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<br /> �i��i#s.�� ar '�. . � ��--�--z--�- •-------'v_"S`X" ,cr��� -�'S"" �x«3..� -�- .--._
<br /> ��k,x .� �� ���•-;--.x�� r r -f 1 �,. . r ' . � � , r �. 5 if ,!�3 � i.S_�L+z�..�;f•. Fo+t�'��_L'.
<br /> �cy - ,F - ° ;`�� r,''' 1 st+ �°� i '� L Gi �-3 7 £- _�^..,J. �F ``u _ snr m..-�ua: '� --_ .
<br /> '�S:S` G.a .S ��.�rc�a��nF.,2�iiv..`'c7_� t�.../`�f_ ��-__rn�s�m�as����v�_
<br /> _s'�.�� -__ __ '� � � -
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<br />���a:� ._ . �+�5��l0��.99 `�� --
<br /> _-- � pent�ds that Lender requ[res. 'lhe insitt�anoe camer yroviding the instnance sl�all 6e chosen 6y Botrow�r subject w Geader's _
<br /> �-�,c� �� • mpprova!which s}satI not be unnasonably withheld. If Borrawer fails to maintain cor•ernge described u6ove,Lender ma.y.at __
<br /> ''� ' � Lender s ciprion.obsain coverage ta protect Len�der'�righu in the Prope�ty in�ccordance wifh para�raph 7. . . . � - -
<br /> �`� Ali insqraace paticies attd reae�rats shalE be acceptable to Lender and shall inciade a 5tandard mortgage ciause. Lender , __ �
<br /> ' � shal!have the ri�= t to hald ihe policies un d renewa ls. I f.i.en der rcquires.Borrower shal!p r om ptl y�ive m Lend"er a11 recei�ts °'�='r•�•Y�_-�
<br /> •_ �,�_ --.�._..._.�
<br /> -� of paid premiums aad ienevKal natices. In the evrnt vP tuss.SOffOW�l SIi3IE giYQ P�6}lijst ftilt�CC tO t}iS I3!"�i3ldtIi�C3RI8!� �- __ -
<br /> ::- : . Lender. [aader may make pnnoP af toss if not rttade prompdy by Borrower. . . -- -- _-- _
<br /> ��� .' •Unless Lender and Hoisower othenyise aFree�n writmg, insurance praceeds shaU be appiied ta restoration or repair of -=---
<br /> �-"��x s;':� ��_ the Property damuged if�t�e�storatIan or rcp�c is economicaliy feasibte und Lender's• security is not [essened. If the - -----�
<br /> °-;_:�-" restamtion or��rpair is not ec�onomieatly feasi6le�r Lendee's seeuriry woeld be lessened.the insurance prc�ceeds shal!be
<br />- r��='��� �� , n hed to the sums secured B this S:curity insaument.�vhether or nat then due.with siny excess paid to Bonnwer. If
<br /> a::,:: .. . � PP� Y
<br /> :-,�;,u<r: �omnwer abandons the Praperty.or does not answer within.30 days a notice from Leader that the insur�nce c.�urier has
<br />=r:;--f_;°,-��: offered to seqle a ciaim.then Lender r�ay collect the insuraace'proceeds. Lead+er may use the praceeds to repair ot restore .
<br /> T��'"�''� the Frope�4y or to p:►y�ms s�cured By this Security Iststrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day penad will begin when _ _
<br /> °:° ��';•-�, the norice is givea. ' -
<br /> -•�4-�,_
<br /> • Unless Lender and Borrower,othernrise ag�ee in writing.any apptication ef proceeds to principal shall noE eatend or
<br /> E
<br /> ';:;�: .�'� postpone the d�ce date of the monthly paymentcr eferred to in pazagea.phs 1'�d 2 or change the amount arf the payments. ,ff �
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquirc.i b, Lender_ Burrow�-'s i�ght to rry insvrance poticies and proceeds resutting
<br /> "�' 1 : , from damage to{he Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lenaer to th�extent of the snms sec�ued by this Securiry
<br />=•-=�..:�-; . Insuument immediately ptior to the acquis�ition. • '
<br /> �!t, •y:. 6. Occapancp, PresQrvat�art. Mainteaanse and Prote�toa af We Property= Borrotiver's Loas App6catian; .
<br /> = . .~,' Lease6otds. Borrower sha�i occupy.establish.and use the Pm�paty as Bomnwer's princiyal residence within sixty days after
<br />,: •: :.....:.. ..:
<br /> . � •'---
<br /> r� ,.,. , • the esecuaon of tFiis Seci�tty Iattrument and shalI coniinue-to occupy tite Property-as Borrower�principal residence or at--- �- ����
<br /> •`� � � ' teast one year after the date of accupancy. unless Lender othenvise agces in writing, wmich wnsent shall rtat be __
<br /> �at•'a`�. " � unreasonably withhetd or unless extenuating circumstances exist whic6 ar�beyond Barrower's coatrol. BorroHer shall noi
<br /> ;•�,�°._ • , destroy.damage or impair the Property.aftow the Property to deteriarate.ar commit waste an the Froperty. Horrower shall _
<br /> - be in default if any forfeittue action or pivceeding.wheth�r c6vi1 or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> �. : � couId iesuIt in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair t�e lien created hy this Security Insuurt{eni or
<br /> , � Lender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph!8,by caasing the action �
<br /> � or pmceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in l.ender's good fuith determination,ptecludes fort'einue of the Borrower's ���•-�.-
<br /> intenst in the Ptaperty or other material impairment of the lien cmated by this Sece:rity Insuumeat or l,etttter's securit}r °_ -
<br /> � m
<br />'";�� :'i..• interest Bormwet shall also be in defaul[ if Borrower. dwing the loan application pmcess.;gave materiatly false or
<br /> inaccurate utformation or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material infoanation)in connecdon witJ: —
<br /> � . the loan evidenced by the Note, including, hut not limited to,representarions conceming Borrower�s occupaney of the •----�
<br /> - Ptoperty as a princip3!residence. If this Security lnstrument is on a IeasehQ*_d.Borrower shall comply wi�-�all the ptnvisions �T"
<br /> - ' ' of the tease. If Borron•er acqui�es fee titie ro the Property,the teasehold and tf�e fee title shall not merge�:ess l.ender agees r.°_':
<br /> .�. • to the merger in writing. • `� '`"
<br /> -�-��4� .. ' ` 7. Prote¢lian oY Lender's Rights in the �pertp if 8orr�wer fails to perEorm tt�e covenants and agreements �
<br /> ' contained in this Security Instrumeat, or there is a legal pr�oceeding that �e3y sigaificanily affett Lender's rights in the Y:
<br /> ��:,y'•' ' �� Property(such as a f::viceeding in bankr�ptcy.probate.for condemnadon or fcrfeimre or ro enforce laws or regulations),then , .�_,
<br />��r<<s--��• . Lender may do arz�p3y for whatever is necessary to prot�t the value of r.i:z Properry and Lender�ri�u in the Property. �'�=
<br /> '�:` ' � Lender's actions mx include in an sums seGUred b a lien�vhich has riorit over this Securit Insuumen�a .t:d'y�
<br />- r;�,:;; Y PaY g Y Y P Y Y PP�n� ..
<br />��;=-�'-a`w•` �� in cour[. a in reasonable attome s'fees and entetin on the Pro e to make re airs.Althou Lender ma take actian
<br /> :;�..�::r:, .,. .. P Y b Y S P rtY. P_ F� Y '�.�
<br />=�'-�-�s�-���, undeat'ais paragraph 7,Lenderdces not have to do so. � �
<br /> �'""=�'--'^_- Any amoums disbursed by Lender under this paragiaph 7 shall become additionaf debt of Borrower secw+ed by this •
<br />