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<br />_ rz. � �� ° �W1TFI all ths im�novements now ar hemafter ettictec!on the property eas ces. ;:::��s'�a��.
<br />,,, � 4�: . anii fncdues naw or heceafter a pazt of the prop�ty. Att teplacements aad edditions shari atso b�covered by dvs S�ry' ,-; .c .'=
<br /> . . . . ' � . ifr�nment l�iU of the folegoing is refe�d to in this Setvrity IASt[ument as the"P�operty." . _p- �-�
<br /> ,,, ,
<br /> ,�• � � BORROVYER COVENAI�3TS tbsi Boaower is tawhilly seisQd of tke estate 6ereby oanveyed and has the cight W grattt .? ���: ,
<br /> - �.;_,- ' _L � .yt�
<br /> '" ai3 convey the Froperty and that�e Froperty is anencumbered except far euc�brtmses of record Borro�ver warrat�ia snd - - - �
<br /> _ ":� .s w7t defead geueraUy ths title to the Pmpe�ty against all ctaims and demands,sabjea ta any eucumbtaaees of reonrd.. �.'•, . '--��i..:
<br />_�` �` `` j . THIS SECURTfY INSTRUN�T combmes �mifwm coven�ts for m�tiona� use and noa•uniforsn covenants with '
<br />�° ' -° - � . . limited variatianc isy jnrisdiaron to canstimte a unifo�security iastrument cuverLaS�PmPe�Y� _�4•�`y J.44
<br /> ���'�"- t•:: ; • � UNITORII+�COVENANTS. Boaawer aad Lendet co�reraant and agree as follows: . �-r 1�;r
<br /> _ �°` �. : 1. Fa tat of Prtn� aad I�ttterest;Ptepayment and 1.e4e�argcq. �orrower shall promptlY PaY when duc►he � ' .�•
<br />�:'�s:.•... ." � � Y� Pal I t
<br />--;.y_������,`• '� , � ptinelpal of�nnd interest on tL�e debt evidenced by ttie Note and any prepayment and tate chstrges due uader the Note. �
<br /> -,-�;,-,_- � .j . � Fitnds[oe lbues and Iastua�ace. Snbject to applicabte tuw or tb n w.ritten waiver by L.ender,Borrower shali pay to
<br /> u
<br />--•°�;r.;�: , .` � ' Leudpt on t&e day rsionthly payments are due under the Note.untfl the I�tmte is paid ie fuU,a sum t"fi�ds")for.fo)yeariy -�',� .
<br /> u�r
<br />-;,�.','.,�� , �� �. taxes aad assessQients wiucf�may aitaia prioriry over tius Sect�dty[nswment as a lien on the Fcog�rty:(b)Ycarty leasehold
<br />_�.::.<,r:.=:_":' '. PBYments or grouad rents an the Property.if any: (c) Yearly hauud or property iasutance psemiw�s: (� Yearly flood
<br />";'=,�;1�';:_ :.' ' iasutar►ce premiums.if auy: (e)Ye�1y mongage insurance pcemiums.i�any; and(�any snms payub2e by Borrawer w
<br />_ - �•• -:� I.enider,in accordance with the provisions of paragra�h 8,ia lieu af the pa3rtnent of mortgage insurance premiums. These _ _
<br />_-'�A��;;.` items are called"Escmw Items." i.ender maX.ut anq ume.collect aad ha2d Funds ia an amount not to exr.eed thq maxtmum � �—
<br /> '. ' amflur.t a tender for a federalty reiated mongage loar�may require for Borrower's escrotv acco�u►t under the federal Real -
<br />-°�~.�=`�, .' ' Estate SeWeaeat Pmceduces Act of 1974 as amended from time W ame,12 U.S.0 2601 et seq.("R�SPA"),unless aaother ���
<br /> -�•:-: ._�--�-. � -
<br />,- - .
<br /> .,� . , ----�---- - �law-thatappllestotheFunds�seis�a�Iesseramoaai-if-sori.endera�y.ataayrime.callectaadhol �nanamwntnot_to--- --.---....��--
<br /> • r � � xxceed the lesser amount I.ender may estitnate We amount of Flinds due on the basis of caneat dara and reasonab2e
<br /> �' -, . . estimates of expenditares of fudrte Fscrow Items or otheiwise in accordance with applicable.law. � _ _
<br /> , s� The i'unds shall be held in an institution whase deposits are insured by a federal agency.insuuffientality.or eatity .�-
<br /> '�' � " .' (including Lender,if Leuder is such an insdtution)or in any Fede:al Home Loan Bank. Lender shaU appiy tP�e Puads to pay _
<br />� -` "_.� .. .. . .,�
<br /> : � the Escrow Items. .Lender may not charge Borrowcr for.holcGng and applying the�nds,.annualty aaalyzing the escrow
<br /> . " . accouut, or verifjring the Escraw Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pem�its � �_
<br /> � l,eadet w make such a charge. However, Lecider may mquire Borrower to pay a oa�time chazge for art independe�real
<br /> �
<br /> • i,:•..:..... �����
<br /> �=,-,- • . estate tax repossti�ng service w-ed by I.ender in connecdon with this loan,unless applica�le law pmvides otheia+is� Unless an ��,�_
<br /> .;:�'�'-: ' agreett�nt is made or applica3lz law requires interest to be paid Lender shall uot be czqnired to pay�oirower any interest ur �°--
<br /> " `;• • ` ` eamings on the Funds. Hoaower aad Lender may agee in writung,huwever.that int�rest shall 6e paid on the Puads. Lender ==
<br /> � shall give to Bomower,withovd c�arge,zn annual accoimting of the Funds;showing crediu and�biu W the Funds and the -ri'�'�
<br /> s , '•t. . '' . aT ::
<br /> pwpose for which each debit[e�the F�ads was made. The Funds ue pledged as addidonal security for all sums secured by ': -
<br />=� ��.,,,,�� tbis Security Instrument *y..�:'
<br /> �'••.�' � � . If the Punds hetd isy Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender sf�ll acconnt to `�+ .'__
<br /> `` `'`n � Barrower for the excess Fuads in accordaucx with the cequirements of applieable law. If the amount of the Fimds held.by ==
<br />- . <.r - _
<br /> � Lend,,r at any time is not suffrcieut to pay the Escmw Items whcv due,I.endcr may so notify Borrower in writing,and.in _
<br /> .�,;;.�:.?�,; . such case Barrower shaU pay to Lertder the amount neceuary to nrake up the de�ciency. �mvwer s6all make up the ���
<br /> �....'.-�.
<br />':ra, _� . , . � . deficteney in no more than tweIve montlily payments,at Lender's sole c.�£'scredon. _ • �-
<br /> U n a ent in full of all sums secured this Securi Insuument,Lender shall sr_ refund to Borrower an '� � `--
<br /> rn� ' � Po P Ym hY �Y PTa �Y Y ;� y ___
<br /> '�'�• � A�ads held by Lender. If.c�der paregrapb 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Ptoperty I.ender.prior to the acquisiaon or ----
<br />.� �..,;... :. •
<br /> :�•.�•n��tl:t'' `�. . ., sale of the Pco a�3y any Funds held b I.cnder at�the time of s��n or sale as a credit a t the sums '
<br /> �: peity,shall y acq� ' inc :.!� '.�
<br /> . . '_f.-: ..
<br /> ••:-���,,,f„.�: secured by this Securiry Instrument w�
<br /> i�'="�°�°y�`<-�*:... � 3. Appllcation oi P�y�enis. �Joless applicab2e law provides othera+ise,all payme�ts nceived by L.ender under =-
<br /> �-�.-...; `�
<br />.�=�:'4�'�>;_�.; •_ paragcaphs 1 and 2 shall 6e ayplied:first,to ar►y prepayment charges due under the Note:secor.d,to amounts payable iuider f�=° _
<br /> `-''�'t-- ' paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fomtl�,to principal due;and las3,to any late charges due under the Note. -
<br /> '7 ":� � � � 4. C[�sigcs; Ltens. Borrowu shall pay all taues.assessments, charges, fines and impositions auributabte to the � ���,� =
<br /> _ _ . �,. ., . . • �'-wr�r'�'..-��'—
<br />