� . . .� , . . _ . � , . . , . . . . .
<br /> - -h'�_ � r . _ ` . � . . — � .. �-co_ � . . 'Qc � _ '- r,� ��.`�`c- _ �� � ' � - ���_
<br /> .. �"' •
<br /> — ,. 'e _ . . - , ��E,
<br />_'`� . � , • i. 4 .'���.
<br />_:�; `.. �� < � �. Oi-�.1385 , , `" OEED Of TRU� Page 4 t - ��;���
<br />_ � . . � . . Lcan�To 9142 . (Coc�flnuet� , ._ . -�` �`
<br /> _,�;� . . .�_. ,Y. t95 �0��� :< ,�.,
<br /> _���°- .� ` . . efeated by ttils Qecd o!TNSf e9 ftrstanO pdorQens�n 1t�Pnapetty. esp Y ._..+
<br /> , w�Bther n�uv otiwted ar hEaeaft�r ulred byTruStor.Unfess protu'piterf b , s �3R-
<br /> - taw ar e�tb tJ�ccntrary by LentSar tn vrtftinp.Tnatqr shaD retn�wse l8ndet tar sll eosb and m�ens�Incurred(n canneeUon vn'th fhe , � " � `
<br /> '� ` �, maHers tetesr80 to In thU para�e�d. " �.JC,E
<br /> . .�
<br />- '��� '_ , � AttOtneyotl►�FacL If T�tStor faCs to d0 ar►y of fhg tAfr�refared to In tha prec5dlrq paragiaph�lender•may Qo sa Po►and in the nama of . :r. ° ��'.
<br /> .-- �• �� � T�tor on0 41 TrtAto�i e�8nsv. Ror suC�.O�'AOSe�.Tnutar hsrebY Irrevacabh�eDPainls lender es Trust4f6 ett�ommeY-tn-fact tor tRS purposs , .
<br /> %�' � ` af mskiny,execu8np,de0rertn9.fiVnp.reconftr�g,and doirp aU other Gdnp4 es enaY be necessary or QAStnabla,tn Lender's sois oPlNon,to . � �`r�:�•
<br />-Y#Y . � . .. � s�omp¢shthaa�altaisrahrsadtotnthepracadtttpP��A� , ° ���
<br />_ - • . ` ,,. � FUl PFRFOR11tAHt�. II Tr�for pey9 eft fhe Indabtadtt�s when Qtta,t�rnU�ates ftte��o!ersdl�end att�rvvfse DoAarms eU the ob�igs6ons " -
<br /> . . � tmposed uDen Tius.+Or unQ�r�Qaed ot TcusR Lendar st�8 e�cuti artd QI9Hv�x to Tn�.ste�a rBqUest tar tua recorneyanca end shall execute and .�,'��
<br /> ' � � � detfvar to Tnpltar st�tabts.s�;r��s of 4�rtNnaSan cf arty Ena�(nQ statement on fite evtdersctrtp Lendefs securlry Inta�t In ths ReMs artd ihe .. ' ' <
<br /> ' • , ` �Personal PaoDat�l•�Y���ta0 requ'red i1y faw shr9 de paid bYTr�stor.lf permitted OY BCAfleeb'e taw. , � :,�,� ,
<br /> �- - -- - - -- � OEFAA�T. Eaet�a!t?�.toQcv�sp.at Ih�opffon of Lender.shau cans6tuta en eteat of defatdt('Event of Qetaufi°)�mder fhis Qeed of Trus�
<br /> �- -
<br /> , . . �,.- � -- -- -- -
<br /> ' ` , ' OefaWt on tnQEDleQnesl.Fa�uca of Trustor to make arry payment when dua on tl►a tnQeOtBQaeSS. `' . , -�`"' :
<br /> � � �. � Oef�dt on Qlt10r P�y►tneat�. faDure o!Tn�tor within tlie tim0 w�t&a�by thLa Oeed at Trust to make amr payment tor texes ar insumrtce.or ' , ' �� �
<br />_�� - �' . ,�,` efi►other PaYmenl rtece558ry to Vrever�l fiIInp o!a to eii`Ct disctfarpe ot eny Qen. � � . ` -" i:
<br /> _.. . -. . CampiIa�Det1�1L FeHur�to comPtY with arry omer term.oLtigatlan.covanant or eandiUon containsd in trii3 Deed of Tn�►.lhe Note or iR -_:„� -�---�- .
<br /> .' . � � . • eny af the Refated Oocuments.If such e faIIure is ctua0te flnd U Trustcr has no1 been gNen e aottce of a breach of!he sartte prov(sion ot this . �
<br /> • • Deed af Tnal wMTn the pcece�ng twelve(i�manths.B may be cured(and no Eve�ot Detauii x�have accurred�ii Trustor.after lender , . f ..• �
<br /> . ! ; .� . senQS wrttt�n noHCe demanding ctua ot such taIIUr� (a)cures the talfure wrihfn fifieen pS�days;o? (b?if the cure requVes more than fifteen .
<br /> , , • . } (tfi�days,[mmedFateq(dni►iates steps st�fit:terd to ctue the fa�trre end it:ereefter conBnues and comptetes ao reasonab[e and necess&ryr steps . .
<br /> • � suflfdant to produce comp�es saon es reasonahty prae&�b . ,
<br /> � ' Fdes 84etl.menU.My warrmnty.representa8on or stat�mmr!madt�ar RunShed to Lertder by or on beh�ff at Trustor under thls Qeed ot TrttsT. ', _ ' ��
<br /> � . � . the Note or the Retatad Ooctunerds is faise or m(s(ea�n0��1►��FeeL e8h�rsow os af fne tima made or fumtshed. -�. :�� ,
<br /> ° . . . . � . � 0lttli a l�t�oNatl6y. 'R�death af Tntsto�r.ttts InsoNe(wy ot 7rustar.t1�appoMtrnent at a�tar erry paA ot T�ustoPs O�oAe�Y.�Y � .. , � : `
<br /> . . • • s�rtt�terd f�tlea ber��of Credtors.enY tYPB o!txeditar waricoub ar U�e cammencemerd of enY D�n9 urtder an1►baniwO�Y or . � '�•.-�
<br />- -- Ir�oNet�y Iaws Dy oragains!Tntstor. ' ' .
<br /> ., < _
<br /> . . . t._
<br /> ..` ,. ••� � � • � Fosectos�ua,For[eldue,ete. Commencement at farectosuia�fo�re pra�edfnps.wtisthar by Ju�c1a1 proeeedinp.satt he!p.reDo�on - ' .
<br />-�_. . . . , -----..-- -... ..ar-eny-0tf�melhad.bYanl►-c�edliaraf.rn�tar-arbY enY Qovert�mBNal.88sn�,y�atr�t a�+Y.o!fhe.Praperh_►•.liowever,ft�s subseC6o��t�a9l�4L..... _.. :�:�,��•J—:• ��
<br /> . eppty[n the event oi a good tsitA�spute by Tnator as to tha vaIIdity or cessonabtee�s of tne datm aAuCh�ts 1he besis at ihe foractosure or
<br /> :.. r..__---
<br /> � , • . torefeihu�procee�tp.ptmRded that Trustor gIvas LBnder wrftten notlCe of S�tCh ctaim and tumishes rasenres or a surety bond tor ifie daim ` . :_:�,��.—
<br /> ' , 58tlstaatOry t0 Lentt� . T=�=
<br /> ` � BteeCQ ot OSAer A�eemen� My breach by tcustor unQer tha terms o!erry other a�eement between TnTStor end Lender that�S natrqme�ied � �' ���
<br /> � - � ' w3Wn any grace period provfded the�elrt.incWQLp wtthout QMteUon er�r egreement concer�+tr[g anf►(ndebtedrt�s or other a'bflgaUan of Trustor
<br /> . , , . to fender,wAetti�e�Wg naw 6slates . . ' -—
<br /> , _�,,,o-t•. � _ y
<br />. . � � EVarRs AftecBny Gu�tar. An7/of th0 prece�p evs�S oocurs�rifh�espec!!o enll�3uar�arnor of any ot tne fndebtedness ar such(ivarantor
<br /> �es as becomes tncamFeterd aarry Guarsnt��svokes an3►QuarBnty ot tho fndebtaQness. Lender.et t�oDUOrt,ar�Ye��A siiaA naf ba�eRuhed . � :.
<br /> . . • . to.0erm8 th9 tivataMa�s estate to essume uneond�ttona¢y ttse obOpa9ors art�ng und�tha gt�r8rtty M e manrrer •�.,.rtory to Lender.and.in
<br /> .... ' ' � ' dAing so.cme the Eve,�etOetauR _ '.. ,-',.�`a:
<br /> - � . � � � • tnaearrlly. lender in Qaoa faSfhh deems�Setf Insecure. ° t �
<br /> � � RIGHTS AND REMEDtES OH DEFAt�.Y. ttgcn tha accuRenc�ot eny Evsnt of�efa�fJ d�d at any Ume thereaRer.Tnrstae or Lender.at fts opSon, • '�-
<br /> � may exercBe any orte or more of thefoAowtng dghts and cemedies.in addl9cn to arty otheP rtgh�or rememes provlQetl by Iaw: .�•�
<br />� � .' AcceferaIIOn upon Oetaut�AQQitiond Remedte�. If anyr event o!defautt ace�us whtch is not cured wti�(n 6fteen(1b�dsys aRer rtotice.es per � r`�
<br /> - � � � . � the tenns of 1he Note seeuced bereby.lender may Qeciare afl fndebtedmass secure0 by thfs Deee af Tnist to 6e due artd payab(e and the same � '�-`'�"`
<br />_ �- . . ��-- sha0 then9upon pecame due and payabTe wfthout any presenbneirt,deman0.Drotest or noUce ot arry kind.Thereaftet.Lender may: �`" � `i;;�;
<br /> : • (a) Qfher in per5on or by agent,witb or yYithout bdnging arry 8dlon or prooeedtng,or Oy a�acetver aypointed by 8 court and v�itAOU! i�'� .:-�,�:
<br /> " � cegard to the aQequACy ot ils security,enter upon end taka possesstan ol tAe PtapeAy.or arry paR th9reol,tn Its awe rtame or in the name
<br /> � • � � o!Tn�stea.and Qa eny ac�wl�fch it Eeems ne�essery�de�rab'e to prese�ve the vaJUe,martceteb(fity or rentabtfity of the Rroperty,or paA .;-� �
<br /> � � oi tAe Prapsrtyr or Inter�t In t0e Property;tnccease tlie income irom the Property or protact the seeuriry of the PropeRy;and.with or wif�out - ---
<br /> �D Posses�on of tha P+nPert!►.sue for or otivxwis�c�ast the renb.issues and Profits o!tne ProR�N�Ic:ctudmp those Das!Que and ;���..
<br /> • .. ' . unpeld.end ePA`�t�e same.tess casts and e�ecaes of operg6on art0 coIIection.Inctumrp attombys'Iees.to arry InQebtedness secured ;a;�.����
<br /> ' by thb Deed al T�.st,a�in such order$s LenQer rtry detertnina.Ttw enteflr�upon and taWn�possesston of the Propedy.the cWecttan —
<br /> • � �r�h�enb.�s end pro6b.�tJ�app➢eaiton threal shal rtat c�as ar waiva eny dettt�i or noitoe ai defaNt under thb Oeed ot Tnrs! ��'—_:
<br /> • ea lccralldats a�ry 8q dona in re��e to aucA defatdt a pt�s�to sucA noUce of defatA�and,not�MtAStendlny the con8nuttnee In - --
<br /> - . . . po�ston of @aa Prop�ty�the eoQSe9on.re�ipt and eppII�„^�of ronL4.issues or profiis.Tnutes or Lende�sttatt be e�ltte0 to 4��R=
<br /> � • exercise every A��roulded ta In tl�e Note ar the ReIatBd�ocumar�or by taw y�an the occtmence ot arry 6ver�ot Q0feult.InCluding thp '
<br /> • � dght to exen�se�6�wer of raie: '�"�
<br /> - � �' ` • � ' (b) Cammence an actlon b torectose th}3 Deed c1 Tr�t as s r,.�r�age,eppain!e reCelves cr spectfl � � .
<br /> caIIy entorce arry o}the covenams �
<br /> , . �. � her�Of.and ..�.�".: � ...;'
<br />�• (e� Ea�+ler to Tn�tea a wAtten dedaraUon ot dnta�dt and demanQ ta sata and a written noSce of defauli artd etecUOn to quse Tn�tars ' ���
<br />-� + � � 1r.:cr3s!Irt ihe Pr�;.SAy to ba So1d,which noUce Tnutee BhaD eat�se to 6e dury fDed br record in the epprppdate oHtces of ltie County in ' `'`�'" • �
<br /> � � . " ' v,htcb fhe Proyert�is la�ted;end .. �
<br /> • . '. (d) Wlth cespecQ G�alt a erry part of the P6rsonal PropeRy.Lender 5ha0 have a71ha rfghts and remedtes o}a secuwd pariy under ihe � . . f. �
<br /> . • IYeEresTCO t)nitom�ComtnCrCisl COde: •
<br /> . �, .' ��,ry�
<br /> � � � Farectawre Oy Pewfr of SaFe.It lender efecb M taedose by w�r�e o}iha Power o!Sate hereln ccrtained.Lender shaU nolly Trustee and , �.� ,,:
<br /> .. � � � � she0 Qeposit wlth Trustee Ws Oaed ot Trust aad Ih9 Note and sucA recaipts end eNCenCe of e�enC3tQes maCe arn!secured by this Oeed at - - � � +
<br /> t . . Tiusl es Tnat¢e mayrt3q�rs . ' �
<br />� � ..
<br /> (a)Upon reeetpt o1 auef�notiee hom Lender.Tnute�sha9 eause to be reeorded.RL:�heC an0 Qelivere0 to Tnn�er such Notice ot OetaNi . =
<br /> �: ', , ,.• end NoVCe o!SeTs ae then reQared by 18v►ana by thfs Oeed of Tnr56 Tntstee 5f�.a11,without deman0 on Trus:ar.after sucA Ume as may '
<br /> then be requirod by law and after recardatlon of such Notl�g of Oefatdt artd after Nctloe of Sete having been ghren as requtred by Iaw.sefl
<br />_�•.s� . . the P�operh at Ihe Ume and ptace ol sata fBced by tt fn such HoUce of Sate.etthei as a whate,cT in seperato tots or parcets or items as . • J
<br />-_ y . � Tiustea shaD Eeem�cpe�en�end In Such arder as it may Qelermfne,at pubtio avc4on to tf�hig'Gest 61Qder for casA in lawttri money of '_ .¢; .,,
<br /> �• �: ' th9 United State9 payabte al the Hms of sate. Tnrstea sfiall deBver fo sucA purehaser ar purchasers thoreof ib good and sutftdent deed or * .
<br /> ' deed9 comeyilnp the propertyr so sotd,bW wlthout ary covenard or wartanty,e�ress or ImpUsd. Tho raciteis in such deed of erry ma}ters %.�'S
<br /> . .� • � or faeb shafl0a eonetusive proof ot the trufhMnsss thereol. My persan,induding without�mitBNOn Trustor.Yruste0.or Lsnder,may • .`•;`;
<br />_ '+. '� . . PtctChe58Btsuchsal9. ':� i
<br /> . • • (b) Ils may be permiltea by taw.aRer deduetin�al costs,tees end e�er�ses o1 Thute9 and of thfs Trust,Mciuding costs ot evldence of ••�
<br /> �� ' � UU8 U COM9C11C(1 Wilh 6B(9,TNSte9 sh9U eppry Uf9�pro�tds ot sete to payment a! p)aD sums e�ended under the terms ot thts Deed of f " .��� 3'•
<br />-• � - Tnat or under Ih�terrtn af the Noto no!lAen reDffO.M�lu�bN not rtmlted to acauad tnterest end I�ta charges. (N)aH olher sums then �;
<br />_ , ` 's:.. ceeured herebY�and(�tha remainde�r.tf any.to b^�e person a parsons�eO�N enUlled thereto. i �. : �
<br /> • . (c)Trustee meyln tf�manRerprovlde0 by taw pos�orts sefe ofe0 cr erty poAion of fhg Propedq. ; ;- .�
<br />- :,
<br /> ; ' RemeQte�[�tol EtctU�tva.Trusteotnd LenQer.and eicr o!them.SAeD be 6nfiQed to eMOrca peymont an0 peAOrmartce of any IndeDteQness ' , ':�
<br /> _ • � . ��'.. � dr otittgfttaro seeurM by Ue's Oaed of Tncst and to c+�e e9 rt�hb and O�s undar 1t�Oeod of Trusf,under tha Nofe.under any at tAe I . . . .
<br /> . . � Retated Dxumsnb,or under any other e�rd a aey taws nawr or herea!►.er in faros;notwithstanding,some or aU of such tnds62ednsss � .
<br /> ' �� . and obEgattons secured Oy thb OacO o!Trust may rtow or hereafter ba othervviss secure0,wnether by moAgaga,deed ol trust.piedge,ren, � �
<br /> asslgnmeN a otl�erwis�f�leitfi�tho a.roEpter�af tNS Dead o1TnLa1 rtaar it9 erMcra9menl,vfiother by courl actlon ar pursuanl to the power of , ,
<br />- . ' • . sat�or oth�r powe�e eariWnad tn Ws Oosd of Tnisw ahall pro'udlce ar In eny manrter aNect Tnlstees or�enQer's rignl to renfua upon or ' � .�.
<br /> ' . ' , erAarCO arry other securlry naw or hereafter hefd by Tast�Gr�nder,it b9ing sgreed ihat Trustee and lertder,and each o}[hem,shatl be . ,, `
<br /> - � �_ .,-_ , , �,� _ ._� ..—_ . , oritiL'ed to etdatca Ws Q80d ef Tntst IIM nny ofhCr SacuAtY nuw m hoteaget hatd by lender ar Trustm in such atdQr and manner as tAeY er ' .-,-,--_.,�_i
<br /> , • , . . • ; . ' .f
<br /> ..� � , , . � , �• .,
<br /> : . . � .
<br /> � . . . ..,., _ . . __._.._ .�___.. ....,. _. _ ,.._--
<br />