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Z .�. . . <br /> fi ', j�.F � . . � <br /> ��R C •r6• • . � • ����^• � ---__"____.. <br /> -- . i ��t�g -_-__-- <br />,.�'°k �:,��. �•� . aPPlicabte taa may sp�ify far reitistatement)befose sale of the P+roperty puasuant to s�ay Qnwer of saIe coAtaut m this —_v- <br />_.� ' . . 5�urity instrument;or(b)entiy of a judgment enforciu�this Security Iastmment 'I'�oss coadIdons ar�that Bor[otver: (a) ��.��;_-. <br /> � ,'- , pays LendeY atl sums which thea wau�d ise dus�u�adet Wis 3ecutity tasa�nt�ths Note as if no nccele�adQn had i- _ <br /> c� <br /> - -�. . uccurced;(b)cuces any default of any other cavenaats or agreeme�►fs;(c)PaYs all axpense���s�.°on-Iu�:f�is Sec�uity �.._'_---- <br /> �`_'� ' • . Iusuwneat inclur�g.IDuc noi limite�to,reasona�b2e attomeys fees:and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasona6Iy ���i---- <br /> � , • - <br />:::�,�n.:, • mqui�e to assure that the Jien af this 5ec+uity Instmment,Ixader's r3ghts in the Pmperty aad Bonawer s obligatiofl ta ps►y the m�, <br />_ _.'; �� sums s�nred by this.Seruiiry Insuumeat shall continue unchang�d. Upon reiastatr�n± by Homower, thic Security <br /> � • Instnunsnt and the obligations secured henby shsill remain fully effective as if no acceterau4n had occ�ured. However,tttis __-_�_- � <br /> =i . . right to reitsstate shall aot apply in t�►e case of acceleration uader pacagrapb 17. _--- � _ <br /> �- i�i Sa[e oi Note;Ch$age of Lasa Servkea The Note or a p�1 interest in tlie Note(together with,this Secarity <br /> W�;:° .� �. '�. Instrument) may be sold one or more times witltouc prior notioe to Borrower. A sdle may resuit in a change in the entity ��. -- - <br /> se <br />=',�: (known as t�e°L.oan Servicer")that collects moatWy payments due under the Note and this Senaity Insuument 'I�ere also _ - -- <br /> � ..:< may be one or uzore changes of the Loaa Servicer aarelat�ed to a sate of the Note. ff theie is a change of the Laan Servicer. __=-__-- <br />- � Bomower�rill be givea written aotice of tlye change in aocor�d2nce with paragcaph 14 above an�appliralble law. 1Y�e natice ---- <br /> m a <br />-= � wi11 state the name aad address of the new Loau Servicer aad the address to which payments shautd Ue made. The aotise wilI = <br /> - ,. �� atso cumain any other informaaon tequ�d by applicable law. � - <br /> . ., ' •• �� Zp Bazardons Snbstanoe� Borrower s�aU not canss or permit the p:esence.nse.disposal,storage,or r�lease of any == - <br /> ` ' • Na7ardous Substaaces on or in t�e Piagerty. Bomnwes shall not do,nor allow anyone eLse to do.anyWing affectinS� i�,�..:_=-- <br /> : • :. <br /> --�-•----_ -.. ptopeity that is in violatian of any Euvirnnmental Law. 'I7ie preceding two senteaices s h a l l not apply to tbe p i+e s e nc�,use,or . -_--- <br /> - � ._, '. ....---.. .__s��on�thh��PropeRy�ofsmall�quanti6es of HaTardous Substances�that-aregeaerally�recognized to be a�pnopriateso�ormal ..._.. .----..._- <br />- ` . [CSIdEIItlltl IiSCS�d LO mairt�,e,ranCC Of lI1C PiOpel�}/. e:��:-��=._-- <br /> • � Bormwer shall pmmptiy give Lender�vcitten notice of any investigadon.claim,dem2ad.lawsuit or other actian by aay <br /> ' •• � govennnoental or regulatory ageacy or private party involving the Pmperty and any Hazardous Substance ar Environmentai �^'' <br /> _ ... . <br /> ,_--__-_ .'..',:�. law of which Bomnwer has actual imowled�e. If Bomnwer leams. or is notified by any govetnmental or tegulat :,:F- <br /> •` autflority;that any neuioval or other remediation of any HaTardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,�oxmwe•. _ . . �r��� - <br /> . shaU promptly take all necessary remedial actions in avcordaace arith Environmental Law. �.;_;� <br /> � ' • � ' ' As nsed in this paragcapb 20,"EEa7andons Substances"are those substances deFmed as wxic or hazardous substances by <br /> � , ' Envimnmental Law aad the following svbstauces: ga�oline.kerosene,other flammable or toAC petroleum products.toxic ;"-_- <br /> � ._ gesticides and herbicides, volatile solven�,materials containing as6estos or formalde�yde.and iadioactive materials. As _x� <br /> . ,.• ' • used in this paiagrapb,20."Environmental f.,aw"means fedeial laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locat�ed ::; � <br /> tI�t relate ta healtI�.safety or environmental prntecdon. a '� _ <br /> � • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Botmwer and Lender further covenant and agree as foltows: A . <br /> . . 21. Acceterattoa;Reme�Icq. Lensler shall give notice to Borrower pdor b acceieratlon foIIowiag Borrnwer's � <br /> ,'.,v ,�, . � breacb of any ooveaant or agreeme�eu thls SecurItY Instrument(bnt not prior to acceIeraflon�ander paragrapb I7 <br /> ea n <br /> � . � � �lc�s applicabie law pro�tdes oWerwas�). The notIce sbali specity: (a)the default;(b)tiie ac4foa c+equired to cure the <br /> detanit;(c)a date,eot less ttean 30 dass from!he date the notice is given w Borrawer,by whfc6 the defauIt mast 6e = <br /> � cured;and(d)thut faiin�to cam the defaWt on or before the date speci8erl in the notice msy resait in ecoeleradon of _ <br />°'{';:�:-;:;:. �' �� the s�secm�by tltis Secarity Instsument and sate of the Property: 74m Ba�t�ce shaII ti�sther inform Borrower oi •.t� <br />';;;4;,;�.�,:� '�. the rigpt to rei�te uftes ucc�eleration aad the dght to brtng a ooart adioa to assert the noa-e�steace of a defanit or � ` _ <br />. � �• , any other dd�se of Borrower to aooel's�-�..tiom and saIe. It the de€aolt ts not cared on or hefare the date specified in �'° � <br /> ;. ' • the notic�F�der at its arytion may ree�a[u�ImmedIate payment Ia ful!of all snms secnred by t�Lg Sea�rttq Ynstrament `-;��- `.,'� <br /> . _ e . <br /> - =ww':-�: ,. withont fa�cLer demand and may iavo�e the powea of sale an8 afly other�+emedies permItted by applicable!aw �, _���_ <br /> ,.- ` ,� ' II.ender sh811 be enHtled tn colle�ail expeases�in pussWng the remedles provlded in this para�aph 21. �.�..:; <br /> ��� �. : <br /> r�� . . incladtng,but not limit�tQ,rt��ubte attorneys'Fces and oosts of tit�e evid� � <br /> u <br /> • If the power of sale�s invo�d,�astee sball reoord a uottoe of defanit fu eac6 wanty in whicb any past of We t�.� �o-` <br /> :..,. ,. <br /> - " propesty fs torste�and si�aD mai!copies of sac�nottce�1n the manaer p�scr►'be�by agplicable Iaw to Borrower and to �,�:,�'��� <br /> -- . • ';;;; We other persoas Qrescribed by appl�ca6le taw Aiter the time reqnired by appltrable[aw.Trastee shaD give pubtic � ,;�'.. :,�� <br /> ' � ' r; �. notioe of sate to ttie pcisons and in the manner prescribed 6y appIIca6te lgw 7lrusiee,withont demaad on Borrnwer, _ <br /> _ � sball�eU the Praperty at pnblfc aQCtlan to'the 6lghest bPdde�at We time and Lrrace and under We teru�s deslgnated tn ' � <br />= � ' � the aotice of se�e in oae or more parcels aad in any order 7yvstee detcrmtnes. 'Il�rastee maY Pustpone sate oYa11 os any .�•'ti:�5.:�;��:,:'`s <br /> . � `' parcel of ttie Property by publlc ama�ncement at the ttme and�rlace of any pr�viously scheduled sele Lender or ib <br /> � . destSnee ffiay pnschase We Propertq a�any sal� M� . ,� ' f <br /> �' Upon t+¢cetpt df payment of the prtce btd,7Y�u.stee shaD dFlfir�r to the p�uchaser 7tastee's deed canveyIng the ,. i;.� <br /> �`.=.. . p�operty. 'IYie recttals im the'Ilrnstee's dced s6all 6e prima facie evidence o t t h e trn t b o f t he s t a t e men t a m g d e t h e r e i a. • . :- <br /> = • 'Ilrustee sLa11 apply the praaeeds of the sale in the foflowing order. (a)to eU costs aad expences of exerc�sing the power � ; � <br /> ;�� � � , ��,� <br /> .�.-,_.: . �:-- <br />..,,.,�. . . . �:� <br />.-�;:;:�:��� � �` <br />::��;_�..: - , .: .�;- <br /> ..`.: . � . <br />-— ���R . ' - • ' A <br /> _���1��. . _ , ` . .:�. <br /> .-':S•I <br /> :===�;: . � � �,`i..= <br /> _� '�' � . '-�_,.. <br />:�:� �� � � � , � • ! �#' �. <br /> �-�� _ � . � . . � � 4 .: : � � <br /> .. . „ �. . . . . <br /> . . . . . _ .. <br /> , . . � _ _. _ <br /> �-�.��-�..�.... . .. : : . , . -. - - -- - ., <br /> . � •� �, <br /> _, . <br /> '. - �. � .. _ . ' • �. . / -� ' � .., ,. . . • .. . �_ � � . . � �� <br /> . . . . . ' ' . , ' . :,. , . . � , , � � . , , <br /> . . . <br /> . .. . . , . <br /> . . . � , _. . . . . <br /> . . . . <br /> , <br /> • -- � _ _... �•. .�. <br /> -.- ___ ,. __. _ _ - - - - — - - <br /> � . - . .— — �-; —_-- -, _ <br />