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<br /> " recanvey the Froperty aad shall suQe�der tiris Secu�iry Insuum�nt and all nntes evidencing debt secuced by this Security ° `-; ;��._
<br /> = Instrument W'tivstee. 'Ihutee shalt r�canvey the Property without warraaty and withdut charge to the pe�son or peisons ;�
<br /> � �. ' ' legally eatitled w it Sach pe�rsnn or persoas sdalt pay any�eco�ion wsts. : .,;
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<br /> _ -- e�n
<br />''?"?':.: :,� . Zd. geqaest for N�ticxs. �ormwer requests that copies of the uotirxs of defanit and sale 6e sem w Boaower's address
<br /> .�.', '. • which is thePropetty Addt+ess: :::.i. ,
<br />..'--,:'.;. � '� ° :`(.��ar�c .
<br /> , Z5. Rfders to flils Setarlty Insh�uaent. If onc or moce adeas are executed by Bomuwer and c�orde4 tnaether arith
<br /> � '-� - this Securiry Iasuu�ent,the wvenants and agreemeats of each such rider sha.0 be iucorporated into aad shall amend and =
<br /> supplement the covenants and agneements of this Security Insm�ment as if the ridec(s)weie a part of dus Sec�ty Inst�ument '��"'�'G
<br /> ��~~ . � [Check appHcabIs 6ux(es)] . -`
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<br /> r�. ._.:. . � -
<br /> =�����_ , �. �BalIoon 12ider • . �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home RPder =
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<br /> .- z . . ... �Ottier(s)[��7►1.._. � . : - . � � =
<br />- � __ __
<br /> ' � BY SIGNING BELOW,Bom�wer accepu and agrees to the terms and covenanu aia�sned in this Secarity Insnnment • �_
<br /> :''•�.�:.� and in aay ri�x(s)executed by Borrower and�ecorded witb i� . o�:�
<br /> - � : . wim�: � wm,�s: �
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<br /> ;_��_ . STBVF�J C KISNIIt -sunower � K RISNIIt -soirower �=-
<br />---''�' �¢::
<br />':�r_;�;�. . . (Seal) (Seal) e��_
<br /> � • : ' -amrower -Hmtower ��►"-��
<br /> ,�, .: .� : STATE OF NEBRf4.�L�A. Counry ss: �•�
<br /> __ -_,� . �, �'�=�
<br /> --_--- -" ' O'n tius llth d�Y of January� 1995 .before me,tfie�md�signed,a Notary Pablic �
<br /> ,�.,��:,.v �r'' �.
<br /> ��-�—:;,::,- duiy commissioaed and qualifieA for said couaty,Personally came ST�1�II�1 C KISNIIZ AND KI�FRLY K RISPIEIt -
<br /> -- . HUSBAIm AI�WIFE , .w me Imown w be the r
<br /> - -- idenfical pe�sons4s)whose aame(s)ane subscdbed to the fotegoing instrament aad acimowledge{i the execution thereof to - e
<br /> ,�.;,;;.' . . � th r vol�intazy act a�d deed � _
<br /> • giimess my�"iand and aotaciat seal at in said wuaty.the - —
<br /> =;.�;:•� date afoiesaid. ISI.ANII) _ __
<br /> .. � � �;�--�-�-- --_
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<br />-��;..�:..�;` TOTRU5TEE: , �;
<br /> .a.-�- "-'��:` 'tiie uadersigaed is the holder of the note or notes sesuned by this Deed of'dus�. Said crote or tmtes.together with all
<br /> �.�?''�^;�� other indebtedness seciued by t6is Deed of 7tus�have beea paid in full. You are hereby di�ected to caacel said note or aotes
<br /> n _: �;
<br /> _- '-:^l�s°':! aad this Deed of 7tus�ahicb are deliverecl hereby,and to reconvey,without wa�tty.all the estate now hetd by you under ,
<br /> '�r`���x�� this Deed of'Ihist to th$pe�on or persons legally tn6t2ed thereto '''"�`3��;�.
<br />_.--_ T�yyF4L+� _ _ �'_ . . .
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