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<br /> condemnation os oiher taking of any part of the Pmper[y,or Por conveyance in lieu of con emnanon,are hem assi�ed and 1,-'` `-� `*_� �`
<br /> . .. . s-.`.'`. ` shatl bc paid to l.ende.r. . , . . , � . : �_ .- ,
<br />- . � : [n the evenf of a total taking of dte Prope�ty. the procerds sh:►ll de applied to the sums'tiecured hy this Security ` • `•.'� ,��
<br /> " � !ns[rument,whsthcr or not thcn dua,with any cxress paid to Bormwcr. in the event of a parti:il taking of thc Propesty in � ' �
<br /> _� which the tair matket v;���c of ilte Propeny immcetia�cly 6e�ore the taking is cqua!to or grcater�han the anAo�nt of the sums. T=.. . -• .i� --E;
<br /> rc • �
<br /> secured[ry this.Serwity fnnrument immediatety before the taking,unless Bortower and Lender atherwise agrec in�vriting. `< � � '��= �' ''
<br /> • the sttms secured by thts Security[nstrirment shal!be re�ucxd by the amount of the pnacceds mu(tiplied by th�fo!►owing 3� �Y ' �� '.�• �a
<br /> , �` ' � •.' �' ` fraction: (a)th�total amount of the sums secumd imrnediately befom the taking,divided by(b)the fair mark t va�ue of the '� -�.�����~�
<br /> ,;� � � PtapeRy immediatel3 before the taking. Any balance sha116e paid to Boirower. In the event of a parti��t�u��of the '� `;.��,�"%x.:...
<br /> . . PropeRy in which the fair market value of the Property immediatety tsefore the taking is less than the amount af Ihe sums �•`�°°` �'.'��_..
<br />' secuted immediatety before the taking, unless Bortower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or untess applicable taw •� �;�{��:-`- ��_�'="-
<br /> • othenvise provides,th�pmceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Securitv Insuvment whetiter or not the sums are
<br /> . , then due. � �
<br /> � . !f the Pivperty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by I.ender ta Borrnwer that ti•.e condemnor offers to make � _,;._�� .�'
<br />''�? . an award or settle a clairn for damages.Borrowcr fails to respond to Lender within 3a days afier the date the notice is given. #'.:T:=.-'�`�j�
<br />`, . . , . Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds.at its opuon.either to resroration or repa'u of the Property or to the "� �
<br /> . �;'.w��
<br /> • , - sums secured 6y this Security Instrumen�whether or rtot tiien du�
<br /> Unless Lender and Hormwer othenvise�gree in writing.any application of proceeds to princip�l shall noi extend a� �: __
<br /> : �, • , � postpone the due date of the mattthly payments referred to in paragraphs I artd�or change the amaunt of sach paymenLs. �i-
<br /> �, •• • ll. Borrower Not Released; For6earance By Lender Not a Naiver. Eatension of the time far payment or kE2`.T
<br /> � �`'`� ' modificarion of arrtortizat'son of the sums secured by this Security lnsuusRent granted by i.ender to any suecessor in interest �"
<br /> •� • --
<br /> �'" ' `'. ___ ._. _......... af.Borro�ier_shall.nat.operate_to_release the.liability_of.the.nriginal.Borrower.orEorrower'ssuccessors-in.interest..Lendec - -�---�--�-��
<br /> • � • shall not be requimd to commence proceEdings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or =
<br />- '• . otherwise caodify amortization of the sums secured by[his Security(nstrumertt by reason of Any demand made by the originaf -_
<br /> , . � Borrower or Borrower's successors.in interest. My forbeaianee by Lertder in exercising any rigEu or remedy shall not be a �
<br /> • waiver of or piectude the exercise of any right or remedy. __
<br /> �`.=. :� �'': .. . �� 12 Successors aad AssIgas Bound;Jnint and$eyeral i.ia6lUty;Casigners. 'itce covenants and.agreemenu of this .. , ._ -�-�--
<br /> . ° Security Instrumeni shali bind and beneft the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of -
<br /> • paragraph 17. Borrower's covenanu and agreements shall be joini and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this 5ecwity . � °�°=���'�_�
<br /> � Instnunent but does aot execute the Note: a)is co-si m this Securit Inswment ani to mort a e: ' �"-a`
<br /> . . . ( Sn� g Y Y S S S�t and convey that �•■��•�
<br /> . • Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Inmumen� (b)is not persoaally obligated to pay the sums ' _�._�
<br /> ° - secumd by this Security Insuumen4 and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to e�tend,modify,forbear
<br /> ,;�• ' . or make any accommodarions with regard to the terms of this Security instrument or the lVore without that Borrower's - -
<br /> . . • consen� �'��_-�
<br /> °.t.� � . . , ' 13. l.oan Char�s. If the toan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> • , charges.:ed that taw is fu�ally inteipreted so that the interest or otiier loan charges collected or to be colteeted in connection •�
<br /> � • wiih the i�an exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be ceduced by the amount n�essary to reduce ,�,_�-'_
<br /> .� . .� . the chazge to the pem►itted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Bo�sower whicti exceeded permitted limits wiA be � .:.
<br />_ � refunded to Bornower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under 1he Note or by making a � : �
<br /> .. � .. direct a enito Bormwer. If a refund reduces rinri al,the reduction will be treated as a artial m a ment without an � ".�
<br /> p3'm P P P P PY Y •,.___
<br /> •• • prepayment charge under[he�Note. � -
<br />_ � •14. No4lces. Any houce to Borrower provided far in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it os by 1
<br />_ . mailing it by fiist dass mail unless applicable law requines use of c:r:other method.The notice sh:S16e directed to the Propetty t+���
<br /> Address or any other addresc Borrowe�designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class ,��
<br /> _ _ mail to Lender's address s*_at�d herein or:iny other address Lender designates by r�tice to Borrower. Any notice provided for -�- -
<br />_ • ��*�% in this Security Instruic:ent shall 6e deemed to hatie been given to Borrower r,r Lender when given as provided in this ''+r"r=--
<br />_ • . ' P��Ph• . _�s —
<br /> � 15. Govesning Law: Severability. 'i'his Security lnsvument shall be govemed by fedem! law and the law of rhe � "-�_"--
<br /> � ;� jurisdiction in which the Properry is loeated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security insuument or the Note '�''�'----
<br />- ' conflicts with applicabte law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Securify Instrument or the Note which can � . �' ':�'!'�''�
<br /> • � •. �t� -: �s. ..
<br /> be given effect without the wnflictiqg provision. Tu this end the provisions of this Security lnstniment and tfie Note are
<br /> ^ .�� � ' dectared to be severable. '� T.: �,.:
<br /> : •� . • 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one wnformed wpy of tf:e Note and of this 5ecurity[n;Zrumcnt. '��� � ,.�
<br /> , �= • 1�. 7lransfer of the Property or a Berteflcial Interest tn Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in � :� ;:5; _ .Y
<br /> _ �•� . •' „ if is sotd ot transferted(or if a beneficial interest in Sonower is sold or transfert�ed and Borrower is not a natural person) :� '""= �
<br /> without Lender's privr written consent,Lender may,at iGs option,reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by ' •
<br /> •���' this Security Instrumen� HoweveT,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of • , • ;,• �
<br /> �:'��. � ° [he date of this Security lnstrument. - , � . �
<br /> •• if Lender eaercises this option,lxnder shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The noiice shall provide a period of - ,�
<br /> �� not less than 30 days from the date�he notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay aU sums secured by this .. :' r
<br /> ��_�'� .: Securiry Instrument. If Borrower faits to pay these sums prior to thc expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any „
<br /> �_?.,`• . remeties permitted by this Securiry Inswment without fuAher noticc or demand on Borrower. .
<br /> _•� ��� , 18. Borrotver's Right to Retastate. If Borrotiver meets certain conditions. Botrotiver shall have the right to have � • . . ,� �
<br /> ';';� . .. ��• e�fonement of ti�is Security Instrument discnnpnued at any time prior to the eariier of: (a15 days(or such other period as �
<br /> -,:�' � Si�Ic�ivnily—Faanle:1laellrreddte Alac Uti1FUR9!ItiSTRUt1EWT--Cnifomi Cu��enants 4,`90 1/w�;r 4.Jfi�ttr.c�sl. . ..� `t'�
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