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<br /> � ` � 'i'l11S AUlUSrAULi3 EtA'i6 RtUlili Is a�n�lc Iida � itLh �try d� � � ' _ , , �-��a ---_
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<br /> 'K .. :.' ' 19 95 .nnd i�tncorpatettd luto. ,�d a(antti Ge dee�ntd to at►acnd m�d�uppte�nent ttie Mor�igng��e�t oi'feusl '-- �, _-_
<br /> u `�.
<br /> � � -. or Seeu�Uy Uecd lflu"Securltq lnst�nmu�1")ot�t�ean�9ie dc+te divea i�y It�e uisJe��lt�setl(tht'•IJunu�vei•')lv aecute ' .". :><�a �..:
<br /> �!: �. � . _ Umro�ver•a Actjuslabte Etate Pfute�llte"Note"1 to . � ' ` f�.�=i�=
<br /> L ..� ..... � � (ihe "Lende�")of tlie -
<br /> � ' saiiie Jale aTtd eore�tng t�f�propsty�d-t�i� ie ee�ii�tnstra�uc�d an�toe�ted ei: , -S ` `-'
<br /> . _ �y - . . ' - ,, � � � � �� �-
<br />,, .. . ...�. 4028 QtEQ�9V00D DRIVE Q{�1Im I�LAND, NR 68603 . ';r': _��°�'��
<br /> , . • �reopeny ndaias� f-_ ;,. _� _ -
<br /> . .. , • • � '','�
<br /> , . ' TNE NQTE CaNtA1NS PROVISIONS A!l.�WINO F�ti CNANOES{N THE IN7�R�5t IiATE ,;�����;--;,,y,,;
<br /> � ' AND THE MONTNEY PAYMENl'.THE NOtE liM178 TNE AMOUNT TNE 80f1ROWEl1'8 = �"��
<br /> � � ' -• ADJUStABlE ItYT�tiESt MtE CAN CNAN�E I�Y A�IY OI�P�'tiME d�ND THE MAxIMUM � � '�``���r
<br /> � � -!•' �;��
<br /> � , � ,- .�fiATET1lE B�ORROWER MUST PAY.tHE Nt�'fE AI.SO CONtAlNS TIiE OPTI�N TO CONVEttt � � ._, ��:; ��.�..
<br /> � . • � � . � THE ADJUBTABLE t1ATE TO A FIXEO RAtE. � ' �.�-�.�� .
<br /> . � �; - - - .� _ - <,a.�-i c;s_c��
<br /> . • AU�)tl'tUNAL CUVCNAl�tS.lu additiust to tlse eove��nnt�and ag�cc�su�is�nade 1+�the Secwi�y I��.�tuancni. '�����f"`'-�'�=
<br /> _�� . -T�;�.•�-.�.
<br /> • � � 13urroirer�tnJ I.ettdelr(urlher rnvs�-:ant and ogree tu �aila�vs: � • ,-��_=�- -
<br /> 4 -- `— '--_'�.:. ._._._._ � s . �'....--- '._.._ .._. .._._'..._. . _ ._ .. .._.... .-- -... ���--
<br /> - --- /�i.-AN.IU3'1'AULI'�tAy�Lt_Alyt)JHUi�'!'II�'.X. AYMONT CIIANI.[� _ '.
<br /> .. �-.. , . . '. 'Che Note provtdes for an Initial interesl tete ot 6.7500 K.�tie i�iote piovlJas rui cl�aiigis--- : : .
<br /> ' �. •• lo tiie edjt�steUle iuter�st rate and llte nta»tldp hgpn�eut��ae (ntlo►�s: �.. ���JY�� —
<br /> '. ' . . 4. A�JUS'tADLG!N'1"CltL3'C RA"ic ANI)MUN111LY �'AYMG.N1'Cl1AN4rS '�,..,�_,,,��
<br /> _ _.. .:.:, _ .(A1 Gt�se�e Uetea - - . - , ' '. _ _.. ��. '--:._
<br /> . ,f
<br /> Tlie ndjusta6le inleresl rate 1 will pap u�ay chonAe on Ihe Iirsl ctaq ot � Febr y ' , `�•��. .i
<br /> �� '" • Iq 96 .artc!an lhat tt�y evuy IZIb monib Uureniter.�aeh d�ce o���vtdd�n�y ndJus�n�6tei��te���ente eautJ ehange
<br /> is catled s"tX�ange Unte.•' `` "`�' � =
<br /> . ; �- . - (II) 77ce lndea '' . �- -
<br /> • . , 13egtiudccg wttb the tirsl Ctfflnge Uale.tny aJjusta6te fnie�ese.rate will Gr bascd o»m�tndea.'ilrc"hides"Is tGe +��d,= k�'
<br /> _ . � �veekiy ovetage yIeld ott Uttiltd Sletcs T�eQSUry securiltca adjusted lo a eaa�t�at maturily vf 1 yca�.as�naJe avaitt�Gtc '.�-.'� . __
<br /> fs
<br /> '. � � .. ' 6y the�ederai Rese�ve tJoaid.l'Ite�nosl tecent h�dea f tgure avnitnbfe ns vi Ihe ctnle 45�1ays beforc encl�(.'t+ai�ge Uate .-� :; � . -
<br />_ - � .. ... _,_ is calted Ihe"Cnrrent [cndea:' t'�
<br /> . ::%
<br /> I�the I�Wra is nv[ctrger evt�ila61e.1he t�ote IlolJer wilt elioose o new hiclea�vhtch is 6asecl vpun cauipmeble '�;;� ' _
<br /> h�forn�ntion.Tlte Note ilo l Je� �viq Qive�n�aottce oi Ihis eholce. ,� r '=
<br /> u -
<br /> - . • ' i:'! - (�
<br /> � .. � : (t,q CnZenlellon oI Chea�ea , : . r
<br /> - ' , :; `. Uelore each Cfmnge Uate+llie Note I IvWet wtfi cnlctdate u�y uew inle�cal tate by addGta Si)tu ihe Ca�renl tttdea. �r•,.�,;�'
<br /> � 2.8750 Oercentage Uol�qs( g.8T50 � �
<br /> - ' ' ' � ' '1'he Note I loida�vlli ihe»tound U►e result of t1iU eSdiUan to itie neatut one-ddhtl�ot one paeenta�e pot�it(O.IES44). • � : � �+��:
<br /> "� ," Su6Jeet to t�ie Ha�ita ateted In Seclla�e�t(U)below;tht�rouicda4 aniaunt witi be my new tate�est ratr umQ tGe nex� � ���
<br /> • • ; .. Ctmuse 1?ate. r'.�• ` '��
<br /> - 71ie Nole Hotder wili�llun dele�miue the a�uouut of lhe�uonihiq psyaient tiint woutJ 6e autllcteal ta rey�ny 1Ue . . �
<br /> ' � • � � • onpniJ prt�relpnl that 1 a�n enpected lo owe at.tt�e Ct�enae Date 1��tutl vu ttie umtudly date at rny ne�v iute�eal►ete ; _
<br /> �. � ' . in sv6sfantialiy equnl p�yments.71ae te�utl of Iht�coiculalion ai116a ilie ttew etnowtt o!nry monlhiy pnynant. , ,Tf
<br />�_ � , . � (Ul LladW o��U�taesl Mte t���u�e� � ' . . . . ,.
<br /> •�' 'tlu t��teresl rrte 1 mn�cquired tv paq A1 llie first Chm�ge Uafe w111�rol be�reater Itmn 8 7500 � - '��� ''��
<br /> ' ' 4 �500 4e.'�he�ea(tet.nry a�i ustablc inle�esfl�nie wilt uevet be tucreased or Jcucased ��' � � •�°�'� j "
<br />=�� or tess th��r • . 1 � E
<br />