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<br /> - SEND TAX N07ICES TO: � .
<br /> '.`:� , ', .. 6F�ti8 L I0i11TH and WAlIDA Y KNUiH � .
<br /> 2405 O'Fl�HIAOAN SiAEET , ,
<br /> `'. ., GFt11ND i8l.AliD�!�6i�•
<br />� ,:--- -.--.---�-� - ---.._ ._..
<br /> ___ ..---�--. _...._.------ ----��-�---�---- -�----�- -.._-- --.,..--------- _...------------- - ---._... . .._. ._.
<br /> , � .. .� , • DEED OF 'i1�UST =
<br /> .... .� . .. . �._ _ . �_ _ . . _ �_
<br /> _ . � • - - - _ _ �. .. .- - - - --- - -- - . _._...
<br /> . THIS OEED OF YRUST ES DATED JANLDAAY 9, 1995� emang D�tIN[S L KNIJTM and WANDA M KNUTH, �"�:.�:: -
<br /> � . � � � HUSeAND AND WI�E,whose addreaa ta 2603 O'FlANNACAN STREET,GpAND lSLAHD,ME �8803(rets�red ta . `�°
<br /> .- . . . decow as ^rrusmr3; Ut�t1ED NEBA�ASKd BAI�II(, wTwae addreas Is 9Q0 N WEBB RD, GRpND ISLAND, NE `�.
<br /> - - .. ''---.. � 688Q8(e,�fened to betow someffines as 'Lendtr'an�aomettmes as °Benefldery•j; and UNi1ED NEBAASKA �`�
<br /> . � � • ' BANK,whose eddress Is P.O.B�X 5018 GRANQ ISL(�tD.NE 688p2(rcterred to b�tow aa"Trustee"). ����'�
<br /> . �
<br /> �. . � �- . CONYEttIUiCE IUm�GRANT For v�iwDM e�utQeratton�nusloc�omreNs to Trustee tn Wst�wmi POwQt OF s�lE,tar the Obnefit ot •:: ;��,
<br /> : . . . . Lender �Benefle(uy,al ol Tnators Apht. fiBe. and Uiterest N end to tAe faiowtriy OesCribed �ea1 propeAy, toDether with eN wdsUng or � _
<br /> � �, subsoQVeriEY erected ar ai�ce0 bt�l�nps„Improvamenfl end t�dura�aD easement�t,dphts of way�and appuRenano�;all water.water dghts and '
<br /> . -. ditch Apfffs Mdu�st�dc In t�w11A dttch�fr►t�tion r�htsr and ati oihar d�h1s,ro tle�and Profits ret Bng te tAe real Prap�r�y�Inctudtng _ r:'�r
<br /> ,�.. , ..
<br /> ..._,_.. .:_. ... ----�- �
<br /> . . • withocrt�mita�Uon eA rNnerab.00.pes.9eotAermal and slmIIat matters.IdCat�d tD � Count�/. � O! KEbMSk�(iha "R�N � � � .;'+'',_„�
<br /> .. - � .� �1'-�ti!• _ � •:'.�i'
<br /> , ' . . - . ' �.. / .�,.
<br /> .� ��=
<br /> - � . • The Reai Properly or its eddre$s Is commonty krtov�so as 2bQ3 0'FLANNAtiAN STRE�, GRAND ISLAND, NE ���:��
<br /> , � � 68803. ,���`-�-
<br />- ' - Trosta prosonSy us�r4 to Lartdor(atgo known as Ber�riary tn Ws D¢ed of 7n�i)e3 cf Tc�tor's Aght�Uua,and(rtterest In and b aU present and
<br /> • � tutura(eases of ths Pr�rtyr and O Renb from tha Pr�yr. tn addfBon,Ttusta�praits l.ender a UNform Commerdai CqCg 59curirylnterest in tne � �'����.:�
<br /> , _ . ... Renq arcd tHa�ersOnal ProDerty►deffnad befow. . � �'; '.,�;f�.��
<br /> � � � 6EFRIi4LOti[S.The foQawtnp w�Qs shad have ihs fcIIow(ng meantngs when used in thf3 Oeed aT Tnist. Terms nat ofherwfse deflrted in thts OeeO of '�'�'`:�:_•'-
<br /> . - . � Trust shaD have ihs meeNn�atSIDuted to sucb tenns In tho Uniform Commemtel Code. M wferences to dolier amounts sfia9 mean emouMs In ��'?�:;•�,.'^' ,
<br />-_ ' IgwfN money of the Untted States of AmeriCa. ' •
<br /> �`� ` BeneM�ary. The wad'88neBclay'means UNSTED NEBRASKA BANK,Ib s�ors and sssigns. UNITEO NEBRASKA BANK atso is . • ���� '��'"
<br /> �. � - - tefaRed to as Zender In this Oeed of Tnisl. ' _.. '•:'
<br /> � . _ � Oe�tO�!TNSL The worQs'Deea ofTrtrY'mean thls Oeed of Tnrat among Tnntnr,Lender,and Trustee,and inctudes vrithoul�mitaBOn aN ' •. � .
<br /> .:, '� es�gnment and seowQy irdere�t Dravtstons relattng fo the Perso►�f ProAertY ert0 Rent9. •
<br /> ..` .r;
<br /> '' G�arBntor. The wqrd Yivaranto�means and Incfudes without flMtaUan any end eU puarerttora.sureUes,and accommodaUon parHes In � �� ��•',!
<br />, '.� s � connecUOn wDh tha tndebtedness. • ' • , ' �'�..
<br /> . � • �. Im3xxovenlent�. TM word 4mprowrta�mescs and tncludes without Qmtt�an a!{�ds8np end tuture impravements.factures.b�IDdings, ' - �� q•�,
<br /> • ctructuro�,mobQ�homq�lfEr�d on fhe it�W Propaty.f�8e�aQdlHans,repla�rrAnb ar�d ot�er construc8on on the Real PropeAy. • ����
<br /> ��� � (nQ�Dtbnaa Th�ward'��debfednesM m�ens at pAnciprJ and tnfarest payabie uader the Note end arry emouMs e�ended ar advanced by ' �
<br /> ares
<br /> • I.ender t0 CiscMra o66Qa9ons of Trusta oe t�enses Incwced by Tn�sigg or I.enOer to enfone oC�getions of Tnutor unQer this�eed of Trus1, ; ;:.
<br /> , • . , � topetMx wiN tnteres!on auch amour�es providea tn tNS Oeed ct Trust .
<br /> -. . . :� L��der.4hs word 1onQer manns UNfTFD[�BFIASKA BANft.Ns suxessors and asstgns. � . 2.i
<br /> Nots. tn�wao'Noss°ma�ns tne Horo Q�ted.t�nusry s,��s.tD the pHnCtp81 arttoUlft 0!S104.000.00 irom Trustor to Lender. � �'''"��
<br /> � lopether Wfth 80 rer�xrats,wQersstons.modtAca}tons,reflnanr.��fgs.and substiiuUons(ar the Note. Tha matudry date ot this Oeed of Trusi Is Jutyr +! a
<br /> . . 9,1995. . ;�L
<br /> :� • � Paraorul Ptoperty. The wo�Qs�ersonal P�opery'mean ell equipmenl,fuRures,an0 other arttcies of personal properly now or hereafter � ' , .+• }�
<br /> owned by Trustor,snd now or hereafter attached or attDoad to tt�Real PropeRy;together v�tb all accesslons.parto,and additions to,ell f � �
<br />_ i •-. . . replacemsnta of. end eD substitutions tor. any of such propertyr and toggth�riith a11 proceeds(inCtutling without Iimitation atl Insurance � . : . f�
<br /> pracesds an�refunds of Oremtums)trom eny sate or other dispaslUon o!the Propedy. f•
<br /> j'
<br /> �, '�, . � �topNty.The ward'Proportyr means cotlecti'vety fhe Rea1 RroDedY en�Iho Personal Properry. ' �
<br /> c
<br /> ' .. �.. � . ReN PrGytrly.The words"Heai Prayerty'mean ihe proyeriy,tnteresb and dghb desa(bed abova(n the'Conveyance and Qranl'secUon. j �, .
<br />. , . j..: ...
<br /> :.' �- � �_._ ___ RNdM DOCUmtnU. TM words'Reiated OaeumenL�'mean and InctuQe withaut UmitaBon a0 pramissory notes.cxedt agreements.loan ( • .y .
<br />;�; . e�nements,anutronmenml agra�msntR dueran6es,secutity aQreemants,morq�apes„deeQs ot trus1,and aU othev instruments,agreements ena � ' �
<br /> - , � Qocumar�ts.whether rtow w h�eeftet e�dsttrtg,mcecuted In connecHan wiib the f ndebtedness. F • • � � '
<br /> . Rente� The Waa'Rents•mearts aA prasent ana futuro�ents.rsvenues,Ueomo,tssu�t.royattles.proflts.and other benefib de►ivod hom the t ..� � , :�
<br /> . � ' . ' Froperty. . ; �: •�
<br /> �...i . • � : ... . . 'I
<br /> 4 TfuStee.Th0 wor0'frust0�"meaas UNREO NEBAASKA BANK snd any subs�tute or successor trustees.
<br /> -� - � . . — Trustor.fio ward'frustuPmeans �- -- - -.-..r i...:::..k.-...
<br /> arty end alf pmsons and entiQes oxecufing thfs Oead of Tnuf��nCtudtng���itiCtit Gmitction aIi trustors named
<br /> . . �---•-�- ;:
<br /> . )..� ��
<br /> ..,�},; � . ,
<br /> � �:
<br /> ' '
<br /> .r . /� �.jo1 �' � '' _.--- �
<br />