead 'q �E����:
<br /> . _-: ��_ of Trttst es thaY bawms d�m.and shaH strlcGy and tn a dm�y�aerto�rrn a�of Tnista's ab�rts un6et t�e iVOie.h'�ttee6 ot=eta�t.ertd G� , Y.;���� -
<br /> - . -. L � � ReIStBdOttcumefds. . �: .
<br />-: ' � � ROSSESSt�1 A!!d MAIliTElIAH�OF tFE PROPEiiTY. Trustcr�praes lMat Tn�tof's pc�sston and use ot the PcoAerty►6t�aU Oa gcvemes Oy =°';'�`�:� "
<br /> �..�'i"'Y"�r
<br /> '-��" - -- - U18 f01I0�JII{t1�ptOVt5�0t1� � ` ";�':`�4
<br />-�,; ' -- - �- �`°- Pa�litWR fld�E'. W1Y,11h!OCC�[ARGO Ot tA EY!!d d!08�ldf.Th�tA9y�(8)PBlftiltl U!p05593SI011 Qtld COf1hC)OT ihe PfO�lellY� (b)I1Sf�. , __--- -
<br />- ' . . • cPerate or manaps ths Rrope�r.artd (c)ecitect a�ry Rerts tnom tha Prayerty. •
<br /> � " ' �Y to MeGrLira Tcustar shaH maU�ffitre fhe Fro0�11 tn tertantt0l�condffon ana promDffY QeAorm eB repa6s.reA(ece�enb.an�mainterv,�rnce -----
<br /> � .. � • . ' aece�rytopreserveRlvattte. -- —
<br /> -<.��.�� ,� , � ttWrclous l3�at�neei Ths forria Te�rdous wtsta;'ff�xitQom aubstanca;�osai.°'freFaasB;artd'ttueatened cetease;as usod tn 1hE� � _�
<br /> Dee4 of Tnnb a!W hav�the srr�rt�aN�ts set fcrfh In tAa CampreAa�An9 Emtronme�dal Responso.Compensaflon.and UebuRy Act at �.•-�
<br />- � , �-C� .� .�. ' t980.as 8mande0.42 U.S.G.SecBOn 9B01.et seq. CLA7.tt�a3uperhm0 Am�sQmar�f 8nd Reauthorfratfon Ael ot 7988.Pub.l.Na. �`�� -
<br /> _ . 69-499�SAFtA�.lt�lte�rao�M�Trarap an AcL<8 U.S.C.�eCBan 180t,et 6eQ+th�Resota�a Coraerva�on artd Recavery Act, �
<br /> ` �, a9 U.9.C.SecBoa 6901.e!seq,or ott�appIICabte state a Faderal taws.rutes.or�eputa8oas BQopted pwsuant to eny of lhe foregoinq. The �•
<br /> .. tertns'ha�rdm�wast�an0�rQous suDsffinceP st�aB aiso indude,wtthout�mitaHort,petrd,eum and petrpteum by�mducb ar any ttadion �""°=��
<br /> ce ��r>-- _
<br /> .- '` . thereot end ssbestas. Tntstar�presents and warranls to Lsnder tha� (s)Dtffirtg 6re Dedod oi Trusta►'s owrtersNp of the RirOPenf►.ff�te has �-��.
<br /> ' : ' been no use,genaraSon,menutacturs,sto�heatmer.t,dispasal.tafaese a threatened retease ot any hatardous wasce or substanca by any
<br /> - , � � � person on.under.or about t�e ProDedY: (b)Tnutar has no knowiedQe ot.or ceeson to DeDeve tAat there t�asbeen. sa prevtousry �c •- � -__
<br /> _,...>- ` --, .. < ' dtscto�d to end aqmowtedQed by Lend�tn wriBrt�, (ij ariY!ise.OeneraUon.manu[aGure.storege.heetme�.dtspos�.r�e.of th►eniened � .. _
<br /> ------ ----- - ----re!aase oi eny�dous weste a sd6sTance-6Y anY Or7br owriei"s or occupan�:ort tti��ii�eitf►�f���tY8�t081�arthrea!enea Irityation or • ,___
<br /> = . . cfatms of arry klad bY arry person celattng ta sua1�metter�and (a)Extept as prevtousry dsdased to end acknowtadged by lender In wrttinQ, �:�-�:.--
<br /> • ()neither Trustar na�ar►y tenant,contractor,spent or other autAorhoad user ot the Properry shaD use,generate,manutacture.store,t�ea� - _:_
<br /> �
<br />- ' . • Qtspose o�ar reteH.se eny ha�rdous waste or s�fislanca on,under.or aDOUt.the Pro�BZM Gr.d (q 2ny suct�acII�Aty shali be canducte0 tn
<br /> fi
<br /> . � compVarn��rith aD appIIcabie tederal,s�ffite.end�ac�l Iaws.repulagons and ordinances.tncNSr�•.a�'..�cut QmRaBOn t�oae Iaws.rep�daUOr�an0 �
<br />- . ... , ' ordinances�ed abav� Tn�stor authoA�s Lende►end Ns eQenb to e�tar upon ths�t to mak�such Ir�peottons artd tesfir�at ���---
<br />�_ - . �
<br /> � Trtis3ors e�enser as LenQer may deeri�eppropflate to dete�riirie c6mpQance 6!ihe�yr widt this sedloa ot the Deed of Truwt My
<br />_ '� � Inspadtons or tests made�y LenQer sbaU de t�Lendefs purpases onry and shaU not be a�+strued to create arry respon5'buity or ItabfGty on tRe e..:;.-s-r,
<br /> � � ' ' Dart oi LenQer to Tnistor or to any other petson. T�e represenffittons and warranUes corrtafned herefi ere base0 Cn Truwtors due�9ence in
<br /> . - . � � investlga6r,g the Prapedy tor harBrdous waste. Tn�sMr h�eby (a)�6le�es ana waIves any future ctetms egainsl Lender for(ndemn(tyr or ��.'�
<br />--. ' � � cantr(bWon In the oven!Trustor 6eCOmes L�abte tOr cteanup Ot ottlet Cos�unaer 8rry suCb laws,and(b)agrees to fndemnify and hoi0 h8rmtess � "'' �
<br /> . . lender egai►�t arry and aD t�aims.lo55es.aab�iUes,Oarrtapes,Denaltles.artd e�ensas whtch Lendet may dfr�ecUSt or 1n�(rectiy sustain or SuRer • ir �,
<br /> � � • . � r�NUng irom a treaeh a!Ws section of the Deed of Tnut or es a cansequence of arry use,generaUon.manufadure.storage.d(sposal.re(ease �; k
<br /> '' • or threatened refease oocuMng pAor to Tn�stors ownership or Interest in the Frape�ty.whether or no!the same was or stiaufd have been .f „ �
<br /> known to Trusior. The provtstans of ihis secHon ot the Dead of Tntst.tru�udfng the ob�gaUon b tndemnity,shaU stttvive ihe payment ot the °
<br />-`' ladebtedness end the sa6sfecHon end reeomreyance oi it�e�n ot Ws Oeed of Tnui and shatl nof be aNected by Lendefs acquisfiton ot arry :�'��
<br />- � infe�est(n!he Praperty,whetherby toredosure ar othenvtse. - � . �
<br /> " �-- �- � ."�- � 4tutaa�foe.Waate.7rusta shaD not eause.conduct a permit arry aufsance na comml�permt�or surtsr a stri in of or waste on or to the x , �z F
<br /> �Y PP 8 ' ` �.':�
<br /> • �. Properry�!r arry PnNan of the Property. tNithoul pmiUng tAe pener�hr ot the torepcing,Trustor wm not remove.rn grant to arry other PaAy the �,�� '
<br /> , , dght to cemove.arry Umber,minerafs pnctudins oD and qas),so�,p�avel a roc�c producis without the pdor written consent of Lender. .;t.� :� �. �-•
<br />= �' Remotrol of imyrovE�ents. Tntstor shall not 60modsA or remove arry fmprovament�irom the Rea1 PropOAy wlthout the pdar written conserri :�� . "
<br /> ;�,• .; � _ . of Lsnde►. Ib a cortaition to Ne remava!ot anyl 1mprove�nb,Lender may re4�tre Tn�stor to mahe arrangements sstlsta�tory to Lender to ;;�� Y_
<br />- . . . � �eptace such Improwmerds wffh tmprovamer�of at feast aqual vefue. � . *
<br /> -, •- . � , LenQer's R(�t to Enhr. Lender and E`s age�s and�epreserdaEves may entar upon the Rsal Property at eA�easonabte Umes to attand to '`��'���—
<br /> - � LenAers Interosts and to inspec!the Property for purposes of Tn�tora comp0ance wfth the terms and condiUons ot thts Deed of Trust. •���:���y, "
<br /> � f../, ,.L*44L�
<br /> �� <• � Compttaice wttb Qovemmentd itequirementl. Tnutor st�au promptry compry wlih etl 1aws,prdtnances,and regutaBons,now or hereaftei tn ..;�°s.: �`—°
<br /> . � ettecf.of afl qovemmerda!authariUes e�spIlcabte to the use Ot oca�ancy of tha Progerty..Trusior may contast In good(aith 8ny sucb law, y�-__
<br /> _ ordinanCe.or rept�atlon end wfthhoid compliance during any proceeding,inctuding appropdate appeels.so long as Trustor has naU8e4 Lender . • � t,
<br /> " � � (n wrWnp pflor to dofnp so 8rtd so fonp es,(n Lendera soie opiNon,Lsndefs interesl9 in!he P�opeAy ere nat Jeopardized. Lender mey requfre '
<br />�� � • Tn�stor to post adequate se�urily ar a surety bond.reasonebty saUs�actory to tsnder,to protecl Lenders irr�.r�i. � � �4
<br /> �� ', � Outy to Proteet.Tnistar agrees rtefther to abandan nor(eave unaftended the PropeAy. Trustor shall do atl other acts,in additlOn to thosa aCts �.` , ,�:R r
<br /> � . set torth abave tn this SecUon.whlch from tAe cherscter ar�d use of thB PrepeAy ere reasonabry necassery to protect and preserv9 the Property. '�, � ,- � � .
<br />_s..' r •
<br /> � � - - DUE ON SALE-CCHSgHT BY LFStDRi:Lender may,at Hs oy9an.deGare Immodiatefy due and payab!e ali sums secured by thls Ooed o}Trus1 - ,�'-i"
<br /> �'��•' . . , upon the ssfe m Uanster,withoul the Lendels pdm wriften consent,of eU or any pert o!the Real Pcoperty,or,any interest in the Reat Property. A � .-" . . " '.3�;
<br /> '�ate ar 6ans`sr mearo the eomreyanee of Real Proparty a arry dght,ti4o or Int�!thereln;whether fegal,6en:..Ge1 or equttabte;whet�er votuntary ,
<br /> ne �„�'•;
<br />�'` `, or lmroinntary,�a"►ether by outrisht sale,deed.ins�llment sate confract.Iand eontraq,conUact for deed,teas2.*.ald Inierest with a term greater than � � . • . ,.�,-,�.
<br />- . . . three(3)yeets.teesa-ap8on eontree�or�y Set9.aSSipnment,pt tran5tar ot arry bene&�e1 Interest In or to arry land trust hofdtng Uffe to the Rsal �
<br /> , •. '•`w :r'
<br /> ProyeAy�ar by any o4ier methnd of comreyanc�o!Rea1 PrageRyr InteresL It ary Tnistor ts 0 corporaUon,parMershtp or Itmited l►abmiy Company. : �
<br /> -"'` • tr8nsfer aJ50 inctudes ertyl aha�e In owneishtp ot more than Mrenly-ftve Retard(2596y ot the vo�ng Stock.paAnership tntBrests or Iimlted Vab(lity S . . �
<br /> � � � � company ir�er�ts,es the case may b0.of Trustor. Hawev�.this op4an st�ell not 6a exercised by lender if sucb exer�ise Is prohibited by tederal � � �
<br />.�;,_,� - - IaworbylVebteskelsw. •�Z•�',��
<br /> � � �.. � TAX£S AND UEHS.The toQOwing provtsions r2aHng to the taxes and Dens on ihe PropeRy are e pert oi th►s Deed ot Trust. >'�' •
<br />��. .� � ' Payen�n� Tn�stor shs0 pay when due(and In all evsnb pria to deAnquoncy�atl taxes.sD��e��e�uments.charges pnctuding water • . �+`�.
<br />_�;� � end sewot),ftnes and tmpositJorts tevled agelnst or on aCCOUnt ot the Ptopedy.and sha0 pay when dua e0 ctaims(or wortc dona on or for �* '
<br />--�- ' ' SeMCe9 rendered or mataAat iwNshed to fhe Rroperty. Tnuta s.ha0 ma�ntain tho PropeAy free o!ell Ilans having pdodry over or equa!to the �
<br /> - ' . tnt�r�st ot Lender under this Ooed ot Trus�excoept tor tAe Uen of taxes end assessmenta no!due and except as otherwise proNQed In this Oeed �'�;�#
<br /> .•�- of Tnist � �.
<br />'�� � : Rtsp►t To Ccntesf. Tnrstor may wtthhotd paymerd ot arry ta�4 asse�meni�or ctalm In conneciton with a good faith disputa ovor the obllgaUan ' ,7"���
<br />�= � to pay�801onq e�Lendefa(nterest In tt�e Properly b rtot Jeoparqta�d. I}8 Uen e�sos or ts f�ed as a ces�At o}nonpayment,Trustor shell Within ." i.,���
<br /> y � � � frReen(16�days after the Uen eASes or,tf e Gen ts fi1e0,wiWn 5tt08n(15)deys 8fter Trustor has not!ca of Ihe flting,S9CUte th9 disCherge ot 1hA � ..�
<br /> . � • , Ilen,or(1 requested by LenQer.Qsposit wlih Lender cash a e sutAclent corporate a�uety bon0 or other security sausiactory to Lender tn an � . .;a
<br /> �'; ;. . � - amourti sufftclent to dlsctrarpe fhe Q�en pfus erry cos�artd attomey�taes ar ofher charges that coutd accrua es a resutt of a toreciasure.ar�ale � ' . �
<br /> n
<br />- under ihe Uen In any contest�Tntwtw sheD defend itselt ettd Lender and shall setlsty any adverse Judgment betore enforcement against the '''i
<br /> _ t � PropeAy. Tn►star ahall nt1mB L�nder as an edmtlonal otVgee under any surety bond tumished in the contesl praceedinge. � ' .�
<br /> '' �' E'vtdenee ot Fayman� Trustor sha9 upon demand turNSh to Lender SaUSiaCtory ovldanee ot peymaM of Iho inxas or essassments en0 shall ( a. '•:
<br />- �+ - • flufhorfto the 8ppropdate povemment�ofRc►at to Cellvor to Lender at erry dme e written sfatement o1 th0 taxes nnd assass►nents agalnsi Ihe . '
<br /> ,. PtOperlyl. � , �
<br /> : � Notice of CansWeUOn.TruStot ShBU notity Lender st toast fiB.een(1�days betore eny►vlark ts commenced,any seMces ere turnished,or eny ! • „
<br /> • �• mafenat9 are supplled to tha Prape,ry,(t arry mechaNc's Uen,mate�tetm9n's Uen,ar other Uen co�dd be esseRed an account of the work, I '
<br /> ` . � ' � . .' ssrtAcas,ar materlats. Trustar v!D upon requ�t of Lender fumish to Lender advance essurances saUSfactory lo Lendor that Trustor can end wili �
<br /> • . �� • . , payfhec�stofsuchlmprovements. � � . :� �
<br /> • -` `' � •:. R�?2RfVOl�AGci'�i'atBtAi:C.iitefo6o;rRrt�prWhsior�3rotrillngt0l�iwifiglire�roptniyar9eptuio}li�isDet�u�f'iiust. i
<br /> --�-..
<br /> . • , . . • • i ' ` -T��
<br /> .,� �. � � � � ..t ,
<br /> . . ��,
<br /> � .
<br />_- . . . .
<br /> ..
<br /> . � . � � . �__..
<br />